BioWare Veteran Calls Out People Celebrating Layoffs After Dragon Age: The Veilguard Backlash


Gold Member
Yeah, agreed.

And having said that, Veilguard fucking sucked. It had nothing to do with wokeness, T(r/a)ash or whatnot. It just was a piss-poor Dragon Age game. And that made me both very angry and sad, because I doubt we'll see another attempt at a Dragon Age game.

(And yeah, boning scout Harding didn't quite do it for me. But, if you play a female character, change your appearance in the character creator to remove the top and go through the whole ordeal, you get to see your own, puny even if the slider was all the way to the right, tits for just a while. So whoopedoo. The most mature DA ever.)
Some can argue that it entirely does in a way. Since hiring practices of "talent" were dependent on that cult-like indoctrination and dollars for years in all these companies, and these are the shit results we get with slacktivists.


Gold Member

No wonder my man is buying GPUs and PS5 Pros like candies.

Im Rich Kyle Massey GIF by ALLBLK (formerly known as UMC)
Nahh reliever salaries back then weren't like they are today.

I was afraid I was not going to stick around so literally every dime I made went into buying property and next thing I know it was 13 years later and I owned a lot of valuable land that people wanted to build on in the Bloomington Indiana area

That started me on said path of buying GPUs and Pros :)


Gold Member
Gaming companies should be lucky that the vast majority of game sales have the gamer stuck with it. Ya, there's e-refunds if you do it fast enough on Steam/GOG or console e-stores, but historically once you buy it youre stuck with it especially if it's a physical purchase.

The amount of billions of sales since gaming started where it sucks and a gamer has to eat the costs is so much the gaming companies should count their lucky ass stars they keep the money. Most industries arent like that and if a customer hates the product, they'll use it, hate it and refund it a week later when they get around to it. And if gamers could refund the game given a small window to, most game companies would have a fraction of the sales as a lot of what they make is junk.


Yeah, people shouldn't be attacked on their social media, but it's the internet. Ignore it and move on. People who break down about this and how things should be just seem like their preaching for no reason other than to pat themselves on the back. "The world should be peaceful and no one should go hungry!" Cool dude, agreed, but not very realistic. Maybe preach about something more approachable.

I am not going to feel bad about people who are bad at their jobs not having jobs anymore though. Your job isn't a right. Show that you have the skill set needed to deliver a good product or be replaced. Maybe this guy should preach about implementing training opportunities to build these devs skills instead of social grandstanding about twitter.

As someone who played professional sports and dealt with fanatics my entire life I agree people take it too far but these devs should essentially grow some thicker skin and maybe make something truly compelling and oh not attacking gamers for not buying your shit products

I saw first hand the worst of the worst in people for losing a single Baseball game and damn right people celebrated when players would get cut

This shit has happened since forever just seems a lot of devs can't take it
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"I'm not saying you're not allowed to be angry about it, I'm not saying you don't get to express your dissatisfaction with the content of the game that you're not enjoying" he starts. "But when you climb into someone's personal social media and start actively attacking that person, when you celebrate layoffs at a studio because the game that you don't like didn't do that well, you're crossing a line into being cruel and fundamentally you should have more grace for other human beings."

I agree. People take this stuff too far.

Agreed I loved the Dragon Age series. I've played them all and I love those games. I think I've played DAI like 4 times already which is kind of crazy to think about. I didn't even touch DAV and I don't plan to unless it's given to me for free which I suspect it will sooner rather than later at this point.

With all that said I would never personally attack these people or be glad they lost their job. They are already suffering the consequences of the choices they made. They don't need me piling on to them.


Identifies as young
As someone who played professional sports and dealt with fanatics my entire life I agree people take it too far but these devs should essentially grow some thicker skin and maybe make something truly compelling and oh not attacking gamers for not buying your shit products

I saw first hand the worst of the worst in people for losing a single Baseball game and damn right people celebrated when players would get cut

This shit has happened since forever just seems a lot of devs can't take it

Yeah, but some of these devs just want to work my man. If a guy like Matt Hansen throws his hat into the fray then sure, he is asking for it. Some folks are dragged into the mud just because they have a linkedin profile with a job reference to a studio. That's when it goes too far. Simply being in the industry does not mean you have to have a thick skin and take whatever is thrown at you. Folks in the industry who want to be left alone should be left alone.


Has Man Musk
Nahh reliever salaries back then weren't like they are today.

I was afraid I was not going to stick around so literally every dime I made went into buying property and next thing I know it was 13 years later and I owned a lot of valuable land that people wanted to build on in the Bloomington Indiana area

That started me on said path of buying GPUs and Pros :)


Gold Member
He and his have been attacking people in the social media for years getting people fired, defunded, if they had the wrong "opinions"...

Sorry, but not sorry when it backfires on them...
It's not so fun when the rabbit has the gun now, eh?
That's the rub. If we all just treated each other how we would like to be treated, the world would be a better place. Sadly, there is just too much trauma, ego, sociopaths, etc., constantly trying to divide us.


Newd Member
Sorry but nope.
First off this jerk don't even care about their side (devs) attacking gamers. So this is a case of "rules for thee but not for me". He said in his very youtube answers that he did NOT care if devs attack or threat players.
Second, customers have every right to call the off for whatever the crap they did for the franchise. If you guys weren't doing dumbass propaganda at beloved franchises people wouldn't be at your asses at first place.
And finally this asshole has being doing the famous "circle of fault", where is no one at fault.

When those clowns that come up acting like victims "hey don't attack us" when this exactly what devs and gaming media has being doing everywhere, even threating to do violence against customers, sorry but big fucking nope. Do better, make games better, respect your customer and people WIll respect you. Simple as that.


The nicest person on this forum
Unfortunately that’s currently how internet is and thanks to nature of internet people be can be total assholes without consequence and there is no stoping it.

My advice to devs is stop engaging too much on social media.


Gold Member
Yeah, people shouldn't be attacked on their social media, but it's the internet. Ignore it and move on. People who break down about this and how things should be just seem like their preaching for no reason other than to pat themselves on the back. "The world should be peaceful and no one should go hungry!" Cool dude, agreed, but not very realistic. Maybe preach about something more approachable.

I am not going to feel bad about people who are bad at their jobs not having jobs anymore though. Your job isn't a right. Show that you have the skill set needed to deliver a good product or be replaced. Maybe this guy should preach about implementing training opportunities to build these devs skills instead of social grandstanding about twitter.
Game companies do it to themselves.

They want to be social, they want feedback, they got oodles of employees at head office gabbing about games, they got their Twitter handler posting stuff everyday, their website has a dedicated forum etc.... Hey, you want to chat with customers then prepared to get it all - good and bad. Cant be a sourface and only expect good comments. Only manchildren expect that. If Mother Teresa was still alive and had a YT channel, even she would get some hateful comments here and there. Who cares.

If they dont want negativity, then make a good product, dont interact with gamers much and shut your mouth. Gaming companies always seem to have a figurehead spokesman kind of guy (CEO or a senior director) who represents the company. And if they got a loudmouth guy, then too bad. As gamers make remarks, that guy probably will back. And that's a bad cycle to be in as the only side that really gets hurt is the company side as gamers will pile on.

McDonalds, Nike, Apple, car makers, Coke and Pepsi etc..... all make stuff exponentially more popular, have shitloads more employees, bigger companies, bigger product lines than any game maker. Somehow I dont get a sense out their 100,000+ employees strewn around the world they got people at head office yapping with customers and customers angrily grilling back like gaming. When there's a major event with a shit product made, you'll never get smack talk back from these kinds of companies back at the customer.

But a video game company will do that where they always seem to have a viewpoint it's the gamer that's wrong first before them.
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Bold of him to assume most of the people engaging in this behaviour paid anything at all for Veilguard.

Enjoying the outgroup getting their just desserts is human nature and is something you consciously have to rise above. I don't believe he would shed any tears if the chuds were getting theirs.


Gold Member
Yeah, but some of these devs just want to work my man. If a guy like Matt Hansen throws his hat into the fray then sure, he is asking for it. Some folks are dragged into the mud just because they have a linkedin profile with a job reference to a studio. That's when it goes too far. Simply being in the industry does not mean you have to have a thick skin and take whatever is thrown at you. Folks in the industry who want to be left alone should be left alone.
Then those people should be telling these other devs that lash out at us to shut the fuck up

If a game bombs I couldn't care less but when they call me names or like that one crazy lady wanted to fight people, they deserve getting drug through the mud


"I'm not saying you're not allowed to be angry about it, I'm not saying you don't get to express your dissatisfaction with the content of the game that you're not enjoying" he starts. "But when you climb into someone's personal social media and start actively attacking that person, when you celebrate layoffs at a studio because the game that you don't like didn't do that well, you're crossing a line into being cruel and fundamentally you should have more grace for other human beings."

I agree. People take this stuff too far.
Yup. No need to get personal in this way….BUT, lots of times, an individual at the company enters the public arena in a way that disrespects the very people they are trying to sell a video game too.

Moreover, many of the decisions are in fact a personal decision of a group or even a single developer. You can’t impose a personal agenda and then hide behind your corporate veil.

They decide to make a controversial decision that is at odds with the ethos of the series, it tanks sales…. Yeah, I think people can call for your job. Your job is to make video games that sell. It’s the same in every job. Results.

I am in no way stating that personal harassment is in anyway acceptable, but it’s not as simple as this guy makes it.


Not watching his video but let me guess, he didn't mention the devs and journalists spending the last 10 years constantly attacking people who don't want their favorite franchises ruined by the injection of woke garbage by activist developers? Actions have consequences. And these people loosing their jobs is such a consequence. I feel zero pity for them. They got what they derserved.
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Woke studio makes a dogshit woke game. They make fun of everyone, "cry more", "we love our modern audience"... Then Flopped.... "Its all your fault." It will happen again, and it will be even worse.




Identifies as young
Then those people should be telling these other devs that lash out at us to shut the fuck up

If a game bombs I couldn't care less but when they call me names or like that one crazy lady wanted to fight people, they deserve getting drug through the mud

Wasn't that the kotaku bitch?


That is because when we see a dev getting fired, we don't see Michael McAllister losing his job, despite making good assets for *insert AAA slop title here*. We see a supporter of woke gaming culture experiencing the consequences of his actions, and we hope that other companies and publishers will realize they need to change their tactics.

I don't get any satisfaction from anyone losing their jobs - even queersexuawhatever freaks.

I get satisfaction from the thought that Western gaming may understand they need to change their ways.

No one would give a single fuck if it was revealed that the writers and combat designers of an AAA game are trans, or have pronouns in their bio or whatever as long as the game runs well, looks cool, has gorgeous looking characters and has good, traditional values the average man and woman can aspire to and resonate with. Seriously, NO ONE.
You're thinking it too much on a tribalist manner. Do you know ALL the people who got fired? Do you know if they weren't designers or programmers who had no real input into any creative aspect?
I can't stand videos that wanna be like 'ohh poor me'. The sympathy videos on YouTube are absolute cringe when it comes to stuff like this and it's pathetic tbh. Get some thicker skin, get a backbone, and grow tf up because life isn't easy and it's never going to be easy so stop going through life expecting sympathy from everyone. If people on social media are affecting you so much then block them and move on with your life instead of going on twitter etc crying like a bitch in your tweets and videos you post.

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Gold Member
Bottom line: When the next bunch of activists attack and celebrate the demise of the thing YOU like, don't cry about it if you've engaged in the same shitty manner.

Don't be dicks. Its not hard.
Yep, they were hoping and praying and starting online campaigns for the original Kingdom Come Deliverance, as well as Hogwarts, etc., coordinating with their media friends to blacklist and not even do previews or reviews of the games. Hoping they would fail.



Gold Member
You're thinking it too much on a tribalist manner. Do you know ALL the people who got fired? Do you know if they weren't designers or programmers who had no real input into any creative aspect?
not that I know much about it but do you think capable and productive people were fired?


Some can argue that it entirely does in a way. Since hiring practices of "talent" were dependent on that cult-like indoctrination and dollars for years in all these companies, and these are the shit results we get with slacktivists.
I can get where you're coming from, up to a point. But if we're to judge the Dragon Age series in terms of "wokeness" (a nebulous term if there ever was one), pretty much all of the games have been more or less woke. So that's not a new thing. Just that, Veilguard fucking sucks.
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not that I know much about it but do you think capable and productive people were fired?
I didn't play the game, so I don't personally know. If you told me designers or programmers where fired for being unproductive, I would understand the business decision, but I wouldn't exactly feel happy for that.
If you told me they weren't skilled enough, I have the mindset that skills come with experience, so not sure about that.


Gold Member
I didn't play the game, so I don't personally know. If you told me designers or programmers where fired for being unproductive, I would understand the business decision, but I wouldn't exactly feel happy for that.
If you told me they weren't skilled enough, I have the mindset that skills come with experience, so not sure about that.
both of us are on a bunch of 'what-if's - I would expect a somewhat capable company to retain their productive employees, as well as some creative ones.
not really gloating about the nameless people that got the boot but those that were vocal about... what? their expected success?


You're thinking it too much on a tribalist manner.
Precisely - because when a Naughty Dog dev tells people who voted the wrong way to go fuck themselves, people do not see an individual - they see the COMPANY.

Is it fair? Of course not. But that's the way the world works, how our brains are wired to work. Even a dog when it is chased and kicked by a man holding a briefcase will afterwards treat all people holding briefcases with the same fear and hostility even though it never actually met the following individuals before.


He's right. Not even a drive-by post, he's 100% correct with everything there.
The fact that this needs to be said is extremely concerning:
I’d also argue that it is self defeating. When has doing that ever resulted in a person thinking critically about things instead of just digging in? It compounds the issue.

Although it should also be stated that when a dev (or anyone else I guess) goes to social media and starts ranting or generally attacking others that they should expect a similar response in the same media. It doesn’t excuse either actions, of course, but it should be expected.

I also don’t want to ever dance on the grave of people that have lost their job. Even if I don’t like them, they are a person.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I tried watching it, first thing I realized is that the dude has this crybaby attitude that I hate so much and closed it.

70$ don't buy you cruelty says the dude. Lmao. You made a product, and if the product is bad people have all the right in the world to be critical towards it and the people that made it. You are supposed to be a professional working for a studio that used to make the very best RPGs yet all you did was a mediocre piece of shit that has tainted a beloved franchise forever. No sympathy from me, go flip some burgers.
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Agreed that is ridiculous to celebrate job losses.

Well, except IRS employees on reddit currently complaining that many are about to lose their job.


I can get where you're coming from, up to a point. But if we're to judge the Dragon Age series in terms of "wokeness" (a nebulous term if there ever was one), pretty much all of the games have been more or less woke. So that's not a new thing. Just that, Veilguard fucking sucks.
How many have you do pushups when you misgender someone?


Gold Member
And it will continue that way until this question can be answered:
It won't, really. Meaning it won't be answered.
The reality is that some people got the boot - people that were not deemed necessary to continue for the companies' benefit. Some people got taken down for associating with these people to some degree but were not deemed to be contributing enough to keep around.
And some others did their share, didnt lash out on customers on social media and did, to some degree, their best to support the company.

It boils down to success, and getting fired is not an indicator that you did well. While I also dont think that *x* company does the best decisions from the start, it shows who has the reigns.
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