What's up with the Mary talk all of a sudden ? Did she do something with the GB guys of which I am unaware ?
Two QLs today.
What's up with the Mary talk all of a sudden ? Did she do something with the GB guys of which I am unaware ?
You and me both.Man. I just realized how much I've cut back on my gaf posting. I need to step it up!
You and me both.
I hope you just sent a cardboard box with another cardboard box inside.
oh god i made the wall of shame
oh god and probably like 50 of those posts were about anime
"you can (not)adanvce"
this is the most offensively shit pun I've ever seen
i tried
The new Dota patch was just pushed to the public client. Here's hoping for a last second Daily Dota today.
Vinny posted this link on Twitter. It's happening?
Ran over a pedestrian, he didn't bleed. 10/10
This must have been asked before but... does the download link on a video page actually do anything? I've been trying to download the latest MGS to watch when I don't have internet later tonight and it's just been spinning/loading for a half hour. This is what it always does when I try to download a video and I wonder if I'm doing something wrong.
What browser are you using? You're right clicking on the download link and using "save as", right?
I tired IE and chrome and no I tried just clicking it and opening in a new window. I was expecting the save prompt to come up.
edit: When I click SaveAs the file that comes up is an HTM file....
I tired IE and chrome and no I tried just clicking it and opening in a new window. I was expecting the save prompt to come up.
edit: When I click SaveAs the file that comes up is an HTM file....
Click on download and then right click on the version you want and chose save as.
Ok, that got a file transfer going. Thank you. I don't think I can wait that long since it's a big file but that's good to know.
I really hope that Vinny choosing that name means that his Naruto QL is coming soon.
Vincent Caravella @VinnyCaravella · 26m
I think I missed a season or 15 of Naruto…
I miss getting consistent vinny humour every week.
I'm unreasonably excited for this.
Need to get that podcast up and running ASAP, that's always the best format for his humor.
Wish demo derby did more dreamcast stuff instead it had the best demo discs in terms of game demo quality on there. So many GREAT sports games demos that we would play for hours over and over.
Man Gauntlet looks so far away from the camera looks kinda shit.
We'll be doing the HD Collection versions. I know there is a *very small* bit of content cut from them, but I can show him videos. Not worth playing a technically inferior version of a game for 10+ hours for like 5 minutes of cut content.
I was thinking the same thing. I wonder if it affected by player count. I loved Gaunlet: Dark Legacy.
This back and forth of movie quotes with Dan and Drew is fantastic
Oh man.Civilization: Beyond Earth QL tomorrow. Man, I'm gonna spend a lot of hours on that game when it comes out.
Dan and Drew are KILLING it with content <3
Thanks guys.
Dan Ryckert
Were almost at the end of @drewscanlons (first) Metal Gear Solid adventure, so well be streaming the finale live on Tuesday at 2pm PDT