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Giant Bomb #9 | More Dan Meets The Eye

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Or B-roll footage with voiceover? TBH I haven't seen any of Gamespot's VIta coverage, but I just asssumed that's how their video reviews worked.

But yeah, as a Vita gamer it's a bit lame seeing the few exclusives it does get fall by the wayside on Giant Bomb. In any case it was Sony that shot themselves in the foot when they made the Vita like that.

Definitely Sony should have reached out to the media to get them ways of capturing this stuff.

It is true to say that a good portion of the stuff coming to Vita is available on Steam, for instance, since the Vita is like a little indie machine. So I guess in some sense the games do get covered eventually. But I'd like to know if Giant Bomb is trying to find a better solution for the problem or pressing Sony in some way. I know especially Vinny and Alex have their hands full getting basic stuff up and running in GBeast so I don't expect the Vita problem to be solved immediately, though I'd like to know if they're actively trying to address their Vita coverage. Vita seems on an uptick. Can't hurt them to give it more coverage.


I know Vinny and crew in the past have said that they're not able to get direct video from the Vita. I popped by IGN on a bit of a lark and based on the Metrico video review it does seem to me like they're getting video fine. What am I missing?

I vaguely remember sony person once said on the podcast/a pannel "yeah no video out is annoying but you guys can use the dev version" jeff didn't acknowledge it was weird

i assume that they cost 6 grand like old devkits yore or you need to do some blagging.
Either way its odd that they have been told you can do it by sony and other sites do it and then still think its impossible. i normally wouldn't doubt jeff and he's clearly done a load of research on this and bought that modded vita but who knows if he just missed it.

what's the truth?
maybe someone should send an aggressive question to his tumblr?
then we will be able to see year old indiegames at low res, it will be sweet.


the holder of the trombone
I can garuantee you that Dan dislikes something I like (hell, even I'm interested in akiba's trip).

I can still agree with him on tomb Raider and assassin's creed.
I want to see Cara do an embedded journalist thing with Hideki Kamiya. It would probably just end up being a list of all the things he hates.

I can garuantee you that Dan dislikes something I like (hell, even I'm interested in akiba's trip).

so far in Akiba's Trip, for everything that is totally groan-worthy (basically everything related to the MC's sister), there has been something that has elicited a smile or legitimate LOL from me. The combat is a little funky but functional, and I can't figure out why Jeff was so baffled about how to enter stores or move from screen to screen. Especially since it works on the Persona system (walk up to a door, when you see the prompt, press the interact button).

If you think you'll like it and the subject matter doesn't turn you away, you'll probably get some enjoyment out of it.

Also play it with Japanese voices. The english acting itself is okay, but that script is horrifying to hear read aloud. what's weird is that it seems pretty faithful to the Japanese as far as I can tell. They change names and nicknames, but it's mostly all there. It just... translates poorly I guess.


Definitely Sony should have reached out to the media to get them ways of capturing this stuff.

It is true to say that a good portion of the stuff coming to Vita is available on Steam, for instance, since the Vita is like a little indie machine. So I guess in some sense the games do get covered eventually. But I'd like to know if Giant Bomb is trying to find a better solution for the problem or pressing Sony in some way. I know especially Vinny and Alex have their hands full getting basic stuff up and running in GBeast so I don't expect the Vita problem to be solved immediately, though I'd like to know if they're actively trying to address their Vita coverage. Vita seems on an uptick. Can't hurt them to give it more coverage.
Ultimately given the nature Giant Bomb even if they don't actively cover the Vita they aren't losing much given their interests in the system are primarily the cross-buy titles or Indies that have come over from Steam.

They're probably okay with talking about it on the Bombcast and leaving the active coverage to Gamespot.
I vaguely remember sony person once said on the podcast/a pannel "yeah no video out is annoying but you guys can use the dev version" jeff didn't acknowledge it was weird

i assume that they cost 6 grand like old devkits yore or you need to do some blagging.
Either way its odd that they have been told you can do it by sony and other sites do it and then still think its impossible. i normally wouldn't doubt jeff and he's clearly done a load of research on this and bought that modded vita but who knows if he just missed it.

what's the truth?
maybe someone should send an aggressive question to his tumblr?
then we will be able to see year old indiegames at low res, it will be sweet.

I've sent Vinny my initial question on Twitter. I imagine he'll respond when I gets a chance (or not, who knows?).

I take it you're half joking, but a lot of Vita's catalogue may be year old indie games at low res, but I for one have really got into the platform recently and would like to see it better represented on the site if that's a possibility.


Wait I was never on Sup Holmes are you confusing me with Another Woman Game Person

Either I'm losing my fucking mind, or I imagined it or something. But I swear I saw you on some kind of video hangout with Jonathan Holmes at some point.

I was pretty freaking ill at the time I watched it. So its possible its the former. Or the later.


I've sent Vinny my initial question on Twitter. I imagine he'll respond when I gets a chance (or not, who knows?).

I take it you're half joking, but a lot of Vita's catalogue may be year old indie games at low res, but I for one have really got into the platform recently and would like to see it better represented on the site if that's a possibility.

yeah I'm joking I would like them to quicklook vita stuff too
I can garuantee you that Dan dislikes something I like (hell, even I'm interested in akiba's trip).

I can still agree with him on tomb Raider and assassin's creed.

There are things to dislike about the AC games as they've become a bit cookie cutter and haven't really evolve that much past ACII. That said, the cookies they cut are solid as fuck and sometimes a mofo just wants a good cookie.

Tomb Raider, though, those games only got interesting once Crystal Dynamics got involved. I just assumed that anyone who like the Core-era TR games was really fascinated with polygonal boobies and liked the disconnect between being a nimble gymnast who could only walk one grid block at a time and turned at the speed of a worn down 18 wheeler.
yeah I'm joking I would like them to quicklook vita stuff too

If someone came up to me on the street and said "hey, here's a mobile platform with a kick ass screen where you can play indie games and probably not much else," I'd probably reply, "Yes, thank you."
As for the Vita: our last bastion of hope would be that Playstation TV. If that doesn't work out then it just aint gonna happen.

Of course, it doesn't help that Sony hasn't announced a single decent exclusive for the platform since god knows when. I play mine everyday (playing Fez on it now and it looks stupidly fucking good on the thing) but it's really just an indie portable machine for me, with an occasional PSP/PSX rpg mixed in for good measure.
If someone came up to me on the street and said "hey, here's a mobile platform with a kick ass screen where you can play indie games and probably not much else," I'd probably reply, "Yes, thank you."

you know what honestly sold me on it (other than P4G) was that it also plays PS1 classics. Seriously, MGS and SotN are two of my favorite games of all time and I replay them a lot. They're awesome portable. For $200 for the system? a steal.


Geoff's opinion on REmake HD is incredible
And I completely agree with it.


I had to watch Patrick play P.T. to figure out what to do in the teaser, and even then he had to go to youtube to see the end of the game.

I really hope the final product isn't this obtuse.


As for the Vita: our last bastion of hope would be that Playstation TV. If that doesn't work out then it just aint gonna happen.

Of course, it doesn't help that Sony hasn't announced a single decent exclusive for the platform since god knows when. I play mine everyday (playing Fez on it now and it looks stupidly fucking good on the thing) but it's really just an indie portable machine for me, with an occasional PSP/PSX rpg mixed in for good measure.

PSTV comes out on October 14th so only two months to go.

I'm most disappointed about the lack of turn based JRPGs. I kind of wish I had skipped Tactics Ogre on the PSP cause that would be a perfect Vita game. P4G, Muramasa and Broken Sword are the only Vita games I actually bought; everything else has come from PS+. And WTF is taking so long for episode 2 of Broken Sword...


If someone came up to me on the street and said "hey, here's a mobile platform with a kick ass screen where you can play indie games and probably not much else," I'd probably reply, "Yes, thank you."

its why I'm thinking i will probably buy one this year


There are things to dislike about the AC games as they've become a bit cookie cutter and haven't really evolve that much past ACII. That said, the cookies they cut are solid as fuck and sometimes a mofo just wants a good cookie.

Tomb Raider, though, those games only got interesting once Crystal Dynamics got involved. I just assumed that anyone who like the Core-era TR games was really fascinated with polygonal boobies and liked the disconnect between being a nimble gymnast who could only walk one grid block at a time and turned at the speed of a worn down 18 wheeler.

I remember absolutely HATING Tomb Raider 3 when it came out. It controlled like garbage and the camera was awful. That's my recollection of the game at least, been a while now. And I liked most things when I was 12-13 years old. I've got no love for that franchise at all, and didn't know that people defended how those first games played before the new Tomb Raider was released.

edit: I'm sure Super Mario 64 destroyed every other third person platformer for me at the time. That game got it so right that every other platformer that came out just played like shit in comparison.


I remember absolutely HATING Tomb Raider 3 when it came out. It controlled like garbage and the camera was awful. That's my recollection of the game at least, been a while now. And I liked most things when I was 12-13 years old. I've got no love for that franchise at all, and didn't know that people defended how those first games played before the new Tomb Raider was released.

Those early TR games sold extremely well and reviewed well for the most part, so you really shouldn't be surprised that lots of people enjoyed them. I hope you're sitting down for this shocking news, but lots of people also enjoyed Resident Evil games before 4 and 5 came out.

TR games have had modern controls and cameras since 2006 when Legend was released. TR 2013 was just the first to play like Uncharted.


Those early TR games sold extremely well and reviewed well for the most part, so you really shouldn't be surprised that lots of people enjoyed them. I hope you're sitting down for this shocking news, but lots of people also enjoyed Resident Evil games before 4 and 5 came out.

TR games have had modern controls and cameras since 2006 when Legend was released. TR 2013 was just the first to play like Uncharted.

Quite the passive aggressive reply!

I knew they sold well, it was more a comment on my feelings on the games and how I didn't see a lot of love for those games played before the new one was announced. But I guess I just didn't visit the right forums. I just thought TR played like garbage compared to the best third person platformers at the time, mainly Mario 64.

And yeah, I'm of course not talking about the Crystal Dynamics games here, mainly the games that came before (and especially TR III, since that seems so beloved).

Older RE games are great, but are a completely different thing from RE4, 5, and 6. The tank controls makes sense for those games.
Those early TR games sold extremely well and reviewed well for the most part, so you really shouldn't be surprised that lots of people enjoyed them. I hope you're sitting down for this shocking news, but lots of people also enjoyed Resident Evil games before 4 and 5 came out.

TR games have had modern controls and cameras since 2006 when Legend was released. TR 2013 was just the first to play like Uncharted.

Resident evil's tank controls actually made sense for a number of reasons. For one, it made you scared shitless whenever you encountered an enemy because you had to stand still and pick them off instead of being some sort of super cop who could run, aim, shoot, and headshot your way through a crisis.

Besides that, because of the prerendered nature of those games the control actually made sense as you transitioned from one screen to the next: up was always forward and down was always back. devs didn't get decent at those transitions from screen to screen until the PS2 era, and even you can look at DMC1 and see how weird it was for them at first. Hell, even RE4 (maybe 5? It's been a while since i played that) had tank controls, but no one really complains about it because it's fitting.

Basically, not only were the tank controls a design choice for early resident evil games but they fit the gameplay as well. Tomb Raider's gridlike molasses movement didn't fit the game they were making about an agile and nimble young lady with a sense of adventure to her.


Definitely Sony should have reached out to the media to get them ways of capturing this stuff.

It is true to say that a good portion of the stuff coming to Vita is available on Steam, for instance, since the Vita is like a little indie machine. So I guess in some sense the games do get covered eventually. But I'd like to know if Giant Bomb is trying to find a better solution for the problem or pressing Sony in some way. I know especially Vinny and Alex have their hands full getting basic stuff up and running in GBeast so I don't expect the Vita problem to be solved immediately, though I'd like to know if they're actively trying to address their Vita coverage. Vita seems on an uptick. Can't hurt them to give it more coverage.

The better solution is the Vita TV which has an HDMI out :).
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