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Giant Bomb #9 | More Dan Meets The Eye

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I really enjoyed the Volgarr breaking brad. Not sure what game I'd want to see next though. Maybe something like the Devil May Cry ones where he goes back to games from a couple of generations ago.
The only thing that really stands out about the Volgarr breaking bad to me was Brad's terribly off-color joke which is one of my favorite giant bomb moments.
Let me guess, is it a Hotline Miami 2 thing you didn't read but have made up your mind that I am the Social Justice Warrior who is removing video games from small children and then eating the small children.

Usually reading my work makes people like me.

It was pretty obvious they were joking. Don't worry though I think people are being serious on here when they're not about 2 or 3 times a week.

Such modesty.

Haha oh dear.
Watching Spookin' with Scoops and making an amazing horror videogame continues to look easy as fuck.

Hallway hallway hallway creepy noise hallway hallway MONSTER !

10/10 masterful horror, genre saved
Apropos of nothing, I would really like a new breaking brad for dark souls or any other game in which he is likely to die a lot. The demons' souls playthrough was the best content of the year for me so far. I get that some people are probably sick of dark souls content, so any game that fits would be fine with me.

It'd likely need to be something on PC since the only thing on the horizon, console wise, that I can think of in terms of brutality is Metro Redux's Ranger Mode maybe? Maybe go real throwback and have him play through XC: Terror from the Deep or Star Control 2.
Watching Spookin' with Scoops and making an amazing horror videogame continues to look easy as fuck.

Hallway hallway hallway creepy noise hallway hallway MONSTER !

10/10 masterful horror, genre saved
Did you play the teaser yourself? The soundwork is the best I've heard in a horror game and the dread instilled as you repeat the loop almost unbearable. Having the location be unchanging for the most part makes the little changes as you progress become more and more unnerving. Early on you realize that the game is keeping track of where your perspective is focused at making it seem like any sudden movements will lead to terrible things. I honestly couldn't finish the demo, easily the scariest thing I've played and that includes nearly every horror game. The actual puzzles as you get towards the end are tedious but the production values are through the roof and one imagines such pixel hunts won't be part of the actual game. For something put together as a marketing tool it's incredible.

It'd likely need to be something on PC since the only thing on the horizon, console wise, that I can think of in terms of brutality is Metro Redux's Ranger Mode maybe? Maybe go real throwback and have him play through XC: Terror from the Deep or Star Control 2.
I've finished Ranger Hardcore for both Metro games and it's really not that difficult outside of one part in the first game that is almost broken and took me 3 hours to get past and even then I think it was a glitch
Amoeba section


The only thing that really stands out about the Volgarr breaking bad to me was Brad's terribly off-color joke which is one of my favorite giant bomb moments.

I just thought it was a perfect game for that feature. Just hard enough to almost break Brad on several occasions, but it was still possible to make progress, which he did in every episode. Absolutely impossible games and challenges are no fun to watch, there has to be a possibility of progress, and Volgarr was great for that reason.

Also, it's always fun to watch Brad suffer for our enjoyment.


Agreed, Volgarr was a great game for the feature. Demon's Souls was great also, in large part due to Vinny finishing the game earlier and not remembering everything right (and just fucking with Brad)
as saturated as the survival game genre is right now, The Long Dark seems pretty cool. it doesn't hurt that it's not a zombie/mutant/cannibal apocalypse.
Welcome Cara! I like your work.

Also, pay no mind to some of the neanderthals in the thread. We've left out traps of bamboo sticks covering holes, we'll check them every couple days and see what we catch.


the holder of the trombone
Welcome Cara! I like your work.

Also, pay no mind to some of the neanderthals in the thread. We've left out traps of bamboo sticks covering holes, we'll check them every couple days and see what we catch.

I just don't understand how you can't like Yakuza if you're into brawlers. It's the perfect realization of River City Ransom into 3D with one of the best fighting systems in the genre. The dialogue can be a bit long winded at times but just everything about the games is pure joy to me. Great sidequests that often tie into the main story and bonus content as well.

I can understand finding them a bit clunky with the frequent loads but thinking they're actively bad in any way is mind-boggling.


the holder of the trombone
I just don't understand how you can't like Yakuza if you're into brawlers. It's the perfect realization of River City Ransom into 3D with one of the best fighting systems in the genre. The dialogue can be a bit long winded at times but just everything about the games is pure joy to me. Great sidequests that often tie into the main story and bonus content as well.

I can understand finding them a bit clunky with the frequent loads but thinking they're actively bad in any way is mind-boggling.

I don't get the impression that they're actually into brawlers.
I don't get the impression that they're actually into brawlers.

I thought I remembered Jeff liking River City but upon thinking about it I realize I have absolutely no memory of where he would have said that. It was more Dan that I didn't understand as there were 4 different occasions where he would bring up how bad the Yakuza games are.


Yakuza is a JRPG with brawler combat set in modern times with a J-crime drama story. If people don't like any of those, they won't like Yakuza. AND THEY ARE TERRIBLE PEOPLE
Again I can understand one not enjoying the game but it was more Dan's insistence that they're actively bad games. They're just so charming and fun in every possible way. Wish more games would let you interact with the environment in the same way during combat.
I know Vinny and crew in the past have said that they're not able to get direct video from the Vita. I popped by IGN on a bit of a lark and based on the Metrico video review it does seem to me like they're getting video fine. What am I missing?
I didn't understand Dan in the Akiba's Trip QL either.

Yakuza has some pretty stupid stuff in it that you have to deal with and the cutscenes can be awfully long, but there's some delightful japanese insanity to get out of it if you can put up with those things.

You would think that someone who loves Metal Gear would be into that.
If he doesn't like them he's entitled to think that they are bad. No need to sweat it.

I've been up all night thinking about it and I just can't get it out of my head.
not really
Just wish people would actively explain their opinions in forms other than "oh yeah, this reminds me of that other bad game" Just more obvious with any kind of personality driven content.


I know Vinny and crew in the past have said that they're not able to get direct video from the Vita. I popped by IGN on a bit of a lark and based on the Metrico video review it does seem to me like they're getting video fine. What am I missing?
Do they have devkits that can output a video signal or something similar?
Do they have devkits that can output a video signal or something similar?

That is what I'm asking, essentially. I'd love to see more PS Vita content. It was a real shame to wait for Olliolli to come out on PC before we saw coverage of it.

Edit: will ask Vinny on twitter....


Again I can understand one not enjoying the game but it was more Dan's insistence that they're actively bad games. They're just so charming and fun in every possible way. Wish more games would let you interact with the environment in the same way during combat.

I mean the english version of Yakuza 1 and 2 were pretty awful. If that's your only exposure to the series, I could see how you could come off hating them.

I know Vinny and crew in the past have said that they're not able to get direct video from the Vita. I popped by IGN on a bit of a lark and based on the Metrico video review it does seem to me like they're getting video fine. What am I missing?

There are ways of doing it, often times involving destroying a Vita. I think Jeff has a custom modded Vita that displays out to TV, but that also seems like a gigantic pain in the ass.
Whatever happened with that expensive modification that Jeff bought? I remember the Soul Sacrifice stream looking perfectly fine, room for improvement but better than ignoring the platform.

I mean the english version of Yakuza 1 and 2 were pretty awful. If that's your only exposure to the series, I could see how you could come off hating them.
I remember liking them both, especially 2 but it's definitely 3 and 4 that stand in my mind the most with 3 really bringing the combat and presentation to life.
Let me guess, is it a Hotline Miami 2 thing you didn't read but have made up your mind that I am the Social Justice Warrior who is removing video games from small children and then eating the small children.

Usually reading my work makes people like me.

Cara is on NeoGAF? oh my god yes. Hi, you're rad and write cool things *runs away giggling*


Neo Member
It was pretty obvious they were joking. Don't worry though I think people are being serious on here when they're not about 2 or 3 times a week.

I was also joking! Hence the SJW thing and the thing about eating children.



That is what I'm asking, essentially. I'd love to see more PS Vita content. It was a real shame to wait for Olliolli to come out on PC before we saw coverage of it.

Edit: will ask Vinny on twitter....
Or B-roll footage with voiceover? TBH I haven't seen any of Gamespot's VIta coverage, but I just asssumed that's how their video reviews worked.

But yeah, as a Vita gamer it's a bit lame seeing the few exclusives it does get fall by the wayside on Giant Bomb. In any case it was Sony that shot themselves in the foot when they made the Vita like that.
You aren't fooling anyone, Ms. Giant Bomb Anime Editor.


I remember liking them both, especially 2 but it's definitely 3 and 4 that stand in my mind the most with 3 really bringing the combat and presentation to life.

I remember Yakuza being the poster child for not hiring hollywood actors to do voice work. Micheal Madson just sounded bored through the entire game.


I first saw Cara on 'Sup Holmes a while back and ended up following her on Twitter. She seems odd and funny, that's good enough for me.


I don't see much of a schedule, and they haven't done a livestream yet AFAIK. Then again the GS front page is fucking terrible and doesn't surface any of the live stuff in a good way, so who knows.

Yup, homepage is useless. Resorted to looking at twitter and apparently Danny had a webcam ghetto stream but it is mainly prerecorded to be edited later.
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