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Giant Bomb are bringing back the Endurance Run... and it's Shenmue.


I see this as an opportunity. They should make a Mario Party Party before Dan leaves and then make it a yearly thing for GOTY Holiday time.

"Here's your Christmas gift you trash bags 5h of AWFULNESS!"

They should have saved MP7 for a time they were all together. 8 player!


When I was a kid I pointed a camera at my monitor and played Turok 2 while talking trash. That predates everything mates.

Pffft, I think there's footage of me playing a C64 game while talking over it. Think it's something totally inappropriate for my age like Platoon too.


Loving this, really glad Dan has gone east.

But I am yelling a the screen a little bit for them to buy something for the cat everytime they go to Tomato!


Not too happy with the news of Dan going to the NYC office. Giant bomb east was the main reason I kept my GB subscription because I could watch content without Dan. I'll start eatching west coast videos more. I just really don't like Dan, he's ignorant, abrasive, and I think half of what he says is just acting a character. Giantbomb is very perrsonality driven, so I feel like its a fair stance to say well I dont like that guy, no thanks.


Not too happy with the news of Dan going to the NYC office. Giant bomb east was the main reason I kept my GB subscription because I could watch content without Dan. I'll start eatching west coast videos more. I just really don't like Dan, he's ignorant, abrasive, and I think half of what he says is just acting a character. Giantbomb is very perrsonality driven, so I feel like its a fair stance to say well I dont like that guy, no thanks.

Dan is kinda like the new Patrick where I love him but at the same time I conpletely agree and understand why others would feel the complete opposite.


Not too happy with the news of Dan going to the NYC office. Giant bomb east was the main reason I kept my GB subscription because I could watch content without Dan. I'll start eatching west coast videos more. I just really don't like Dan, he's ignorant, abrasive, and I think half of what he says is just acting a character. Giantbomb is very perrsonality driven, so I feel like its a fair stance to say well I dont like that guy, no thanks.

I understand why people find Dan abrasive -- hell, he practically cultivates that reaction -- but if you have been avoiding content with him I would recommend watching some of the stuff he's done with the east coast team. Vinny and Alex temper a lot of that behavior. They're so low key that he can't go Full Dan around them without it clashing, and the man does have enough sense of tone and showmanship to modify. He's definitely more chill around them.

Sometimes he drove me nuts in the west coast content, but he hasn't had any of those moments with GBeast. At least not for me.


Been great so far! And I`m sure it`s been mentioned before here, but Dan said on Twitter that they had already recorded the whole playthrough so there`s really no use in giving them gameplay tips etc.


I understand why people find Dan abrasive -- hell, he practically cultivates that reaction -- but if you have been avoiding content with him I would recommend watching some of the stuff he's done with the east coast team. Vinny and Alex temper a lot of that behavior. They're so low key that he can't go Full Dan around them without it clashing, and the man does have enough sense of tone and showmanship to modify. He's definitely more chill around them.

Sometimes he drove me nuts in the west coast content, but he hasn't had any of those moments with GBeast. At least not for me.

Any examples? I've read that he suits the east team well but I've never watched anything with that combination


Goddamn Alex man... He is great at being a giant sad bitter ass fucking jerkface on everything he's on. Super abrasive. He loves talk shit about youtubers but he's way worse. His hot takes are just sad..... People "warmed up" to him are just sweet lemoning.

Austin is type of person who pull you up. Alex is the type who drag you down to utter gutter of bitter angry despair.


Goddamn Alex man... He is great at being a giant sad bitter ass fucking jerkface on everything he's on. Super abrasive. He loves talk shit about youtubers but he's way worse. His hot takes are just sad..... People "warmed up" to him are just sweet lemoning.

Austin is type of person who pull you up. Alex is the type who drag you down to utter gutter of bitter angry despair.

Tell us how you really feel
Their clunky playthrough is frustrating to watch. Even when I played it on release all those years ago I remember having a smoother experience. Three of them playing and they can't even get a sense of direction.


Not too happy with the news of Dan going to the NYC office. Giant bomb east was the main reason I kept my GB subscription because I could watch content without Dan. I'll start eatching west coast videos more. I just really don't like Dan, he's ignorant, abrasive, and I think half of what he says is just acting a character. Giantbomb is very perrsonality driven, so I feel like its a fair stance to say well I dont like that guy, no thanks.

I feel you. As soon as Dan joined I stopped visiting GB full stop. Definitely the worst part of his personality is that it is mostly just an act. Comes across as a very fake person to me. At least with Alex I always knew what I got, and I actually enjoy his writing style.

Looking forward to Dan-less Jeff and Brad content now.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Their clunky playthrough is frustrating to watch. Even when I played it on release all those years ago I remember having a smoother experience. Three of them playing and they can't even get a sense of direction.

That's .. the best part. Watching them fumble around and discovering things.

also SMH at the Alex and Dan hate. Come on guys .. come the fuck on.


Their clunky playthrough is frustrating to watch. Even when I played it on release all those years ago I remember having a smoother experience. Three of them playing and they can't even get a sense of direction.

Do you watch much GB content. Watching them play it that way is what is expected.
Goddamn Alex man... He is great at being a giant sad bitter ass fucking jerkface on everything he's on. Super abrasive. He loves talk shit about youtubers but he's way worse. His hot takes are just sad..... People "warmed up" to him are just sweet lemoning.

Austin is type of person who pull you up. Alex is the type who drag you down to utter gutter of bitter angry despair.

I think you might be projecting.


Having never experienced Shenmue in any way, watching these episodes makes the game look incredibly fascinating. There's just so much random stuff to do and every NPC having voiced dialog must have been mind blowing when this came out.


Any examples? I've read that he suits the east team well but I've never watched anything with that combination

The podcast is the most obvious example so far. Maybe it's just because it's a new dynamic he's joining in with, but he seems more subdued next to Vinny and Jeff Bakalar.

In terms of video, there's the Giant Bomb East Summer Games 2016, featuring Danny O'Dwyer. The new VinnyVania is kind of incredible because it starts with Dan doing his thing, wanting to almost spoil everything because he's just so excited by this game he loves, and Vinny and Alex stifle that pretty quickly without ever making it uncomfortable and they fall into a nice rhythm. Giant Beast Academy: Game Design was pretty amazing and weird.

And of course the Shenmue playthrough so far.

There's that thing Dan does where he just says total nonsense and doesn't even appear to mean it, but nobody calls him on it or if they do they're just being aggressive and equally hyperbolic. The Beast team -- I feel like Bakalar in particular, actually -- just sort of interrogate his answers in a way that forces him to ground his opinion in something. They contrast instead of magnifying him. Dan's bumbling optimism collides against Alex's low key pessimism with Vinny very calmly and casually steering the conversation in that way he always has. It works really well. It's an effective combination.


Part 2 was great.

Spoiler: they find the zoom button.

OH THANK GOD. When Dan was talking about how cool it was to even be able to open a closet door back in the day I was just like, please press R1 and truly have your mind blown by browsing through Ryo's dresser. xD


My only real complaints so far are:

Just let a day last an episode, its got to be much easier than running home surely! Think they'll figure that out later though

FEED THE CAT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. Also, did that old woman die in the park?

Otherwise I'm just smiling at my screen watching this.
Having never experienced Shenmue in any way, watching these episodes makes the game look incredibly fascinating. There's just so much random stuff to do and every NPC having voiced dialog must have been mind blowing when this came out.

I'm really happy some people still have this mindset, I think Shenmue dabbled with some ideas that would later be perfected elsewhere and it is underrated in that regard.

When this game first came out I was astonished with its scope, it felt like an actual living city with so much to see and interact with, of course looking back now I have to laugh but that feeling was real at the time.

Looking back to the classics(some of which won't last the test of time) is valuable information and should be encouraged I think.


Cool, I love Giant bomb crew except Alex I never liked him he is so annoying, Dan and Vinny are amzing though.
Anyway i always used their endurance runs to fall asleep, now i have new content :)


There's that thing Dan does where he just says total nonsense and doesn't even appear to mean it, but nobody calls him on it or if they do they're just being aggressive and equally hyperbolic. The Beast team -- I feel like Bakalar in particular, actually -- just sort of interrogate his answers in a way that forces him to ground his opinion in something. They contrast instead of magnifying him. Dan's bumbling optimism collides against Alex's low key pessimism with Vinny very calmly and casually steering the conversation in that way he always has. It works really well. It's an effective combination.

The only person that pulls off the aggressive stance on Dan well is John Drake.
The NPCs in this game all sound like robots pretending to be human. It's kinda disturbing. The VA is so bad it's basically comedy.

The voice acting is weird because Yu Suzuki required the English voice actors to 1) be in Japan and 2) look like their character. So a lot of the people hired could barely be called actors at all. Corey Marshall, the voice of Ryo, was chosen primarily because he knew martial arts.

This interview with Jeremy Blaustein has some fascinating behind-the-scenes information about the awkwardness of the game's localization.


Their navigation skills so far are shockingly bad, but it's allowing them to find things they might otherwise miss, so it's probably a good thing.


I hope Vinny gets into a groove for Ryo's turning circle soon.

It's really not that bad when you figure it out, but I have a feeling he hasn't realised that Ryo has something like a 360 degree movement but on a four-axis D-Pad. Also that you can control his run speed by how hard you press on the trigger.
Having never experienced Shenmue in any way, watching these episodes makes the game look incredibly fascinating. There's just so much random stuff to do and every NPC having voiced dialog must have been mind blowing when this came out.

The general gaming media was going crazy over it circa '99/'00. There was nothing else like it at the time. It was the first game I ever imported too. The translation guide I printed off gamefaqs was easily a few hundred pages long.
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