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Giant Bomb are bringing back the Endurance Run... and it's Shenmue.

I dunno, that alleyway seems like a reasonable thing to miss and the game doesn't seem to do anything to direct you there. I feel like they were doing their due diligence in double checking the area maps and asking around [basically the only two gameplay mechanics they've encountered outside QTEs] except the location isn't on the map and the NPC dialogue doesn't have anything for asking about bar locations and just stays at asking about sailors [Bar Linda is two buildings down from Heartbeats but the lady out front only says 'no sailors here' but she has no dialogue for 'but they tend to like that place behind the slot house']. The district is also littered with several tiny dead-end alleys with nothing to offer. At some point Vinny started checking specifically for that but none of them even had the potential to hide anything which quickly discouraged the guys from checking them too thoughtfully. Additionally, there were several locations on the map that had lit up signs and other general lighting but were otherwise non-interactable so it's not as if that was a reliable clue, especially because the alley lighting isn't that prominent and basically looks like it could just be ambient light as a result of one of the blindingly light businesses nearby.
From what I recall, there's a big graffiti tag on the wall next to the bar that says "Heartbreaks" or something along those lines.


From what I recall, there's a big graffiti tag on the wall next to the bar that says "Heartbreaks" or something along those lines.

I just looked up a video walkthrough and apparently there is a way to trigger dialogue from the lady outside Linda to talk about Heartbeats but the fact that it's so rigid in how in hands out information is still a problem.

EDIT: Also scanning through the video and can't seem to see the graffiti.
I love this walkthrough! So far it is the worst playthrough I have watched and I didn't think that was possible.

I'm not sure how one thinks of (bar may be in bar district) + (bar may be in a secret alley) = (search for secret alley not in bar district). I thought I was about to be amazed that they figured it out! This part of the game can be difficult for some.

This is the first playthrough I have watched where the players have not truly interacted with the environment yet. It is fascinating and frustrating. I thought for sure they would have figured out that they could zoom in on objects and possibly interact with them at the Tomato Store. I'm also surprise that they figured out that they can go into places that aren't part of their current mission, but they are still not taking advantage of that. I am happy that they are no longer trying to go home before night time.

It is amazing how one limits him or herself with this game. Game Informers' Shenmue Super Replay also shows limits especially at a big part of the game, but at least they played better than this playthough so far.

For folks who haven't played yet. If you see people walking or running from a certain location, go there. There may not be an invisible wall. I'm not sure why with some of these playthroughs that people see stairs, trees, etc, and think not to try to go beyond them especially when NPCs are able to.


It's really not THAT much of an uncommon opinion.

I can totally imagine - hence my surprise I haven't seen any yet!

Are we watching the same game? It's awful.

... So you haven't played it?

Watching a game isnt the same as playing a game.

If you'd said "did we play the same game? It's awful" I'd be totally cool with your comment. Opinions and all. But you haven't really experienced it.

That would be plotting not writing.
The plotting of Shenmue is left up to circumstance and player choice, as such there is many natural ways to progress through the game, so yes Shenmue does have good plotting.

What you mean here is "that would be plot not dialogue".

Both plot and dialogue can be aspects of writing a videogame narrative.


Neo Member
I love Shenmue but let's not defend the lack of sign-posting for Heartbeats. Overall the game does a good job of givng you enough hints about where to go, but almost everyone struggles to find Heartbeats their first time through. Dismissing this as a lack of concentration is just pure fanboyism. Yes, it's a game that requires concentration, but it isn't perfect.


I just looked up a video walkthrough and apparently there is a way to trigger dialogue from the lady outside Linda to talk about Heartbeats but the fact that it's so rigid in how in hands out information is still a problem.

EDIT: Also scanning through the video and can't seem to see the graffiti.

The graffiti tag is in the alleyway that leads to Heartbeats, so I don't think you'd actually see it under normal circumstances. You'd have to look down the turn off at a angle I think.

I played the game on launch so I can't even remember how I found it at this stage. xD

Edit: Actually, on looking at videos, I think I actually just found them through a clue talking about them hanging around the motor cycle shop. (It's across the street from that).


I dunno, that alleyway seems like a reasonable thing to miss and the game doesn't seem to do anything to direct you there. I feel like they were doing their due diligence in double checking the area maps and asking around [basically the only two gameplay mechanics they've encountered outside QTEs] except the location isn't on the map and the NPC dialogue doesn't have anything for asking about bar locations and just stays at asking about sailors [Bar Linda is two buildings down from Heartbeats but the lady out front only says 'no sailors here' but she has no dialogue for 'but they tend to like that place behind the slot house']. The district is also littered with several tiny dead-end alleys with nothing to offer. At some point Vinny started checking specifically for that but none of them even had the potential to hide anything which quickly discouraged the guys from checking them too thoughtfully. Additionally, there were several locations on the map that had lit up signs and other general lighting but were otherwise non-interactable so it's not as if that was a reliable clue, especially because the alley lighting isn't that prominent and basically looks like it could just be ambient light as a result of one of the blindingly light businesses nearby.
The district isn't "littered with dead-end alleyways"; the only dead end alleyway is the one they should be going down. They just keep looking for a bar outside of the bar district for some bizarre reason. They were overthinking it.

Although they were on the right track looking at the map and realising it wasn't listed on there by name, but they looked directly at the alleyway and just ignored it. It's not small on the map, either. They were too engaged looking at the words rather than the shape of the map itself.

I booted up the game for myself to take a look at the lighting, and the alley is pretty easily signposted with the light. It's not ambient from another sign, and pretty directly points players down the stairs by drawing their eyes to the side of the screen with the light. It's subtle, but it's not obtuse.

Ultimately, it's moot point right now because the run is pre-recorded and already complete, so we know they find the bar eventually. I just think it's dumb to blame them going in circles completely on the game because it doesn't hold their hand the way modern games do.

At least if they do Shenmue II we won't have this problem. Adding maps to the HUD and being able to follow NPCs if you ask for directions really helps getting around the much larger map until you learn it yourself.


As a suffix, I'd just like to say I don't care if they get lost in the context of the endurance run. Vinny fills dead air like a champ, and I'm a veteran of Metal Gear Scanlon, so I've learned to cope with things like this.

I just think it's bullshit to blame it on the game when it gives you enough to figure out where the bar is, without spelling it out.


I love Shenmue but let's not defend the lack of sign-posting for Heartbeats. Overall the game does a good job of givng you enough hints about where to go, but almost everyone struggles to find Heartbeats their first time through. Dismissing this as a lack of concentration is just pure fanboyism. Yes, it's a game that requires concentration, but it isn't perfect.

Yup, totally. I still defend the walking around exploration of no minimaps or quest markers and hope Shenmue 3 keeps that, but Heartbeats should have just been on a standard street.


Man, I hope they figure out they can dig through Ryo's room more. Unless I missed it happening, they could totally get a sweet tape player.


Yup, totally. I still defend the walking around exploration of no minimaps or quest markers and hope Shenmue 3 keeps that, but Heartbeats should have just been on a standard street.

Nah, it can be on a little side street, I mean I think that kind of adds to the idea of it being a bit of a shady premise. It just needed something more to tell you it was there.

I mean one of the biggest problems seemed to be that, when you go into the bar Yokosuka and the bartender tells you about Heartbeats and MJQ Jazz Bar, Ryo doesn't then start asking about those specific bars. I think if they'd have made it so Ryo's questions updated like they normally did, and more of the NPCs told you their locations it wouldn't have been so bad.

Either way, these kinds of problems were solved in Shenmue 2 by the fact that when you ask someone for directions, they actually show you the way themselves in a lot of cases.

Par Score

I replayed Shenmue recently, having played it several times previously but nor for maybe a decade beforehand, even I had trouble finding Heartbeats.

It just needed, I dunno, the biker guys at the shop across mentioning it? Or you keep pestering them and one of them pushes you into the alley where you see the graffiti? Or yeah, when you learn about specific bars you should be able to start asking the skeevier people in Dobuita about them.

It's not hard to back seat dev a 15 year old game, but this is definitely a trouble spot.


So I was looking up the best/easiest way to play the games myself because of this ER starting, and even a huge post I found by a Shenmue fan giving out tips for the game and extolling its virtues included the line "trying to make it home before your mother worries". Obviously haven't played it myself, but... if they can say that, I'm thinking someone who's not a fan thinking they're his mom isn't too unbelievable.


So I was looking up the best/easiest way to play the games myself because of this ER starting, and even a huge post I found by a Shenmue fan giving out tips for the game and extolling its virtues included the line "trying to make it home before your mother worries". Obviously haven't played it myself, but... if they can say that, I'm thinking someone who's not a fan thinking they're his mom isn't too unbelievable.

He is 18, she is at least 80. Or portrayed as such.


Good on Dan for figuring out the "r" sound is different in Japanese, and kinda sounds like a "d".

His realization seemed to be lost on Vinny and Alex, though.


Neo Member
Alex totally looked that up!

My thoughts exactly :p

Kind of an unfortunately timed episode, waiting around all day, especially when they don't want to get sweaty and train their moves (which is a big help for wasting time) but hey, that's Shenmue 1 for ya. It will happen again too. Thankfully Shenmue 2 let's you fast-forward time.

I don't blame them for not training, though, because the fighting is so few and far between (zero fights so far and they're 4 hours in). Sure, training moves makes them stronger, but it really isn't required unless you want to win a certain fight that you don't have to win. I've beaten the game 4 or 5 times and I think I've paid attention to training maybe one of those play-throughs. Still a pretty cool battle system though.


I'm kind of surprised they tried to find the old woman they left at Sakura Park two days before. They can't expect her to wait for two days. It's the whole point of Shenmue realism. NPC rountines and time schedules.

It may be a pain in the ass, but that's how Shenmue (I) was designed.

So yes, there is plenty of spare time within a day. That's why you can take care of the kitty, train your moves, play at You Arcade or at the Slot House, explore your residence and the Dojo, buy stuff like tapes or winning cans and try your luck in the raffles.


I'm kind of surprised they tried to find the old woman they left at Sakura Park two days before. They can't expect her to wait for two days. It's the whole point of Shenmue realism. NPC rountines and time schedules.

It may be a pain in the ass, but that's how Shenmue (I) was designed.

So yes, there is plenty of spare time within a day. That's why you can take care of the kitty, train your moves, play at You Arcade or at the Slot House, explore your residence and the Dojo, buy stuff like tapes or winning cans and try your luck in the raffles.

Yet in the end they find the biker and cant talk to him till tomorrow..

this game is maddening..


btw the only bruce lee film i have watched that i remember is game of death and that is a horribly written movie


They really are playing the game horribly, even if it's incredibly amusing and I'm enjoying it though I do wonder what people would think of any platformer game if they've never seen it before and are experiencing it for the first time in a let's play where the player only presses left or right on the D-Pad and never presses the A(jump) button? Surely they would think that the game is bad if the player doesn't properly utilize the mechanics of the game.


Yet in the end they find the biker and cant talk to him till tomorrow..

this game is maddening..

Except the biker IS NOT Charlie.


The game isn't maddening, probably more linear in the main story that it could appear at first but it's really a matter of exploring the right places at the right time by following clues, paying attention to the conversations and reading the notebook.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I thought frustration about where to go next was part of the Shenmue experience. It sure as hell was for me 14 year old me was playing it. Loved it all the same.
Excited about the idea of an endurance run I can try to watch as it happens, and I've been interested in Shenmue despite never playing it. Some of the negative comments though scare me a bit. Are things mostly going well so far?


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?

and they found out mom is not mom. They're moving up in the world. The QTE punching mini game was the best part of this episode :D

Vinny is a comedic goldmine.


Excited about the idea of an endurance run I can try to watch as it happens, and I've been interested in Shenmue despite never playing it. Some of the negative comments though scare me a bit. Are things mostly going well so far?

As someone who never played Shenmue, the Endurance Run is a lot of fun. The frustration seems like it's coming from fans who know the game well and are upset they're missing things and not playing well, but that's part of the fun.


I love Shenmue but let's not defend the lack of sign-posting for Heartbeats. Overall the game does a good job of givng you enough hints about where to go, but almost everyone struggles to find Heartbeats their first time through. Dismissing this as a lack of concentration is just pure fanboyism. Yes, it's a game that requires concentration, but it isn't perfect.

Holy shit! Orient? I remember you (I think) from the Shenmue forums on ign like ten plus years ago! I dont even remember what my ign handle was. Good to see you are still around. You must have died when S3 was announced.


Excited about the idea of an endurance run I can try to watch as it happens, and I've been interested in Shenmue despite never playing it. Some of the negative comments though scare me a bit. Are things mostly going well so far?
All in all, it's a good endurance run but a.) not the best way Shenmue should be enjoyed, and b.) frustrating for fans to watch sometimes.

I'd argue it's much less maddening than Metal Gear Scanlon at least and worth a watch, but if the game is your primary interest you'd be better off playing it yourself then revisiting the endurance run.
Excited about the idea of an endurance run I can try to watch as it happens, and I've been interested in Shenmue despite never playing it. Some of the negative comments though scare me a bit. Are things mostly going well so far?

I fucking hate Shenmue(and the sequel) but like giant bomb and i'm enjoying the ER so far. I dunno if the entire thing will hold up because its a bad video game but so far so good
Excited about the idea of an endurance run I can try to watch as it happens, and I've been interested in Shenmue despite never playing it. Some of the negative comments though scare me a bit. Are things mostly going well so far?

I didn't like the games at all, but like you have found them interesting from afar and I'm enjoying the endurance run.
Good to know guys, thanks. How do yall watch this? Put it on in the background? Watch 15 minutes whole eating? I'm honestly not used to watching extended let's plays like this.


Having trouble with finding Heartbeats is one of the things I still remember very clearly about playing Shenmue when it first came out.


First time seeing Shenmue haters here. Wtf. Obviously they always existed but I just never considered it for whatever reason.

yeah, even without jeff on board for this, should've know this thread would be clownshoes, last page or so is embarrassing
Just started part 3, please let me know so I don't go insane: do they ever figure out that all the references to 1986 might mean the game takes place in 1986 and not 2000? It's on like every loading screen but they haven't figured that out yet it seems.


I've always wanted to play Shenmue to see for myself why this game is so divisive and when i saw that the GB crew were going to do an ER i finally decided to play it.

Holy crap, there's a whole lot of searching for people and waiting for shit to happen in this game, i still want to finish it because to me it's really interesting how ambitious this game was for its time and because i have heard that the sequel is much better. At least the writing and the robotic VO is HILARIOUS.

PS: I also couldn't find the bar and had to look it up.
PPPS: This ER is absolutely fantastic.
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