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Giant Bomb are bringing back the Endurance Run... and it's Shenmue.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
when they're convinced you didn't push the A button


Veins !
Just started today's episode and I'm so sorry you guys had to go through that with the phone. If any of you guys at GB play the game again (fat chance!) here's a big tip when using phones:

Press X when using a phone to bring up the notebook. You can do this at any time while on the phone and if you forget a number, you can just bring it up and put it down at any time. Memorization isn't required nor is writing the numbers down.

Another thing is you don't have to put in 0468. That's the general area code and purely optional. Simply dialing 61-5647 (I know this and every other number in the game by heart because I'm a Shenmue geek if you can't tell) will get you Warehouse #8.

Going to listen to the Bombcast after watching while doing some art. It will be my first time listening. You've got a new listener hopefully!
End of the episode:

You guys have area skip off. That part is definitely stupid but area skip helps make it more bearable. With area skip, before Ryo walks out the door, you have the option of going to the Hazuki house yard, Sakuragoka, Yamanose, or Dobuita. So instead of traveling through all of those places, with area skip, you could have just fast traveled to Dobuita and talked to Nozomi within 10 seconds.

But having to back to the house after is kinda silly, but it's not too bad with the short cut through the woods.


Ha, yeah right. Don't forget there's waiting involved in this part :p
Ah, yeah. Tomorrow will probably be the end of Disk 2.

Just got towards the end of the episode:

I've never got to Asia Travel late enough to have the event roll over like that, hahahaha. Worth it for the "noooooooooo".


They are gonna be so pissed when they go to the travel agency tomorrow and realise they'll have to kill time for a whole day xD
Another great episode, the ending with the store closing without anyone inside was absolutely hilarious. And so was Ryo giving almost all of his money to the shadiest character in the game without any hesitation. This is the most Sega game I've ever seen, and that's neither a compliment nor a criticism. I have no desire to ever play Shenmue but I wish they still made weird experimental stuff like that and Seaman.


They are gonna be so pissed when they go to the travel agency tomorrow and realise they'll have to kill time for a whole day xD
I wonder if that'll even happen. I've never gone to Asia Travel late enough to have the following event roll over to the next day like that. I think it probably
, though.

So where can they go to translate the scrolls?

Is there a specific Chinese resident who can do it?
Guizhang can. I think the logic is that they're martial arts scrolls, so you see the Chinese martial artist. That's how I figured it out back in the day, anyway. It's pretty easy to do on Disk 3 when you can
just go book a meeting and see him on your lunch break at the harbour


That was a funny episode and I had some good laugh while listening to the guys.

They accidentally discovered a lot of stuff about the mirrors...

Funny how Vinny walks every time in the dead end in Sakuragaoka :-D


Totally caught up yesterday, I watched like 7 parts. Probably not a popular opinion but I have to say I think this is the best Endurance Run. Vinny is in rare form and it's fantastic.
The travel agency is so ridiculous. Ryo's desperation is so bad. Can't wait to see the guys pick that section of the game apart. This is why you always get receipts Ryo!!!

Ehhh no. I backed Shenmue III and have played these games multiple times.

I'm just not weird about it.

Yes, so you're not "weird" about it. So you're weird about it if you defend the game? What's your measurement for weird? This thread is equally weird from all sides IMO. So you expect people to not defend this super divisive game? You're better than the rest of Shenmue fans? Why are you so special?


On the subject of the travel agency, there's an unused cutscene where Ryo
does indeed receive a ticket.

None of the voice acting/subtitle data is on the disk, though, so nobody really knows where exactly it fits in.

There's a real interesting hole to go down into for unused/prototype assets in Shenmue. Even the naming convention in the files points back pretty far in development, animations relating to Ryo are called AKI, after Akira from Virtua Fighter*.

*Shenmue was once Virtua Fighter RPG, for those who didn't already know.


I get the feeling that part way through this they did some research - especially Alex and Dan. Alex suddenly knew where the heartbeats bar was and then remembered more interactions with Nozomi. Dan also had discussions with his Shemue "friend". Things have been going much more smoothly since this point as well.


Vinny joking about the characters just being actors around Ryo was a trip

Shenmue having some Truman Show-esque plot would be wild


Did this fucking guy fall out of a different game?
I thought Shenmue was supposed to be a serious (if badly acted) revenge story.
Then this fucking cartoon character flies in!

I was worried that was going to happen, when they started pursuing the Chinese language guys. What's up with the bed? Don't think I ever noticed that before, is it just more blankets because it's getting colder. I don't think I've ever had a game go beyond December 25th, so I could have just overlooked it in those last couple of days where all the shit is going down.

Did this fucking guy fall out of a different game?
I thought Shenmue was supposed to be a serious (if badly acted) revenge story.
Then this fucking cartoon character flies in!


Yeah, he feels out of place at first, but the further you get into the games, there's more and more weird shit going on.
I get the feeling that part way through this they did some research - especially Alex and Dan. Alex suddenly knew where the heartbeats bar was and then remembered more interactions with Nozomi. Dan also had discussions with his Shemue "friend". Things have been going much more smoothly since this point as well.

I think its just the case of them starting to understand some of Shenmue's "quirks" and how the logic of the game works.


Did this fucking guy fall out of a different game?
I thought Shenmue was supposed to be a serious (if badly acted) revenge story.
Then this fucking cartoon character flies in!

To quote the endurance run, it's some "Big Trouble in Little China shit", which the series does verge towards in the sequel.

Shenmue/Shenmue II/Shenmue III spoilers:

Chai was basically intended to be a recurring character in the series as an almost unstoppable freakish assassin. At the end of the game Ryo fights him until finally he manages to knock him into the sea. In cut content from Shenmue II, Chai was meant to have clung to the boat and assaulted Ryo again en-route to Hong Kong. He's also due to return in Shenmue III. He's the fucking Terminator!
Chai is fucking awful.

I'll defend a lot of things about Shenmue but not fucking Chai. I hate him, his voice, his character design, everything. I have no idea what they were thinking when they made him, and the fact that
he's going to be in Shenmue III makes me want to bang my head against my desk.
I hate that character so, so much.


Yeah I've never been a fan of Chai.

He just comes out of no where, and is a totally bizarre character. No real depth or back story either to make him interesting.

As for today's episode, funny ep. Nice they good the backstory about the mirror too, shame it caused them to miss the travel agency timing. Can't imagine they'll be happy with the fact they'll have to wait again tomorrow, as far as I remember, lol.
Poor Tom has been getting blamed for lying to them about knowing about warehouses when I'm pretty sure in the videos Ryo never asks him about them on Disk 1 for whatever godforsaken reason; it just defaults to the regular "how you doing" dialogue.



I kind of like Chai. I'm into the idea of a
recurring, borderline unstoppable, almost-joke of a villain.

I get the feeling that he was transplanted into the original game from the part of the story that'd become Shenmue II. He certainly fits in more with II's villains, but I can imagine the story being a bit too packed with all of them AND Chai.


Good episode even if it didn't have 'progression' - I'm glad that they found some of the hidden cut scenes.
It's that type of play session that makes me enjoy Shenmue.

The pace is intentionally slow, just gotta explore and enjoy it.

Only one 'SHOULDA PRESSED A' moment ;)


II's villains are actually good though.
Oh for sure, but
Dou Niu
are on almost the same level of ridiculous as Chai though.

The only serious villains are
Lan Di (obviously)
, and
, who are more than just 'villain of the week' like the other two examples.


Drunky McMurder
Poor Tom has been getting blamed for lying to them about knowing about warehouses when I'm pretty sure in the videos Ryo never asks him about them on Disk 1 for whatever godforsaken reason; it just defaults to the regular "how you doing" dialogue.


Maybe if Ryo bought a damn hot dog once in a while Tom would be more forthcoming with information when he's not directly asked.
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