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Giant bomb "dot com" official thread 12 - anime + waluigi discussion webzone

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I have yet to buy any 3DS games digitally because I still don't really trust Nintendo to do right by my digital purchases if my 3DS gets lost or stolen or something. Besides, who knows how much those carts will be worth in the future?

Probably not much.
I have yet to buy any 3DS games digitally because I still don't really trust Nintendo to do right by my digital purchases if my 3DS gets lost or stolen or something. Besides, who knows how much those carts will be worth in the future?

Probably not much.

The 3DS >> N3DS transfer was hell on earth for my friend. Luckily he still had all his games and NNiD intact but anything could have happened.


I still have Wind Waker sitting on my Wii U hard drive waiting to be played, I should probably get on that one of these days before the new one comes out.
Even though I agree all you've said, I hold there's enough good to be mined from Skyward Sword that it's worth considering. In its current state I classify it as a heavily flawed game, not a bad game. Many of those flaws were overshadowed by the louder criticism of motion controls.

Oh, i know i ripped the game a good one but i liked it much more than TP. It has charm, a personality, the dungeons are fantastic, and it's art style is great. If they fix the terrible pacing problems and fixed some of the motion controls (i don't ever want to use a wiimote to swim again) then what you have is the possibility of a flawed gem becoming just a damn fine gem.
Zelda warning for those of you with sensitive constitutions.

If you think Twilight Princess is a bad Zelda game, then sorry, you don't actually like Zelda. It's Zelda ass Zelda, to steal a Giant Bombism.

I'm actually replaying the game right now, and that has become abundantly clear. It's also obvious what needs to be changed for the inevitable remake. The beginning of the game is terrible. It took me three hours to get to the first dungeon, which would be fine if everything before turning into the wolf wasn't mercilessly dull. Even that inital wolf stuff isn't great. The button layout, especially on the GameCube stinks. You can only equip two items at once. Ganondorf is shoehorned into the story, ruining it. The side characters are all dumb. Oh, and Link runs super stiffly, like he just sharted.

The dungeons are really, really good, though, so those should remain unchanged.


I didn't like the wolf parts in Twilight Princess... The rest was fine.

I liked the graphics and art style and mechanics in Wind Waker but didn't like all the rest.
I'm on my phone so I can't give a passionate defense but Skyward Sword was great outside of the unfathomable decision to tell you what every item you pick up is after the first time......each time you load the game. Motion controls were perfect, very rarely had to resync.


I would do it before there is a hint of a chance of a remake of a 3DS version. That would reduce the demand for GC versions (ever so slightly though).

well, because of this post i just looked up how much gc copies of twilight princess sell for
who knew, this game was kinda rare? i dont even like TP. i should sell my copy
Zelda warning for those of you with sensitive constitutions.

If you think Twilight Princess is a bad Zelda game, then sorry, you don't actually like Zelda. It's Zelda ass Zelda, to steal a Giant Bombism.

I'm actually replaying the game right now, and that has become abundantly clear. It's also obvious what needs to be changed for the inevitable remake. The beginning of the game is terrible. It took me three hours to get to the first dungeon, which would be fine if everything before turning into the wolf wasn't mercilessly dull. Even that inital wolf stuff isn't great. The button layout, especially on the GameCube stinks. You can only equip two items at once. Ganondorf is shoehorned into the story, ruining it. The side characters are all dumb.

The dungeons are really, really good, though, so those should remain unchanged.

Even a bad Zelda game is still better than a majority of what gets put out there. My issues with TP is exactly what you brought up as a positive: It's a zelda-ass-zelda. Coming from OoT, then the quirky MM, followed by the whimsical WW, back to a zelda game that is basically just OoT 2.0 was a big disappointment for me. I'd rather have something messy like the DS Zelda games, where they did that all touch stuff and the nonsense with the train tracks, than a game that played it completely safe.


Zelda warning for those of you with sensitive constitutions.

If you think Twilight Princess is a bad Zelda game, then sorry, you don't actually like Zelda. It's Zelda ass Zelda, to steal a Giant Bombism.

I'm actually replaying the game right now, and that has become abundantly clear. It's also obvious what needs to be changed for the inevitable remake. The beginning of the game is terrible. It took me three hours to get to the first dungeon, which would be fine if everything before turning into the wolf wasn't mercilessly dull. Even that inital wolf stuff isn't great. The button layout, especially on the GameCube stinks. You can only equip two items at once. Ganondorf is shoehorned into the story, ruining it. The side characters are all dumb. Oh, and Link runs super stiffly, like he just sharted.

The dungeons are really, really good, though, so those should remain unchanged.

I agree about TP's shortcomings, but to me, for a game to be a Zelda ass Zelda, it has to be top-down :p


Even a bad Zelda game is still better than a majority of what gets put out there. My issues with TP is exactly what you brought up as a positive: It's a zelda-ass-zelda. Coming from OoT, then the quirky MM, followed by the whimsical WW, back to a zelda game that is basically just OoT 2.0 was a big disappointment for me. I'd rather have something messy like the DS Zelda games, where they did that all touch stuff and the nonsense with the train tracks, than a game that played it completely safe.

Yeah, I would agree there. I haven't played the game since launch so I don't really remember specifics, but what I remember about TP is that it has some fantastic dungeons, but that the game, to me, seemed about 15 hours too long. I came into that game having loved every Zelda game up to that point, and I was just bored to tears at various times playing that game. SS had the same problem but maybe more so for me. Don't get me wrong, the highs of both of those games are better than most games that aren't Zelda, but there's just too much uninteresting bullshit inbetween.
Zelda warning for those of you with sensitive constitutions.

If you think Twilight Princess is a bad Zelda game, then sorry, you don't actually like Zelda. It's Zelda ass Zelda, to steal a Giant Bombism.

I'm actually replaying the game right now, and that has become abundantly clear. It's also obvious what needs to be changed for the inevitable remake. The beginning of the game is terrible. It took me three hours to get to the first dungeon, which would be fine if everything before turning into the wolf wasn't mercilessly dull. Even that inital wolf stuff isn't great. The button layout, especially on the GameCube stinks. You can only equip two items at once. Ganondorf is shoehorned into the story, ruining it. The side characters are all dumb. Oh, and Link runs super stiffly, like he just sharted.

The dungeons are really, really good, though, so those should remain unchanged.
That sounds like a bad Zelda!


Zelda warning for those of you with sensitive constitutions.

If you think Twilight Princess is a bad Zelda game, then sorry, you don't actually like Zelda. It's Zelda ass Zelda, to steal a Giant Bombism.

A Link Between Worlds > Twilight Princess.

And you are wrong. I like Zelda, just not TP.
I've yet to enjoy a 3D Zelda game. My favorites are Oracle of Seasons/Ages and Minish Cap. I'll definitely play ALBW too if I get a new 3ds at some point.


I've yet to enjoy a 3D Zelda game. My favorites are Oracle of Seasons/Ages and Minish Cap. I'll definitely play ALBW too if I get a new 3ds at some point.

I really like OoT when it came out but I don't know if I still would. I am afraid to go back. Wind Waker was good but the boat stuff bothered me. The rest of them I either hated (Majora's Mask) or was just really bored by after a dungeon or two. Skyward Sword I almost didn't even get that far because of the infuriating tutorial.

Top down Zelda is more my thing and ALBW was fantastic.
Twilight princess is basically Nintendo saying "well fuck you, here's ocarina again since you guys loved that so much"

Yeah, Twilight Princess was very familiar even the first time I loaded it up. But that being said, I'd still rather play that then Majora's Mask. I watched that QL and it did NOTHING for me. Not even a "eh, I might as well go back and play it". Everything about it reminded me why I hate that game.


you speak so well
I love OoT, like WW quite a bit but the other three 3D Zeldas do nothing for me. I guess TP is okay but I hated the various gimmicks in MM as a kid and the near endless tutorials were insufferable in SS even if there's some good stuff in the game beyond that. 2D Zeldas, however, rarely disappoint, with the exception of the DS titles.
Skyward Sword is a great game you are all frauds


Are you referring to one of your Internet fans or to the kaiju? I'm more of a Jet Jaguar, I guess.

After poring over hundreds, if not thousands of hours of you speaking, I know that you and your cohorts prefer ALBW and Wind Waker. While this does not make you villains, I find it difficult to keep my mouth shut when I disagree so fundamentally.

ALBW is a regressive disaster masquerading as a fresh take on the Zelda formula. It ejects everything that makes these games intellectually satisfying in favor of offering the player a larger degree of freedom. Yes, you can do the dungeons in any order, but how is that ideal when their low difficulty level offers no satisfaction in solving them? What kind of adventure is that?

Conversely, Wind Waker hues closely to the Zelda formula, but is also an unsatisfying game due to its brain-dead combat and simplistic dungeon design. But I guess the graphics are nice.

Now Twilight Princess, that's a fucking Zelda game. You go into the dungeon. You stand around thinking about what to do. You get the item. You stand around thinking about what to do. You put more of the pieces together. You fight the boss with the item as a test of your proficiency with the item. Further, Nintendo knows what items you have in every dungeon, so they can require you to use multiple items in sequence to construct more complex puzzles. This never happens in ALBW because you can have any combination of items in any dungeon. The baby was thrown out with the bathwater.

ALBW is essential infanticide.

That sounds like a bad Zelda!

I never said the game was flawless.


I liked all eight minutes of Minish Cap.

Come on now.

And yeah, top down zelda > 3d zelda. Everyday. No exceptions.

For the record, I've never seen Zelda games as being particularly difficult. I definitely don't think ALttP is any more difficult than ALBW and I definitely don't think changing the item formula in ALBW made anything to affect it either.


I never played the DS zelda games... The touch controls always turned me off.

I don't think I have ever finished a 3D Zelda but have finished all of the 2D ones, whatever the DS ones where you have to go to the same dungeon over and over got old fast.
Come on now.

And yeah, top down zelda > 3d zelda. Everyday. No exceptions.

For the record, I've never seen Zelda games as being particularly difficult. I definitely don't think ALttP is any more difficult than ALBW.

Let me lay this out:


Enter dungeon. Use item that's on the sign outside the dungeon or turn into a painting to solve puzzles. Finish dungeon.

AlttP and other Zelda games:

Enter dungeon. Use any one or two or three or four or whatever number of the items you gathered previous to this dungeon to solve puzzles. Get dungeon item. Use newly acquired item as well as the previously acquired items to solve more puzzles in the dungeon. Finish dungeon.

And that's why ALBW is the worst Zelda game. In an interview given last year, Eiji Aonuma, Zelda guy, didn't realize this was an issue, so Zelda Wii U will probably be dumb, too. But I guess you can go to those mountains in the background. Fans of Ubisoft rejoice!


I have almost zero confidence in Nintendo for making a proper Zelda on the WiiU... It's almost garanteed that they will fuck it up.

I hope they don't... but I'm sure they will.
I have almost zero confidence in Nintendo for making a proper Zelda on the WiiU... It's almost garanteed that they will fuck it up.

I hope they don't... but I'm sure they will.

They're coming hot off the heels of ALBW, which they've said was a means of testing the waters for their next zelda game. I dunno, i kinda like the odds on the WiiU game.
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