I wonder if any of them will even bother to try Nier next year.
Jeff is a fan of both Bayonetta and Rising so he could take to it if he actually tries it.
Brad is probably the best hope for Ni-Oh doing anything since he likes Souls games.
I would think that Vinny and maybe Alex will look at that game.
Stardew in the Top Ten was cool because I love that game but I wish they hadn't just taken Invisible Inc precendent as sufficient. Make Dan do the work, I actually would've liked to have him wax poetical and just really go after it.
Vinny will look at it but not have the time to devote to it.
Drew tried so hard but he couldn't not laugh to Vinny yelling FEEEEEED each time.
It's just weird how Jeff effectively decided both 2015 and 2016's GOTY by taking opposite viewpoints on whether shitty features detract from a game's overall quality (2015, the answer was no; 2016, the answer is yes.)
I really don't mind Jeff having the "final say" at all, seeing as how he is, after all, the Dave Mustaine of Giant Bomb
Drew tried so hard but he couldn't not laugh to Vinny yelling FEEEEEED each time.
Jeff's massive emotional swings and constant self-contradiction has driven me crazy for years, but this is definitely the funniest example of the latter I've seen so far. At this point, I think he just likes to fuck with everybody and pick contrarian opinions at critical moments to see if he can get away with pushing them all the way through. I'm convinced that he pushed Mario Marker for the Best Old Games for no reason other than to troll critics of the GOTY 2015 decision and see if he could get away with it again. I don't really place value in any of his opinions/analysis anymore because of this, but on the other hand I'm starting to find him far more entertaining than I did previously.
I don't know if Origin made it easier but when ME2 came out Origin didn't exist.
I'm pretty certain that when I checked recently you still had to go through the absurd bioware point nonsense to purchase the DLCs. It's the main reason I haven't ever replayed the ME trilogy even though I'd really like to.
I think he should have a place, but goddamn does he have too much power. I just finished day 4 and he almost got a best moment onto the list against basically the entire staff's desire to have Limbo on there, and too often he's just like "this is going to be on the list" and that's that.I already prefaced it by saying it would never happen, but yes, in my perfect world Jeff wouldn't be a part of the GOTY group discussions. That's it. I sometimes get annoyed by things he says in the weekly podcasts, but overall I think he's very entertaining. I just don't like the effect he has on the GOTY discussions.
Some people take these deliberations entirely too seriously.
the Old Acquaintance video is far and away the best piece of GOTY content this year
I want more Vinny singing.
https://twitter.com/Fobwashed/status/815038970836840448I want more Vinny singing.
Yikes. This is wild.I feel like they would have been better served leaving Thumper and Stardew out of the top 10. The concept of "the site's list" is better interpreted by me to be a more consensus list. I get that a lot of people liked Stardew, but the farming sim is still a pretty niche genre and it didn't click with any of the other hosts. Same with Thumper. On the other hand, there's so much precedent for this in the discussion, why bother.
I know it will never happen, but I wish Jeff would remove himself from reviewing. I really enjoy him as part of the podcast, but his approach to games is like a child that's a picky eater. His ability to like games so often lies in their being restricted to a precious few genres and the way he will outright dismiss certain games is a disservice to the whole audience. I really liked Austin as the anti-Jeff but he's gone.
I assume it's been brought up in the past 100 pages somewhere, but Brad really messed up in the 'Best story' discussion.
It's all pretty hokey, imo. But if the runner-up was DOOM, I guess I'm OK with UC4 winning still. But it was frustrating to listen to.
So I guess Mass Effect 2 the game Vinny went to both Patrick and Austin separately to complain about?
They mentioned it on the waypoint podcast but didn't want to spoil what the game was Vinny was so upset about.
I think I mentioned it before, but I was shocked that they liked that flashback, I thought I was getting close to the end, and I was already getting sick of playing it, then they dropped that flashback. I was so pissed I quit playing for the night.
Watching people lose their shit over the deliberations of a group for a videogame GOTY list is some of the best entertainment you can get on GAF.
I assume it's been brought up in the past 100 pages somewhere, but Brad really messed up in the 'Best story' discussion.
(Uncharted 3 and 4 spoilers)
Firstly, his big argument hinges upon a factual error about the series... The fact that Drake isn't Nathan's real last name wasn't revealed in Uncharted 4, it was first revealed in Uncharted 3. I don't blame him for it, since it was quite subtle, just an off-hand remark made by the villain.
He says he loves the reveal since it takes away Nathan's "destined adventurer" status, making him just an average bloke. Which is true, this was exactly the purpose of the reveal in Uncharted 3. We find out that Nathan's mother committed suicide, and his father entrusted him to the state. He's a total nobody orphan, who picks up the Drake name from the name of the boy's home where he grew up. It was a nice twist, and one that made much more sense than him actually being a secret heir of Francis Drake.
But the sequence in Uncharted 4 that Brad was so enthusiastic about kind of messes all that up. Not only does it retread the "reveal" of Nathan's real name, it retcons Nathan's mother committing suicide while making her into some genius historian who hung out with another female globe-trotting adventurer. In addition to all that, his mother apparently had some theories Francis Drake's secret heirs, which becomes the inspiration for the name. So instead of taking away Nathan's "destined adventurer" status, it kind of reinserts it, by making it like Nathan and Sam were always destined to follow in their mother's footsteps. Which is weird, since Nathan never brings up his mother in any of the games, even after this flashback sequence.
It's all pretty hokey, imo. But if the runner-up was DOOM, I guess I'm OK with UC4 winning still. But it was frustrating to listen to.
Roadrat was robbed!DOOM got robbed.
Vinny singing man in the box had me in tears.
lying is perfectly acceptable in GB GOTY discussions if it means something they care about gets on the list.I'd be mad too since they essentially all lied or gave misinformation to Vinny to get ME2 off that list.
the Old Acquaintance video is far and away the best piece of GOTY content this year
Actually, there's a lot of confusion about the Drake part. It does not come from the orphanage's name. The orphanage is called Saint Francis School, named for Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of Animals. Sir Francis Drake is a totally different person (perhaps Naughty Dog should've given the orphanage a different name). Cassandra Morgan (Nathan and Sam's mother) and the old woman had a theory that Francis Drake secretly had descendants, despite history saying other wise. It was Sam, using Cassandra's theory, as a way to suggest changing their last name to Drake, so they could create a new life for themselves. That was just after they were nearly caught by the police, which would've been bad, as the old woman was dead and she was the one who called the police to come to her house. Sam said he knew someone who cold forge documents for them, giving them a fresh to escape from everything. Also, it did not retcon anything about their mother. There is a line in Uncharted 4, where Nathan says the kids at the orphanage tease him by saying his mother is in Hell. In Catholicism (which is the religion at the orphanage), it is believed one who commits suicide is sentenced to an eternity in Hell. It's a subtle reference, but if you know what happened to her mother (due to Marlowe's line in Uncharted 3) and understand the context of Nathan's line, it's still canonical that Cassandra committed suicide.
Hmm yeah I think you're right about the suicide and the orphanage's name. Totally forgot about the comment about Hell. The old woman had a line about Cassandra succumbing to illness, but I guess she took her own life before it got too bad or something? In any case, I think the whole sequence just kind of over-complicates something that was neatly handled in UC3. After UC3, I had the impression that Nate was just some orphan and history buff who somehow became obsessed with Sir Francis Drake. That "somehow" didn't need to explained imo, especially in a lengthy flashback just as the game is ramping up.
Finally got to the Best Music section...
Here are the facts:
Mistakes were made.
- Alex mentioned Civ6 in the Best Music category.
- Alex did not showcase Sogno Di Volare.
I played through Jet Set Radio Future last year and you just gave me Vietnam-esque flashbacks to whenever that song came on.What's it gonna take to get Dan to cover Cibo Matto's Birthday Cake?