Best story:
Fuuuuuuuuuuuck Firewatch. Alex is so fucking wrong, that game is the quintessential unearned red haring manipulative bullshit. It is the epitome of what I don't like about some indie games, which is to say it's a bad story told badly hiding behind a faux-artsy emotional facade.
Gotta agree. His impassioned description of his experience with the game and the way he described how much of an emotional wreck he and his gf were after finishing it really made me sit down and play it. What the hell game did he play? I was really digging all the early stuff but by the time I got to
homing detector, remote research labs all being connected to some ex-employee
gets his son killed so he orchestrates some elaborate scavenger hunt?
medical ailment as the character's spouse in the game
And what was the point of all those notes between Steve and Dave?