I wonder how long Brad will talk about Destiny for this year.
He had pretty much nothing to say about Rise of Iron, even when it was brand new. I doubt there will be much Destiny talk this year.
I wonder how long Brad will talk about Destiny for this year.
I wonder how long Brad will talk about Destiny for this year.
He had pretty much nothing to say about Rise of Iron, even when it was brand new. I doubt there will be much Destiny talk this year.
Yeah, I think The Witness is probably #4 or #5. Hard to imagine it falling much lower than that.
Why is Matt Rorie never included in the GOTY talks?
Why is Matt Rorie never included in the GOTY talks?
It's fucking dead, the Witcher 3 of 2016.
Overwatch is not going to win GOTY lol
When Jeff and Brad has to ask for updates on the podcast on how the community is going and it's more or less a broad statement from the room that should be your warning.
Obvious top 10 picks will be hitman, doom, titanfall 2 and the witness. overwatch and FF15 probably bringing up the rear with uncharted in the middle somewhere
FF15 will be nowhere on that list.
No Man's Sky a lock for most disappointing?
yea it hit me 4 mins later that no one talked about it
switch out FF15 for Forza
No Man's Sky a lock for most disappointing?
I'm not sure what that means, but to say knowing about surprises or great moments (even early on in a game) ahead of time does not detract from their impact is absurd.
Generally, one does not have a 'Holy shit' moment in a book, movie or game if someone told them about it ahead of time.
No Man's Sky a lock for most disappointing?
I'm saying Overwatch gets it. You guys forget it has the support of the East crew.
What I'm wondering is if there is any chance TLG or FFXV makes it on the bottom of the list. I don't see why not tbh. Obviously Doom, Witness, Overwatch, Titanfall, Uncharted, and Stardew make it but that leaves 4 spots open.
No Man's Sky a lock for most disappointing?
I'm saying Overwatch gets it. You guys forget it has the support of the East crew.
What I'm wondering is if there is any chance TLG or FFXV makes it on the bottom of the list. I don't see why not tbh. Obviously Doom, Witness, Overwatch, Hitman, Titanfall, Uncharted, and Stardew make it but that leaves 3 spots open.
Can Destiny be nominated for something again? Need 5 hours of Brad yelling at people for no good reason.
Rip. And tear.
Brad, Jeff, and Dan are the hard influences who push their votes.
Alex "I just wanted to make sure this game got recognized" Navarro has never influenced anything.
Alex Navarro will defend it on the basis of the Foundation Update and the Creative Mode that takes away the agonizing survival elements.
I don't think Dan is that much of an influence. He usually just picks one game that isn't a heavy favorite and refuses to budge on it, ultimately settling for a #7 or #8 slot.
I tend to feel like they let their rookie staffers ram one game on to the list just in the spirit of making them feel welcome. Dan did it with Mario Kart 8, and Austin did it with Invisible Inc (despite the fact that literally no one else played or cared about it).
How much support does Titanfall 2 really have, outside of Jeff? I don't remember anyone else really speaking that strongly about it.
But then again, Jeff was able to put Advanced Warfare in the Top 5 on the strength of his recommendation alone.
His take down of Ori was art last year. When Dan wants blood, he gets it
How much support does Titanfall 2 really have, outside of Jeff? I don't remember anyone else really speaking that strongly about it.
But then again, Jeff was able to put Advanced Warfare in the Top 5 on the strength of his recommendation alone.
Yeah, I don't think TF2 will go far. Only Jeff and Dan really got into it, and even then Dan fell off. Jeff cannot and will not fight for both Doom and TF2.