I expect Will to be back again. Or maybe Peter Brown.
I had 4 different roommates within my 5 years of college, and for every one good time I had with one of them, I would have about ten bad times with another.
NEVER again.
I've had some pretty bad roommates in the past. I'm not necessarily against it (I'm living with two other guys right now), but living alone is so much better when you don't have to deal with shit like managing chores, people buying TP, and being able to hear your roommate's gf late at night and needing to crank up the volume on whatever I'm playing/watching.
The worst tho is roommates that fight you on basic shit all of the time cause they are lazy sacks of shit. Had a roommate once who used Axe body wash to clean dishes because he didn't want to spend a dollar on dish soap after waiting near a month to clean them up anyway, even after talking to him about it several times. Ruined everything. That man...he is a walking trash fire. Yet even he somehow got married.
Sorry for going off topic there.