its a big game
BOTW's framerate sucks in 2/3 ways to play it, it's a legitimate criticism.
Eh, generally smooth in handheld mode, which is the only way I play.
Literally impossible.
Drew Scanlon ExposedAs soon as Drew said he was going to Ukraine in the Cloth Map destination video, my immediate thought was that this was all just a con to pay for him going to Eurovision, and sure enough....
Just had a thought about GotY. I bet Jeff will shoot down Zelda and argue Horizon is better
I have BOTW as my GOTY but there's nothing wild about something arguing for Horizon over it. Horizon's writing and combat are significantly better than what Zelda has and it's pretty easy to see why someone would prefer it.BotW has to be GotY, barring something insane happening later in the year; I just can't see both Dan and Brad backing down. Any legitimate criticism (you know, framerate) only opens the door to snipe at whatever is being championed over BotW. And there's no reality where another game can come out ahead of BotW in that battle.
Like, I could totally see Jeff being contrarian and going to bat for some other game, but he'd eventually concede with a, "Well I don't agree, but (everyone else in the room) is ok with this, so I guess I'll go along with it."
"the numbers go up and they don't go down"
(I've never played Horizon but I would assume this is true.)
I have BOTW as my GOTY but there's nothing wild about something arguing for Horizon over it. Horizon's writing and combat are significantly better than what Zelda has and it's pretty easy to see why someone would prefer it.
Goty is basically whether brad or jeff can gather the most allies anyway.
With Dan on Brad's side other games have no chance.
This is true. Horizon hasn't seemed to catch on much with the non-Jeff crowd. Though I'd be surprised if anyone other than Alex beat Nier.Oh yeah I can totally see why someone would prefer Horizon. But given that this is GB's GOTY, and Horizon has basically been forgotten by everyone besides Jeff, I don't think it'll do too well. Nier is getting more love from the crew than Horizon
A lot of these guys don't end up backing the game you expect them to. Everyone thought Brad and Jeff would guarantee Doom as GOTY and look how that turned out.
No way Horizon gets GOTY over Zelda. It'll be everyone against Jeff and while he has legitimate gripes he also recognizes what it is
And MGSV would've been so much better if it was just 10 sequences of Ground Zeroes
Goty is basically whether brad or jeff can gather the most allies anyway.
With Dan on Brad's side other games have no chance.
I feel like that's the only swerve in the entire existence of their goty.
The only one not by them that was just as shocking was ryan for skyrim.
The year Mario Maker won had some odd sides picked especially with MGSV and Rocket League.
Y'all be underestimating the POWERHOUSE that is SUPER MARIO ODDYSEY
Y'all be underestimating the POWERHOUSE that is SHADOW OF WARDOR
I want to forgetSpeaking of big games...y'all remember that Mass Effect?
None of Galaxy 2, 3d Land, or 3d World made it onto the staff top 10 list if I remember correctly. I think you guys might be a bit too optimistic there.
New Dong City tho.
It's generally smooth in docked mode, too, and has been even better since they patched it. This sentiment that Zelda has severe framerate problems throughout the whole game has been overblown. Comparing it to a Bethesda game in terms of "jank" is beyond ridiculous.
I want to forget
The only thing guaranteed is that, by hell or high water, Brad is going to get Destiny 2 in the top 10
I want to forget
Omg I hope Alex has seen this video
Simpsons X Persona oh man I've watched this like 30 times
Drew and Lang
Drew and Lang
Palmer Luckey backs Trump with shell companies using Chrono Trigger names
Who needs fantasy when you have reality?