Thanks for all the recommendations guys, I'ma make a playlist or something!
edit: except for you strax that is cruel and unusual. I had terrible flashbacks, relived the whole thing, just from the first 3 seconds

Thanks for all the recommendations guys, I'ma make a playlist or something!
edit: except for you strax that is cruel and unusual. I had terrible flashbacks, relived the whole thing, just from the first 3 seconds
What are your favorite GB videos for when you need a pick-me-up? please send me some of your recommendations.
Giant Bomb's #2 Game Of The Year 2015
Mission 46 has unlocked! 45 has not.
I'll report back with my hot take on the twist of a 2 year old game. STAY TUNED!
Get in touch at or for anything you like.
I wonder how much of Cloth Map Drew actually has...mapped out. The project seems a little directionless.
Eurovision is cool and all, but I hope he's able to find enough gaming-related stuff and it doesn't just become your bog standard travelogue.
I don't like roguelikes with no progression at all. Failed runs feel like wasted time.
Twisted Metal 2 GBE Playdate when?
I wonder how much of Cloth Map Drew actually has...mapped out. The project seems a little directionless.
Eurovision is cool and all, but I hope he's able to find enough gaming-related stuff and it doesn't just become your bog standard travelogue.
I mean, he can't even get a label maker.I wonder how much of Cloth Map Drew actually has...mapped out. The project seems a little directionless.
Eurovision is cool and all, but I hope he's able to find enough gaming-related stuff and it doesn't just become your bog standard travelogue.
I don't get this sentiment that so many people seem to have.
So every time you play a game and don't beat it is a waste?
Isn't just playing the game and enjoying the gameplay the main point of playing games?
I've played Enter the Gungeon for probably 40 hours and never beaten it, yet it's become one of my favorite games of all time.
Maybe it's because I never look up which items are the best, and how to unlock secrets and unlock stuff? I just play the games and find out stuff myself. Like I never quit a run in Gungeon just because I didn't get that awesome megapowerfull weapon. It's fun to just play the game. I play games to enjoy playing them, not just to beat them.
Everybody should give Enter the Gungeon a go, I think it's even surpassed Spelnky for me now. The amount of content and polish that game has is just incredible. It's so much better than Nuclear Throne it's scary. They're only superficially similar anyways. Such a shame it didn't click with Jeff, he really missed a gem there.
What are your favorite GB videos for when you need a pick-me-up? please send me some of your recommendations.
Spelunky is good of course, but it's no Binding of Isaac.
1. RIP Ryan
2. Will will ALWAYS have a seat at the Bombcast for LIFE for this one.
3. The timing of this in the podcast was alarmingly perfectly placed after 15 minutes of droll discussion on data delivery and formatting.
but is it better than nier automataSpelunky is good of course, but it's no Binding of Isaac.
What are your favorite GB videos for when you need a pick-me-up? please send me some of your recommendations.
We almost went three pages of talking about Roguelikes without someone saying "rouge." A new record!
If you learn what an item does, you've made progress every time in a roguelike. I used to hate those games until I made note of that mentality.
Except when what the item does changes every run
Hot take on MGSV:
I mean, that was what I expected. The voice of Ishmael was clearly Sutherland so he was either an imaginary friend or you weren't actually Big Boss. Them asking for a face gave it away (and Drew guessed it too). I think this complicates things but I mean, things were already complicated.
Does this mean Big Boss didn't actually turned bad? Snake was just working for Cipher or something. I don't know, this is a mess of a story.
Also, the story itself wasn't as bad as people made it to be. I thought 4 was terrible with his totally overblown story so this being simpler (twist aside) wasn't that bad. The game suffered from having way too many missions that didn't advance the plot and well they got repetitive.
This series is a mess.
Mission 45 still isn't unlocked. Is it important?
I never look up that stuff. But if there's no progression, every failed run is just waisted time.
I never look up that stuff. But if there's no progression, every failed run is just waisted time. One can both enjoy the gameolay and want to work towards something. If I like the game enough to play after finishing the progression I can. Nothing's stopping me from doing that. I don't want to play a randomly generated roguelike just to kill some time.
Ah, I'm thinking purely in terms of Binding of Isaac. What game does that apply to?
The ending tapes explain more but the gist of the story is...The real BB went to build Zanzibarland while shielding himself from the public eye by using the fake BB(Venom Snake). Making him at the center of the stage. In MG1, Venom Snake dies by Solid Snake and in MG2, the real BB gets burnt by Solid Snake. Having all that aside, the ending also had some meta aspects to it about how all the players are BB and how we all helped keep his legend alive. I loved the idea of it but the execution was not all there, sadly.
Mission 45 just brings a closure of sorts to Quiet. To unlock the mission you'll have to max out your bond with Quiet.
What are your favorite GB videos for when you need a pick-me-up? please send me some of your recommendations.
Time for Metal Gear Scanlon.the meta aspect makes sense even if it went over my head. I think that it muddies the whole "Big Boss turned bad" aspect of the series that I found more interesting than this. I didn't hate it but I didn't think it added much to the lore. Also, why is the game unfinished then?
Yeah, I'm not doing that lol Do I get something if I do all the 50 missions?
Time for Metal Gear Scanlon.
the meta aspect makes sense even if it went over my head. I think that it muddies the whole "Big Boss turned bad" aspect of the series that I found more interesting than this. I didn't hate it but I didn't think it added much to the lore. Also, why is the game unfinished then?
Yeah, I'm not doing that lol Do I get something if I do all the 50 missions?
Just had a thought about GotY. I bet Jeff will shoot down Zelda and argue Horizon is better
Has Jeff said anything bad about Horizon? I don't think his push for Horizon will get him anywhere. Kinda like Titanfall last year.
stamina argument inbound