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Giant Bomb |OT29| Uhhhhh I have a child

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It starts at 11PM over here. 😑

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
You guys ever notice review threads always seem to start with the highest scores?
I expect a loooooooooooooooooooooooot of interesting tech talk

I expect a lot of comparison charts with the PS4 and PS4 Pro and some light shit talk and all the actual tech talk to be left for interviews and such.

Should be a fun show though. MS has always strictly booked their E3 to go along with the Spike TV broadcast so its great for them to finally have wiggle room.

Curious what they got because its kind of the first show they have had in ages without a new Halo or Gears of war. I mean if they want to trot out Gears 4 and show it in 4K they could. THEY SHOULDNT but they could.

I have a few educated guesses but they kind of have a pretty blank slate outside the few games we obviously know will be there


I feel like MS will have a conference similar to the Pro announce briefing, but more upbeat, including direct comparisons between X1 and Scorpio versions for older titles, then focus on how new games will run on Scorpio without the comparison. I am super interested in how they'll actually handle all of this, because 4k doesn't play on stream at all (unless they offer a 4k stream with a high bit rate) and it was a definite problem for Sony during the Pro briefing.

I'm also super interested in how they'll sell Scorpio to those without hdr or 4k sets. I know they have down sampling in place out of the box for all games on a lower resolution display, but showing that during the conference is another matter entirely.

I've been listening to Lockdown on loop for like 30min now... I am so fucking ready for the Weekend!

Now I have this stuck in my head. Thanks!


MS is by far the conference I'm most interested in, even though I'm not getting a One/Scorpio. With Nintendo they've already announced a lot of games they haven't talked about and there isn't a ton of time in that presentation, some I'm not really expecting any new announcements. Maybe a tease of Retro's thing or some weird game that no one saw coming, but otherwise no surprises. And Sony has a ton of games to talk about too, so I don't expect too many new announcements there either. Maybe that Bully thing is real and them, and they show off whatever Sucker Punch is doing and that Dreams game makes a comeback, but they have to show off Days Gone, Spiderman, GOW, TLoU 2, etc.

MS though pretty much has a blank slate. Sea of Thieves and Forza are locks, and almost definitely Crackdown too. After that though, what is there? They'll have this shiny new hardware to push, but they need the games to back it up. And their 1st party stuff doesn't hit the way Nintendo's or Sony's does. So I'm really curious to see what they're cooking up


Neo Member
One of the first things I noticed was the pinky rest.

For me, it's too far forward. My mouse grip tends to be further back than most people, but I still think many will find the rest too small and too far forward.

Other than that, it's a very light mouse and really glides over the included mousepad, which is also great quality. The size is comparable to the RAT, but I find the angles smoother and generally preferable. And I LOVED my RAT mouses while they lasted.

Thanks, that's pretty much all I need to know it should be a pretty good fit. I've got big hands and like to really grab a mouse so the pinky rest should be fine, but it does seem a bit weird at first glance. Yeah, the RATs were great, too bad the side buttons ended up failing on both of mine.
I'm time-shifting #ComeyDay festivities so it was hilarious to go on Twitter and find everyone had moved on to tentacle hentai and Bubsy leaks lol. 2017 is a trip.

Bubsy is the first game I think of when someone mentions Sega Channel.


Dan IS smart, he just had a weird childhood.

Like the squeezing fries into balls thing, I've never heard of a kid doing that.
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