Or maybe some hentai since we're getting sick and twisted.
It would actually be interesting to see Abby's reaction to GalGun.
Next game should be FMV porn game.
I heard Steam has plenty of those to choose from.
Or maybe some hentai since we're getting sick and twisted.
Next game should be FMV porn game.
In reality you're right, but if you are an average consumer who isn't into niche Japanese games (which Yakuza, Nier, Nioh, Persona, TLG, etc. definitely are), then they aren't going to care about that. To put it another way, if one of your friends who only casually owned a 360 last gen and just played stuff like CoD, GTA, and other third party games asked you which console they should get, what would you say? They aren't going to care about all the Japanese exclusives, so it really comes down to where are your friends at, and which of the big first party titles you like more (Halo, Gears, Forza, Crackdown vs Uncharted, TLoU, GT, Horizon).What the hell at that Switch vs Sony and MS talk at the beginning of the bombcast ? Is it new system fog? How can you think the exclusives gap between MS and Sony is so narrow?
Just posting this to get a head start on trashing UPF
They're totally going to play Velvet Sundown.
This is going to be a disaster.
Is this stream just Abby?
If you have a PS4 that already has the game on it, then yesBreaking Abby