Glad he's still at it after so many years. That other guy in the vid tho...who the fuck watches that shit? Dude literally face-planted into a poo-shaped-mound of Nutella.
I'm already over the crew commenting on bens height, I can only imagine what he deals with himself lol
That Vinny/Abby stream was lit.
Now we need to scrap Yakuza after they finish Zero and have duelling Persona 5 endurance runs with Abby/Vinny and Dan/Alex.
the lighting, the mic hiss, the pauses - this really feels like an Eric Andrew show intro
That Vinny/Abby stream was lit.
Now we need to scrap Yakuza after they finish Zero and have duelling Persona 5 endurance runs with Abby/Vinny and Dan/Alex.
No twin tails
do you think alex feels bad that the one week he's off the beastcast, the crew records what they themselves call of of the best episodes ever
do you think that maybe alex is an adult and not a monomaniac
i am literally dying from this cappy question after it took a HARD SWERVE
Was there an East stream today?
it's a really good podcast, Jintor
ben keeping it chill, like upf