Death Metalist
I think we can all agree that Kingdom Heartache > Paxamania
I'm not into wrestling, at all. So, yes(I only watch the highlights & promos).
I think we can all agree that Kingdom Heartache > Paxamania
If they had just made a less obnoxious Borderlands maaayyyybe I would've liked it. Maybe.
It leads me to believe that they've just run out of ideas in a medium that should have infinite ideas.It totally works for games like Mega Man or old Castlevania where the goal is very clear and frequent deaths can cause sections to be repeated over and over.
For Kingdom Hearts, not so much.
Destiny somehow manages to be more obnoxious than Borderlands?
And this is coming from someone who liked borderlands.
Finally finished Nier (2010) and I must say the story was good. Not as good as Automata, but still pretty good. I'd say the worst part of it tho is how to get the endings. I can see why people gave up on their way to or right after getting Ending B, even if getting C and D only take a few hours total if you're smart about it.
Watching Brad's stream from Friday, Mario x Rabbids looks amazing. I really need to get a Switch at some point.
I think they're trying really Really hard to make a world out of Destiny. So because their writers can't seem to figure out how to make this big beautiful world out of all their ideas and concepts, or deliver it well through this loot game that wants to be the only game you play all year, went the adventurous, quippy and quirky route.
Automata is probably the most lenient Taro game when it comes to getting through the true end lol. You should see what you had to do to reach the true end of Drakengard.
I read the synopsis of it once. All the story beats and what you had to do to reach the true end. There's a reason why next to no one ever reached the true end in Drakenguard 1, even if it was the basis for Nier.
Are you guys actually watching Kingdom Heartache, they've been engaged with the game the whole time this episode
It really bums me out that it probably won't make its goal.That Swery game sure got a Swery-ass trailer
Are you guys actually watching Kingdom Heartache, they've been engaged with the game the whole time this episode
Hey while we're talking about nier, one thing I'd like clarified isWas Yorha something established amongst the androids left over after Gestalt/Replicant projects?
Or was it something the machines ended up creating after the aliens that left them on the planet died. Might've gotten the details a little confused since ending C features the tower shooting into space something. Which I took to be another bunker had not 9s ruined it.
YoRHa was created by androids to give meaning to their population after word got out that humanity had gone extinct
Hey while we're talking about nier, one thing I'd like clarified isWas Yorha something established amongst the androids left over after Gestalt/Replicant projects?
Or was it something the machines ended up creating after the aliens that left them on the planet died. Might've gotten the details a little confused since ending C features the tower shooting into space something. Which I took to be another bunker had not 9s ruined it.
Are you guys actually watching Kingdom Heartache, they've been engaged with the game the whole time this episode
Are you guys actually watching Kingdom Heartache, they've been engaged with the game the whole time this episode
After listening to the full body of music from nier, I'm actually torn on this vs. Persona 5 for soundtrack/music of the year.
I've had the nier automata concert video from YouTube on loop at work. The Spanish guitars in that one for the Ancient Song are Really good.
i want to die
Is this you playing it or someone else?
Also, I wish this was coming out for "Steam" PC.
sausage mcmuffin with egg
get like 5 of those
i want to die
c'mon son, I know how to read.Is this you playing it or someone else? video link?
I like the P5 soundtack a lot, I just kinda wish it had more vocal arrangements. Like, the vocal stuff is way too scarce for my liking.
I'm the total opposite. Can't stand the vocalist, but I love pretty much all the instrumental versions.
i want to die
I just clicked at three random spots in the first ten minutes of the video and the player died within two seconds of each one.
I'm shocked and offended that the "run into your enemies with reckless abandon" strategy is nonviable in Cuphead.
After listening to the full body of music from nier, I'm actually torn on this vs. Persona 5 for soundtrack/music of the year.
I've had the nier automata concert video from YouTube on loop at work. The Spanish guitars in that one for the Ancient Song are Really good.
the comments are... something
I don't know, this one might be on to something