3.33 will only leave you angry and frustrated. Just sit on it for a few years and watch it right before Eva 4.0 (or 4.44) comes out.
We will all be dead in a nuclear inferno before 3.0 + 1.0 is out.
3.33 will only leave you angry and frustrated. Just sit on it for a few years and watch it right before Eva 4.0 (or 4.44) comes out.
Jackbox Party Pack 4 looks rough.
I feel like each one (Party Pack) has gotten progressively worse than the first one, aside from that "horror movie" game that I think was in PP3.
Please be this:I'm going to a haunted house with friends tonight and I'm a wuss when it comes to scares. I don't know if I'm doing this for pride or if I just want to face my fictional fears.
Maybe if I laugh it will go better.
I mean nothing is real but fuck jumpscares.
South Park really is one of the few things I'd legitimately blame "both sides". PC Principal turned out to not be a villain or the target of the season, but rather represented an ever-present sense of PC-ness in modern conversation (for better or worse depending on your view), and everyone took the positives and negatives they wanted to out of that instead of looking at the whole thing. Same goes for the whole episode about shaming in its many forms. Like PC Principal it turned into a meme that was a single picture with big impact font "Safe Space" to be utilized by crappy people when it was trying to say a hell of a lot more than that.Just to talk about Season 19 because 20 was lame and I haven't seen this season yet, just a few examples.
- The entire episode against Gentrification and local buisnesses being pushed out
- Being clearly on Hilary's side, both in portrayal of Trump and comments in reaction to Trump winning
- If you watch to the end of the season, you realize that PC Principal is actually celebrated not villified
- This quote from Cartman "Were two privileged straight white boys who have their laughs about things we never had to deal with. There are other meta statements like that in the season
- Tweek and Craig coming out as a gay couple, and portrayed in a much more normal manner than gay characters in the show's past
I don't think their politics are perfect. I wish they were more liberal. And the mammy thing you reference appears to be awful. But overall I would say they do lean left.
And if they have gotten away from politics and current events and closer to the original several seasons of the show about kids being kids, then that's actually what I have wanted from the show for awhile.
And I also admit that I would benefit from rewatching chunks of the show and examining if from a politics standpoint.
We will all be dead in a nuclear inferno before 3.0 + 1.0 is out.
I liked 3.33.
No way, PP3>1>>2, and the games in 4 seemed good to me. What are you basing this on? Did GB do something with it?
You should just stop at 2.22.
3.33 will only leave you angry and frustrated. Just sit on it for a few years and watch it right before Eva 4.0 (or 4.44) comes out.
Only until after we all are cleansed by nuclear fire will we truly deserve the final Evangelion film.
We will all be dead in a nuclear inferno before 3.0 + 1.0 is out.
I don't think that's what rick and morty is either.Evangelion is a tryhard edgy 2 smrt 4 u show. Its like rick and morty but the creators take themselves serious.
Evangelion is a tryhard edgy 2 smrt 4 u show. Its like rick and morty but the creators take themselves serious.
They UPF'ed PP4.
And you're right, I'll agree with that order. I just looked at what games were in which pack.
PP3 has the murder game and Fakin' It, both of which I thought looked cool and fun.
PP1 I liked because all of the games were "solid" in my opinion, and didn't super rely on the whole audience thing.
I feel like PP4 leans way the fuck into the "This is only fun if we stream it" ideas, and the games that are in it don't seem fun to me.
Oh... There's more than one Jackbox game? That explains so much.
Really big fan of Eva as a kid but still haven't seen so much as frame of the Rebuild movies. Not sure why. They're an alternate timeline, right?
Anyone here play DND before? Me and my friends got a starter set and Ima be dming. Should I watch the Giant Bomb unplugged to learn?
Anyone here play DND before? Me and my friends got a starter set and Ima be dming. Should I watch the Giant Bomb unplugged to learn?
I was expecting them to have gave Stick Fight a chance by now. Seem the perfect fit for GB. GI played it recently, and found it a lot of fun
Maybe East will give it a go if they do another Megadate
Anyone here play DND before? Me and my friends got a starter set and Ima be dming. Should I watch the Giant Bomb unplugged to learn?
Mhm. I get that aspect from reading, basically the dm picks how hard things are, if there are any obstructions, and serves as a guiding hands more or less.If it's a starter set from 5.0, then it should be relatively self-explanatory. You'll probably need to go over how the systems work at a high level and help the team along in terms of what certain things do what. Think of it as a boardgame with a larger ruleset, but also freeform in how to approach any given situation.
I've played some pathfinder and 5E, DMing for your first time playing DND is going to be really, really hard. I haven't done a starter set but manage your group's expectations
Mhm. I get that aspect from reading, basically the dm picks how hard things are, if there are any obstructions, and serves as a guiding hands more or less.
Yeah its 5E. Manage expectations, Ill have to do that.
Kinda.Theory is the Rebuild movies take place after the end of End of Eva, so same timeline. There are comparison shots on the web, particularly around 1.11 and the original of the show that make a convincing argument. Biggest being that 1.11 started with a similar shot from EoE with the red sea.
If it's a starter set from 5.0, then it should be relatively self-explanatory. You'll probably need to go over how the systems work at a high level and help the team along in terms of what certain things do what. Think of it as a boardgame with a larger ruleset, but also freeform in how to approach any given situation.
were people mad at him here? I was just 'he just needs someone to explain it to him in terms he understands'
Vinny got about halfway there but he really needs an Austin to step in. (Austin explaining stuff to Dan so that Dan gets it is one of my favourite things about GB cos they jive really well)
PS: DnD sucks for newbies and honestly even as someone who's played a shittonne of CRPGs I don't like DnD or Pathfinder. I actually share a lot of Dan's complaints: it's boring as fuck to actually play because the rules hedge you in too much and the systems are creatively too dependant on whether your DM is any good. 5th edition onwards actually exascerabated this for me since they made the combat more like a tactical game which SUCKS without instant calculators.
I think youre right about Dungeon World being a good fit for him. The only part that was complicated for me was disabusing myself of a D&D mindset and since Dan doesnt have that it should be even simpler.i think dan would really love any game where the GM is flexible enough to go 'Yes, and...'
abby too potentially
DND players are dorks and nerds. Why would cool guy Dan Ryckert associate with people who play it?I also thought the DnD discussion would be much worse after having read people's reactions to it here, but it was completely non-offensive -- though a little bit surprising that Dan hasn't picked up more on what tabletop roleplaying is from general (sub)cultural osmosis.
Anyone here play DND before? Me and my friends got a starter set and Ima be dming. Should I watch the Giant Bomb unplugged to learn?
I already have 3.33 so I'll watch it, but I won't have my expectations to be high for it. Besides, it can't be any worse then MacGruber.
Don't be like Rorie and block people at every juncture. If they wanna do something stupid, figure out a way to fit it in there.
I know you hate the McElroys, but you should check out a few early episodes of The Adventure Zone and a few later episodes and see how Griffin grows as a DM. The guys gradually do dumber and dumber shit, and he just goes along with it.
The only question(s) I'd have for you I guess is do you have a good imagination? And are you good with describing things?
You're basically the writer and director of a movie if you're DMing.
Yes, you can go:
"Okay. You're in a room. Uh...there's a door in here." and hope to lead them towards something.
But, you have the ability to go "You walk into a run-down home that's littered with trinkets and knick knacks. It looks like there's remnants of an old apothecary in here, and there's still some jars with objects in them." and lead them towards going "Are there doors? What's in the jars? What else is in here?" etc.
I don't know if DnD is good for this but I think it's good tabletop in general to cede a certain level of control of things to your players.
Ask questions of your players and use the answers. Let them decide bits and pieces of the world. A world they have authorship of, even partially, is one they're invested in. Of course control the tone - if you're playing DnD your character can't, unfortunately, be a cheap rental car, but being a bit more hands-off than the traditional tabletop experience could probably be fine.
It'll depend game-to-game though... I mean, I basically only play PbtA games so that sort of stuff is baked into the mechanics.
Don't be like Rorie and block people at every juncture. If they wanna do something stupid, figure out a way to fit it in there.
I know you hate the McElroys, but you should check out a few early episodes of The Adventure Zone and a few later episodes and see how Griffin grows as a DM. The guys gradually do dumber and dumber shit, and he just goes along with it.
In some ways it's worse than MacGruber. MacGruber is more honest about itself, at least.
But! I hope you enjoy and make sure you tell us all about it here afterwards.