I don't see why they need to defend it? It was their group pick and something they all liked for an GOTY list that means nothing.
The thing about Dota...there is almost no way to make it interesting for non-fans. It's a pointless endeavor. It's too complex and weird. Which, is I think your point. If you can't make a video for everyone why make it? (but does any video fit that category?)
I viewed this as almost a breaking brad style endurance test. Which is a twist on "just playing dota". Can Brad win games as some of the more difficult heroes? I'd love to see Brad's Invoker or IO games. That's going to be pretty damn entertaining to watch. Imagine Brad is on a 10 game IO losing streak and then starts to pull it off.
Bringing Jeff in would just make it miserable for everyone. Dota fans and Jeff included.
So the question is are there enough Dota fans to make it worth doing? I guess time will tell.
Is Jeff gonna see the new luc besson movie
Also did beast do a stream today
People still upset about their near unanimous decision for Shadow of Mordor for GOTY. God damn, get over it. Bayonetta 2 wasn't that good either.
OoT over Mario 64....unsubscribed
they watched yakuza videos on youtube
I'm real good at Sloshing y'all
I hope some of them include Mr.Shakedown getting one-shoted bythey didn't unlock.the forth styles
Beast in the East: Yakuza 0 - The Supplemental Material
Alex and the boys revisit some missed moments in Yakuza 0, as recommended by the community.
LMAO @ how positive this DotA match it. How atypical is that?
The defense of Mordor in the Giant Beastcast this week is as weak as ever.
Thats experience day in and day out
don't play dota
"Don't play Dota."
Accurate advice.
People still upset about their near unanimous decision for Shadow of Mordor for GOTY. God damn, get over it. Bayonetta 2 wasn't that good either.
dan and vinny are actually recording secret er
Welcome back.B2 has gameplay depth Mordor cant even dream of, and it got rid of the annoying QTEs from the first game. Only the technical limits of the WiiU held it back.
One day they'll realize the Nemesis system didn't catch on in other games because it's not actually that interesting.
All this time later, Wolfenstein still gets snubbed. Doesn't even get mentioned when they talk about 2014 games.
B2 has gameplay depth Mordor cant even dream of, and it got rid of the annoying QTEs from the first game. Only the technical limits of the WiiU held it back.
One day they'll realize the Nemesis system didn't catch on in other games because it's not actually that interesting.
It's weird how often Vinny needles Dan about him not wanting to play P5 considering Vinny isn't actually playing it.
Or is he?
Agree with all of this. I don't know what "fun" thing there is to do with Dota without going into trolling territory, which ruins the game for real people, and they wouldn't do that
Like, I don't know if Giant Bomb was created with the premise of "every single video we make will appeal to every single one of our fans" but I really really really doubt it, some people will just have to get over the fact that under 2 hours of a 20+ hour content week (I counted) was based around a game they don't like
Everyone should give Dota a honest shot. If you have self loathing issues you'll probably love it.
Brad gets boggled, Ben looks for cheese, Rorie shows off his deck, and Jeff finds a new way to play Splatoon.
Well this is gonna dock him some points.
Alex is everyone's best friend because Alex is the best duder by a country mile.Well this is gonna dock him some points.
Dan is no longer my best friend, Alex is my new best friend.
Wait..did he talk shit about Steve Miller band.Ben was totally wrong with his Steve Miller Band take and I appreciate Jason putting him on the spot.