I'm mostly disappointed it's literally just Dota. They could do tons of great stuff with it. If there's an outlet I will watch Dota on it's GB. That's why it's too bad the first episode was literally just Dota. Something I can get from thousands of other outlets. Make it interesting for more people than just Dota players. Get Jeff involved if he wants.
Not everything has to be catered to my wishes. I can still express when I don't like a format and apparently I'm not the only one.
The thing about Dota...there is almost no way to make it interesting for non-fans. It's a pointless endeavor. It's too complex and weird. Which, is I think your point. If you can't make a video for everyone why make it? (but does any video fit that category?)
I viewed this as almost a breaking brad style endurance test. Which is a twist on "just playing dota". Can Brad win games as some of the more difficult heroes? I'd love to see Brad's Invoker or IO games. That's going to be pretty damn entertaining to watch. Imagine Brad is on a 10 game IO losing streak and then starts to pull it off.
Bringing Jeff in would just make it miserable for everyone. Dota fans and Jeff included.
So the question is are there enough Dota fans to make it worth doing? I guess time will tell.