If they don't, I expect Unarchived will grab it.
That would be nice. The Twitch archive loads like 10 secs of video every 10 mins.
If they don't, I expect Unarchived will grab it.
I imagine they will archive the Destiny Breaking Brad on Giant Bomb, right ?
If they don't, I expect Unarchived will grab it.
Well Mr. Torque is hands down the best character in the BL universe. Tiny Tina's Dungeon Romp (or whatever it was actually called) went downhill after his bit was over.
I found it funny how they shut down mario 3d world last year in the goty talks.
i haven't watched much premium content for a few months. is there a particularly good unprofessional friday the last few months i should check out?
If they don't, I expect Unarchived will grab it.
But if they do, won't it be premium content like other Breaking Brads ? Unarchived should take it down in such a case, as it would be piracy.
But if they do, won't it be premium content like other Breaking Brads ? Unarchived should take it down in such a case, as it would be piracy.
So Jeff was lamenting that Destiny didn't play around with gravity on the different planets and it's sounding like he doesn't like how Borderlands implemented it. Wonder what the sweet spot is?
I think he also said that would have gotten incredibly frustrating.So Jeff was lamenting that Destiny didn't play around with gravity on the different planets and it's sounding like he doesn't like how Borderlands implemented it. Wonder what the sweet spot is?
Played it for 1 hour at gamescom and it was fantastic, just like BL2 but on the moon, the thing is if you don't like were BL was going with 2 its not going to appeal to you.
If you hate Clapt Trap you will hate this game.
If you LOVED BL2 and put 250 hours into it like me then you going to love TPS.
Sure maybe hate is strong but he was not going to love it anyway its more BL2 and jeff just did not care for the story and style of BL2 this is no different.
In fact its just more of it.
Yeah it helps when you play with friends.I adored BL1 and BL2 to some extent. BL2 and to a lesser extent BL1 is quite a bad solo experience I find, and the 'raid' bosses that they tried to implement in the DLC left a sour taste in my mouth. I might enjoy Pre-sequel if I temper my expectations and find a good discount though, but I think I'd need a few friends to jump in with me, I find it extremely tough to slog through it by myself.
Yeah it helps when you play with friends.
I played BL 1 and 2 with a friend here at home over LAN 250 hours and had a blast that but was indeed because of co-op and just being the room with someone and playing is just great fun.
I think he also said that would have gotten incredibly frustrating.
I adored BL1 and BL2 to some extent. BL2 and to a lesser extent BL1 is quite a bad solo experience I find, and the 'raid' bosses that they tried to implement in the DLC left a sour taste in my mouth. I might enjoy Pre-sequel if I temper my expectations and find a good discount though, but I think I'd need a few friends to jump in with me, I find it extremely tough to slog through it by myself.
I've actually never played Borderlands 1 or 2 anything but solo.
They're some of my favorite games of all time. Can't say why, they just really appeal to me.
man, what class did you use to beat the Bunker boss? I was on my siren, died probably like 25 times, she was a huge damage dealer too :<
I had never seen Alex's old video review of 24 - The Game. It confirms my stance that Alex has always been in the top tier.
(I don't know why it's on GT the Gamespot version wouldn't load for me.)
A lot of kids played games, but Alex was a gamer.
I imagine they will archive the Destiny Breaking Brad on Giant Bomb, right ?
Uploaded it earlier. Hopefully it should finish processing soon (if there aren't any unfixable errors which can happen with long Twitch rips).
3 stars
That sucks to hear. Jack is a terrible character.
When does Drew come back?
When does Drew come back?
When does Drew come back?
Isn't it a bit dodgy to upload that video on the Unarchived channel when Brad has confirmed that they'll upload the archive on the site/YT? Even if the stream was free and the archive will probably be as well, you wouldn't upload a QL, right?
Any context? maybe an archived link from their website?Oh shit, GB just got called out on MSNBC when they were talking about gamergate!
Bombin' the A.M. With Scoops and the Wolf: 10/13/2014
We curse how badly Microsoft has bungled D4, wonder how QTE final boss fights exist in 2014, explain how yet another developer was chased out of their home this weekend, and answer your questions.
Youtube : Comments are disabled for this video.
Oh shit, GB just got called out on MSNBC when they were talking about gamergate!
Any context? maybe an archived link from their website?
Highly doubt Vinny will be on, going by his tweets about not having a console/PC for 6 months now, and not getting that back until he moves in January.
Brianna Wu was apparently on and called them out for being neutral? All from Twitter.
Isn't it a bit dodgy to upload that video on the Unarchived channel when Brad has confirmed that they'll upload the archive on the site/YT? Even if the stream was free and the archive will probably be as well, you wouldn't upload a QL, right?
They're uploading the entire 7 hour run? Wow. I only watched a bit of the stream, so didn't catch when that was mentioned. Just assumed they wouldn't as they've never posted Twitch rips in the past.
I'll make it private until they confirm.
They're uploading the entire 7 hour run? Wow. I only watched a bit of the stream, so didn't catch when that was mentioned. Just assumed they wouldn't as they've never posted Twitch rips in the past.
I'll make it private until they confirm.