Twin Tails
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Every time we doubt Giant Bomb, they sometimes prove us wrong!I'm sure it wouldn't have happened without our complains
the gb content equivalent of edging
I have no idea what you thought daydream meant, but it was obviously this:Gross!
I have no idea what you thought daydream meant, but it was obviously this:
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I have no idea what you thought daydream meant, but it was obviously this:
I played Catherine on easy. It wasn't that much fun.
I'd rather they just did a VN version of the game because there's no fun to be had with the block puzzle nonsense
I see you're taking revenge on SteamGAF's increased usage of moretz gifs...
Those nerds are so out of style. Saoirse Ronan gifs are where it's at these days.
That makes sense, I can appreciate the point you're making. It's just beyond me at this point. I spent one afternoon last year playing about 3 hours of Mortal Combat 9's story mode that everyone seems to love, hoping it would help me get the whole thing. But all that really happened is I ended up with sore thumbs for about a week. I try my best not to shit on fighting games much, cause I know I'm just an idiot and it's not the genre's fault that I don't understand.
But hey, you wanna know how you do a fireball in Smash Bros? You press B.
And I brought minei brought a gif
Another GBEast live show i can't be home for. Wednesday classes will forever be the worst.
I uhhhhh... erm...well you see the thing is...I know what you're sa...but uh...I bet you didn't get this image by searching "Catherine edging".
Dan didn't go to his classes and he turned out fine.
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This will lead to me buying this game, won't it.
Don't forget TrackIR!Gotta buy the wheel, pedals and shifter first.
Do you know what deep examination of a shallow pool nets you? Wet shins and maybe some dirt in-between your toes. You can see everything from the surface, so trying to go much deeper than that is pretty much a waste of time. And it really annoys the tadpoles.
Whoa, that was a metaphor! I'm going to pat myself on the back AND head later.
What I'm trying to say is: These are just video games. The desire for some sort of deep "integrity" in the games press is charming in its continued naiveté. While it must suck that the mind share of the old horses in the games press is being usurped by these young stallions on YouTube with questionable "ethics," the huffing and puffing of said games press bandying about my handily quoted buzzwords is laughable.
There are product reviews and there are paid endorsements. Folks like Danny do product reviews that are bound by restrictions that were created by the publishers to control the message as much as possible by these mavericks. The paid endorsements are created by the publishers in this brave, new streaming video world to completely control the message. They're two sides of the same coin. It just happens to be that one side of the coin is old and nicked up, while the other side is shiny, new-looking and getting all the gol-darned attention! That sparkling, ebullient side of the coin also makes more cash money than the tarnished side of the coin without even having to leave their bedrooms or learn how to edit video properly! Grr!
Very little in life is an even playing field that Danny is bemoaning, especially in commerce. Oh, that JonTron (ugh) got to talk about that game you want to talk about before you're allowed to? Well, get as much attention as that guy (I'm not writing that stupid handle again) and maybe your publishing masters will let you put out videos early. Worried that these streamerinos (trademark pending) might be paid to be positive on the game? It's usually marked as paid content, so who cares? Do the games press think that the consumers are so stupid as to just blindly buy whatever someone says? Cognitive dissonance much? Well, there are a lot of stupid people out there, but who cares? It's video games. People have a right to do stupid things and spend their money however they want. I don't think any streamer is urging viewers to Jihad or using Crest toothpaste.
I'm getting tired of folks in the old guard complaining about the shift in marketing from them to these unethical, money-grubbing upstarts. They both push a product for the publishers, just one side thinks they're doing some profound public service. If you don't like it, innovate your ethical, range-fed coverage. Miffed at how someone who calls himself... *sigh* JonTron (Last time!)... is stealing your thunder? Make up your own cool handle and wear a silly hat, or something. Maybe juggle. The kids LOVE juggling! It's the hornet's forehead! Hmm... not going to trademark that one. Innovate and move forward.
I'm not really singling out Danny on this, but his Tweets a few pages back sparked my neuron bundle. Alex also often takes this holier-than-thou tone, as well as pretty much anyone in the "traditional" games press. They'd probably enjoy their not-profound-but-enjoyable careers a lot more if they just realized that games don't matter, accept the leash they're bound to by the publishers, commerce comes before art, and just have fun and not get into high school bull-honkey about who's getting more attention than you are. Again, they're just video games. Sure, they cost money, but so do Crock-Pot's.
I'm not endorsing these streamadingdongs (Better?), by any means. I find them annoying and unbearable, but I'm also older, cynical, and far more handsome. The Adonis of Troll Mountain, they call me. The Apollo of Cave Troll Hollow--I'm coming for you!
If I had seen this when you posted it I probably would have ordered Dominos.This live stream deserves the finest of cuisine.
This made me cringe harder than any of the PAX Q&A nightmares
This made me cringe harder than any of the PAX Q&A nightmares
It's already making the rounds....You know what to do gbgaf.
I look forward to Soha's article about Garnet.
Yes, chat is missing for me as well.Is anybody else completely missing the chat area on the chat page for the QL Live?