so who else is excited for Pokemon S&M
so who else is excited for Pokemon S&M
Holding out for Pokemon Mpreg
Didn't Jeff say he still has that guitar somewhere?
well i was gonna wait till i could pick up superhot with my march money but for 8 i had to bite immediately
They need to make some more levels for it though
there's a good breakdown for how the game shakes out for free users in the ot. the gist of it is that you will hit a wall relatively quickly and to overcome it you will have to grind the daily puzzle for some weeks so
effectively, the game is free-to-start
not exactly what I want to hear on launch day
guess I'll wait for a sale
aw jeez is this it? 376 days of doing daily puzzles doesn't sound great. I don't know if I wanna buy it though, or if I even could, my 3DS is NTSC-U and so I set my NNID to Canada...
aw jeez is this it? 376 days of doing daily puzzles doesn't sound great. I don't know if I wanna buy it though, or if I even could, my 3DS is NTSC-U and so I set my NNID to Canada...
Tim Turi on UPF tomorrow.
i mean, you can always download it and play it till you hit that wall and then decide
provided you've already played picross ds, picross 3d or the picross e series, of course, because if you haven't, pokecross can wait
Indeed! I wanna make him play some shitty old survival horror game like I always used to do at Game Informer. For those that haven't seen those, the best were Overblood, Illbleed, Blue Stinger, Cyberia, and shit like that. Does anyone have any suggestions for a game along those lines (survival horror/adventure/shitty FMV or voice acting) that I can easily download on Steam? I'm leaning towards BlackSoul, which is along those lines. If anyone has a better idea, let me know.
Indeed! I wanna make him play some shitty old survival horror game like I always used to do at Game Informer. For those that haven't seen those, the best were Overblood, Illbleed, Blue Stinger, Cyberia, and shit like that. Does anyone have any suggestions for a game along those lines (survival horror/adventure/shitty FMV or voice acting) that I can easily download on Steam? I'm leaning towards BlackSoul, which is along those lines. If anyone has a better idea, let me know.
Indeed! I wanna make him play some shitty old survival horror game like I always used to do at Game Informer. For those that haven't seen those, the best were Overblood, Illbleed, Blue Stinger, Cyberia, and shit like that. Does anyone have any suggestions for a game along those lines (survival horror/adventure/shitty FMV or voice acting) that I can easily download on Steam? I'm leaning towards BlackSoul, which is along those lines. If anyone has a better idea, let me know.
Indeed! I wanna make him play some shitty old survival horror game like I always used to do at Game Informer. For those that haven't seen those, the best were Overblood, Illbleed, Blue Stinger, Cyberia, and shit like that. Does anyone have any suggestions for a game along those lines (survival horror/adventure/shitty FMV or voice acting) that I can easily download on Steam? I'm leaning towards BlackSoul, which is along those lines. If anyone has a better idea, let me know.
If only you could get the PC version of Martian Gothic somehow, to immediately reopen fresh wounds.Indeed! I wanna make him play some shitty old survival horror game like I always used to do at Game Informer. For those that haven't seen those, the best were Overblood, Illbleed, Blue Stinger, Cyberia, and shit like that. Does anyone have any suggestions for a game along those lines (survival horror/adventure/shitty FMV or voice acting) that I can easily download on Steam? I'm leaning towards BlackSoul, which is along those lines. If anyone has a better idea, let me know.