i mean, i would love for them to decrease the amount of games if that's what it takes. having to find 6 games every month, 2 per platform, must be difficult now that both the PS3 and Vita libraries have been winding down for a while.
Shit, they're giving Super Stardust HD and the Last Guy on the ps3. I forgot that one of those games existed and the other has to have been purchased by like 80% of the PS3 userbase over the years. And then there's reality fighters on the vita, a turd amongst turds.
If they came out and said, Two PS4 games a month and just one for PS3 and Vita with the promise that it will be a less-is-more approach then I would be okay with that. But I can't imagine that A) that would go down well with some folks and B) anyone would actually believe that they wouldn't just release 4 meh games a month instead.
and again, with MS actually putting out a somewhat competent lineup in comparison this month it makes this miserly PS+ look like what it is, and that's from someone who is actually looking forward to a couple of the PS+ games.