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Giant Bomb XX | Donut Create Push

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Deadly Tower of Monsters gets weird in a good way near the end. Love this game.

And to stay on topic and on the subject of weirdness - what are some more classic QLs in the style of Velvet Sundown (damnit Sharla!)
In Elementary School, classmates and teachers loved my drawings. Middle School I still felt pretty good about my abilities. Then in High School, there were a handful of students that could really draw well and it made me realize how garbage I was. It's strange the effect that had. I loved to draw and then I just stopped and I didn't feel bad about it. I just thought well that's a waste of time for me and stopped. I still doodle non-stop in meetings and what not but I think in like 20 years, outside of things like Pictionary, I've probably sat down to try and draw maybe 3 times, before that it was something I did almost daily.
that happened to me with playing music. at some point it kind of occurred to me that there was an upper limit of talent I was going to hit and just kind of got deflated and stopped.

in the last 5 years or so I kind of learned to play for my own satisfaction. not worrying about some kind of audience, real or perceived, got me to enjoy doing it again.

it's weird, because the natural outcome, or the expected result, is to share art once it's made. it's kind of nice to break out of that mindset.
All this Zelda talk has me kinda regretting i've never beat a 3D Zelda. I just can't get into them despite loving the 2D games. I have Wind Waker HD, I should just sit down and force myself to play through it so I can at least say for certain if I like them or not.
All this Zelda talk has me kinda regretting i've never beat a 3D Zelda. I just can't get into them despite loving the 2D games. I have Wind Waker HD, I should just sit down and force myself to play through it so I can at least say for certain if I like them or not.

WWHD is the best choice to begin with. Just learn how to obtain the fast sail early as possible.
So is there any actual reason to believe the new Zelda is going to be on Nintendo's NX thing, or just pure speculation? I haven't been following that stuff too closely.
I believe they said it would be pushed to NX, no?

Nope, still Wii U but there's a rumour from a verified source that it will be on NX as well.

Yeah I just read this article from 2 days ago that seems to be pretty confident that's the case. I may very well not get a Wii U after all. It will be the first Nintendo platform I don't own.

Yep that was their source. I'm not actually clear on why they're lending it so much credibility, but it certainly seems plausible.
Nope, still Wii U but there's a rumour from a verified source that it will be on NX as well.

Is the implication that it's what Last of Us Remastered PS4 was to the PS3 copy? All the NX threads I click on are hard to follow. I see signs of it being a portable Wii U. Other times a system with PS4 or XB1 power. On Zelda Wii U, suggestions it will be months ahead of the NX copy later this year?
I may very well not get a Wii U after all. It will be the first Nintendo platform I don't own.

Dude there are a lot of good games on the WiiU, I wouldn't just write it off. Maybe pick it up at a discount if none of them grab you, but you're really missing out by not playing Splatoon or Bayo 2.

Is the implication that it's what Last of Us Remastered PS4 was to the PS3 copy? All the NX threads I click on are hard to follow. I see signs of it being a portable Wii U. Other times a system with PS4 or XB1 power. On Zelda Wii U, suggestions it will be months ahead of the NX copy later this year?

Everything about the NX is rumor and you shouldn't put much weight into anything other than official sources. All I know for certain is that the NX will be announced this year, likely at E3. But considering Nintendo did this for TP I wouldn't be surprised if it was on both consoles.


Afaik the reason a lot of people believe the Zelda NX rumor is that it also mentioned a Pokemon game codenamed "niji" coming out later in the year, which was discovered to be Pokemon Sun and Moon's codename when it was revealed
Dude there are a lot of good games on the WiiU, I wouldn't just write it off. Maybe pick it up at a discount if none of them grab you, but you're really missing out by not playing Splatoon or Bayo 2.

I definitely want to play Splatoon but my gaming time is so, so limited these days. Especially with my Rift and Vive coming in April, I just can't justify buying a Wii U at this point. And who knows, maybe the NX will be backward compatible? It's a bad time to buy a Wii U.
Yep that was their source. I'm not actually clear on why they're lending it so much credibility, but it certainly seems plausible.

This guy comes from nowhere and says he has a source at Nintendo. Everyone thinks he's full of shit like most people who say they have a source. He posts a list of 3DS releases that includes weird codenames, unannounced games like Disney Art Academy, and Pokemon "Niji." NeoGAF admin verifies his source could plausibly have access to the information. Disney Art Academy appears on a retailer website. The guy who leaked Pokemon Black 2/White 2 corroborates some of the weird codenames. After Pokemon S&M is announced, Nintendo sends out a S&M press release with art assets containing "niji" in their file names. That's too much to be a coincidence. The same guy also said NX is 2016 and Zelda is coming to NX, so people are inclined to believe that is also true.


Afaik the reason a lot of people believe the Zelda NX rumor is that it also mentioned a Pokemon game codenamed "niji" coming out later in the year, which was discovered to be Pokemon Sun and Moon's codename when it was revealed
Edit: nckillthegrimace's summary above is great

Yes the correct niji name is a big reason why the Zelda NX rumor from the same source might be true. The information was around for a couple of days, but that e.g. got Jason Schreier to publish an article about it.
The hardware (console/handheld?, ..) of the NX is still speculation, we have at most a list of suppliers that Nintendo will probably work with. So no idea whether Zelda NX is a handheld version or has better graphics than Wii U or has different controls or does not have specific gamepad features.
This guy comes from nowhere and says he has a source at Nintendo. Everyone thinks he's full of shit like most people who say they have a source. He posts a list of 3DS releases that includes weird codenames, unannounced games like Disney Art Academy, and Pokemon "Niji." NeoGAF admin verifies his source could plausibly have access to the information. Disney Art Academy appears on a retailer website. The guy who leaked Pokemon Black 2/White 2 corroborates some of the weird codenames. After Pokemon S&M is announced, Nintendo sends out a S&M press release with art assets containing "niji" in their file names. That's too much to be a coincidence. The same guy also said NX is 2016 and Zelda is coming to NX, so people are inclined to believe that is also true.

Ah, ok that makes much more sense. Seems pretty likely.


There's no difference, they're both out this year.

I meant like when people kept saying Persona was out last year. I didn't actually realize there were doubts about this year.

If Zelda is an NX game I guess that's an excuse for showing so little of it. But for Nintendo to announce at E3 and get it out in 5 months or whatever sounds pretty crazy to me
Weren't they still swearing it was a 2015 title like a week before they delayed it to 2016. Just sayin'.

I think it was just Atlus USA who kept stating that. Either way it's nowhere near the point to start worrying about a potential delay. If we get to April and there's no sign of release date announcement coming then it's probably going to be delayed but for now it seems to be on track.

If Zelda is an NX game I guess that's an excuse for showing so little of it. But for Nintendo to announce at E3 and get it out in 5 months or whatever sounds pretty crazy to me
If Zelda is coming to the NX then it would make sense to save it for E3 as part of a big NX direct, they've also shown it a little before as well so I imagine the next thing they show would be a substantial thing that they would want to save for something like E3.
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