who's nice shoes are those
is that brad
is brad the man with the good shoe.....maker
who's nice shoes are those
is that brad
is brad the man with the good shoe.....maker
guys max payne is pretty good but it feels like it was made for savescumming
Where's that breathing coming from.
it's the robot whirring
do you ever not go for ad hominem arguments for no reason whatsoever
this is the biggest trade since disney traded an espn announcer for oswald the rabbitwat Giant Bomb traded for the rights of Snacktaku
Let's place bets on which wrestler shaves Patrick. Most likely is Xavier Woods, but I'd love if it were Big E.
Let's place bets on which wrestler shaves Patrick. Most likely is Xavier Woods, but I'd love if it were Big E.
Let's place bets on which wrestler shaves Patrick. Most likely is Xavier Woods, but I'd love if it were Big E.
Im not the first, right?
I mean, WrestleMania is right around the corner. I wouldn't put it past Dan to get himself booked.Dan should have bet that he could shave Patrick's head like Vinny did his.
But... you do though. Like the only time you ever @ me on twitter is to "actually" me about a piece that I said I liked. And every time people talk about the GB Presents pieces here you show up to go "this isn't good actually". You can cry ad hominem all you want but it's basically sticking your fingers in your ear going I AM RUBBER U R GLUE.
Dan should stick with it, he's so close to joining Brad in the Mile High Club.
Im not the first, right?
This game does not look all that swell.
The democratisation of dev tools was a mistake.
Ok I just got home and they're talking about LARPing. What else have I missed?