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Giant Bomb XX | Donut Create Push

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They really are doing good work with Game Tapes. Sony would probably not like to highlight E3 2006, so there will probably never be an official E3 2006 upload from them. And there seems to be only one video on YouTube of the entire conference currently (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLjWeMTwRVc). Once the raw video gets uploaded to YouTube, it'll be the best version to watch. In a way, by doing this, they are preserving video game history (good and bad).
Division scored high because
it's a LT RT shooter.

The previous streak was three 3/5s. Now the current streak is three 4/5s. How long will it go and what score will break the streak?
Division is pretty fun. Repetitive sure, but every damn game in existence is repetitive.

This argument is so fucking terrible. Yeah when you dilute games down to their barest essence you're on the money, but that's not what repetitive means in the context of playing a game.

Anyway I'm surprised with Jeff, but I suspect having a regular posse helps out which is pretty typical of this sort of game. Kind of curious if we'll have another Destiny GOTY moment somewhere down the line.
This argument is so fucking terrible. Yeah when you dilute games down to their barest essence you're on the money, but that's not what repetitive means in the context of playing a game.

Anyway I'm surprised with Jeff, but I suspect having a regular posse helps out which is pretty typical of this sort of game. Kind of curious if we'll have another Destiny GOTY moment somewhere down the line.

It's true though.


what repetitive means to me (if you describe a videogame to me as repetitive) is boring

we talk about gameplay loop because, man, that's what gameplay is in a system for the most part

so long as i'm not bored, it's not repetitive

stardew valley is literally get up water the crops check in on my chickens then go do whatever, each day every day, but it's not repetitive to me... yet

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Division is going to be one of those games Jeff will shit on months from now that he actually reviewed rather high. Kind of like Crysis 3.
How can you hate Destiny so much and like The Division. I guess Jeff really prefers the cover based faux tactical gameplay of The Division huh.


there really should be an option to turn off visible orbits...

There is, he just isn't using it.

This was the hardest Project Beast video to watch. They're in perfect position for rendezvous for like half the video but they just don't know what to do next. Then when they do get close they want to slow down, but instead of pointing retrograde they point target/anti-target.

Their re-entry was funny though. They finally realized 30-35 km is the point of no return when it comes to re-entry. You can be coming in from the far reaches of the solar system going super fast, but the planet will still pull you in if you get that deep in the atmosphere. They would've been absolutely fine if they didn't land on a mountain. They also would've been fine if they put a drogue chute on their craft. A drogue chute opens at a higher altitude and speed vs the normal chute. The idea is to use the drogue chute to slow you down fast enough so you can deploy your main chute faster.

And their Kerbals Ark ship can definitely get to that last Kerbal. That thing has so much fuel, I think you could go on a solar system tour with that thing. It would be even better if Vinny replaced the engine with a more efficient one. He keeps using that rocket on everything, if only he realized its one the shittiest engines to use outside of atmosphere. And Vinny had the idea of putting a space station between Kerbin and the stranded Kerbal. That would mean he would have to dock. If he has so much trouble just getting close to something, no way will he be able to dock two vessels together, its probably the hardest thing to do in the game, in my opinion. Plus the idea of a station there wouldn't work. Kerbin, the station, and the stranded Kerbal would all have different altitudes in their orbits around the Sun, meaning they're going different speeds. They would quickly become out of sync.

The way to get that last Kerbin isn't that much different compared to how they've been doing it. Its just that now you have to break out of Kerbin's sphere of influence and orbit the Sun, which is slightly more delta-v than getting a Mun encounter. Then its just the same process as the last two times, but now you're orbiting the Sun, and the time scales will be longer too. Getting back into Kerbin's influence will also be a pain in ass, and probably take a long time.

They really should have just done one video of them rescuing one Kerbal, and then moved on to trying to land on Minmus or other planets. Minmus is actually easier to land and return from than the Mun is, and people like Scott Manley say to go for the Minmus first because its easier. I think a Kerbal can even get into orbit with just their EVA pack.
It's probably too late then (as in I'll have no one to play with) but I might give The Division a go in the summer. Can't really start playing a game like that right now, Giant Bomb content alone is doing a good enough job keeping me from writing my master's.
How can you hate Destiny so much and like The Division. I guess Jeff really prefers the cover based faux tactical gameplay of The Division huh.

Yeah, that's crazy to me. Destiny feels better in almost every way, better enemy design, has way better loot and makes The Divisions UI look like shit.

But opinions and such I guess.
How can you hate Destiny so much and like The Division. I guess Jeff really prefers the cover based faux tactical gameplay of The Division huh.

I think the key thing to remember is his reasons. Jeff doesn't hate loot driven games but he does hate being lied to, and he hates not seeing games live up to a potential. He really enjoyed The Taken King, even if the stream showed him dying from illness over the course of the raid. The Shooting Feels GoodTM. There are a lot of small good things in Destiny's favor, but the content output hasn't been great for the game and it's tough to see where that IP is going to go next.

The Division, on the other hand, at least has a solid year ahead of it, and knowing Ubisoft it's probably going to stick around for a hell of a long time. The Division doesn't have to live up to Halo either, which I think matters quite a bit here. I'm sure he'll elaborate on the podcast.

Maybe Brad not being obsessive about it has an effect?

idk it's 1:45am and things are topsy turvey so maybe I'm just talking out my ass. Internet connection aside, I personally can't stand the UI and the setting so I doubt I'll ever get into the game until the steep discount period when everyone is playing Division 2 or 3.


There is, he just isn't using it.

Is there a way to turn off orbit visualisation for individual craft? I know I can turn off 'all landers' or 'all capsules' or whatever, but when that disables the icon for the craft i'm actually piloting, it can get a mite tricky.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
People really don't talk about how cool Kazuya Mishima is. Of the 'main fighting game characters' coolness levels, he's up there. Def cooler than Ryu.

they even tried to bury him by pushing his lame Poochie son and realized Kazuya was way cooler and put him back in the spotlight. And his uncle is Akuma.
People really don't talk about how cool Kazuya Mishima is. Of the 'main fighting game characters' coolness levels, he's up there. Def cooler than Ryu.

To be fair, Ryu is pretty much the original "main fighting game character," so anything else should be cooler.

Also, Fighting Vipers' main character is pretty much a character from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, so he's probably up there.



Kazuya is a loser though. Loses to his son, loses to his father, gets thrown in volcanoes. How can I support someone like that?

Also it's hilarious that only Kazuya, Heihachi and Jin win the Tekken tournaments. Why do the other guys even bother competing? There's been like 6 tournaments and its been monopolized by one family.
you guys were so ready to bust one over a middling review for this game it's hilarious. you expected to be on the receiving end of the germanword but now you're the source.

just watched a streamer do some high level PvP. when they fix the dark zone it's going to be a lot of fun, it looks like. Really hoping the first two months of free content are great because this game has legs.
Kazuya is a loser though. Loses to his son, loses to his father, gets thrown in volcanoes. How can I support someone like that?

Also it's hilarious that only Kazuya, Heihachi and Jin win the Tekken tournaments. Why do the other guys even bother competing? There's been like 6 tournaments and its been monopolized by one family.

Shouldn't anyone working for Mishima Zaibatsu (and their direct family) be banned from entering the tournament anyway?

Guess Who

To be fair, Ryu is pretty much the original "main fighting game character," so anything else should be cooler.

Also, Fighting Vipers' main character is pretty much a character from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, so he's probably up there.


this character is so blatantly jotaro kujo i don't know how the fuck they got away with it


you guys were so ready to bust one over a middling review for this game it's hilarious. you expected to be on the receiving end of the germanword but now you're the source.

just watched a streamer do some high level PvP. when they fix the dark zone it's going to be a lot of fun, it looks like. Really hoping the first two months of free content are great because this game has legs.

i like that game a lot. 50+ hours already, but the dark zone is essentially a failed idea. it's really not anything near what it's potential was.
when they fix the dark zone it's going to be a lot of fun, it looks like.

In what way could they fix it? Adding more enemies? Placing PvE missions in the DZ? If so, padding isn't the solution.

I had high hopes for the DZ (had over a day play time in each of the betas) but something told it would fail. I feel that it did.


they need to rebalance the loot/currency/xp situation in the DZ, make pvp more fun/viable, and then add a reason to go to the dz besides those things. Like DZ specific _______ . I don't know.


The upset with that Division score!

I don't know, like I said I enjoyed it. It does need more varied side content though, a better end game and the DZ need some tweaking to make going Rogue more worthwhile. Maybe hand out Phoenix Credits for getting to a high Rogue rank and then surviving.
I don't think that's true at all

Every game ever:
A)gameplay is a simple set of steps, steps can be few or many(ie jumping/attacking)
B)use steps over and over
C)sometimes steps may seem different or they may add more steps throughout the game but the core is more of the same
D)no matter what steps will be repeated


Boy, Fire Emblem Conquest doesn't pull punches. Coming over from Birthright has been a real upswing in difficulty. Part of that is Fire Emblem having a reverse difficulty curve, so going back to the beginning is always tricky, but the game definitely expects you to be on your toes. I was initially planning to knock Conquest down to Normal after playing Birthright on Hard, but 3 Chapters into it and I'm having so much fun I kind of want to stick with it.


Unconfirmed Member
Every game ever:
A)gameplay is a simple set of steps, steps can be few or many(ie jumping/attacking)
B)use steps over and over
C)sometimes steps may seem different or they may add more steps throughout the game but the core is more of the same
D)no matter what steps will be repeated
The best games mix up how you use your tools all the time. The best Mario games introduce new ideas in pretty much every level. Repetition happens when there's nothing left to experience for the first time and nothing more to learn.
The best games mix up how you use your tools all the time. The best Mario games introduce new ideas in pretty much every level. Repetition happens when there's nothing left to experience for the first time and nothing more to learn.

the same can be said about 3d shooters, no? Things don't always happen the same, if you're playing with a group things will go differently then when you're playing alone, even doing the same thing multiple times can be different depending on the tools that you use.

When you boil it down, every game is about repetition in order to get rewarded.
Every game ever:
A)gameplay is a simple set of steps, steps can be few or many(ie jumping/attacking)
B)use steps over and over
C)sometimes steps may seem different or they may add more steps throughout the game but the core is more of the same
D)no matter what steps will be repeated
If you have to be this reductive then your argument is kind of weak.
The best games mix up how you use your tools all the time. The best Mario games introduce new ideas in pretty much every level. Repetition happens when there's nothing left to experience for the first time and nothing more to learn.

More fuel for the "Super Mario Maker is the best thing to ever happen to video games" argument


Boy, Fire Emblem Conquest doesn't pull punches. Coming over from Birthright has been a real upswing in difficulty. Part of that is Fire Emblem having a reverse difficulty curve, so going back to the beginning is always tricky, but the game definitely expects you to be on your toes. I was initially planning to knock Conquest down to Normal after playing Birthright on Hard, but 3 Chapters into it and I'm having so much fun I kind of want to stick with it.

I thought the reverse difficulty curve would be in effect, but ~20 chapters or so in it has only gotten harder.


the question is whether games are repetitive

to put it simply

yes they are all repetitive
Even if we grant you this, it doesn't follow that all games implement repetition in interesting or rewarding ways. And it seems to me that the complaint people are leveraging against the Division can be rephrased as precisely the complaint that the repetition in the game is not implemented in any interesting or rewarding way.
Rewatching Mario Party Parties in bits and pieces and it's amazing how great of a story 5 tells (Dan really goes the extra mile to put Drew over), and
3 is almost singlehandedly ruined by Brad's "I don't care" veneer


I hope they play some SF5 now that Jasons back. That game has its hooks in me deep. I should have known this would happen. I played a ton of SF4.
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