The funniest thing in the world to me would be Brad going to that Doom level again tonight. I legit enjoy it and the reactions to him playing it over and over.
It's kinda samey. Makes me think of Brothers or something. Edit: Trine. that's what it is.Most of Unravel's music -- the violin specifically -- is grating to my ears. :/
It's like a hair removed from nails on a chalkboard.
i like that pretending to have a dull and soul searching line of work where youre constantly pondering your existence while doing day long deliveries is exactly how alex chooses to relax and unwind
Most of Unravel's music -- the violin specifically -- is grating to my ears. :/
It's like a hair removed from nails on a chalkboard.
Alex's genuine smile scares me...
Escort mission but the person I was supposed to escort was unselectable. I've done like 10 of them before with no problemWas it the invulnerable inactive bad guy?
It's bad if youre coming from having played 3 damn solid hitman games. It's clearly of the era where publishers were terrified of funding AAA stealth games so they made compromises to make it much more action oriented.
I'm hoping that MGSV has a great influence on both future stealth games and publishers willingness to fund AAA development of them. Square Enx apparently is doing this half step where they're letting Hitman happen but in chunks but i suppose that's better than nothing
Smile of the Year.
Re: Unravel
It shouldn't bother me as much as it does but having Yarnie be able to push boulders and other 3D objects along his yarn is dumb! They put the effort of rendering everything as realistically as possible, giving him physics based momentum and generally try to ground it in reality but then they employ that mechanic.
i like that pretending to have a dull and soul searching line of work where youre constantly pondering your existence while doing day long deliveries is exactly how alex chooses to relax and unwind
And you call yourself Giant Bomb's Japanimation correspondent.I've seen neither, and don't really have the time for either! But I had just told Vinny (a big fan of the original FMA) about FMA: Brotherhood's existence a couple of weeks ago. so that was the relevant one!
Truckeing QL needs to be live and it needs to have web radio.
Truckeing QL needs to be live and it needs to have web radio.
Kerbal: Project B.E.A.S.T - Scott Manley Edition
VIDEO ON FEB 15, 2016 03:00 PM
Sweet. Didn't notice that before now.
Anyone know if you can watch livestreams on the Plex app?
i like that pretending to have a dull and soul searching line of work where youre constantly pondering your existence while doing day long deliveries is exactly how alex chooses to relax and unwind
Is it just me or does the main character in Quantum Break look like Jeff Bakalar?
Is it just me or does the main character in Quantum Break look like Jeff Bakalar?
He totally does.
I think he looks like Jake from the terrible Animorphs TV show.I think he looks like Iceman from X-Men.
I think he looks like Jake from the terrible Animorphs TV show.
Who is Who?
On the right is CBS Interactive's Jeff Bakalar. Not sure who that is on the left.
From the way they talked about Project B.E.A.S.T. at the end of the Beastcast it sounds like Beast themselves aren't involved in the Scott Manley episode. At least only Drew and Scott are involved.