soundahfekz said:
I wanted to respond to this too.
I'm trying to think of any scenario in which where if someone pissed me off, I'd have a specific time frame for dialogue, and I just can't. Just how people make time for others when they want, it's the same energy behind this kind of situation I feel.
How does one come up with an appropriate date to have discourse with their s/o? What is significant about that amount of time? I've read your posts about you drinking, but I also had a feeling that mood when drunk could be being used by both of you (you to get her back) to deflect mutual responsibility in other relationship issues. If you have a true drinking problem, that's an entire different scenario of course.
By the way, you should have beat the brakes off of one of those pussies, or at least entertained the possibility. You're single right now, and I can't actively believe that she's being a perfect angel waiting for this ultimate conversation towards Thanksgiving. You only live once, and more often than not, holding out for someone who gives you some arbitrary date of when you can talk will result in regret on other opportunities passed up when things don't pan out.
The reason we had to set up a specific time frame for dialogue was because she goes away to school. Thanksgiving Break is the next time she'll be home and we both agreed that this will probably be enough time for us to take a step back and look at our relationship and ourselves. At the time of the breakup, I was willing to drive 300 miles to her school and work things out, but I must say that even though this month has been a roller coaster, I think it has been enough time for me to figure myself out.
I just got back from an AA meeting. I have been going for a little over a month and it has been pretty liberating. I now know that I do not have a true drinking problem, but I am just a really terrible drunk. It was funny when I was telling my sponsor my story and he kept trying to finish my sentences because he believed I was much worse than what I was telling him initially. I am not an alcoholic, but I want to be among people that don't want to drink.
Having said that, I don't think the drunkenness was an excuse to break up because we had other relationship issues. The fact is, we really didn't have any. From everyone that I have spoken to that knew both of us pretty well, it seemed like we really had a strong relationship, and we did. We were always there for each other. Even when I was piss drunk and crying that I couldn't play soccer anymore, she didn't give up and stayed there for me throughout the night. When she transferred schools, I made sure I visited nearly every weekend to make sure she didn't feel alone. We were always there for each other and never had any real issues with each other.
Sure, she did hold back a lot and didn't really let me in on a lot of things, but it was never a major issue. I see other relationships that are full of major problems and it makes me pretty upset that I look back at what we had and it was much better than the peak of other people's relationships.
For instance, my good friend is a devout Catholic. He believes that couples should wait until they're married to have sex. He has been with this girl for over 8 months. In the first few months, the girl wanted to be completely honest with him and told him that she lead a very wild lifestyle prior to meeting him. My friend became really upset with her and has been holding this against ever since. He is still struggling with the fact that she had sex with other men before marriage and has forbid her to talk about her past. So now, they're relationship is pretty one sided. She is always trying to prove to him that she is better than what she used to be, while he holds the possibility of breaking up over her head at all times. It's not healthy and again it frustrates me that our relationship never got to that point and we are basically done.