zatara said:The fucked up thing is that before saturday things between us I thought was going great. But now that I realize that atleast during the last 3 weeks she's been texting a dude non stop, it's just something I can't, not forget. All the times she would be texting right when she woke up and all through the day started to make sense, just about all the time we were together she was texting this dude. That doesn't sit well with me.
Since I started my new shift last month we've had one day off together a week and all we did was watch tv and i sat on the couch and she'd be on the recliner. Now i know during that time, the only day we have to spend some time together, she's texting another dude.
Orgen said:Stop remembering all the shit she has done to you, close your laptop, grab your mp3 player, go out for a walk or running and when you finish take a good shower. This will clear your mind and make you feel better, I can assure you.
And when she gets home proceed as planned.
Orgen said:Stop remembering all the shit she has done to you, close your laptop, grab your mp3 player, go out for a walk or running and when you finish take a good shower. This will clear your mind and make you feel better, I can assure you.
And when she gets home proceed as planned.
zatara said:do you think she will get pissed if i show her a paper with all the logins for the websites i use to pay our utilities and such? i always took care of the bills.
Mammoth Jones said:Agreed about the walk but remember each piece of disrespect. When she gets home, spit all that shit out and give her CLEAR OBVIOUS EXAMPLES about what she has been doing that caused this to happen.
If she doesn't give a shit, so be it. But lay all that shit out when she gets in so at the very least she can't act like she doesn't comprehend why you're doing what you're doing.
Marriage is fine. In his case, it sounds like she made it pretty much clear from the get go that she was going to do what she wants, when she wants. That's what you have to watch out for. Anyone who can't compromise for the benefit of their SO shouldn't be in a relationship, much less married.~Kinggi~ said:Never get fucking married. Guys like Zatara confirm it.
~Kinggi~ said:Never get fucking married. Guys like Zatara confirm it.
~Kinggi~ said:Never get fucking married. Guys like Zatara confirm it.
~Kinggi~ said:Never get fucking married. Guys like Zatara confirm it.
J2 Cool said:snip
Why not take some dance lessons? No joke. They're fun!Etrian Oddity said:So, in an effort to better myself, I've decided that I'm tired of not knowing how to dance. XD
Each night, I'm gonna play Youtube videos and get a little workout in building some rhythm and coordination. Gonna stick with recent stuff--already got the Cupid Shuffle down, now the next target is the Dougie. XD
Trust me the Dougie is easy as fuck but really impresses the ladies. Speaking of finding new hobbies, (well this one isn't really new, just rekindling an old one) I'm going to start cooking up new recipies thanks to the Iron-GAF cookoff thread.Etrian Oddity said:So, in an effort to better myself, I've decided that I'm tired of not knowing how to dance. XD
Each night, I'm gonna play Youtube videos and get a little workout in building some rhythm and coordination. Gonna stick with recent stuff--already got the Cupid Shuffle down, now the next target is the Dougie. XD
Cooking alone is therapeutic. Cooking with/for a lady is impressive. Use it as a second or third date to impress the pants off a lady you're courting.CherryWoodFuton said:Trust me the Dougie is easy as fuck but really impresses the ladies. Speaking of finding new hobbies, (well this one isn't really new, just rekindling an old one) I'm going to start cooking up new recipies thanks to the Iron-GAF cookoff thread.
Well I'm planning on cooking for a bunch of lady friends in a week so I guess that should help with demonstrating my value....soultron said:Cooking alone is therapeutic. Cooking with/for a lady is impressive. Use it as a second or third date to impress the pants off a lady you're courting.
Etrian Oddity said:So, in an effort to better myself, I've decided that I'm tired of not knowing how to dance. XD
Each night, I'm gonna play Youtube videos and get a little workout in building some rhythm and coordination. Gonna stick with recent stuff--already got the Cupid Shuffle down, now the next target is the Dougie. XD
CherryWoodFuton said:Well I'm planning on cooking for a bunch of lady friends in a week so I guess that should help with demonstrating my value....
.lawlohwhat said:Yea! Cuban dancing is the way to go. After learning salsa, cumbia, merengue, cha cha, etc, anything else will seem really easy.
Take lessons!
zatara said:The fucked up thing is that before saturday things between us I thought was going great. But now that I realize that atleast during the last 3 weeks she's been texting a dude non stop, it's just something I can't, not forget. All the times she would be texting right when she woke up and all through the day started to make sense, just about all the time we were together she was texting this dude. That doesn't sit well with me.
Since I started my new shift last month we've had one day off together a week and all we did was watch tv and i sat on the couch and she'd be on the recliner. Now i know during that time, the only day we have to spend some time together, she's texting another dude.
Tetra-9 said:Why do so many women stay in abusive relationships when they know there's potential for other, stable relationships?
Usually cooking leads to engaging physically, so you're already 1/3 of the way through.CherryWoodFuton said:Well I'm planning on cooking for a bunch of lady friends in a week so I guess that should help with demonstrating my value....
I think I may take Beginning Modern Dance or Beginning Recreational Dance next fall (spring classes are locked), haha.soultron said:Why not take some dance lessons? No joke. They're fun!
Not that that's a bad idea, but is there any danger that would seem transparent to some girls? Like it's obvious what your main reason for being there is? /cynicsoultron said:Why not take some dance lessons? No joke. They're fun!
whogivesashit.giffaceless007 said:Not that that's a bad idea, but is there any danger that would seem transparent to some girls? Like it's obvious what your main reason for being there is? /cynic
CherryWoodFuton said:.
I don't know your ethnicity but spanish chicks will be at your mercy if you learn those dances
faceless007 said:Not that that's a bad idea, but is there any danger that would seem transparent to some girls? Like it's obvious what your main reason for being there is? /cynic
TheVampire said:So Im on this dating site right.
Today I load up my facebook and I have a new email message thing.
Its from a girl who saw my profile on this dating site and tracked me down on facebook so she could add me and talk to me on there since she isnt a fan of dating sites (I didn't put my surname on my profile)
(she mentioned how she got a little creative and shes defently not crazy or a stalker)
She also was born on the 10th of November when I was born on the 11th of November and is now 26 like me.
Crazy weird huh?
She also lives close to me so thats another plus and is attractive.
Just wondering if this is fate or something just bizzare.
If it was the other way round...TheVampire said:So Im on this dating site right.
Today I load up my facebook and I have a new email message thing.
Its from a girl who saw my profile on this dating site and tracked me down on facebook so she could add me and talk to me on there since she isnt a fan of dating sites (I didn't put my surname on my profile)
(she mentioned how she got a little creative and shes defently not crazy or a stalker)
She also was born on the 10th of November when I was born on the 11th of November and is now 26 like me.
Crazy weird huh?
She also lives close to me so thats another plus and is attractive.
Just wondering if this is fate or something just bizzare.
So, funny story.
Kind of anyway. Maybe a little sad, but mostly really funny if you know me.
So after a fairly rough stretch of life the past few months... I've decided to try to put a ton of of stuff behind me. A lot of things that have been dwelling on me, things that honestly don't matter in the grand scheme of things, and decided I need to wipe my hands clean of all of it. So, after coming to this realization on my birthday, I've taken a somewhat new attitude towards how I handle trouble/adversity in my day to day life.
I'll skip over this for the most part except for the mention, but I had an awesome date on Saturday night, and hope it'll lead to another. I'll leave it at that, because I'm superstitious. Ok, maybe just a little stitious. Yes, I recycled that from Michael Scott... hey kettle, I hear you saying "That's what she said" every 5 minutes... don't judge.
In any case, this blog post isn't about that. When the time comes to write about that, I will. I'll probably write about it anyway, and just not post it until much further down the line.
No, this blog post has to do with another woman who I'd been messaging with back and forth lately. Slowly breaking down all the walls to all my friends that I usually put up because I don't want them to know every single detail of my life, since I'm usually very open about everything I do talk about, I just like to keep some things to myself. This was one of them, but now the cat's out of the bag. I'm on a dating site. *GASP* I know, how awful.
What's the standard lie for saying you met someone on a dating site anyway? I've heard cooking class. Is there still a stigma about using a dating site? I'm getting sidetracked again.
So, this woman messages me not too long ago, we chat through the site for a bit, exchange numbers, and text back and forth for a while. I'm mostly non-chalant about it, as I don't have much interest in the woman, but she took the time to write me a message (ok all of 4 words), I figured the least i could do is reply, and have a quick chat. We had a nice conversation, a lot longer than I expected to, but it was enjoyable. I left it open, and went about my day. Got another message later in the day, so we started talking a bit more, asked for her number cause at a certain point it gets boring having to check the message through the site. We texted back and forth some more, and never really much more than that, asking when she was free, typical getting to know someone/trying to set up a possible date at some point conversation. Yeah, that's what happens on these things. Scary isn't it?
So, after a few days, more conversation, I get the following question last night...
"Would it be weird if I asked you to call me?"reply:
"No, not weird, but I can't right now, talking with my cousin about his birthday. Maybe we can talk tomorrow"My response apparently sent her brain flying in a million different directions, here are some awesome excerpts... (reading through them, it's amazing how much the ability to text like a normal coherent person seems to line up with someone being emotionally stable) not really sure what to say... AKWARD
What is awkward is that im laying in bed texting u... and u r having a conversation with someone else at the same time is he seeing the text
Nice texting with you.... to many red flags sorry...done that been there...seems like u have ur phone on silence as to not awake a insignificant u couldnt call because...that is the lamest excuse ever...oh well same shit another good luck in ur search for a lover...not trying to be dramatic its just so a little smarter than that...night night
Well if even after that ur cousins conversation at 1 am about a bday party that is tomorow and aperently nobody remembered until now...u still cant call then im right anyways really nice convrdsations the only thing i regret is that i was really beeing sincere about it i feel like an idiot...guess thats part of on line dating....never nowing whos lieing intil u put 2 and 2 together
Maybe it is my inability to trust...but too late now...sorry hope you have better luck on ur account i just went and canceled mine...who am i kidding im nrver going to trust anyone
Yikes... heh. My cousin's birthday was yesterday (11/13) and he was in San Antonio and Austin with his brother and mom (my cousin and aunt), to go visit with their sister (my OTHER cousin) who's in SA for school, and then go to Austin for the birthday boy's dance show. None of this is really in any way relevant, but that's why we were discussing that overnight, because that's the only chance we got to really talk all weekend.
Even if that wasn't the case, I'm not entirely sure I would have called the woman anyway, but mostly because it was midnight and I had at least intended to go to sleep by then, and didn't want to engage in a conversation with anyone, and have to hang up 2-3 minutes later cause I'm falling asleep. Apparently it was a test to make sure I wasn't married... heh. So guys, I guess I have a wife I don't know about. Heh heh. It totally shocked me. I mean, come on, me? Someone's gonna marry me? Put up with me each and every day until the end of time?**
**Your mileage my vary
So she flipped out over me not making a phone call cause I was busy/tired. People are goddamn paranoid. Maybe I've just managed to become less cynical and don't feel the need to distrust everyone until proven trustworthy.
faceless007 said:Not that that's a bad idea, but is there any danger that would seem transparent to some girls? Like it's obvious what your main reason for being there is? /cynic
Hey, send some videos our/my wayEtrian Oddity said:So, in an effort to better myself, I've decided that I'm tired of not knowing how to dance. XD
Each night, I'm gonna play Youtube videos and get a little workout in building some rhythm and coordination. Gonna stick with recent stuff--already got the Cupid Shuffle down, now the next target is the Dougie. XD
Rei_Toei said:Meh, I've been doing some dating after breaking up with my GF. One date was nice but immediately friendzoned the girl - just not my type. Then hooked up with two other girls, only to conclude that I'm really not over my ex yet. I don't know, guess I have to get her out of my system first before I can really move on. Sucks :/
Miguel said:I typed this in my blog, but I'll copy/paste here, cause this woman basically flipped the fuck out because I wouldn't call her (I was busy in a conversation with my cousin and it was like midnight/12:30, and was going to be getting ready for bed she wasn't really that interesting and if I even did go with her, I'd probably only be looking to hook up and be done with her, (as you can see by her txtspeak in the middle of the post), she was just all sorts of crazy... lol
PhoenixSFT said:Wow she seems nuts. I met a girl just like that on OKC, she acted like she was entitled to me and was pissed when I turned her down because I just wasn't into her. Probably was "rich girl syndrome".
or get her msn address, which can very often be used to find her on facebook to check how good she's looking if she uses the "Fat Girl Angle Shot" on the dating site.Miguel said:Haha, in regards to that, since apparently everyone ever has linked their FB account with their phone number... if you ever get a girls number you can pull up her name (assuming her FB account has her full name) through the "Find Friends" option on iPhone/Android.
I've used it mostly to check for alternate photos than the 1-2 someone posts on there.
Chat up on site, get number, find name, search for it on my desktop facebook, check pics... then continue messaging and decide on whether to ask for a date or not.
Salsa dance is a COUPLE's dance so we guys are needed and have a valid motive for being there.faceless007 said:Not that that's a bad idea, but is there any danger that would seem transparent to some girls? Like it's obvious what your main reason for being there is? /cynic
zatara said:staying at my brothers will update when I get to a laptop.
zatara said:staying at my brothers will update when I get to a laptop.
hipgnosis said:Having a first date with a new girl tomorrow. The girl seems awesome, very attractive, studys law and has the same taste in music.
Feeling the daterush coming again!