I dump her today and meet her tommorow on some tender where I need to sell my stuff.
I have no idea what this means.
I dump her today and meet her tommorow on some tender where I need to sell my stuff.
I have no idea what this means.
So many wrongs don't make a rightso Im texting this girl who's fairly attractive (but has a kid) and lives like two hours away. (I dont drive)
the girl's my age (23) we get along well (and she's not looking for any kind of sugar daddy, she has her own agenda),not sure if I should pursue this, it'll be fucking time consuming and costly for me if I do, with no guarantee anything will come of it. (that wasnt a double entree, lol)
Indeed, trying to turn this into him spying, really, that's basically admitting you've done something wrong if you're trying to deflect that hard.Yeah I'd say fuck the meeting and dump her tomorrow. It's not just the profile but she had the nerve to try and flip it on the dude because he wanted to let okcupid know they were a couple. She's probably gonna dump him on Saturday anyway. Preemptive strike that shit.
I never had too much trouble getting phone numbers on that site. *shrug*
it means that when you want to sell your product there are other offers and there is this girl who hates you and works for the company which organized this tender you won't likely to sell them anything because she REMEMBERS and choose some other company for any bullshit reason.
it's just an example.
I'm not having trouble getting numbers. My question is 'When I give out my number, why do the girls give me their number in the response message?' Are they too scared to pursue? Not that interested? Want the man to take lead?
Online dating is easy as long as you're decent looking.
You just need to be funny and willing to make some concessions on looks.
Having good comedic timing is hard to learn but you can pretty much perfect anything with practice.
Slightly overweight is great because it's easily fixed. Look for people who could greatly improve their appearance with small changes that others can't so easily see past.
If you're looking for a finished product, you better be perfect yourself because women who 'have it all' either aren't on dating sites or are so incredibly picky that you don't have a shot.
This whole entire predicament you're in sounds so forced and artificial. Are your parents and her parents trying marry you guys off or something? Or is this just a classic case of parents treating their kids like play things? "Oh wouldn't it be cute if our son and daughter got together?! Tee-hee-hee-heeee!"This is probably going to sound pretty pathetic but here goes. So my parents wanted me to talk to this girl that lives pretty far away to get to know her as her parents are apparently family friends and their daughter is single as well.
The only thing is that its communication via instant messenger. At first I had no intention of talking to her since I was too concentrated on trying to find work and make money. Now my parents have been on my back about it so much I finally caved in.
The only thing is what do I talk to her about? So far I just asked about her school life and random shit. She doesn't even have free time for hobbies because of school so I basically I don't even know what she is into. Can someone give me some ideas on what to ask her so I can get to know what kind of person she is? She did not seem that communicative and it was mostly I who was leading the conversation.
So the other day I secretly made out with a friend of mine while we were hanging out with her family but the problem is that she is in a relationship... is been on my mind for a few days if I should ask her why did kiss me and stuff like that. What should I do? =/
I wouldn't even bring it up. Chances are it didn't even mean anything and she was just looking to have some fun. Probably a one time thing, bringing it up would be overkill.
Is it cool to call a girlon a Friday to hang out on either Saturday and Sunday? Or should I just wait 'till next week and call ahead a few days in advance of getting together? I'm talkin' a date here.
FixedJust got the "I just got out of a serious relationship and don't want to date" bomb. Fuck her.
Uh, nearing 2 years, but I'm about to end it with my GF I think. She's backed out on me twice the last two days on events that I've had planned for weeks. Not cool.
Uh, nearing 2 years, but I'm about to end it with my GF I think. She's backed out on me twice the last two days on events that I've had planned for weeks. Not cool.
Tell me I'm a moron. This is a dumb idea.
Sounds like a fun time to me.Gotdamn it. Girl who I got friendzoned by on Wednesday agreed to hang out again this Sunday.
I'm going to try my luck this time, no regrets. I can't honestly be friends with some girl who I'm attracted to. (I'm putting it on the pedestal, fuck.) I'd rather fuck shit up, make it awkward, and then explain myself now rather than forcing myself to hang out with her for months on end while pining for her.
Tell me I'm a moron. This is a dumb idea.
Gotdamn it. Girl who I got friendzoned by on Wednesday agreed to hang out again this Sunday.
I'm going to try my luck this time, no regrets. I can't honestly be friends with some girl who I'm attracted to. (I'm putting it on the pedestal, fuck.) I'd rather fuck shit up, make it awkward, and then explain myself now rather than forcing myself to hang out with her for months on end while pining for her.
Tell me I'm a moron. This is a dumb idea.
Gotdamn it. Girl who I got friendzoned by on Wednesday agreed to hang out again this Sunday.
I'm going to try my luck this time, no regrets. I can't honestly be friends with some girl who I'm attracted to. (I'm putting it on the pedestal, fuck.) I'd rather fuck shit up, make it awkward, and then explain myself now rather than forcing myself to hang out with her for months on end while pining for her.
Tell me I'm a moron. This is a dumb idea.
Gotdamn it. Girl who I got friendzoned by on Wednesday agreed to hang out again this Sunday.
I'm going to try my luck this time, no regrets. I can't honestly be friends with some girl who I'm attracted to. (I'm putting it on the pedestal, fuck.) I'd rather fuck shit up, make it awkward, and then explain myself now rather than forcing myself to hang out with her for months on end while pining for her.
Tell me I'm a moron. This is a dumb idea.
Don't confess your feelings. Can you provide some more details?Dude. I'm in a similar situation, and I am so damn tempted to tell her that I really like her. But I don't have the balls to, and I'm afraid of what is going to happen next, ie, moment of awkwardness, and shit like that... Fuck. I might as well tell her sometime before the semester is over or something... sigh.
so instead of going a date with a cute girl tomorrow night, she informs me that she got an email from her accounting group saying that they have to get together tomorrow night and do stuff for her project. on a saturday night. freaking sucks. got this awesome outfit and everything. I was so excited to get back into things and now back to nothing.
Just got the "I just got out of a serious relationship and don't want to date" bomb. Fucker.
Uh, nearing 2 years, but I'm about to end it with my GF I think. She's backed out on me twice the last two days on events that I've had planned for weeks. Not cool.
Gotdamn it. Girl who I got friendzoned by on Wednesday agreed to hang out again this Sunday.
I'm going to try my luck this time, no regrets. I can't honestly be friends with some girl who I'm attracted to. (I'm putting it on the pedestal, fuck.) I'd rather fuck shit up, make it awkward, and then explain myself now rather than forcing myself to hang out with her for months on end while pining for her.
Tell me I'm a moron. This is a dumb idea.
Why give your tender to a company that's not worth your product?
I'm just kidding. I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
I think you don't know what a tender is and that's hilarious, but I'm sure there are some good online dictionaries for you to look through. Hint: look through economics/business section.
How do you guys work around a girl having her own car?
How do you guys work around a girl having her own car?
If I offer to pick her up alot of times they just say they they can meet me at what ever place.
How do you guys work around a girl having her own car?
If I offer to pick her up alot of times they just say they they can meet me at what ever place.
Get her to drive you everywhere.
You probably had a pursuing/dating vibe when she just wants to hook up (God, I sound more like Brent every day xD). Could be salvagable if you're more casual about it.Just got the "I just got out of a serious relationship and don't want to date" bomb. Fucker.
Just postponed, right? Sucks but not the end of the world. Just go out with some of the guys instead, wear that awesome outfit of yours and see what happens.
And to be fair, finals are coming up for a lot of schools, so that's probably a legitimate excuse and not her trying to blow you off.
You probably had a pursuing/dating vibe when she just wants to hook up (God, I sound more like Brent every day xD). Could be salvagable if you're more casual about it.
I did this recently actually. I wrote my number down on a piece of paper, handed it to her and just gave a little explanation like "this is so corny but I think you're cute and we should grab a drink sometime." Then what do ya know the next day she called me and we went out.How do you go about hooking up with a girl that works at a store you frequent? There's a Hastings in town and a girl I'm interested in works there, and the few times we've talked while I was in line have gone over well. She's playful and slightly flirtatious and I'd like to get a number or something, but I don't know how to transition from a guy that comes into the store to a guy that's interested in her without being creepy.