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Girl-Gaf - A thread for girls.

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thebaroness said:
AMEN! I keep saying if I could just skip the first 2 years (including the nine months carrying) I would be much more enthusiastic about having a kid. I want to converse and teach it things, but I want to skip all that diaper and breast feeding nonsense.

It doesn't help that I was just playing Catherine and fought this bitch of a boss:


Holy bananas that is creepy..

Yeah, I totally wanted to adopt too, just to skip most of that lameness the second time around (plus, it's good for the kid!). But my family seems to think that is crazy talk and that my adopted kid would grow to be disloyal or something and that I would not feel the same about them. So much ridiculousness.

Though my greater plan was to have one kid, adopt the other one with the same age (to even out my boy and girl distribution), and not reveal to either of them which one is the adopted one, but tell them it COULD be either of them! Fun times and ammo for future arguments~! Family laughs will be had.

How wrong is it to want kids to carry out many fascinating social experiments with them?


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Prax said:
How wrong is it to want kids to carry out many fascinating social experiments with them?
That statement reminds me of a friend of mine who was into Yaoi manga and had a plan to encourage her male sons to be gay :p
FlightOfHeaven said:
There was no way to end it well. It could only end. You did the right thing.

Thanks. I think you're right.

I'd rather not post what he said. Someone asked if it was sad or angry. It was a little of column A and a little of column B.

It wasn't outwardly either. It was subtle enough to make me feel really bad, and he seemed hurt but understanding. I just never wanted to have to deal with this.


Professor Beef said:
You could teach them to hate the things you hate!
Or.. Love the things I love!

I intend to give them choices. But darn it, they better choose the right ones.. >:I

BocoDragon said:
That statement reminds me of a friend of mine who was into Yaoi manga and had a plan to encourage her male sons to be gay :p
Hahaha! That is kind of.. REALLY CREEPY.

Well, I certainly wouldn't mind. I'd say one of the two I will have has good chances of being gay anyway.
Breast feeding non-sense?

Not that I can ever really see myself having kids at this point, but I think breastfeeding is a pretty amazing thing. To know that a baby is actually living off of something that comes from your body. Also, from what I understand it's a really special bonding period. I've spoken to older women who say they regret having not breastfed their kids.

Plus, it's like a cheatcode for giving your kid +1 intelligence.

On the topic of teaching kids to be awesome. How can I get my 4 year old niece into awesome video games? I tried to get her to play Canvas Curse but that's actually a bit complicated for a kid that young.


Professor Beef said:
If not, they're out of the family!
Nonono, they still need to carry on my legacy.
I want credit for the rest of their future works as they are a part of my creative enterprise.

Well, unless they are evil jerks. Line has to be drawn somewhere. >_>
Ducky_McGee said:
Breast feeding non-sense?

Not that I can ever really see myself having kids at this point, but I think breastfeeding is a pretty amazing thing. To know that a baby is actually living off of something that comes from your body. Also, from what I understand it's a really special bonding period. I've spoken to older women who say they regret having not breastfed their kids.

Plus, it's like a cheatcode for giving your kid +1 intelligence.


I understand all this. My brain has the knowledge that it's good for the kid, but it still freaks me out. All I can see is a parasite leeching onto me and it gives me icky chills. Plus I can't help but think about how it would ruining my beautiful breasts and turning them into chewed up saggy pancakes. I know it's immature selfish thinking but that's exactly why I'm not having a kid!
Prax said:
Nonono, they still need to carry on my legacy.
I want credit for the rest of their future works as they are a part of my creative enterprise.

Well, unless they are evil jerks. Line has to be drawn somewhere. >_>
"Oh, your kid is on the honor roll, eh? Well, mine just graduated from Harvard. Suck it."
thebaroness said:
Plus I can't help but think about how it's ruining my beautiful breasts and turning them into chewed up saggy pancakes.
thebaroness said:
I understand all this. My brain has the knowledge that it's good for the kid, but it still freaks me out. All I can see is a parasite leeching onto me and it gives me icky chills. Plus I can't help but think about how it's ruining my beautiful breasts and turning them into chewed up saggy pancakes. I know it's immature selfish thinking but that's exactly why I'm not having a kid!

If that's your only reason for not having a kid then... Hmm. Evidently your boobs get way bigger when you have kids.

Except so does your vagina. :/

Double edged sword....
BocoDragon said:
That statement reminds me of a friend of mine who was into Yaoi manga and had a plan to encourage her male sons to be gay :p

That sounds like the kind of person who shouldn't be a parent. Being gay should always be up to the individual to discover, not forced into because of the mother's fetish.


Ducky_McGee said:
If that's your only reason for not having a kid then... Hmm. Evidently your boobs get way bigger when you have kids.

Except so does your vagina. :/

Double edged sword....
Breast pumps + C-section!

And cosmetic surgery.

Boy, kids are expensive.
Ducky_McGee said:
If that's your only reason for not having a kid then... Hmm. Evidently your boobs get way bigger when you have kids.

Except so does your vagina. :/

Double edged sword....

Well it's certainly not my ONLY reason. Money, time, resentment, my body, not emotionally ready, etc.

But actually I grew quite a bit when I started BC. I'm close to a D cup now, I really don't want breast feeding ruining them. I saw my best friend's sister's breasts when she was complaining what 2 kids breastfeeding had done to them. They were really saggy and loose, it was sad :(
That's a tough decision. Wreck my vagina or have a big ugly scar.

I'm not looking forward to this decision if I ever have to make it.

Actually I have a question. Does anyone here have an IUD or NuvaRing? What's your experience with that? I HATE using condoms (and obviously so does my boyfriend). I'm on the pill and I hate having to remember to take it, which I sometimes do, which leads to having to use condoms anyway.

So something like the nuvaring seems like a pretty good idea except you only use it for 3 weeks at a time from my understanding, with a week in between.

If anyone has one would you be willing to talk about it?


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
thebaroness said:
That sounds like the kind of person who shouldn't be a parent. Being gay should always be up to the individual to discover, not forced into because of the mother's fetish.
I agree of course. Encouraging someone to be gay is the other side of the coin as encouraging them to be straight :p
Ducky_McGee said:
Actually I have a question. Does anyone here have an IUD or NuvaRing? What's your experience with that? I HATE using condoms (and obviously so does my boyfriend). I'm on the pill and I hate having to remember to take it, which I sometimes do, which leads to having to use condoms anyway.

So something like the nuvaring seems like a pretty good idea except you only use it for 3 weeks at a time from my understanding, with a week in between.

If anyone has one would you be willing to talk about it?

Same here! I hate condoms, one of the big benefits to a monogamous relationship. If I were single, I could never sleep around, I'm not getting saddled with some disgusting STD! Condoms just kill the mood completely. "Hey baby, I know we're fooling around and things are getting hot, mind pausing for a sec to put this rubber glove on your dick?"

But yeah, I used a NUVAring once, it was really comfortable and you don't even notice it. IUD freak me out too much to ever consider. I switched back to pills because it's the cheapest way for me and I don't mind taking it everyday. I just leave it next to my computer.
thebaroness said:
Same here! I hate condoms, one of the big benefits to a monogamous relationship. If I were single, I could never sleep around, I'm not getting saddled with some disgusting STD! Condoms just kill the mood completely. "Hey baby, I know we're fooling around and things are getting hot, mind pausing for a sec to put this rubber glove on your dick?"

But yeah, I used a NUVAring once, it was really comfortable and you don't even notice it. IUD freak me out too much to ever consider. I switched back to pills because it's the cheapest way for me and I don't mind taking it everyday. I just leave it next to my computer.

What freaks you out about IUDs?

I don't know much about them.
You could always adopt. Helps with overpopulation, and gives a parent-less child a home. They will still "carry on your legacy", so to speak, since how they are raised matters more than whose genes they carry.


Loser slave of the system :(
kisaya said:
Nice music, I'll pass it around! :) I didn't know musicians had it bad in Saudi Arabia, but I understand because the country my family is from is just as conservative (Yemen). I wish you all the luck!
Thanks! And yeah, it is pretty bad. I've been in the Saudi music scene for almost 10 years and we've only been able to organize about 5 shows in that time. Last proper show was in 2008 (there were other low-key ones though). Religious police really crackdown on musicians.
Necromanti said:
You could always adopt. Helps with overpopulation, and gives a parent-less child a home. They will still "carry on your legacy", so to speak, since how they are raised matters more than whose genes they carry.
Eh, that's debatable. In fact, the nature vs. nurture debate has been one of the longest-running debates in psychology ever since the field was created.
At least personally, I know I would want to pass on my genes


cooljeanius said:
Eh, that's debatable. In fact, the nature vs. nurture debate has been one of the longest-running debates in psychology ever since the field was created.
At least personally, I know I would want to pass on my genes

You're right. I think what she means though is that what you have control over and will know for sure is how you'll raise them, you have no idea what exactly the kid will inherit from you (or what the adopted kid has inherited obviously) so you'd be just as powerless there.
AbsoluteZero said:
I never realized how attractive she was until I saw her without the pink hair.
I had a fairly large crush on her when I saw her in the movie "Sky High." Shame she was the Big Bad.
The main character's nature friend was hotter.
I believe i'm adopted.

No-one has outright said to me if I am or I am not adopted, but I have a sneeky suspicion that I am. However, to people who say "oh they'll be disloyal etc". Well for me it's kinda weird. I love my family, but I'm not close to my family. I respect them for being them for me and bringing me up, and i'll always be there for them.

But I don't tend to see most of my family outside seasonal holidays, if even that. I really don't have that connection with them that I can tell them everything that goes on in my life or I want to hear every detail that goes on in their life. Even though we're family, we're better off apart. It's strange.

Dunno what that does to anyones opinion when going for an adopted kid.
thebaroness said:
Anyways I think I might have a genuine phobia of pregnancy. The very thought of having a kid, and the physical changes I'd have to go through to push one out make me ill.

I feel this way, entirely. That, coupled with the fact that I don't find kids cute or feel an urge to nurture them makes me think I just shouldn't have them. As weird as it sounds, kids kind of creep me out.


Loser slave of the system :(
My opinion may seem somewhat irrelevant, being a dude and all, but I highly agree that the very idea of popping a baby out of my body sounds absolutely terrifying. I wouldn't be able to go through with it. Not to sound like a total wuss, but I seriously wouldn't want to go through most of what women go through (child birth, menstruation - possibly leading to devastating bear attacks!) and I highly respect you lot for that. Okay, so maybe I am coming off as a total wuss but whatevz. Respeck.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
AgentWhiskers said:
My opinion may seem somewhat irrelevant, being a dude and all, but I highly agree that the very idea of popping a baby out of my body sounds absolutely terrifying. I wouldn't be able to go through with it.

The real tragedy are the 9 months of alcohol deprivation =/

Almost a whole year without beer.

If we were the ones to give birth they'd have to chain us to a post.
Bitmap Frogs said:
The real tragedy are the 9 months of alcohol deprivation =/

lol. Well, I barely drink anyway. No money :p

oooh What did you think nof Catherine? I got the feeling that there was absolutely no female input into the game, other than the voice actors. The whole game was just incredibly... misogynistic, and the "personality questions" were really dumb. Thank god for those puzzle levels though.
Found this in the funny picture thread and wanted to complain about it.


Seriously, what is it with guys on the internet? Do all my male friends secretly feel that way and just don't express it?
I can tell you right now: no, they don't.
It is ridiculously creepy to hang out with someone who wants to be friends because you delude yourself into thinking there is a chance you could fuck. I mean, what about friendship? Can you not see people as people instead of "woah a girl! She wants to be friends? That secretly means she wants to fuck me and not her boyfriend right? sweet! Oh wait, she doesn't? What a bitch man. leading me on". Side note: I've only ever come across these types on gaf.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
I know tonnes of bros who are like that. been ruining my drunken conversations with my bros for ages. I trust it will fade with age.
Narolf said:
How many of them are in couple?

um, very few of them?
I met them all through my boyfriend and they made up my friendship group in high school. No one would dare try anything. Sometimes you can just tell though, what feels like friendship. I can usually tell which girls they are interested in, and it ain't me.

It can work. I have seen it work.
shanshan310 said:
Found this in the funny picture thread and wanted to complain about it.


Seriously, what is it with guys on the internet? Do all my male friends secretly feel that way and just don't express it?
I can tell you right now: no, they don't.
It is ridiculously creepy to hang out with someone who wants to be friends because you delude yourself into thinking there is a chance you could fuck. I mean, what about friendship? Can you not see people as people instead of "woah a girl! She wants to be friends? That secretly means she wants to fuck me and not her boyfriend right? sweet! Oh wait, she doesn't? What a bitch man. leading me on". Side note: I've only ever come across these types on gaf.

My problem is that guys who think this way seem to think that they're the ideal guy and the girl in question is just to stupid to see it. That's fucking insulting as hell. You ain't that damn great, get over yourself.


Not pure anymore!
Some people only go out with people they are somewhat close to, though. Maybe I'm weird but I wouldn't go out with a guy that I wasn't already comfortable with or somewhat close with. If I liked a guy I'd want to get to know him first before jumping into the whole dating business.
Inanna said:
Some people only go out with people they are somewhat close to, though. Maybe I'm weird but I wouldn't go out with a guy that I wasn't already comfortable with or somewhat close with. If I liked a guy I'd want to get to know him first before jumping into the whole dating business.

no no, I can understand that completely. Same with me. At the same time though... attraction has to be there on both sides.


Black Canada Mafia
shanshan310 said:
Found this in the funny picture thread and wanted to complain about it.


Seriously, what is it with guys on the internet? Do all my male friends secretly feel that way and just don't express it? [spoiler] I can tell you right now: no, they don't. [/spoiler] It is ridiculously creepy to hang out with someone who wants to be friends because you delude yourself into thinking there is a chance you could fuck. I mean, what about friendship? Can you not see people as people instead of "woah a girl! She wants to be friends? That secretly means she wants to fuck me and not her boyfriend right? sweet! Oh wait, she doesn't? What a bitch man. leading me on". Side note: I've only ever come across these types on gaf.[/QUOTE]

I think the problem is that some guys have this idea that if he seems like a good guy, and a female likes him as a friend, that it means he should be a prime candidate for a significant other. I don't think every guy thinks this way, or most women.

I used to -almost- think like that. Where it was more "I seem like a great guy, why doesn't any girl want me?". That mindset changed, and with it came confidence and charisma. Back to my main point however, there are a LOT of girls I know that I think, hey these girls are very dateable; they're pretty, nice and have a great personality - but I don't [B]have[/B] to date them and they don't [B]have[/B] to date me. I'm probably explaining it all wrong, but without that urgency I used to feel, I don't have any romantic expectations from my female friends, and odds are they don't have any from me.

Basically, if someone is already receiving a lot of attention from the opposite (or desired) sex, that one 'awesome friend' no longer seems like something that has to turn into a romantic relationship.
shanshan310 said:
no no, I can understand that completely. Same with me. At the same time though... attraction has to be there on both sides.

Exactly. I can't tell you the number of times that I've found someone physically attractive, but I'm just not into them. You can't really help who you're attracted to. It' doesn't matter if you're the nicest, most handsome guy in the world, if the attraction isn't there I'm not going to go out with you.
ikkemenx said:
You're right. I think what she means though is that what you have control over and will know for sure is how you'll raise them, you have no idea what exactly the kid will inherit from you (or what the adopted kid has inherited obviously) so you'd be just as powerless there.
Eh, I think you have some control over what your kid inherits from you. Genes have probabilities associated with them, so you could at least have some idea of what your kid might turn out like. And you can also kinda control things by choosing a mate who has genes you'd want your kid to have. Apparently that's how pheromones work; they alert us to partners who have complementary genes to us to make our kids less vulnerable to our weaknesses. For example, I think one of the reasons I'm attracted to dark-skinned girls is because I'm really light-skinned, and sunburn easily, and I'd want my kid not to burn as easily. Although I suppose this could just be me rationalizing a culturally-constructed attraction to the "Exotic Other"...
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