AgentWhiskers said:Oh, I sneak a whiff every time a girl hugs me. There's just something magical about the scent.

AgentWhiskers said:Oh, I sneak a whiff every time a girl hugs me. There's just something magical about the scent.
coldvein said:is this actually ronito's wife posting in here?
Ducky_McGee said:
Anyone ever catch someone smelling their hair? Like during a hug.
Kitsunebaby said:Anyone ever have somebody start playing with your hair, like, for no reason? Its fine when girlfriends do it but I've had random male classmates who I'm sitting next to start touching my hair, and it really weirded me out.
A guy in my course does that but I think he's got slight mental problems or something. I saw him doing it to some random girl during a lecture.Kitsunebaby said:Anyone ever have somebody start playing with your hair, like, for no reason? Its fine when girlfriends do it but I've had random male classmates who I'm sitting next to start touching my hair, and it really weirded me out.
kisaya said:I think my hijab smells pretty nice![]()
Yes! I'm actually Ronito's wife! hence the name!coldvein said:is this actually ronito's wife posting in here?
Looking hot ain't cheap, gurlfriend. *snaps fangaz*Ducky_McGee said:Wedding hair is expensive. D: I got a manicure and a pedicure too. The whole shebang cost over $300. x.x
I bet they were jealous.Teh Hamburglar said:I ran out of shampoo and had to use my roommates Garnier Fructis shampoo that spells like fruit. Girls made fun of me in my study group
I smelled pretty and had clean hair though![]()
My sister paid for mine. It was her wedding gift to me! I gladly accepted it!Ducky_McGee said:Wedding hair is expensive. D: I got a manicure and a pedicure too. The whole shebang cost over $300. x.x
I actually didn't spend all that much on my wedding. Just a few hundred $$$. I had many friends that offered to do things as their wedding gifts. My friend was in school for photography so she did my pics, my other friend worked in a bakery so she did the cake, another friend did my flowers and all that. Another friend made little aprons for my nieces who were all excited to serve desserts to our guests. My brother makes rings and he made our wedding rings for us. I never wanted a big fancy wedding so it all worked for me. My little sister got married last year and she felt the same, no big weddings. She made a giant twister board for everyone to play. It was great!VelvetMouth said:Does anybody regret the money they spent on their wedding? It went by so fast and was kind of stressful and after the fact I realized the money spent was so that other people could have a good time. If I could do it again I would do a garden wedding and bbq. On the other hand I know some women who are wedding obsessed and even after their wedding(years) they still stare longingly at their huge wedding albums and their homes are covered in wedding pictures. I sometimes wonder if the idea of getting married far outweighs the reality of marriage for them. It's like the Big Fat Gypsy Weddings. Those girls go all out for that one day because their lives are shit the day after.
VelvetMouth said:What you think you're going to look like:
What you really look like:][/QUOTE]
I just realized I spent the past 3 minutes staring in admiration at that Daniel Craig pic and I feel no shame. dat body
ronitoswife said:I actually didn't spend all that much on my wedding. Just a few hundred $$$. I had many friends that offered to do things as their wedding gifts. My friend was in school for photography so she did my pics, my other friend worked in a bakery so she did the cake, another friend did my flowers and all that. Another friend made little aprons for my nieces who were all excited to serve desserts to our guests. My brother makes rings and he made our wedding rings for us. I never wanted a big fancy wedding so it all worked for me. My little sister got married last year and she felt the same, no big weddings. She made a giant twister board for everyone to play. It was great!
AgentWhiskers said:I just realized I spent the past 3 minutes staring in admiration at that Daniel Craig pic and I feel no shame. dat body
VelvetMouth said:Does anybody regret the money they spent on their wedding?
CrudeDiatribe said:We regretted it in advance and remain happily common-law* as we shop for our first house. We would do a simple BBQ if it was just about the cost, but there's also that we both hate big to-dos, especially with us as the focus.
*here, there is very little legal difference between common-law and married.
Oh right, I was going to ask you, what's your opinion on those? Do you like wearing it? I think they can be stylish depending on how they're worn, and are a good alternative to some of the other, more restrictive coverings women wear in some Islamic countries, such as the burqa and niqab.kisaya said:I think my hijab smells pretty nice![]()
We have a friend who just got engagged and the ring was 25,000$. We've all told him he's so crazy for spending that much, but that's the one she wanted. Seriously, I don't understand the obsession with a big fancy ring. It doesn't mean your man loves you more or less.VelvetMouth said:Those sound like fun weddings. We didn't have a big wedding. We got married in front of our family only but the reception was really nice at a restaurant. My husband is older and his friends all had the fancy expensive weddings so I think he felt compelled. I could care less.
It's just scary how some people get. Our nephew was/is engaged to a woman who wants the big blowout wedding even though she has zero money. Thankfully that relationship seems to be on the way out to the delight of the family.
ronitoswife said:Seriously, I don't understand the obsession with a big fancy ring. It doesn't mean your man loves you more or less.
AgentWhiskers said:Oh, I sneak a whiff every time a girl hugs me. There's just something magical about the scent.
Well, look now... ahem...VelvetMouth said:What you think you're going to look like:
What you really look like:
ronitoswife said:We have a friend who just got engagged and the ring was 25,000$. We've all told him he's so crazy for spending that much, but that's the one she wanted. Seriously, I don't understand the obsession with a big fancy ring. It doesn't mean your man loves you more or less.
:|ronitoswife said:We have a friend who just got engagged and the ring was 25,000$. We've all told him he's so crazy for spending that much, but that's the one she wanted. Seriously, I don't understand the obsession with a big fancy ring. It doesn't mean your man loves you more or less.
ronitoswife said:We have a friend who just got engagged and the ring was 25,000$. We've all told him he's so crazy for spending that much, but that's the one she wanted. Seriously, I don't understand the obsession with a big fancy ring. It doesn't mean your man loves you more or less.
Oh believe me. It's not in this case.Ashes1396 said:Isn't the ring supposed to be in relation to earnings? If you can buy a 25,000$ ring maybe it might be within your pay grade.
Ashes1396 said:Isn't the ring supposed to be in relation to earnings? If you can buy a 25,000$ ring maybe it might be within your pay grade.
Zoe said:3 months salary, supposedly.
(or 3 years if you're Michael Scott)
I agree. Our rings are titanium bands that my brother made. On our 10 year anniversary we've talked about maybe getting me another ring. It will be a simple band and the stone for the month we were married and each of our birthstones. That says more to me than a big ring that will just get in the way.Devolution said:I'd rather have something cheaper that holds more sentimental value and is unique/carved than a big rock. One of my favorite rings is just a simple wood carved ring my bf picked out for me on a trip.
cooljeanius said:Oh right, I was going to ask you, what's your opinion on those? Do you like wearing it? I think they can be stylish depending on how they're worn, and are a good alternative to some of the other, more restrictive coverings women wear in some Islamic countries, such as the burqa and niqab.
VelvetMouth said:Does anybody regret the money they spent on their wedding? It went by so fast and was kind of stressful and after the fact I realized the money spent was so that other people could have a good time. If I could do it again I would do a garden wedding and bbq. On the other hand I know some women who are wedding obsessed and even after their wedding(years) they still stare longingly at their huge wedding albums and their homes are covered in wedding pictures. I sometimes wonder if the idea of getting married far outweighs the reality of marriage for them. It's like the Big Fat Gypsy Weddings. Those girls go all out for that one day because their lives are shit the day after.
cooljeanius said:Oh right, I was going to ask you, what's your opinion on those? Do you like wearing it? I think they can be stylish depending on how they're worn, and are a good alternative to some of the other, more restrictive coverings women wear in some Islamic countries, such as the burqa and niqab.
SouSouRocket said:I hope kisaya doesn't mind me jumping in to answer this, but I used to wear hijab myself. I stopped when I rethought my stance on the matter (my parents brought it up to me interestingly enough, and my mom still wears a scarf) and decided it wasn't a requirement and it imposes a barrier in this country--you can achieve modesty without it. But I have great love and respect for my girls who do wear it. It was difficult sometimes but not as much as people think. It's only difficult in that it's hard to find a good hijab to match an outfit sometimes or trying to put together a cute outfit without ruining it with like a jacket and a shirt underneath and pants and whatever else. It's hard to dress modestly in this country, even without a scarfI almost look weirder now wearing a t-shirt under a strapless dress or whatever because it was obvious why I did it when I had a scarf on, but people just assume I think I'm ugly or something.
Some of my friends do these gorgeous sort of updos with their hijabs and I love it. If you know what you're doing you can make it pretty fabulous. It doesn't have to be dreary burkas and jilbabs. Keep workin' it, Muslim gals![]()
cooljeanius said:Can you get away with using regular neck-scarves as hijabs, or is better to get scarves that are specifically made to be hijabs? I remember one time my mom was wearing a regular scarf around her neck, and I had her put it over her head to see what she would look like if we lived in a Muslim country, and I thought it worked okay as one.
ronitoswife said:We have a friend who just got engagged and the ring was 25,000$. We've all told him he's so crazy for spending that much, but that's the one she wanted. Seriously, I don't understand the obsession with a big fancy ring. It doesn't mean your man loves you more or less.
cooljeanius said:Can you get away with using regular neck-scarves as hijabs, or is better to get scarves that are specifically made to be hijabs? I remember one time my mom was wearing a regular scarf around her neck, and I had her put it over her head to see what she would look like if we lived in a Muslim country, and I thought it worked okay as one.
Ace_235 said:Ok I want a girls opinion on this so ill just ask it here. I have a family member who is 22, not ugly at all, not overweight, has a good job and everything. But all he does is work (from his computer.) And play games all day. He barely leaves the house, if we mention going to meet new people or chill with new people he will immediately bail and say he is staying in the house. He always mentions he wants a gf. But never makes an effort to even talk to a girl. He's just sitting around letting life pass him by everyday doing nothing. Anyone know a way I could atleast help him break out of his shell? I just don't want him to regret wasting his young years when we are old.
Edit More info: He doesnt care about clothes and hasnt bought clothes in 4 years. Barely gets hair cuts or brush his hair (We're black!). Me and my bro finally decide to try an help (since he always expresses he wants a girl.) but we dont know how.
Ace_235 said:Ok I want a guys opinion on this so ill just ask it here. I have a family member who is 22, not ugly at all, not overweight, has a good job and everything. But all he does is work (from his computer.) And play games all day. He barely leaves the house, if we mention going to meet new people or chill with new people he will immediately bail and say he is staying in the house. He always mentions he wants a gf. But never makes an effort to even talk to a girl. He's just sitting around letting life pass him by everyday doing nothing. Anyone know a way I could atleast help him break out of his shell? I just don't want him to regret wasting his young years when we are old.
Edit More info: He doesnt care about clothes and hasnt bought clothes in 4 years. Barely gets hair cuts or brush his hair (We're black!). Me and my bro finally decide to try an help (since he always expresses he wants a girl.) but we dont know how.