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Girl-Gaf - A thread for girls.

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Devolution said:
One of the highschools I played volleyball at, the girls had a designated stall in which they just tossed their tampons and pads. So I walk in there and see a pile of them. I almost threw up on the spot.
Fetts_Jets said:
Hovering has saved lives, man. You've seen what it looks like in there... However, no excuse for poor aim while hovering...
It seems like a chicken/egg problem to me. If women just used the ass gaskets from the start they wouldn't get so disgusting that hovering is required. Unless said gaskets are unavailable I guess.

Devolution said:
Read at your own risk.

One of the highschools I played volleyball at, the girls had a designated stall in which they just tossed their tampons and pads. So I walk in there and see a pile of them. I almost threw up on the spot.
Devolution said:
Read at your own risk.

One of the highschools I played volleyball at, the girls had a designated stall in which they just tossed their tampons and pads. So I walk in there and see a pile of them. I almost threw up on the spot.
Devolution said:
The image is seared into my brain unfortunately.
Did you ever find out why they did this? My friends and I would leave old pop cans and garbage in this one locker that had a broken lock so I kinda understand the camaraderie found in making a certain space disgusting, but these girls took it orders of magnitude beyond what we did.
Brian Griffin said:
Did you ever find out why they did this? My friends and I would leave old pop cans and garbage in this one locker that had a broken lock so I kinda understand the camaraderie found in making a certain space disgusting, but these girls took it orders of magnitude beyond what we did.

Never found out and there was a trash can in there for paper towels and food. I chalked it up to being too embarrassed to just wrap their pads/tampons up in toilet paper and throw them in the big receptacle, so they'd just use the designated pile stall when changing them up. I couldn't imagine the fuckin' smell on top of the sight.

That was the day I learned that girls/women can be just as disgusting if not more than boys/men.
What I really want to know is why some women (is this a woman thing or a restroom barbarians in general thing) will just stuff a ton of toilet paper into the toilet and then not flush. One time in high school someone had just plunked one of those huge industrial-sized toilet paper rolls in there. Why do people do this? Do they panic and just throw a bunch of toilet paper at the mess they've made? Are they evil and making a mess on purpose? Do they treat their own toilets like this? -_-;;
I dunno. As someone who occasionally uses the men's room if the line for the ladies' is too long, I can say that we typically still fare better than the guys. Sometimes I can't even use the men's room because there's only one stall that still has a door and someone is already occupying it.

On topic, why DO so many women take such a fucking long time to piss? I don't believe that they're all on their periods.


Reluctant Member
I haven't had too many problems with public bathrooms... until recently. For some reason it's like no one wants to flush anymore. It's hard to find a stall where someone HAS flushed. And I know, I could just go and flush it myself, but why should I HAVE to? What is so difficult about flushing? And these aren't even the automatic ones, which I can sort of understand (I've used automatic toilets where there is no obvious way to trigger it manually and for some reason the stupid thing doesn't want to work... automatic toilets: the bane of my existence.)


See this is why I never go into public bathrooms EVEEEEEER.

Well except that one time where, funnily enough, the place happened to not only be perfectly clean but also have one of the most comfy couches I've ever sat on.


Professor Beef said:
Sleeping Beauty is one of the few Disney movies where I can't remember a damn thing that happened outside of the Big Bad fight.

There was this princess. She had her finger poked by a needle from some evil witch who takes over the castle and makes an impenetrable fortress kind of thing. Prince dude saves her but first has to hit the castle with all the vines and cool looking maze things. Oh, and then there's a dragon, and the prince kisses the princess and she wakes up or something.
Yeah, no lie.

I used to think guy's bathrooms were bad enough, but I've seen some women's restrooms that look like something out of Silent Hill. Rest stops..... ugh.
Are you seriously smearing your blood on the walls? Really?


Junior Member
So girl-GAF, me and my girlfriend are discussing non-hormonal birth control. Does anyone here have any experience to share? Was it this thread I saw some discussion about that some pages back?


timetokill said:
Yeah, no lie.

I used to think guy's bathrooms were bad enough, but I've seen some women's restrooms that look like something out of Silent Hill. Rest stops..... ugh.
Are you seriously smearing your blood on the walls? Really?
Kitsunebaby said:
On topic, why DO so many women take such a fucking long time to piss? I don't believe that they're all on their periods.

I have a feeling they fix their make-up/ hair in there because otherwise I can't understand why they take upwards of five minutes. come on! peeing is like 30 seconds + maybe 45 more if you have to change a pad. I've been really tempted to go knock on the stall doors sometimes when I need to get to class and there's a massive queue.

Don't most toilets have a little bin in the stall?


Reluctant Member
shanshan310 said:
I have a feeling they fix their make-up/ hair in there because otherwise I can't understand why they take upwards of five minutes. come on! peeing is like 30 seconds + maybe 45 more if you have to change a pad. I've been really tempted to go knock on the stall doors sometimes when I need to get to class and there's a massive queue.

Don't most toilets have a little bin in the stall?

I've a friend who can take upwards of 30 minutes every time she goes to the bathroom. We're guessing she completely wipes off her make-up and redoes it every single time, but really it's a mystery. We've never asked her, because honestly who knows what sort of private things she does in there she might not want to discuss?


Just thought I'd see if someone wants to offer their view on the following:

I'm having my car fixed at the local dealership. And the person working on my car is a young woman. I'm not sure whether it is an apprenticeship or they are older, (if it help's I thought at first that it was a young lad). I say this because maybe they aren't all that used to talking to insurance folks; then again, maybe that task never gets easier.

Anyways, the dealership have to speak to my insurance folks, to authorise, the work to be done. And talking to those folks is a terrible terrible idea. I know that from experience, and you can probably guess as well.

When I spoke to her yesterday, she was all jubilant and enthusiastic, at having found a fault that no other garage had found yet (they are Ford Specialists, so I'm not surprised really). She found 3 or 4 faults in total.

When I called her today, she talked like she was a lot more flustered; shitty car cover people, probably trying to weasel out of paying her to fix the car fully, I suspect. She told me that she had just been on the phone to them.

So I said: hmm.. you seem like you've been through the works. Talking to them will do that sometimes. Don't worry about it. Do what you can. I'm not fussed. If it breaks down again, I'll come back, and they'll have to pay in full again.


Now my friend hears me say this: And he goes: You're just doing that, cause its a girl. If it was a guy you'd be a lot more fussed.


I can hear my self saying the same thing to a guy as well, but the thing is even If I were just being overly friendly because it is the fairer sex, what would be wrong with it?

It was positive sexism if anything. We weren't flirting; it was completely professional; I was just empathising off the cuff because I thought she had a rougher time cause of me and my car.

It's not even an issue of treating her with cotton wool or something. Just trying to be fair. But I've been thinking about it in the last fifteen minutes; its kinda interesting to me.
Ashes1396 said:
Just thought I'd see if someone wants to offer their view on the following:

I'm having my car fixed at the local dealership. And the person working on my car is a young woman. I'm not sure whether it is an apprenticeship or they are older, (if it help's I thought at first that it was a young lad). I say this because maybe they aren't all that used to talking to insurance folks; then again, maybe that task never gets easier.

Anyways, the dealership have to speak to my insurance folks, to authorise, the work to be done. And talking to those folks is a terrible terrible idea. I know that from experience, and you can probably guess as well.

When I spoke to her yesterday, she was all jubilant and enthusiastic, at having found a fault that no other garage had found yet (they are Ford Specialists, so I'm not surprised really). She found 3 or 4 faults in total.

When I called her today, she talked like she was a lot more flustered; shitty car cover people, probably trying to weasel out of paying her to fix the car fully, I suspect. She told me that she had just been on the phone to them.

So I said: hmm.. you seem like you've been through the works. Talking to them will do that sometimes. Don't worry about it. Do what you can. I'm not fussed. If it breaks down again, I'll come back, and they'll have to pay in full again.


Now my friend hears me say this: And he goes: You're just doing that, cause its a girl. If it was a guy you'd be a lot more fussed.


I can hear my self saying the same thing to a guy as well, but the thing is even If I were just being overly friendly because it is the fairer sex, what would be wrong with it?

It was positive sexism if anything. We weren't flirting; it was completely professional; I was just empathising off the cuff because I thought she had a rougher time cause of me and my car.

It's not even an issue of treating her with cotton wool or something. Just trying to be fair. But I've been thinking about it in the last fifteen minutes; its kinda interesting to me.

It really depends, I think. If you're being patronizing it's bad, but I don't think it's bad to be friendly to someone, even if it's for a silly reason. I will probably get some flack for this though. Giving anyone a break in a situation like that is always appreciated though, so I hope you'll be so friendly to everyone across the board. :)

When I worked in federal court this summer the court security officers were all these old retired police officers and they'd always greet me with "hey darlin'" and things like that, and I always thought it was sweet. You get that kind of thing a lot in the midwest. But one of my colleagues came in one day and told me it made her so angry and that she felt disrespected and that they would never say that to any of the male attorneys walking around the building. It kind of caught me by surprise--I think if my boss called me "sweetie" and "honey" and things like that in a demeaning sort of way and talked down to me I'd be upset, but I've just never been offended by people who are more friendly to me based on my gender alone, especially when they are just greetings in passing from older people. Is that wrong? Am I part of the problem? :(



no youre not part of the problem (what is "the problem"?)

context is key and everybody has different personal preferences when it comes to stuff like that. i dont mind when people call me sweetie or darling or w/e, but i do mind when i feel its coming from a place of condescension, so i speak up about my discontent then

in other news i just had two crunchy tacos and two 4 layer burritos from taco bell and it tasted great but i feel like shit :'(
Satchwar said:
in other news i just had two crunchy tacos and two 4 layer burritos from taco bell and it tasted great but i feel like shit :'(

I just had a greasy 1/2 lb. burger with 8 slices of bacon, 6 pieces of tomato, and about a half cup of fried onion straws, and I feel amazing. I'll end up fasting for part of tomorrow, but I don't regret it one bit. It was a damn good burger. Enjoy your food.
Satchwar said:
whered you get it from?

or was it homemade

mail one to me! (without tomatoes)

Local bar in Annapolis. I don't really like to eat fast food burgers when I can pay 3 dollars more and get a really good quality one. I love to cook but making burgers can be a bit of a pain in the ass, when you also have to prepare all the fixins.
Professor Beef said:
Sleeping Beauty is one of the few Disney movies where I can't remember a damn thing that happened outside of the Big Bad fight.

It's plot is pretty lame. Most of the movie where there is no Maleficent is dumb sing-a-longs with animals and swooning over princes. Sleepy Beauty did however have some of the best art direction out of any Disney film, it's gorgeous! Look at these:




thebaroness said:
It's plot is pretty lame. Most of the movie where there is no Maleficent is dumb sing-a-longs with animals and swooning over princes. Sleepy Beauty did however have some of the best art direction out of any Disney film, it's gorgeous! Look at these:





It was actually my favorite disney move, when I was younger before Mulan came out. Snow white and Cinderella (the gold-digging whore) were way worse in my opinion. Beauty and the Beast was good, too. Although I actually liked the beast more in animal form than his human one. I swear I'm not a furry!


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
public service announcement: The Sleeping Beauty blu-ray isn't very good. the Special Edition DVD release from 03 is better. A shame, cus I think the film is very beautiful.

Kitsunebaby said:
It was actually my favorite disney move, when I was younger before Mulan came out. Snow white and Cinderella (the gold-digging whore) were way worse in my opinion. Beauty and the Beast was good, too. Although I actually liked the beast more in animal form than his human one. I swear I'm not a furry!
I like you.


Am I the only one that has some kind of irrational hate towards Snow White? xD
I think her naivite and voice really grated my nerves.

And although I loved the Little Mermaid, thinking back... Ariel is kind of an idiot. :I
I just really, really liked her red hair and I though Prince Eric was hot stuff though.

Phoebus from Hunchback and John Smith from Pocahontas.. also pretty hot!

In other news.. because I really like lurking in their thread: I hear GayGAF is kind of jealous for being able to have a catch-all thread for girls. >___>
Prax said:
Am I the only one that has some kind of irrational hate towards Snow White? xD
I think her naivite and voice really grated my nerves.

And although I loved the Little Mermaid, thinking back... Ariel is kind of an idiot. :I
I just really, really liked her red hair and I though Prince Eric was hot stuff though.

Phoebus from Hunchback and John Smith from Pocahontas.. also pretty hot! xD

Most of the "princesses" aren't being sought after for their brains.
Prax said:
Am I the only one that has some kind of irrational hate towards Snow White? xD
I think her naivite and voice really grated my nerves.

And although I loved the Little Mermaid, thinking back... Ariel is kind of an idiot. :I
I just really, really liked her red hair and I though Prince Eric was hot stuff though.

Phoebus from Hunchback and John Smith from Pocahontas.. also pretty hot!

In other news.. because I really like lurking in their thread: I hear GayGAF is kind of jealous for being able to have a catch-all thread for girls. >___>

I never really liked Snow White all that much as a kid. I was into princesses as a little girl but I guess she didn't have quite enough personality for me, or something.

GayGAF is always welcome in our thread ;3
Prax said:
Am I the only one that has some kind of irrational hate towards Snow White? xD
I think her naivite and voice really grated my nerves.

And although I loved the Little Mermaid, thinking back... Ariel is kind of an idiot. :I
I just really, really liked her red hair and I though Prince Eric was hot stuff though.

Phoebus from Hunchback and John Smith from Pocahontas.. also pretty hot!

In other news.. because I really like lurking in their thread: I hear GayGAF is kind of jealous for being able to have a catch-all thread for girls. >___>

I dislike Snow White. Such a boring little girl.

Loved Belle, Tiana (although I hated the movie), and Rapunzel. They are easily my favorite Disney characters.
thebaroness said:
It's plot is pretty lame. Most of the movie where there is no Maleficent is dumb sing-a-longs with animals and swooning over princes. Sleepy Beauty did however have some of the best art direction out of any Disney film, it's gorgeous! Look at these:


The New Orleans Museum of Art was host to a Disney art show a few years back for the release of The Princess & the Frog. I got to see alot of Sleeping Beauty's background art in its original painted form. Beautiful stuff.


Arsenic Yellow said:
I dislike Snow White. Such a boring little girl.

Loved Belle, Tiana (although I hated the movie), and Rapunzel. They are easily my favorite Disney characters.

Ah yes! Those three are easily my favourites too!
I just wish Tiana's movie were better! :( Too much time as an animal killed it for me.

I want to like Mulan more as a character, but I guess she wasn't quite quirky enough for my tastes.
Prax said:
Ah yes! Those three are easily my favourites too!
I just wish Tiana's movie were better! :( Too much time as an animal killed it for me.

I want to like Mulan more as a character, but I guess she wasn't quite quirky enough for my tastes.


Professor Beef said:
That's just general clumsiness~!
Which really.. was her only quirk point. :I

Perhaps beisde I don't actually see her having any hobbies...
Belle had being a nerd/reading.
Tiana had cooking and general AMBITION!
Rapunzel had art and being a conflicted idealist.

I wasn't too sure about Mulan!
Prax said:
That's just general clumsiness~!
Which really.. was her only quirk point. :I

Perhaps beisde I don't actually see her having any hobbies...
Belle had being a nerd/reading.
Tiana had cooking and general AMBITION!
Rapunzel had art and being a conflicted idealist.

I wasn't too sure about Mulan!
Her hobby was saving China and stopping Huns. >:I


Professor Beef said:
Her hobby was saving China and stopping Huns. >:I

That is not a hobby!
That was just the plot of the movie!

Maybe if she really enjoyed horseback riding or making inventions (a little alluded to showing how she fed the chickens with th doga nd grain), but otherwise....!
Prax said:
That is not a hobby!
That was just the plot of the movie!

Maybe if she really enjoyed horseback riding or making inventions (a little alluded to showing how she fed the chickens with th doga nd grain), but otherwise....!
Saving the day can be a hobby! Also, she's obviously intelligent. Using the dog to feed the animals, being the only one to get the arrow during training, CAUSING A MURDEROUS AVALANCHE? She's as deadly as she is smart. How can you do those things and NOT like them?
Kinitari said:
Growing up, I could sing all of 'Reflection'.


Okay, I guess the teasing makes more sense now.
Probably not the same thing, but I still sing along with "World of Imagination" in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory anytime I see it on TV.


Professor Beef said:
Saving the day can be a hobby! Also, she's obviously intelligent. Using the dog to feed the animals, being the only one to get the arrow during training, CAUSING A MURDEROUS AVALANCHE? She's as deadly as she is smart. How can you do those things and NOT like them?

I liked it. But it just.. WASN'T ENOUGH!

She didn't have enough BOMBAST in her personality or something! I dont' know!
She objectively has a lot going for her.. kung-fu, sword fighting, smrts, Asian... but she just lacked something for me!
Prax said:
I liked it. But it just.. WASN'T ENOUGH!

She didn't have enough BOMBAST in her personality or something! I dont' know!
She objectively has a lot going for her.. kung-fu, sword fighting, smrts, Asian... but she just lacked something for me!
Saving China with only a tiny dragon and good-luck cricket isn't enough? :(
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