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Girl-Gaf - A thread for girls.

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Practice makes perfect, Ducky!!

Just crack open some eggs and start experimenting. >_>
It will eventually be edible! xD

I just follow instructions for anything more complicated. I don't even always follow them exactly and things are usually edible (for things like how much water to boil for spaghetti, for instance--definitely try to follow directions for baking!).

Pasta's my favourite because it's so easy. I make a whole post of stuff and eat it for the next few days with whatever canned sauce. sometimes if I am fancy, I will cut up veggies and cooked ground meat to pu in the sauce, but I have been partcularly lazy lately.
Prax said:
Practice makes perfect, Ducky!!

Just crack open some eggs and start experimenting. >_>
It will eventually be edible! xD

I just follow instructions for anything more complicated. I don't even always follow them exactly and things are usually edible (for things like how much water to boil for spaghetti, for instance--definitely try to follow directions for baking!).

Pasta's my favourite because it's so easy. I make a whole post of stuff and eat it for the next few days with whatever canned sauce. sometimes if I am fancy, I will cut up veggies and cooked ground meat to pu in the sauce, but I have been partcularly lazy lately.

I want to make stir-fry like how my mom makes it. It is the most amazing thing I have ever tasted anywhere ever.
Okay heres some points.

1. In regards to that lipstick comment. Girls always use more make up than they need to. ALWAYS. Some women look better without it but they go and plaster it on anyway. I don't know why. So I'm all for the nude lip makeup if you're going to put on make up anyway I guess try to make it look like you didn't. It doesn't make any sense, but whatever.

2. Cooking is like 90% not caring. Most people reach that stage by practice and confidence. Some just poor shit together and its awesome. In college we would empty out the deep freeze and mix all the shit we thought could maybe work together in some way. It was always awesome. Tuna with a bunch of veggies and hotdog chunks in this weird sauce we got out of the dollar freezer foods? Yes please. Mac and cheese and chicken noodles and fajitas with some strange tofu stuff that no one ever ate along with these orange rolls and icing? It was great. Granted we were hungry and we didn't give a shit. But from that day on I truly believe that cooking is alot in the mind. Those people who don't measure stuff? Yeah thats where they are. Yeah I'm pretty much a master chef.
Don't try bachelor cooking at home. No one likes it but you and your friends. And even they don't like it.

3. Just dance sucks. Dance central is where its at.


Ok Girl GAF, I have a question for you. How long in to dating a guy do you have to be before starting to get upset he hasn't told you he loves you yet?

Similarly, how long do you wait for him to commit to marriage, if you love him dearly and want to get married asap, but whilst he loves you, is showing a reluctance and fear to the meagre notion of it. How long is too long?

Thanks ladies! X
nib95 said:
Ok Girl GAF, I have a question for you. How long in to dating a guy do you have to be before starting to get upset he hasn't told you he loves you yet?

Similarly, how long do you wait for him to commit to marriage, if you love him dearly and want to get married asap, but whilst he loves you, is showing a reluctance and fear to the meagre notion of it. How long is too long?

Thanks ladies! X

Take it to this thread, nibs: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=445417&page=13

Not to do any backseat modding, and I'm sure the girls here are happy to help, but asking this thread for dating advice is generally looked down upon, as it basically invites a million more of the same questions.
Ducky_McGee said:
Alright girlgaf.

I can't cook. I can't cook at all. I can't even make eggs. I feel like a failure as a member of the female race in a way. I'm pretty embarrassed about it too. It's a life skill I need to learn but I don't know how to get started.

Not so I can cook for my man or any of that bs. I want to be able to feed myself! I love watching the Food Network when I'm winding down before I go to bed. I love food. Delicious things are my favorite things. I get so frustrated when I feel like having something home made.

A girl can only eat so much cereal.
Often times items of food you buy will have recipes printed on the packaging. For example, bags of chocolate chips will have chocolate chip cookie recipes on them, jars of peanut butter will have peanut butter cookie recipes on them, etc. Just find some recipes and try following them.
Ducky_McGee said:
Alright girlgaf.

I can't cook. I can't cook at all. I can't even make eggs. I feel like a failure as a member of the female race in a way. I'm pretty embarrassed about it too. It's a life skill I need to learn but I don't know how to get started.

Don't feel too bad, I myself am a terrible cook.
I tried to make my bf a zerg cake for his birthday with little jello banellings on top, but the jelly wouldn't stay on D: I seriously underestimated the difficulty there... He opened the door to find me bawling my eyes out while holding this purple cake with jello spilling all over the sides and icing bits falling off. I was so ashamed...
I'd suggest start off by making cupcakes, mostly because they are incredibly tasty. You can get those packets from the supermarket with the dry ingredients all mixed up and you just need to add some milk or whatever. Start off small, build your confidence up. Then try some pasta, all you need to do is boil some spaghetti (or ravioli) in a pot, and then fry some onion with canned tomatos. Add some basil and cheese and you're set. Or marry a chef :p


I like to search up Youtube videos of stuff before I try to cook whatever it is. Most stirfrying recipes are easy.

I find that making desserts are a bit tougher because the measurements have to be more precise.


Ducky_McGee said:
Alright girlgaf.

I can't cook. I can't cook at all. I can't even make eggs. I feel like a failure as a member of the female race in a way. I'm pretty embarrassed about it too. It's a life skill I need to learn but I don't know how to get started.

Not so I can cook for my man or any of that bs. I want to be able to feed myself! I love watching the Food Network when I'm winding down before I go to bed. I love food. Delicious things are my favorite things. I get so frustrated when I feel like having something home made.

A girl can only eat so much cereal.
The easiest egg dish to make :p


300chf ain't shit to me
SteveWinwood said:
In regards to that lipstick comment. Girls always use more make up than they need to. ALWAYS. Some women look better without it but they go and plaster it on anyway. I don't know why. So I'm all for the nude lip makeup if you're going to put on make up anyway I guess try to make it look like you didn't. It doesn't make any sense, but whatever.

sure it makes sense!

i'm strongly in the camp that makeup should be used to enhance or bring attention to your natural good features.

a lot of the time, it comes down to application. unfortunately, a lot of women use makeup as a mask to hide behind or use it to cover things up. and then there are the ones who just don't know how to properly apply it and it looks like they're wearing too much because of that.

my general "goal" for daily daytime makeup is: glowing skin, bright eyes, natural lips.

of course, there are times when dramatic makeup is appropriate, such as a night out, but even then there's a fine line between applying it so that you look classy and applying it so that you look cheap/easy.


Not pure anymore!
SteveWinwood said:
Okay heres some points.

1. In regards to that lipstick comment. Girls always use more make up than they need to. ALWAYS. Some women look better without it but they go and plaster it on anyway. I don't know why. So I'm all for the nude lip makeup if you're going to put on make up anyway I guess try to make it look like you didn't. It doesn't make any sense, but whatever.
That's the thing I have a problem with, they say its natural but then it just makes their lips look deathly pale which isn't natural. I dunno, its just one of those new trends that I never get.

I'm more of a old school, medium tones kinda girl myself though. Sometimes I just put on tinted lipbalm or sheer red or pink lip. I kinda dig the old school red lip/dark liner style with the rest of the face really bare.


SteveWinwood said:
Okay heres some points.

1. In regards to that lipstick comment. Girls always use more make up than they need to. ALWAYS. Some women look better without it but they go and plaster it on anyway. I don't know why. So I'm all for the nude lip makeup if you're going to put on make up anyway I guess try to make it look like you didn't. It doesn't make any sense, but whatever.

2. Cooking is like 90% not caring. Most people reach that stage by practice and confidence. Some just poor shit together and its awesome. In college we would empty out the deep freeze and mix all the shit we thought could maybe work together in some way. It was always awesome. Tuna with a bunch of veggies and hotdog chunks in this weird sauce we got out of the dollar freezer foods? Yes please. Mac and cheese and chicken noodles and fajitas with some strange tofu stuff that no one ever ate along with these orange rolls and icing? It was great. Granted we were hungry and we didn't give a shit. But from that day on I truly believe that cooking is alot in the mind. Those people who don't measure stuff? Yeah thats where they are. Yeah I'm pretty much a master chef.
Don't try bachelor cooking at home. No one likes it but you and your friends. And even they don't like it.

3. Just dance sucks. Dance central is where its at.
I'd buy dance central if it came with a free Kinect :| But at 130, no, just no.

I don't think it has 4-8 player dances either though, its more for solo play imo..
FTH said:
I'd buy dance central if it came with a free Kinect :| But at 130, no, just no.

I don't think it has 4-8 player dances either though, its more for solo play imo..
I'm not advising anyone to actually get a kinect. Just mooch off a friend. Dance central + alcohol = a super fun night for all.
lennedsay said:
Speaking of eggs, I just made a breakfast pizza. Husband said it was the best breakfast he'd ever had. mmmmmm

Like an Aussie Pizza?

Egg, Bacon, Onion, Tomato etc.

om nom nom. I want pizza now.


Sexiest Man Alive is Idris Elba every year no matter what Esquire or anybody else says.

I am 100% willing to fight with anybody who disagrees with me.
Satchwar said:
Sexiest Man Alive is Idris Elba every year no matter what Esquire or anybody else says.

I am 100% willing to fight with anybody who disagrees with me.


God his accent in Luther. Panty-changer.
Anyone watch dancing with the stars?

I find myself suprised by just how freaking hot David Arquette is. Dem arms!

He just seems so lovable! Especially if you ever see him on stern.
Hey fellow girlgaf - I tried crackle nail polish for the first time ever and loved it. Now I want to experiment with colour combinations.

Any recommendations?


hey bros, did someone just call a young brad pitt sprawled out on the beach "Meh." ?!


looks like my boy Opiate knew when shit was about to turn sour gummi worms . props opi-wan
FTH said:
hey bros, did someone just call a young brad pitt sprawled out on the beach "Meh." ?!


looks like my boy Opiate knew when shit was about to turn sour gummi worms . props opi-wan

Shouldn't you prefer less girls after dat ass?
Ducky_McGee said:
Alright girlgaf.

I can't cook. I can't cook at all. I can't even make eggs. I feel like a failure as a member of the female race in a way. I'm pretty embarrassed about it too. It's a life skill I need to learn but I don't know how to get started.

Not so I can cook for my man or any of that bs. I want to be able to feed myself! I love watching the Food Network when I'm winding down before I go to bed. I love food. Delicious things are my favorite things. I get so frustrated when I feel like having something home made.

A girl can only eat so much cereal.

Like everyone else said, you just have to practice! :) I am the same way, I looove watching people cook on TV. I have always known how to make some things my mom taught us at home, but a couple years ago I logged onto foodnetwork.com and decided to make some of the recipes I watched them make on TV. Food Network chefs generally make recipes that are very easy and good for people of all skill levels. If you can follow directions, you can follow a recipe! :) That's all you have to do! Eventually you start to learn how to not burn things (medium heat is your friend, unless the recipe says otherwise), what tastes good and what doesn't, what can be substituted, etc. I second trying to make pasta! It's very good for a newbie, and there are some simple recipes that taste phenomenal and will make you feel like a total boss.
He addressed that to girls soooooo...

I can still post hot sexy guys? Awesome.

I keed I keed I won't get this locked for you guys. Where else would I get to see a girl in her natural habitat

And yeah Brad is hot as fuck. You guys are blind. I'm not gay or even bi but man the things I would do to him. And don't even get me started on George Clooney.
SteveWinwood said:
He addressed that to girls soooooo...

I can still post hot sexy guys? Awesome.

I keed I keed I won't get this locked for you guys. Where else would I get to see a girl in her natural habitat

And yeah Brad is hot as fuck. You guys are blind. I'm not gay or even bi but man the things I would do to him. And don't even get me started on George Clooney.

I'll agree with you on George Clooney but I just don't find Brad particularly hot. He has a nice jawline and a decent body, but that's about it. I don't really go for blue eyes or light hair so that's probably a big part of it. Good, but nothing great.

George Clooney isn't particularly gorgeous but there's just something about him. Even the way he smirks in photos, he just oozes sex appeal.


Devolution said:
Shouldn't you prefer less girls after dat ass?
brad pitt wouldn't fuck me. i am like 7 and he's like 61. but i can tell he is well crafted. if girlgaf had a sleepover and a younger him showed up with pizza everyone in here would be fighting for a chance to smush
FTH said:
brad pitt wouldn't fuck me. i am like 7 and he's like 61. but i can tell he is well crafted. if girlgaf had a sleepover and a younger him showed up with pizza everyone in here would be fighting for a chance to smush
A GirlGAF sleepover? This idea sounds...intriguing.
I was born in the wrong era. :(

Young Clint Eastwood, Paul Newman, Gregory Peck, Clarke Gable, James Dean. Ryan O'Neal and Marlon Brando in some kind of alternate universe where they aren't enormous assholes.

Not many of today's male girly man celebrities can match the downright handsomeness of these men. You can keep your emaciated James Dean wannabe vampires, and your effeminate werewolf man-boys. Give me a time machine and Paul Newman's address.

There are a lot of actors I find physically attractive but I'm annoyed by their personality. Ashton Kutcher being a good example. Exception being Leonardo Dicaprio who I've had a crush on since I was like 7. Say what you will about some of his movies but Ben Affleck is a talented director in addition to being steaming hot.

He knows it too. Just look at him! Smug bastard!

FTH said:
brad pitt wouldn't fuck me. i am like 7 and he's like 61. but i can tell he is well crafted. if girlgaf had a sleepover and a younger him showed up with pizza everyone in here would be fighting for a chance to smush

I'd feed it pizza.

Actually. I'm not attracted to him. I think he's sort of odd looking. My mom loves him though. Same with Tom Cruise. I just find him strange. Plus he's way too short for me!

How tall is girlgaf?

I'm 5'7"
Ducky_McGee said:
He knows it too. Just look at him! Smug bastard!

To be fair, I would have that look on my face all the time if I were him.
Ducky_McGee said:
I'd feed it pizza.

Actually. I'm not attracted to him. I think he's sort of odd looking. My mom loves him though. Same with Tom Cruise. I just find him strange. Plus he's way too short for me!

How tall is girlgaf?

I'm 5'7"

Around 5'4"/5'5". I wish I was taller but all my taller gal pals tell me to shut up when I whine about it lul.
5'2" ish. I'm not 100% sure. I'm sad because you need to be 163cm (5'4"?) to be a flight attendant :( Other than that I have no qualms about my height.


Reluctant Member
Ducky_McGee said:
How tall is girlgaf?

I'm 5'7"

I'm the same height. I used to hate being tall, but now I love it. I hate to say it, because I think it makes me sound a bit egotistical, but I love being the tallest girl in the room.
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