Professor Beef said:!!!!!
I always imagined you being around the lower end of 6''.
6' or 6"? If you imagined me as taller I blame the legs.
Professor Beef said:!!!!!
I always imagined you being around the lower end of 6''.
Ducky_McGee said:I was born in the wrong era.
Young Clint Eastwood, Paul Newman, Gregory Peck, Clarke Gable, James Dean. Ryan O'Neal and Marlon Brando in some kind of alternate universe where they aren't enormous assholes.
6 feet.Devolution said:6' or 6"? If you imagined me as taller I blame the legs.
Prax said:I am between 5' 3" and 5' 4". I like to say 5' 4" so I can feel taller.
I feel 5' 8" is like.. the ideal girl height!
I am not so into the super bulked up guys. I'd probably go for more boyish types instead of beefy or old-school handsome.
I think Cilian Murphy is super pretty though.. and of course George Clooney is super older-man-sexy.
I was just like this for the longest time. Blonde hair used to be a weird turn off for me. Tall, dark hair/eyes, bearded dudes were my thing for a while. The one exception was Daniel Craig (I'd lick that mans boots and then thank him for the privilege). But ever since I met my boyfriend Ive done a complete 180 since he has light hair and hazel eyes and I think he's pretty dreamy (especially when he's all cleaned up *swoon*). So now I have a new appreciation/preference for guys with light features, like Pitt or Fassbender when he has blonde hair.Kitsunebaby said:I don't really go for blue eyes or light hair so that's probably a big part of it. Good, but nothing great.
suzu said:5'2". Wish I was at least 5'5"...
I thought Brad Pitt was super hot in Fight Club, but I also liked Edward Norton so what do I know. lol.
suzu said:5'2". Wish I was at least 5'5"...
I thought Brad Pitt was super hot in Fight Club, but I also liked Edward Norton so what do I know. lol.
Professor Beef said:
Brad Pitt is attractive in movies. I don't really like the way he looks in photo shoots though. It's weird.suzu said:5'2". Wish I was at least 5'5"...
I thought Brad Pitt was super hot in Fight Club, but I also liked Edward Norton so what do I know. lol.
SteveWinwood said:Okay no really what girls do you think are super attractive then? 'Cause I don't agree at all with what most y'all are saying about men.
I never would have guessedSatchwar said:i think wonder woman is a pretty cool bro
just a little bit though
Satchwar said:im 5'1"
SteveWinwood said:Okay no really what girls do you think are super attractive then? 'Cause I don't agree at all with what most y'all are saying about men.
QueenDee said:I haven't seen this posted here yet and wanted to share it with my fellow girl gaffers. Finally something for the ladies
shanshan310 said:On a slightly related note:Do I need to? I'm too afraid >.< But then, I don't want to have cancer...I'm too afraid to go have a pap smear.
shanshan310 said:haha! I love it.
On a slightly related note:Do I need to? I'm too afraid >.< But then, I don't want to have cancer...I'm too afraid to go have a pap smear.
shanshan310 said:On a slightly related note:Do I need to? I'm too afraid >.< But then, I don't want to have cancer...I'm too afraid to go have a pap smear.
QueenDee said:You should, everyone is nervous the first time, but it is a must and is over quickly. It really is not that bad. I have a female doctor and I suppose that helps me to be more relaxed.
Prax said:I am between 5' 3" and 5' 4". I like to say 5' 4" so I can feel taller.
I feel 5' 8" is like.. the ideal girl height!
I am not so into the super bulked up guys. I'd probably go for more boyish types instead of beefy or old-school handsome.
I think Cilian Murphy is super pretty though.. and of course George Clooney is super older-man-sexy.
andymcc said:these last few posts have probably scared off a majority of creepy, lurking GAF.
just a question: for those that are adverse to going to an OBGYN, did you girls not get a Gardasil shot? i know if i were a female, that would be pretty high on my priority list, since you have to have it done by a certain age (right?).
Kitsunebaby said:I've been meaning to get one. I don't go to doctor as often as I should. I thought you could do it anytime, though. said:Hey fellow girlgaf - I tried crackle nail polish for the first time ever and loved it. Now I want to experiment with colour combinations.
Any recommendations?
QueenDee said:Cant get it if you're over 26.
EDIT: Also there has been some side effects and some deaths (as with all new vaccines or drugs) recorded. Not spreading fear, just advising to do some research so you can choose the best route for you.
Black crackle is great. I usually do a bottom layer of a bright shades like yellow, red, orange, neons, and then but the black over it.Hey fellow girlgaf - I tried crackle nail polish for the first time ever and loved it. Now I want to experiment with colour combinations.
Any recommendations?
andymcc said:yeah, my girlfriend was aware of the side-effects. her best friend pretty easily convinced her to get the shot as her mom is dying of cervical cancer.
cloudwalking said:as for gardasil, i don't see a need for it. i'm married, don't have hpv, neither does my husband.
Guys have to drop their pants and cough. Girls have to lift their legs and exhale. It just plain sucks being human, but heaven knows reproductive health is important. So we...blow out.Ducky_McGee said:Pelvic exams are awful.
There was a while back about what the most awkward feeling is. That was my vote. Guy gaf can't relate. It sucks but it beats having cancer in my vagina.
I don't need to look it up, I've been through it more than once myself. It's hardly rant-worthy.Ducky_McGee said:Nah. We have it worse. Look up what,a pelvic exam involves.
That's not very nice. I was asking the question in good faith.Ducky_McGee said:First I thought about answering your question then I decided to tell you to piss off out of our thread instead.
cooljeanius said:Hi Girl-Gaf, I just saw an article today that I was wondering about your thoughts on:
Here's a gallery of the bras mentioned in the article:
Anyway I was just wondering if any of you would consider buying, or even wearing any of those.
BladeWorker said:I don't need to look it up, I've been through it more than once myself. It's hardly rant-worthy.