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Girl-Gaf - A thread for girls.

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SteveWinwood said:
This here. I know that all* of you own it. Have you worn it outside? Do people compliment you on how beautiful it is? Do you enjoy how the logo matches the shirt so perfectly?


hehe :D Well, mine is on its way right now. I'll let you know when I get it. What I liked was how it was kinda funky without being overtly nerdy. People who know neogaf will be able to pick me out, but people who don't will just think its a cute shirt. I really wanted to buy a sum41 tee with that style of writing, but this one is even better. Thankyou steeeeve.
I pretty much aimed for 'well yeah i was on the company softball team 4 years ago and now i'm wearing the shirt on a Saturday morning to the home depot because I need a specific screw to fix the garbage disposal'. So yeah it's not that nerdy.


I know people in my life that are aware of this site, and they wouldn't let me hear the end of it if I were to wear a shirt like that.
cooljeanius said:
So seeing as we've already had a discussion in the BlackGAF thread about Londa getting banned, how does GirlGAF feel about it?

Kind of sad. Last thing this forum needs is one less female voice.


I think she shouldn't let people rile her up so much, but then again she kind of had it coming with the way she posts sometimes. Also it's gaming side (proceed with caution!).


Purse/bag question. Do you usually carry a purse around?
suzu said:
I think she shouldn't let people rile her up so much, but then again she kind of had it coming with the way she posts sometimes. Also it's gaming side (proceed with caution!).


Purse/bag question. Do you usually carry a purse around?

Yeah, I usually try to be cautious when posting on gaf. Keepin' my head in. What did she say to get banned?


There is never a time when I don't have a bag with me. I feel naked without one! I'd like to be able to not carry one, but my stuff won't fit in my pockets - if my clothes even have pockets.
I don't think I ever saw enough of her posts to really get to know her personality. Like Devolution said, though, I'm sad to see a girl go. We need way more girls on gaf.

suzu said:
Purse/bag question. Do you usually carry a purse around?

I don't think women's jeans have nearly enough pocket space for my wallet, cell phone, ipod, random crap, etc. I have a small leather one that I bought several years ago from the renfest and I love it. I don't understand the need for a million different purses.


I usually use a small purse (cellphone, money, keys), but lately I've been looking for a nice medium size satchel type to carry more of my junknecessities. :)


Not pure anymore!
cooljeanius said:
So seeing as we've already had a discussion in the BlackGAF thread about Londa getting banned, how does GirlGAF feel about it?
I hope she's not perma banned?

EDIT: Just read the topic. Damn, some FF fans are a bit too insult happy... I post a lot on the gaming side, I think more than OT but I've never been called a troll/had people call me stupid / insult me for voicing my opinion. Sad to see her go, especially since I quite liked her. :(
Hey Girl-Gaf, how many of you out there drop way too much money (by your own admission) at places like Sephora, or in drugstores and department stores on cosmetics and fragrances?

I'm quickly realizing that such purchases account for the largest share of my monthy budget...*cringe*...
BladeWorker said:
Hey Girl-Gaf, how many of you out there drop way too much money (by your own admission) at places like Sephora, or in drugstores and department stores on cosmetics and fragrances?

I'm quickly realizing that such purchases account for the largest share of my monthy budget...*cringe*...

Not much at all actually. Most of my free-money budget goes towards books and wine/cheese/prosciutto. :D
Not that much really. I manage to mostly get by on cosmetics/ perfume I get for christmas etc. Except for lipgloss, which I use a lot more of.

Do you girls paint your nails? I would do it far more often than I do if A. It didn't take so long to put on, B. only look good for 3 days and C. not take forever to get off again.
BladeWorker said:
Hey Girl-Gaf, how many of you out there drop way too much money (by your own admission) at places like Sephora, or in drugstores and department stores on cosmetics and fragrances?

I'm quickly realizing that such purchases account for the largest share of my monthy budget...*cringe*...

I've been using some of the same stuff for years. I only recently bought some cheap makeup and eye-liner at Lucky's. I rarely ever wear makeup or perfume.

shanshan310 said:
Do you girls paint your nails? I would do it far more often than I do if A. It didn't take so long to put on, B. only look good for 3 days and C. not take forever to get off again.

Nope. They get messed up in no time depending on what courses I'm taking in a given semester. Like my silkscreen class would just make painting them ultra futile.
Devolution said:
I've been using some of the same stuff for years. I only recently bought some cheap makeup and eye-liner at Lucky's. I rarely ever wear makeup or perfume.

me too actually. I feel kinda weird wearing make up to uni. I'll only wear it if I'm going out somewhere in the evening (dinner, clubbing etc).
Is using old makeup bad? It seems like a waste to throw it out if there's still some left..


Not pure anymore!
I don't spend too much money on make-up, my foundations last me at least 5 to 6 months. The gel liners last me about a year. I have tons of lipsticks that I bought a year or so ago that are prolly going to last me another year. I have however been getting into cream highlighters because they are so subtle and make your skin look so glowy!

I don't use much make-up but I feel nakey without a good dewy light coverage barely there foundation just for a lil glow since I have dry skin and my skin tends to look flat and dull without it. I have pretty good skin though, never had blemishes or spots ever. I also love using rosey coloured lipsticks as a stain on my lips and as blush as well. Once in a while I put on some coffee coloured liner and I'm good to go. Its my barely there make-up!


Reluctant Member
Yikes, liquid eyeliner 3-6 months? I rarely use mine so I've had the same stuff that I bought in Japan (hence, don't want to get rid of it) from 2007 D: My regular stuff (eyebrow and mascara because I have ridiculously light brows and lashes) get used up in about that time so it's not a concern. I'm surprised, given the chemicals in it I thought the stuff would last forever. I'll just never buy non-essentials anymore, too expensive for just fun-time make-up.

icarus-daedelus said:
I've thought about dying my hair red & cutting it short and getting contacts instead of glasses. This will hypothetically be by far the biggest effort I've ever made towards my personal appearance, haha. I don't know if it's too tacky or will give off the wrong impression or something, though.

I say go for it! The hair at least. Unless it's flame red and you work in a strict office of course, then it probably would give off the wrong impression (for obvious reasons.) Nothing like a hair cut/dye to make you feel like a new person and give you a new outlook. Personally I've tried contacts on several occasions and really can't stand them, but it's different for everyone. If you don't like they way you look in glasses, you could always try different frames to see what works for your face.


icarus-daedelus said:
I've thought about dying my hair red & cutting it short and getting contacts instead of glasses. This will hypothetically be by far the biggest effort I've ever made towards my personal appearance, haha. I don't know if it's too tacky or will give off the wrong impression or something, though.

What color is your hair now? I went from blonde to red and I was really happy with the results, I also tried contacts too!




Not pure anymore!
Red hair suits you, Lexi.

Changing hair colour is awesome. I've had my hair coloured pure black, black with a hint of purple, dark brown, light brown, dark/dirty blonde and auburn, basically any colour that would go with my skin tone and look as natural as possible. I'm not daring enough to go for a drastic change though, so never went full on blonde or red. I'm thinking about going medium auburn though, instead of dark auburn.


girls: why are they so ruthless and mean? do you ladies feel that you're entitled to be like that because you have breasts and vaginas?


Reluctant Member
coldvein said:
girls: why are they so ruthless and mean? do you ladies feel that you're entitled to be like that because you have breasts and vaginas?

Had a bad experience recently and feeling bitter? Fortunately I'm here to tell you: most women are actually not like this -throws confetti-
coldvein said:
girls: why are they so ruthless and mean? do you ladies feel that you're entitled to be like that because you have breasts and vaginas?

Guys can be like that too. Maybe your just hanging out with the wrong sorts of girls :p Fear not, there have been no cat fights in Girl-Gaf (as far as I know). We're all pretty chill around here.


nah, i'm talking about a girl who i was in love with, who loved me for quite a while. she cut it off. then some fourteen months later decides to call me just to remind me about how happy she is and how she's much better off than i am. RUTHLESS.


Reluctant Member
Bad experience, as I expected.

Unfortunately this isn't really a problem with girls, but with people in general. Gloating, trying to get back at people, etc. It happens. If she is the kind of person who would do that sort of thing, rejoice in the fact that you are no longer with her. And think, is her life really so great if she has to get her jollies from dredging up the past and throwing it in someones face? She must be quite insecure and needing affirmation that she has made the right decisions. Again--be happy, you escaped from her and are free to find someone much better.
coldvein said:
nah, i'm talking about a girl who i was in love with, who loved me for quite a while. she cut it off. then some fourteen months later decides to call me just to remind me about how happy she is and how she's much better off than i am. RUTHLESS.

I'm sorry to hear that, but at least you know now why its better you broke up. Reminds me of that thread that popped up yesterday about the guy whose wife dumped him and three days later invited him to her wedding. Some people are just scummy. Or dumb.


Lissar said:
Bad experience, as I expected.

Unfortunately this isn't really a problem with girls, but with people in general. Gloating, trying to get back at people, etc. It happens. If she is the kind of person who would do that sort of thing, rejoice in the fact that you are no longer with her. And think, is her life really so great if she has to get her jollies from dredging up the past and throwing it in someones face? She must be quite insecure and needing affirmation that she has made the right decisions. Again--be happy, you escaped from her and are free to find someone much better.

i appreciate the kind and wise words. i've got alot more to say, but i understand that i'm only a guest in this thread, and will not take it up to coldvein crazy level 9000.
You're not interupting :p We were only talking about make up expiry dates..
If you wanna keep talking but are worried though, you can move it over to ladygaf advises mangaf.


coldvein said:
nah, i'm talking about a girl who i was in love with, who loved me for quite a while. she cut it off. then some fourteen months later decides to call me just to remind me about how happy she is and how she's much better off than i am. RUTHLESS.
Well, maybe she's just a gloaty gloater. Some people are just jerks and need to step on people to pump their own fragile egos.

Otherwise, you could have done something super terrible/undignifying to her and now she feels justified with rubbing it in your face?

Ha... I am a pretty bad "girl".
Make up takes way too much effort.. and then the fact that I would be able to use it all before it expires if I buy foundation or something.
I am also made I cannot find RED eye liner. Like a pencil. That is.. FLAME/FIRE TRUCK RED.
Why doesn't this exist? I am now on a hunt for such a colour, only because I wanted to try it once and couldn't find it every (every other colour in the rainbow for eyeliners seem to exist except for red..).
Please inform me GirlGAF. Where is my mystical red eyeliner? :C


Prax said:
Ha... I am a pretty bad "girl".
Make up takes way too much effort.. and then the fact that I would be able to use it all before it expires if I buy foundation or something.
I am also made I cannot find RED eye liner. Like a pencil. That is.. FLAME/FIRE TRUCK RED.
Why doesn't this exist? I am now on a hunt for such a colour, only because I wanted to try it once and couldn't find it every (every other colour in the rainbow for eyeliners seem to exist except for red..).
Please inform me GirlGAF. Where is my mystical red eyeliner? :C

If you don't end up finding a pencil liner, what you can do is use an eyeliner brush and just use eyeshadow as the liner. Works awesomely :)


Neo Member
Prax said:
I am also made I cannot find RED eye liner. Like a pencil. That is.. FLAME/FIRE TRUCK RED.
Why doesn't this exist? I am now on a hunt for such a colour, only because I wanted to try it once and couldn't find it every (every other colour in the rainbow for eyeliners seem to exist except for red..).
Please inform me GirlGAF. Where is my mystical red eyeliner? :C

Um, Stargazer have a vivid liquid red eyeliner, if you don't want to restrict yourself to a pencil. But they also have a red eye/lip pencil...


Liquid eyeliner

Plus they're very very cheap.

Hello fellow GirlGAFfers, by the way!


Manathen said:
Um, Stargazer have a vivid liquid red eyeliner, if you don't want to restrict yourself to a pencil. But they also have a red eye/lip pencil...


Liquid eyeliner

Plus they're very very cheap.

Hello fellow GirlGAFfers, by the way!
You have done the impossible!
You don't know how many stores and makeup sections (from Walmart to Sephora to Mac to Shoppers) trying to find red! xD

Thank youuuu!


Neo Member
Prax said:
You have done the impossible!
You don't know how many stores and makeup sections (from Walmart to Sephora to Mac to Shoppers) trying to find red! xD

Thank youuuu!

They're a UK store, but since their stuff is so cheap, shipping shouldn't be an issue. And you're welcome! :) Glad I could help. :) I have the liquid red eyeliner myself.
Girl gaf: what's it mean when a girl looks at a guy, then looks away and smiles to herself. Let's assume the guy is normal looking, nothing outrageous about him.
something about it strikes me as dismissive in a way.....


theignoramus said:
Girl gaf: what's it mean when a girl looks at a guy, then looks away and smiles to herself. Let's assume the guy is normal looking, nothing outrageous about him.
something about it strikes me as dismissive in a way.....
Maybe she likes how you look, but doesn't want to actually start a two-way flirt.
Could mean anything, really. Sometimes I just stare at people for a while just because (could be looking at their nose shape, maybe they are just in my line of sight) and look somewhere else and think about something else.
Don't dig too deep!


Neo Member
Don't you just love it when you're trying on a dress for something in a shop and you just go "Yes. Just yes!" and every dress you've yet to try on just doesn't compare? That happened me the other day. I just couldn't walk out of the shop without it.
Manathen said:
Don't you just love it when you're trying on a dress for something in a shop and you just go "Yes. Just yes!" and every dress you've yet to try on just doesn't compare? That happened me the other day. I just couldn't walk out of the shop without it.


Conversely I've seen dresses in shop windows, dreamed about it for days, gone back only to find it looks all wrong on me or something.
Manathen said:
Don't you just love it when you're trying on a dress for something in a shop and you just go "Yes. Just yes!" and every dress you've yet to try on just doesn't compare? That happened me the other day. I just couldn't walk out of the shop without it.
So rare a moment it must be cherished for years to come.
shanshan310 said:

Conversely I've seen dresses in shop windows, dreamed about it for days, gone back only to find it looks all wrong on me or something.

I also hate to see something really awesome only for all of the ones my size to be gone. One of the things that actually does anger me is women who refuse to buy shit their size, and sweep out all of the small sizes. Then I see them walking around in pants meant for tiny people like me, with their muffin top out for the world to see. How is that complimentary? As someone who rarely goes shopping for clothes it's just one of the few things that actually riles me up. I want to go into a store and find my size and leave. But no...

/pissy rant
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