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Girl-Gaf - A thread for girls.

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Let's post albums we listened to as kids and that we know shaped our future musical tastes.




Had all of these on tape too. Now I feel old.
My first albums were very generic 90's girl type music: Hanson, Spice Girls etc. My first cassette ever was by Peter Combe, though I'm not sure you guys would know him. My music tastes have changed quite a bit since then. I bought a Sum 41 album when I was 13 and they are still my favourite band today :D

So this girl I went to high school with updated her status to "just survived my first pap smear!". It kinda struck me as a little weird. Its something you can go tell your best friend, but its not something you announce to everyone you know.. "HELLO FAMILY MEMBERS, OLD CLASSMATES AND EX-TEAMMATES, TODAY A DOCTOR SHOVED A BIG CLAMP INTO MY VAGINA TO CHECK IF I HAVE CANCER!". I'm not sure if people don't realise that if you post something on facebook everyone will see it, or if they do realise and post it anyway...


Reluctant Member
I only discovered Bowie later in life (despite my Labyrinth obsession.)

I was, however, a huuuuuuuge Queen fan.

Pap smear - Eh, it doesn't strike me as that odd of a thing to talk about, but then I've never gotten embarrassed about that sort of thing. Actually I think the only thing that can embarrass me is saying something stupid/doing something wrong. :<
So this girl I went to high school with updated her status to "just survived my first pap smear!". It kinda struck me as a little weird. Its something you can go tell your best friend, but its not something you announce to everyone you know.. "HELLO FAMILY MEMBERS, OLD CLASSMATES AND EX-TEAMMATES, TODAY A DOCTOR SHOVED A BIG CLAMP INTO MY VAGINA TO CHECK IF I HAVE CANCER!". I'm not sure if people don't realise that if you post something on facebook everyone will see it, or if they do realise and post it anyway...

Maybe she was happy that she doesn't have cancer? I'm not sure how quickly you get results from such an exam.
haha, I think she was more relieved about it being over. Its not very fun, to say the least.

Pap smear - Eh, it doesn't strike me as that odd of a thing to talk about, but then I've never gotten embarrassed about that sort of thing. Actually I think the only thing that can embarrass me is saying something stupid/doing something wrong. :<

hm, I guess I'm not one to talk about sex/periods/bodily things in general. With my close friends I might, but I wouldn't post it on facebook in the same way I wouldn't post about having cramps etc. It just feels kind of personal.


Reluctant Member
I probably wouldn't post about it on Facebook, but that's because I don't post much of anything on Facebook. I don't mind talking about that sort of thing though, even though I'm aware that it isn't exactly 100% socially acceptable to do so.

Ha! This just reminded me of when I was thirteen. I used to get sudden bloody noses all the time and it had happened in school that day, so I ran to get cleaned up but some had spattered on my clothes. In the next class this snarky girl said, "What, get your period for the first time today or something?" (Who would be that messy anyway?) And I calmly said, "No? My first was when I was 10." To which she replied, "Ewww, I did NOT want to know that!" And everyone looked at me like I had grown horns. I just thought, what? Not my fault you brought it up. If you were so disgusted with the idea, it shouldn't have entered into the conversation. Sometimes I feel people are too scared of normal body stuff.

This. I blasted the hell out of this ALL THE TIME. I can probably sing every word to every song right now.

I also enjoyed the musical stylings of Backstreet Boys, Nine Inch Nails, Eminem, and Enya. I was a weird kid. I must have had more cds than that but that's all I remember from when I was 7-10.
Ha! This just reminded me of when I was thirteen. I used to get sudden bloody noses all the time and it had happened in school that day, so I ran to get cleaned up but some had spattered on my clothes. In the next class this snarky girl said, "What, get your period for the first time today or something?" (Who would be that messy anyway?) And I calmly said, "No? My first was when I was 10." To which she replied, "Ewww, I did NOT want to know that!" And everyone looked at me like I had grown horns. I just thought, what? Not my fault you brought it up. If you were so disgusted with the idea, it shouldn't have entered into the conversation. Sometimes I feel people are too scared of normal body stuff.

:( Reminds me of how bitchy girls could be at that age. Thirteen - Fourteen was definitely the worst (everyone sort of mellowed out by the time we were seniors). Telling people when your period started isn't gross!

You started pretty early! I think I was around eleven, and I remember people freaking out that it was too young. It was only a couple of months or so after I found out what it was too..


Reluctant Member
:( Reminds me of how bitchy girls could be at that age. Thirteen - Fourteen was definitely the worst (everyone sort of mellowed out by the time we were seniors). Telling people when your period started isn't gross!

You started pretty early! I think I was around eleven, and I remember people freaking out that it was too young. It was only a couple of months or so after I found out what it was too..

Yeah, that age is pretty terrible. Though my worst year was when I was 12. All of my friends ditched me because they thought I was weird and uncool, then after that year I ended up moving (it actually wasn't all bad. I started hanging out with the other uncool girls in the computer lab and played Oregon Trail.)

I started very early! It was kind of funny because when I was 8-9 I couldn't waaaaait to start it because from what we learned in sex ed you were really an adult when it started. I wanted to be a woman! By the time it did start (a few months before I turned 11), I had completely forgotten about it. I was very calm about it though (like I am about most things.) I spent a few days pondering what was happening before I decided to tell my mom. It was soon after that I realized what an awful thing it was (and I've never really had it as bad as some.) Why did I wish for it? And a year later I really started to sprout and got in massive trouble in gym for not wearing a bra because I didn't even realize I needed one :x
haha, I got super excited about getting breasts and wore crop-tops from about grade 5 onwards. Then all my friends ended up hitting puberty before me, even though I got my period first >.<
Oh god this is making me remember terrible middle school moments.

In middle school I had bigger boobs than most of the other girls and I had to deal with so many people asking me to my face if I stuffed my bra. One day when some bitch asked me I just pulled my neckline down (I wasn't wearing a bra that day) and said, "do you see any goddamn stuffing?"
Oh god this is making me remember terrible middle school moments.

In middle school I had bigger boobs than most of the other girls and I had to deal with so many people asking me to my face if I stuffed my bra. One day when some bitch asked me I just pulled my neckline down (I wasn't wearing a bra that day) and said, "do you see any goddamn stuffing?"

ha! awesome. Generally I just tried to ignore that kind of thing. I was always to dumbstruck that people I barely knew would come up and be rude, so I could never come up with witty remarks. Wish I'd been that cool :p Ugh, girl drama. I never had anything really bad happen, but I still got pretty over it. Ended up in a group with mostly guys for the last few years of high school. Lots of smash bros and paintball, plus guys tend to be easier for me to talk to, for some weird reason. Now that I think about it, I probably do have more male friends even now... Sometimes though you really do need a girlfriend to talk to.


Not pure anymore!
It is hard for me to trust most guys. I used to thinks guys and girls can become best friends but every close male friend I've had in the past ended up hitting on me or wanting more than just a friendship. I'm not the flirty kind at all so I dunno why it keep happening, its so sad because I lost a very very dear friend because of it. I never had to worry about that stuff with my female friends, most are amazing human beings, maybe I'm just extremely lucky that I never had to deal with the girl drama growing up even though I was quite tomboyish back in the day but none of my friends thought I was weird for liking stuff that some boys do.
I've been pretty lucky in that since I'm in a long term relationship none of my friends have made a move. I don't know if that's the reason or if they really do consider me a good friend, but hanging out with them it definitely feels like the latter. I don't know if the thing Chris Rock talked about where every girl is a potential fuck applied in high school.

Even though I did a lot of "tomboy" type things (games, martial arts etc) I don't think I was ever a tomboy. I always dressed in feminine clothes and stuff.
hey Nintendoll,


I was just wondering, um, ya know, if you wanted to maybe, um, well, I know we haven't even had our steak date yet, and well maybe you could, ONLY if you wanted to, but ya know well I wrote it down so just have a look and just gimme a call if you decide. Kay, um, BYE!


Would you like to join me at the NeoGAF tiny chat dance tonight?

[] yes    []no    []maybe

Yelling from far away: "I'll bring flowers!"

under my breath "oh god please say yes..."


good credit (by proxy)
^^^in case ya'll hadn't heard, Steve Winwood is MAGIC. He has entrance music played for him when he logs onto TinyChat.
I've had the opposite experience. I have lots of male friends who rarely if ever hit on me. Perhaps it is the glasses and/or general lack of care for appearance (though I'm not unattractive or overweight) that put them off. My mother told me when I was younger that I was intellectually intimidating to men, but she was probably just trying to make me feel better.

Duly noted.


I've had the opposite experience. I have lots of male friends who rarely if ever hit on me. Perhaps it is the glasses and/or general lack of care for appearance (though I'm not unattractive or overweight) that put them off. My mother told me when I was younger that I was intellectually intimidating to men, but she was probably just trying to make me feel better.

Most of my friends are women. I can say for myself that, while many of my friends are attractive, I wouldn't date -- or sleep -- with most of them. I would think that most well-adjusted men are the same.
I've realized that I don't have that many close male friends. I just get along the best with other girls. I can be really affectionate with my girl friends without worrying about awkwardness. I'm also not really afraid of my girl friends judging me at all, but for some reason I feel like I have to worry about how I act around guys. I'm not entirely sure why.

See those? Those are the flowers I bought.

They're dead now.

They're withered and destroyed.

They've been neglected and ignored.

This makes them exactly LIKE MY HEART!

You wanna know why guys get cynical and terrified all at once. This is why. You've just seen it happen. You put yourself out there, and then you're just rejected and torn up all in public.

Thanks Nintendoll. Thanks.
It actually sometimes goes the other way too. Some of the really close girlfriends i've had in the past have wanted to try and make something more of our friendship.

I generally just try to be friendly and funny to all my friends and some girls tend to take it as meaning i'm interested in them.

Sometimes it's nice just to be able to have a really good friend and not have to worry about that sort of thing. I like having female friends as they offer a completely different perspective on things than most of my male friends.


Not pure anymore!
It actually sometimes goes the other way too. Some of the really close girlfriends i've had in the past have wanted to try and make something more of our friendship.

I generally just try to be friendly and funny to all my friends and some girls tend to take it as meaning i'm interested in them.

Sometimes it's nice just to be able to have a really good friend and not have to worry about that sort of thing. I like having female friends as they offer a completely different perspective on things than most of my male friends.

I used to treat both male and female friends the same but now I have to be a bit careful around my male friends sometimes. I love the few that I have and don't want to lose em!

I recently lost one of my close male friends but I'm not sure if it was because of him wanting more. Ever since he's started dating this girl he's been extremely distant, doesn't even greet me when we see each other. No idea what's up with that. I don't like people who ignore friends when they're dating, another thing I don't like about some guys. Its like they are only interested in having female friends when they are single. I have a dude but I never ignore my friends because of him.
What's the most vicious thing another girl did to you?

In highschool one of my so-called friends (Alli) and team mates got her cousin to call me and pretend to be my crush and ask me out (they had similar voices or I was naive whatever). Anyway, I went to talk to him in the cafeteria and he had no clue what the fuck I was talking about. I realized I had been duped and got the hell out of dodge.

I found out some years later that some girl Amber might have put Alli up to it. I didn't even know Amber and actively tried to avoid drama/frenemy situations but apparently she hated me.

God fuck highschool.
I used to treat both male and female friends the same but now I have to be a bit careful around my male friends sometimes. I love the few that I have and don't want to lose em!

I recently lost one of my close male friends but I'm not sure if it was because of him wanting more. Ever since he's started dating this girl he's been extremely distant, doesn't even greet me when we see each other. No idea what's up with that. I don't like people who ignore friends when they're dating, another thing I don't like about some guys. Its like they are only interested in having female friends when they are single. I have a dude but I never ignore my friends because of him.

Just saw this, but I figured I'd comment. Maybe his gf is uncomfortable about you. If he likes the girl it might not be that he wanted more from you, but that he wants to make her happy. It's not "right" but it's not "wrong" either. Everyone gets jealous and if you see your SO forming an emotional bond with another person of the opposite sex it's normal to be jealous. Most people will realize it's irrational and not interfere, but sometimes it's just too much. I know one of my biggest regrets with my ex was not voicing my discomfort with how much time she was spending with other guys I had never met, nor did she want me to meet. I trusted her to not do anything, and I genuinely believe that she didn't betray my trust while we were dating, but at the same time I do think her notions that she could "find someone else" came from all the time she was spending with other guys. I know personally I would never spend a significant amount of time with a member of the opposite sex without telling my SO about it or maybe even trying to get them to meet. Whenever I would try and bring it up my ex would say "I can't help it if I don't get a long with girls!" which was true, and I had no right telling her who she could and couldn't be friends with, but I DO think I would have been within our boundaries to say "I understand that, but I'm concerned you're using these guys as a proxy for me, and the fact that you don't even want to tell me about what you're doing bothers me." (sidenote: this was in a "You wouldn't care" sense, but the point was I DID care to know about what she was doing because I cared about her.)

/Long ass sidenote....
What's the most vicious thing another girl did to you?

In highschool one of my so-called friends (Alli) and team mates got her cousin to call me and pretend to be my crush and ask me out (they had similar voices or I was naive whatever). Anyway, I went to talk to him in the cafeteria and he had no clue what the fuck I was talking about. I realized I had been duped and got the hell out of dodge.

I found out some years later that some girl Amber might have put Alli up to it. I didn't even know Amber and actively tried to avoid drama/frenemy situations but apparently she hated me.

God fuck highschool.
That's awful. :( I had a similar situation in middle school, but they stopped me right before I did anything embarrassing.
Some punk ass pulled the "how you doin" on the bus at me today. I just muttered "fine" in the most uninteresting passive voice with probably a hint of "FUCK OFF."


Some punk ass pulled the "how you doin" on the bus at me today. I just muttered "fine" in the most uninteresting passive voice with probably a hint of "FUCK OFF."

I laughed at the visual of you saying fine in that tone since I can visualize it perfectly.
I pose this to girlygaf

My 21st B-Day coming up very very soon. I'm not sure how to feel about this. Although I'm pretty sure I'll have no memory of the day itself once it comes and goes. I've never been drunk. Not once in my life. Ever. So maybe I'll try that.

Actually I'm thinking more about my life and what I want out of it. What I've gotten out of it so far. The biggest thing that seems to be occupying my thoughts lately is my future with my boyfriend. We've been going out since I was a Freshman in high school... so a while. I love him and he loves me. I keep thinking/hoping with each passing holiday/birthday that today may be the day. We have an amazing relationship and he's the man for me, I know it.

But then my neurosis kick in. I remember that I'm only (almost) 21. He's literally the only serious boyfriend I've ever had. I get depressed now just thinking about it.

a) I realize how much I'm missing out on.
b) I realize that I'm much happier now than I probably would be if I were single. If things changed overnight it might be a week until I wished things were back to the way they were

If he proposed to me tomorrow I would say yes but I can't say that I wouldn't have regrets about it. That's what's fucking me up. I wonder if he feels the same way. I don't want to lose him our end our relationship. I just wish we'd met later in life (mid 20's) and I still had my late teens and early 20's to be a single girl on my own. Being totally independent.

Feels bad man.


Reluctant Member
There is something to be said for being single for awhile and really getting to know yourself. At the same time, what is it that you feel you might be missing out on?
What's the most vicious thing another girl did to you?

In highschool one of my so-called friends (Alli) and team mates got her cousin to call me and pretend to be my crush and ask me out (they had similar voices or I was naive whatever). Anyway, I went to talk to him in the cafeteria and he had no clue what the fuck I was talking about. I realized I had been duped and got the hell out of dodge.

I found out some years later that some girl Amber might have put Alli up to it. I didn't even know Amber and actively tried to avoid drama/frenemy situations but apparently she hated me.

God fuck highschool.

Holy fuck that's cruel.

(sorry for trampling into the ladies' room, gals)
There is something to be said for being single for awhile and really getting to know yourself. At the same time, what is it that you feel you might be missing out on?

yeah. Really just the feeling of being independent. I know that after a few weeks I'd want to be back with him again. I've heard enough testimonials from people to fully realize that being alone sucks.


Reluctant Member
I guess it depends on your personality. Are you an extrovert? How much you'll enjoy independence may hinge on that. I'm a complete introvert so even though I enjoy my time with people, there is only so much of it I can take. My first two boyfriends were total extroverts and so there would always be people around because they would need it. Particularly my first boyfriend was clingy and didn't like the idea of me not spending every minute with him. When we broke up I was sad for a week, but then I could only feel relief. I didn't realize he was choking me. My current boyfriend is an introvert, and so sometimes when we are together it is like being alone. On the other hand, after me my first boyfriend was pretty much never single (or so he said.) He couldn't stand the idea of being alone for more than a week.

If what you're seeking is some independence, maybe you can fulfill that need by taking vacations by yourself? (I love this, but then I'm an introvert.) Independence and finding yourself can still occur even within a long term relationship.
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