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Girl-Gaf - A thread for girls.

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I'm the same ^

So I figure girlgaf should know I'm single. Hit a rough patch about a month ago, had a short break then a trial period or whatever, shit didn't change. Amicable split pretty much despite the length of time we were together (8 years).

:( I'm so sorry Devo. Though I guess if things weren't working out it was for the best. I hope you're hanging in there okay.
Have you ever felt bad when you are the person doing the dumping?

sorry that came out like a dickish comment. Feel free to ignore me. :p

This is the first time? And I felt like the biggest asshole ever, but I would have felt worse if I didn't own up to how I was feeling and just strung him along.


So I figure girlgaf should know I'm single. Hit a rough patch about a month ago, had a short break then a trial period or whatever, shit didn't change. Amicable split pretty much despite the length of time we were together (8 years).

Hope everything will be okay <3


This is the first time? And I felt like the biggest asshole ever, but I would have felt worse if I didn't own up to how I was feeling and just strung him along.

Fair enough. Kind of what I'm writing about at the moment.

I only said, cause it is Christmas and all.

I'm going to shut up now.


Don't feel too bad, I would have felt worse forcing a relationship to work just because of time invested.

I had a friend who went through something similar. High school and university sweethearts. Been together 9 or 10 years. Maybe even more. They ended up splitting soon after university.

You have my condolences, Devo.


Black Canada Mafia
Sucks Dev - I went through that earlier this year, although it was just about 7 years for me. It was the best thing that ever happened to me though, and hopefully both you and your ex feel that way even half as quickly as I did (it took me a few days).
Sucks Dev - I went through that earlier this year, although it was just about 7 years for me. It was the best thing that ever happened to me though, and hopefully both you and your ex feel that way even half as quickly as I did (it took me a few days).

It's quite surreal. Been in a relationship for so long, it's both scary and exciting to be out of it. Gotta watch my step but there's already someone I'm digging =o.




The Cryptarch's Bane
Wait, timedog asked you that or mystery guy asked you that?

Just playing the Venticelli for the audience here.
8 years? After 8 months I would be destroyed. Remember the good times you had. Don't keep regrets. Move on. If you feel an emptiness fill it with something, hobbies, work etc.

I don't know why I'm giving advice. I'm a bad advice giver and I doubt you need it.
8 years? After 8 months I would be destroyed. Remember the good times you had. Don't keep regrets. Move on. If you feel an emptiness fill it with something, hobbies, work etc.

I don't know why I'm giving advice. I'm a bad advice giver and I doubt you need it.

Well, if you hadn't said that, someone else would have. Those particular suggestions aren't bad advice.
It's getting harder for me to smile in your direction.

That hurt today =(.

Ouch. Sorry, girl. Sounds like you need a good pair of noise cancelling headphones, a couple of seasons of some crappy television on DVD and a bottle of tequila. Block out obliviously tactless statements like that.
8 years ended by a rough patch about a month ago? I'm curious what could have caused that. >_>

Not the first rough patch =/. You can only talk about how you'll do things right so many times over you know? If you don't actually try or act on it (we were both guilty of this) it's just like why are we still together.
It's getting harder for me to smile in your direction.

That hurt today =(.

OK, I need to call this out because it's something that's bugged me in my own breakup... Devo you ended things right? Then what do you have to be whiney about? My ex does this shit too. "I'm so sad today blah blah blah." Why the hell are you sad!?! You changed something YOU wanted to change. This isn't like "O I lost something so dear to me." No. You threw away the relationship. Being all upset about being alone seems dumb WHEN IT WAS YOUR OWN DAMN DECISION.

Sorry if I'm coming off as harsh. I'm in a pissed off mood today and really don't care about whatever shit you want to throw back. If you're not the one who ended it then call me an ass and move on or whatever.
OK, I need to call this out because it's something that's bugged me in my own breakup... Devo you ended things right? Then what do you have to be whiney about? My ex does this shit too. "I'm so sad today blah blah blah." Why the hell are you sad!?! You changed something YOU wanted to change. This isn't like "O I lost something so dear to me." No. You threw away the relationship. Being all upset about being alone seems dumb WHEN IT WAS YOUR OWN DAMN DECISION.

Sorry if I'm coming off as harsh. I'm in a pissed off mood today and really don't care about whatever shit you want to throw back. If you're not the one who ended it then call me an ass and move on or whatever.

I did end it but it's not like I ended it because he was a total douchebag and it was time for me to move on. I think I have a right to feel kind of hurt by statements like that. And damn threw away the relationship, harsh for sure.


OK, I need to call this out because it's something that's bugged me in my own breakup... Devo you ended things right? Then what do you have to be whiney about? My ex does this shit too. "I'm so sad today blah blah blah." Why the hell are you sad!?! You changed something YOU wanted to change. This isn't like "O I lost something so dear to me." No. You threw away the relationship. Being all upset about being alone seems dumb WHEN IT WAS YOUR OWN DAMN DECISION.

Sorry if I'm coming off as harsh. I'm in a pissed off mood today and really don't care about whatever shit you want to throw back. If you're not the one who ended it then call me an ass and move on or whatever.

Sometimes doing the right thing still hurts.
I did end it but it's not like I ended it because he was a total douchebag and it was time for me to move on. I think I have a right to feel kind of hurt by statements like that. And damn threw away the relationship, harsh for sure.

This is the same thing my ex says. "It's not that I don't still love you" followed by how the relationship wasn't right in some way followed by things that she misses. The response is obviously, "Well, duh." These things should have been apparent when you're deciding to end a relationship! Bottom line is YOU were the one who decided OVERALL the breakup was a net positive. So if you think that your life is overall better than why are you complaining about the things that are worse?

Ok, I'm done. You were nice in the other thread, and I'm obviously just lashing out at you for my own problem with a similar situation. I'm sorry Devo, I think you and I typically see eye to eye on relationship stuff, but this has been annoying for me to have to hear from my ex. I just hope at the very least you're not saying stuff like this to your ex if he didn't want to end things.


If you kept talking about changing things or doing things differently and neither of you would do them then you're both at fault. I don't see how that's really encouraging to whoever you're dating now, hopefully they're more aggressive about making things happen.

Good luck going forward.


I did end it but it's not like I ended it because he was a total douchebag and it was time for me to move on. I think I have a right to feel kind of hurt by statements like that. And damn threw away the relationship, harsh for sure.

Throwing away a relationship would be you actually fucking up the relationship. I've dumped many guys because THEY threw away the relationship. Just because you performed the final act of "hey let's be rational, this isn't working and that sucks for both of us" does not mean you threw it away.

And honestly, if you're having rough patches to the point where you think you need to break up, you shouldn't be together. Maybe you can take several months or even years apart to grow as individuals and it would work later, but you're doing more harm than good by staying together, in regards to your relationship and your mental health. Sometimes you just need to be that person to step back and say, "I wanted more than anything for this to work, but I am miserable and stressed all the time trying to keep this together."


And honestly, if you're having rough patches to the point where you think you need to break up, you shouldn't be together.

I agree but only if you have communicated with them about it first. Nothing sucks more than one person sitting and festering to themselves about problems and then just erupting and initiating a break-up seemingly out of the blue.
So is the rest of girlgaf gonna follow suit and use their actual pictures as their avatars like shan, cloudwalking, devo, and I and probably others I can't remember?
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