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Girl-Gaf - A thread for girls.

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Oh really? I wonder why that is.

Most of my real life friends are women.


That's the feeling I have whenever I click on this thread

That GIF doesn't make sense when reversed...
So is the rest of girlgaf gonna follow suit and use their actual pictures as their avatars like shan, cloudwalking, devo, and I and probably others I can't remember?

Already did. Although, I might change it if I can find a better picture.

I'm always curious what other posters look like. It'll be interesting to put a face to the posts.
Already did. Although, I might change it if I can find a better picture.

I'm always curious what other posters look like. It'll be interesting to put a face to the posts.

Yeah, I'm kind of excited >.<

I've cut my hair since the picture was taken (it looks more like devo-style now), so I should probably use an updated pic... when I take one :p
Yeah, I'm kind of excited >.<

I've cut my hair since the picture was taken (it looks more like devo-style now), so I should probably use an updated pic... when I take one :p

Yeah, I really have so few pics of myself that aren't cosplay pics. I should maybe take a new one for this. I somehow feel it defeats the purpose if I'm in costume and look nothing like I normally do.

You look really cute in your avy!


Aww but I'd miss my avatar from the rare occasions I actually post. ;)

Makes me wonder if I have any pics with my current haircut at all. I only take pictures of food and cars and random scenery, never myself.


You guys are brave, I don't know that I could do that.

Join us! Everyone is really nice, and I don't think I've seen a single negative comment in the thread about the way someone looks. Sure, there are guys who will badger you with PMs, but most of them are harmless, albeit a bit creepy.

Also, I'm sure if anyone said anything mean, Devo would kick their ass.


Heh, it's 4 am here. I probably should be sleeping instead of lurking on GAF while playing games, but my allergies are acting up. Not a great time for a photoshoot. :)


Heh, it's 4 am here. I probably should be sleeping instead of lurking on GAF while playing games, but my allergies are acting up. Not a great time for a photoshoot. :)

Get your beauty sleep :) we can wait till tomorrow!

Hmm, I don't know... I suppose I could. I can't find a decent picture at all though :<

Haha that was my dilemma. I'm sure there's one, or you can take a new one ;o


Not pure anymore!
Decided to join realpicgirlGAF. :D The whole of January though? I might get bored of my own avatar, need to take a few more crazy funny ones.


Reluctant Member
I don't know that I can keep staring at myself for the whole of January. It's a bit odd to see myself peering out from the side of my post.
You're picture is so pretty kisaya!

My pic is from way last spring and I should pic a newer one but I'm not the most photogenic person. Maybe I'll find my old camera and snap some new ones before the month is over.


Reluctant Member
You're picture is so pretty kisaya!

My pic is from way last spring and I should pic a newer one but I'm not the most photogenic person. Maybe I'll find my old camera and snap some new ones before the month is over.

Me either. My face always does some weird contortions in pictures and I can never figure out quite how I got my face to look like that (some don't even seem physically possible.) My boyfriend says I look different in every picture. They all sort of look like me, but none of them are 100% like me.


Decided to join realpicgirlGAF. :D The whole of January though? I might get bored of my own avatar, need to take a few more crazy funny ones.

I don't know that I can keep staring at myself for the whole of January. It's a bit odd to see myself peering out from the side of my post.

I'm missing my Koro avatar already. It's crazy how attached you can get to an avatar LOL


At the same time, pictures allow for more personal communication. People no longer feel like abstract concepts that somehow put text on to my computer screen; I have a much stronger sense of talking to another person -- it just so happens to be a conversation over the internet.


At the same time, pictures allow for more personal communication. People no longer feel like abstract concepts that somehow put text on to my computer screen; I have a much stronger sense of talking to another person -- it just so happens to be a conversation over the internet.

True, and in this day and age, I'd say more people communicate through electronic means than in person. I know for me personally, I have a ton of really good friends that I've met over the internet.
Decided to join realpicgirlGAF. :D The whole of January though? I might get bored of my own avatar, need to take a few more crazy funny ones.

You should keep it. It's like you're critically evaluating your posts. And hate the result.

Great. Now I feel like my avatar won't cut it anymore.


Reluctant Member
At the same time, pictures allow for more personal communication. People no longer feel like abstract concepts that somehow put text on to my computer screen; I have a much stronger sense of talking to another person -- it just so happens to be a conversation over the internet.

I do rather like it actually. I've always preferred speaking face to face above all else and while it doesn't really replicate that, it does have an element of that in it.
I do rather like it actually. I've always preferred speaking face to face above all else and while it doesn't really replicate that, it does have an element of that in it.

Ditto. Avatars are fun, but it does feel more personal, and given the tone of the Real Pic thread, it's been very civil and not creepy (so far). Not cool what happened to Ducky, though. :/


Reluctant Member
Ditto. Avatars are fun, but it does feel more personal, and given the tone of the Real Pic thread, it's been very civil and not creepy (so far). Not cool what happened to Ducky, though. :/

Yeah, that sounds terrible what happened to her! The only PM I got was actually from a friend I hadn't heard from in awhile, so that was cool. All went better than expected?


All of you with pics of yourself as an avatar are damn brave. Can't bring myself to do it. Guess I'm much more insecure than I thought.


Reluctant Member
I was pretty insecure about it. I spent a few hours trying to decide if I should do it or not. But now I feel much better since going through with it!
Have those fiends been exposed and punished?

Only the mods could say, but it's a shame considering how well the thread was going. :/

Yeah, that sounds terrible what happened to her! The only PM I got was actually from a friend I hadn't heard from in awhile, so that was cool. All went better than expected?

I haven't had a single PM that wasn't work-related either, so I think it's all going pretty damn well.

NoRéN;33887514 said:
All of you with pics of yourself as an avatar are damn brave. Can't bring myself to do it. Guess I'm much more insecure than I thought.

Don't be shy! It's really been a refreshing thread, and everyone is nice. Some people are also posting more stylized pics (only eyes exposed, etc), so it's possible to show a bit of your real self without going into scary territory if you're really worried.


I couldn't find any nice pics of myself on my phone, so instead I went with the one with amusing circumstances instead.

My avatar is me yelling at Ken Rolston to give back my iphone at a recent holiday party. Instead he took a bunch of random pictures, including this one. :p
Ditto. Avatars are fun, but it does feel more personal, and given the tone of the Real Pic thread, it's been very civil and not creepy (so far). Not cool what happened to Ducky, though. :/

What happened to Ducky, anyway? I noticed she had removed her avatar again, but I never found out why...
I couldn't find any nice pics of myself on my phone, so instead I went with the one with amusing circumstances instead.

My avatar is me yelling at Ken Rolston to give back my iphone at a recent holiday party. Instead he took a bunch of random pictures, including this one. :p

Nice. Approval +1 ^_^

You haven't had a single PM (creepily) hitting on you? This must be corrected!
Not by me, though. >_>

Nope. :) I'm tellin' ya, gaf has been hella civil.
Famous last words?

What happened to Ducky, anyway? I noticed she had removed her avatar again, but I never found out why...

Apparently she got some creeper PMs after joining the Real Pic thread. :/ It kind of underscored why these things generally don't work out well for girls. But, as far as I know she's the only one, and the thread has been perfectly fine aside from that. Opiate has been keeping an eye on it to make sure it stays that well and is keeping creeper gaf at bay.


I'm honestly surprised on how many of you are brave to throw yourselves into the lion's den. I, for one, appreciate the eye candy nonetheless.

To celebrate this occasion, I will send you all one creepy PM when I'm not feeling lazy. You gals deserve it!
At the same time, pictures allow for more personal communication. People no longer feel like abstract concepts that somehow put text on to my computer screen; I have a much stronger sense of talking to another person -- it just so happens to be a conversation over the internet.

As I said in the January thread, I feel like I have to post to a higher standard now that my face is beside my posts. I kind of don't mind actually.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
happy new years lady-gaf, maybe 2012 will the year I finally snag one of you :I


So I joined the real pic bandwagon, I'm hip to trends and stuff, you know. I like music you've never even heard of.


----- ------
So I joined the real pic bandwagon, I'm hip to trends and stuff, you know. I like music you've never even heard of.
I've already seen plenty of pictures of you in the transgendered thread. :wink:

edit: That was suppose to a compliment but came out badly. :X
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