I'm honestly surprised on how many of you are brave to throw yourselves into the lion's den. I, for one, appreciate the eye candy nonetheless.
To celebrate this occasion, I will send you all one creepy PM when I'm not feeling lazy. You gals deserve it!
I'm operating under the hope that we're all adults and can act like it. And as The_Inquisitor said, posting with your real pic next to what you write kind of holds you to a higher standard. I both agree and hope this holds true.
And who says you're not going to get creepy PMs? You ARE one of the necktie wearing eye-candies on the real pic thread. (not trying to be a creeper myself, just an observation)
So I joined the real pic bandwagon, I'm hip to trends and stuff, you know. I like music you've never even heard of.
Yay! Welcome! And if anyone dares be rude or creeper to you, post it here and we will lambaste them with pointy verbal barbs. ^_^ You do look lovely, btw. Chalk up another point for glasses gaf too!
Hey Girl-Age help me out with this question.
How much weight do you put on your relationship with your father? How has it affected you?
I ask for a variety of reasons but wondering how y'all saw it...
Hmm... Well, my dad is not a good example, as we have no relationship except that I think he's a pathetic excuse for a man, but inferring from that you could say that having a good relationship with your dad would make a huge difference. But the same goes for a relationship with any parent. *shrug*