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Girl-Gaf - A thread for girls.

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Happy New Year Girl-Gaf.

Resolution: join up more with you ladies here.
Resolution 2: maybe someday get a boyfriend and not be the perpetually single person of my group.


Love the avvie Ducky :)

While we're on resolutions, mine is to lose 10kg and continue diligently saving money toward my various funds.
Happy New Year, everybody.

Happy New Year Girl-Gaf.

Resolution: join up more with you ladies here.
Resolution 2: maybe someday get a boyfriend and not be the perpetually single person of my group.

I'm pretty much the only single person whenever I'm out with friends. I hang out with a lot of couples. Doesn't really bother me too much, though, since they never make it awkward.


Reluctant Member
People were saying obscured faces weren't allowed. I figured it'd be a happy in between to avoid the creepy. I like it though. :D ClassyGAF.

It's a lovely picture, but I don't know if bare shoulders and neck will help avoid the creepy :eek:
neck fetishist

My only resolution is to keep on towards my goals without wavering or becoming unsure of myself. Just like last year :D


I'm pretty much the only single person whenever I'm out with friends. I hang out with a lot of couples. Doesn't really bother me too much, though, since they never make it awkward.

My friends don't make it awkward, no. So it's mostly good. I just find it lonely sometimes, haha.

New Years Resolutions that don't pertain to Girl-Gaf: get back on the work out bandwagon (fell off most of 2011 from sickness and injuries). Find a real job that pays more than $9.50 an hour and then pay off my debts.


Hey, you're the person who recommended Harvest Moon Something Bazaar to me and then sent me all over the place trying to find a copy of it.

You were right; it's good.

edit: I mean Leeness. You know damn well you never recommended Harvest Moon Something Bazaar to me, Beef. You know you never did.
My friends don't make it awkward, no. So it's mostly good. I just find it lonely sometimes, haha.

New Years Resolutions that don't pertain to Girl-Gaf: get back on the work out bandwagon (fell off most of 2011 from sickness and injuries). Find a real job that pays more than $9.50 an hour and then pay off my debts.

Still in school so a better job is probably not possible. I really want to start working out again. I stopped since about march when I over-worked my knee and then I couldn't really find the time outside work and school. Gonna get a knee brace and make back all the muscle mass I lost in those 9 months. I WILL have my Chun-li thunder thighs, dammit!
Hey, you're the person who recommended Harvest Moon Something Bazaar to me and then sent me all over the place trying to find a copy of it.

You were right; it's good.

edit: I mean Leeness. You know damn well you never recommended Harvest Moon Something Bazaar to me, Beef. You know you never did.

Well of course I never did. I've only ever played the Game Boy version of Harvest Moon.
Happy New Year LadyGAF!! You're all so beautiful :) <3 kisaya, fist bump for rockin' the hijab.

This thread disappears on me for months at a time. I really should subscribe or something. But you know... effort.

You are all far braver than I for putting your pics up as your av XD it's funny because I usually would assume that isn't you (a lot of people use pics of random girls as their avatar, which is weird).


Hey, you're the person who recommended Harvest Moon Something Bazaar to me and then sent me all over the place trying to find a copy of it.

You were right; it's good.

Grand Bazaar high five! So good.

Still in school so a better job is probably not possible. I really want to start working out again. I stopped since about march when I over-worked my knee and then I couldn't really find the time outside work and school. Gonna get a knee brace and make back all the muscle mass I lost in those 9 months. I WILL have my Chun-li thunder thighs, dammit!

Almost the same, other than school. I'm done school and I miss it. :( But yeah, knee and ankle issues here, but finally fixed them up. Now it's just getting back into the habit!
Grand Bazaar high five! So good.

Almost the same, other than school. I'm done school and I miss it. :( But yeah, knee and ankle issues here, but finally fixed them up. Now it's just getting back into the habit!

Go to law school it's the best way to ensure you will never miss school again. Then again, that's not entirely true. I miss undergrad :((( all the perks of adulthood with school breaks, bullshit classes, and the ability to procrastinate and pull As... sigh. ;_;
If you could have any talent what do you wish it could be?

I wish I could sing :(

Me too girl :( I do it anyway but it would be nice if it sounded good...


Presently, I draw a mean stick figure. But I would like to have been an animator if I could start life over & mould it to my liking.

The beauty of drawing is that it's something you can get better at with practice. You may not attain animator-quality but you can improve significantly :)
I was dumped over Christmas break via a fucking text message. Only about 360ish more days until I can celebrate the fourth anniversary!
My ex moved away over Christmas break, to Houston oddly enough... Though I did the breaking.

Great, now I'm thinking about her. ;_; What a wonderful way to bring in the new year. *cries self to sleep*
What do you mean? Are you tone-deaf or do you think you have a bad voice for singing?

I'm definitely not tone deaf. I just don't have the kind of voice I'd like to have for singing. I have a lazy girly non-voice a lot of female indie singers have. I can't belt it out like I wish I could. Like a young Tina Turner.


I wish a lot of things.

But I think I wish I could dance. Like, contemporary and have the ability to just make some kind of art through movement.

Also, I wish I was more witty.


I wish I was a good writer. I'm absolutely horrible at expressing my thoughts at all, let alone writing them down where I lose voice inflection and timing.

Breaking in here to give you some advice.

Write as much as possible. Just free flow write. Or participate is some kind of role-playing game. Or buy an antique typewriter and punch away at the keys for as long as you can.

Seriously, it really helped my writing.
I wish I had the vocal chops to be a voice actor. That's been one of my main dreams in life.
I'm definitely not tone deaf. I just don't have the kind of voice I'd like to have for singing. I have a lazy girly non-voice a lot of female indie singers have. I can't belt it out like I wish I could. Like a young Tina Turner.

Ahhhh, I getcha. You can try and work around your voice if you practice, though.
Like this song for example.


It drives me crazy on two levels. First I wish I could sing like her or someone like her. Having such a powerful voice like that must be amazing.

And second, hearing how awesome Ike sounds on the guitar. The son of a bitch really knew how to play guitar. Criminally underrated as a guitarist, and an awful human being.


I wish I had the vocal chops to be a voice actor. That's been one of my main dreams in life.

I think I've given up on this. I was never really seriously perusing it, but I thought as I got older I'd like my voice more. I like it less now!

Breaking in here to give you some advice.

Write as much as possible. Just free flow write. Or participate is some kind of role-playing game. Or buy an antique typewriter and punch away at the keys for as long as you can.

Seriously, it really helped my writing.
The issue with writing is that it would never be more than a hobby and I home horrible at sticking with a hobby that isn't gaming or NeoGAF. I've heard your first 100,000 words are supposed to be bad, and I need to force myself over that... rather large hump.


Reluctant Member
If you could have any talent what do you wish it could be?

I wish I could sing :(

Thinking about this, I actually realized there aren't any talents that I wish I could have. I'm quite content with my current array of talents :D

I suppose I could wish to be better at math, but I could also get there through hard work (which I'm doing currently.)

Oh yeah, it's the new year here in PST, so Happy New Years GAF!


The issue with writing is that it would never be more than a hobby and I home horrible at sticking with a hobby that isn't gaming or NeoGAF. I've heard your first 100,000 words are supposed to be bad, and I need to force myself over that... rather large hump.

Everyone thinks every single word they ever write is bad.

So that's the other piece of advice I'd give, find someone who'll read your writing and tell you the good and bad.

I don't think there is any other way I can use to express myself that is so fulfilling.
I wish I was a good writer. I'm absolutely horrible at expressing my thoughts at all, let alone writing them down where I lose voice inflection and timing.

I don't like posting in Girl-GAF (mostly because I'd rather preserve the sanctity of the gender line), but I figured I'd chime in.

Just...write. Write as much as you can. Write when you have writer's block. Write when you had a good thought. Write when you have a bad one. If you're bad at descriptions, try to think of descriptions for everything and write them down. Run your fingers along a stucco wall and form the words in your head of what it feels like.

The number one rule is this: write as much as you can. Don't worry about if it's good or not. Delete the bad stuff, but you can't get to the good stuff without the bad stuff. Becoming a good writer is about practice and experience. Skills are honed over time.


Happy New Year LadyGAF!! You're all so beautiful :) <3 kisaya, fist bump for rockin' the hijab.

This thread disappears on me for months at a time. I really should subscribe or something. But you know... effort.

You are all far braver than I for putting your pics up as your av XD it's funny because I usually would assume that isn't you (a lot of people use pics of random girls as their avatar, which is weird).

I was just wondering, don't you wear the hijab too? I remember someone here saying they did... I can't be the only hijabi gaf :(
(Put up a pic too!!)


Thanks for the advice guys!

I need to stop posting in this thread before I take it over. I'm just going to lurk and be a creeper now...
Not for nothing, but I think it's strange for it to be a thread for women and for men to be posting a lot in it. If other people want to do it, that's cool, but it never seemed like something I wanted to contribute to.

The name of the thread at least encourages a modicum of civil behavior from dudes who might otherwise think of GAF as their locker room. I don't know that any of GAF's subgroups really wants to be cut off from the rest.
Not for nothing, but I think it's strange for it to be a thread for women and for men to be posting a lot in it. If other people want to do it, that's cool, but it never seemed like something I wanted to contribute to.

I don't think it's strange. I sort of expect it. I do find it a bit annoying though how every so often the thread gets pinged by some gafman asking a pretty obvious question that could be answered in the ladygaf advises mangaf topic.

Sensai Dookkake has a point. I don't hate that gafman posts in this thread, I do find a lot of what mangaf posts in girlgaf a slight bit annoying. Then again people probably feel the same way about my posts in... every thread. So if I'm gonna be the only person to say something about it... it kinda looks bad.
Fair enough and it's probably something I'll relent on (as if I clearly have not done so already), but I guess it seemed kind of exclusionary on its face.
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