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Girl-Gaf - A thread for girls.

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Hello girl gaf. Can i ask you guys some questions involving sex and such? PM would be better, thanks!

Edit: this sounds creepy. I'm just asking for tips to pleasure and/or make my gf feel good without sex.

Trim your nails.

Oh, and piss off.

Ladygaf advises mangaf is that-a-way.


i have a lil situation that i'm dealing with here, if any lady would care to offer some advice..

girl #1
rich and spoiled, russian
looooves me even though we went out only once. she's physically and emotionally attracted. wants me as her boyfriend, wants to have sex. i'm not into her, ad have played the "i'm busy" role for the past few months, yet she doesn't get the hint. i really didn't want to break her heart, but she needs to know i'm not interested.

girl #2
model, party goer every weekend
this girl is fiiiiine! super cute and attractive. problem one is: she's always goin out. she's the type that's always going to get hit on no matter where she goes. she's really been into me for years now, and i've been into her buuuut.... problem two: she has a toddler and a baby daddy :( is it wrong of me to not want to date a young mom?

girl #3
my ex. lively and feisty. hard to manage and control. we always fight, but that's what turns us both on to each other. we are both aggressive and bump heads because we both want our ways. she's really sexy and the sex was amazing but she cheated on me once. not really cheated all the way, but she got another dude's number. broke up with her, but after her crying and begging we got back together. eventually i broke up with her again, but she still wants me back. we have been dating off and on for a few years now.

i want to say first of all i am not a whore, i try to be as classy and gentleman-like as possible. but i don't know what i should do.. i really don't want any of these girls, but all i attract nowadays are girls that are into "bad boys" even though i look the role, i'm actually pretty introverted. but being a ruggedly handsome man doesnt attract the girls i like (shy, nerdy, gamers..etc).

[using an iPhone.. excuse any mistakes please]


i DO attract crazy girls, you have no idea... maybe it's the way i dress or talk, but girls have told me that i'm intimidating. so i'm pretty much asking how i can attract a different type of lady. someone closer to me, personality-wise.


well you say theyre attracted to you because you seem like a bad boy at first

imo you should cower in fear whenever a girl approaches you


I've only seen like four episode of MLP, so I can't exactly vouch for its overall quality. It's certainly a good show for making .gifs from.

It's certainly not a bad show, but I don't want to be labeled, so I hate it. The .gif potential is astonishing.
What are some things girlgaf feels they should own but don't for some reason.

I would very much like a proper PC. I've been gaming on my laptop but it keeps over heating and shutting down D: I'd like to update my bed as well. Its still the one from my childhood, and its really REALLY uncomfortable to share if my boyfriend stays over. His feet stick out the end...

Forever jealous...

Hey, does anyone in Girl-GAF have any experience with living in other countries and how they got there? I'm Canadian and want to go live and work in Italy. I need to call my consulate soon, but wondering if anyone here has any experience?

I'm an Australian, and I lived in Japan for a semester as an exchange student. Hoping to go back again this year (but this time to a university instead of a high school), and maybe to Korea to live and work later on.


Not pure anymore!
Not as confusing as here, where chips can mean both hot chips (fries?) and potato chips (crisps?). You can usually tell from the context though..

Heh, I can imagine. I think British names make more sense. :p

HD tv. Still got an SD but I'm from the kind of family that just owns and uses shit till it breaks.

I'm the same. I have an HD tv but its downstairs where its cold as fuck, I like gaming in my room and I only have a tiny LCD tv. Ah well, might get one for my room someday when I have extra money to waste.

Hello girl gaf. Can i ask you guys some questions involving sex and such? PM would be better, thanks!

Edit: this sounds creepy. I'm just asking for tips to pleasure and/or make my gf feel good without sex.

learn to give good oral, most guys are horrible at it, no wonder why some girls say they don't like it...

Ducky_McGee said:
What are some things girlgaf feels they should own but don't for some reason.

I think I'm really in need of a good car, walking to everywhere is grand and all but in winter it is such a pain in the arse.


You girls have very strong restraint if you managed so long without an HDTV. I'm weak, and impulsive which is why I end up having way too much shit in the house and am broke 90% of the time. Though, large school loan payments are probably not helping either -_-

Forever jealous...

Hey, does anyone in Girl-GAF have any experience with living in other countries and how they got there? I'm Canadian and want to go live and work in Italy. I need to call my consulate soon, but wondering if anyone here has any experience?

As someone who lived in Italy for two and a half years, dont do it. It's an absolutely amazing place to take a vacation and relax in, but when you come from a place like the US (or even Canada in this case), where we've been spoiled with the kind of jobs we can get, things being released first, DISNEYLAND, it makes the move quite difficult. I was there for three months a bit ago, and I was honestly happy to come back.


As someone who lived in Italy for two and a half years, dont do it. It's an absolutely amazing place to take a vacation and relax in, but when you come from a place like the US (or even Canada in this case), where we've been spoiled with the kind of jobs we can get, things being released first, DISNEYLAND, it makes the move quite difficult. I was there for three months a bit ago, and I was honestly happy to come back.
Though I think it depends on where exactly in Italy you're going. The general rule is north = modern, south = rural


Though I think it depends on where exactly in Italy you're going. The general rule is north = modern, south = rural

I'd say that's true for the most part. The best thing to do would probably be to research your job interests and see how well that field is doing in the area you have your eyes and heart set on. Also, the dollar isn't worth shit there :(


I'd say that's true for the most part. The best thing to do would probably be to research your job interests and see how well that field is doing in the area you have your eyes and heart set on. Also, the dollar isn't worth shit there :(
Well that tends to happen when you're visiting foreign countries ^^


300chf ain't shit to me
italy is a bit rough around the edges -- in a manner of speaking. to me that adds to the charm of the country, though. sure, the cities may not be as spotless as swiss ones, some of the buildings seen better days, the infrastructure sometimes puzzling or nearly nonexistant... but somehow, to me anyway, it all just seems to fit. i really love italy.

and italian people, some of the best in the world. well, i like them enough to have married one ;)

Forever jealous...

Hey, does anyone in Girl-GAF have any experience with living in other countries and how they got there? I'm Canadian and want to go live and work in Italy. I need to call my consulate soon, but wondering if anyone here has any experience?

well i ended up in switzerland the easy way (my husband has both swiss and italian citizenship). i've visited italy several times but never lived there. you're in luck because italy does the working holiday visa program with canada! if you're between the age of 18 and 35 you are eligible, but you will have to call the italian embassy in canada to get all of the other details. pretty sure the embassy would be the one issuing the visa.

living in europe is a great experience and italy is a gorgeous country full of so much amazing history. for me the transition wasn't too bad... definitely less of a culture shock than, say, moving to china or india or something. biggest hurdle was the language, of course, and it can be hard to find a "good" job until you're at least somewhat skilled in it. not sure what it's like in italy but teaching english is always a decent option, i did that at the beginning when i came here (but i didn't like it...).

if you can get the working holiday visa (or any other visa) and there's nothing holding you back, definitely go for it! :D

actually i'm trying to learn italian now... i've been fluent in german for a while and since i like italy so much and now a quarter of my family are italians, i think it would come in very handy for me. :)

buona fortuna!


Thanks for all the view points, Shanshan, Cheska and Cloudwalking. :) I really appreciate it!

Haha, even if it wasn't your thing, Cheska, and even if it ends up not being for me either, I still want to go and see for myself!

The thing is, I'd kind of be going over there an Average Joe. Like...receptionist or something, nothing "highly skilled", so I'm going to definitely talk to the consulate soon and ask about working visas about that, because none of the work visas seem to be for the average person, haha. There are actually a lot of jobs in reception for English speaking (as a first language) people! So... can get in on that, haha.

Cloud, I just started learning the language. Like...super baby steps learning, haha. I can ~count~ :)


Thanks for all the view points, Shanshan, Cheska and Cloudwalking. :) I really appreciate it!

Haha, even if it wasn't your thing, Cheska, and even if it ends up not being for me either, I still want to go and see for myself!

The thing is, I'd kind of be going over there an Average Joe. Like...receptionist or something, nothing "highly skilled", so I'm going to definitely talk to the consulate soon and ask about working visas about that, because none of the work visas seem to be for the average person, haha. There are actually a lot of jobs in reception for English speaking (as a first language) people! So... can get in on that, haha.

Cloud, I just started learning the language. Like...super baby steps learning, haha. I can ~count~ :)

Would this be your first time visiting the country? If not, have you considered going for a short period of time to see what it would be like to live there? I think your incredibly brave to face such a major lifestyle change on your own. Not entirely sure if I could do it myself nowdays lol.


Would this be your first time visiting the country? If not, have you considered going for a short period of time to see what it would be like to live there? I think your incredibly brave to face such a major lifestyle change on your own. Not entirely sure if I could do it myself nowdays lol.

Would definitely be my first, yep! I don't have the money to visit, baww. I think I just want to do it, you know? It won't be for a while (I need to get a better job here and pay off my debts first before I consider something like this) but it never hurts to start planning early. :)
Would definitely be my first, yep! I don't have the money to visit, baww. I think I just want to do it, you know? It won't be for a while (I need to get a better job here and pay off my debts first before I consider something like this) but it never hurts to start planning early. :)

Well, good luck if you decide to go through with it :) I would also say it might help to visit for a short period of time if you could afford it, because it gives you a chance to see if you can actually live there, plus it gives you the opportunity to figure out what issues you might run into. For example, while I wanted to move to Japan for some time to work there as a foreign coorespondent for a news service ... there are some issues that my first trip over there raised which I need to figure out how to deal with first.
As someone who lived in Italy for two and a half years, dont do it. It's an absolutely amazing place to take a vacation and relax in, but when you come from a place like the US (or even Canada in this case), where we've been spoiled with the kind of jobs we can get, things being released first, DISNEYLAND, it makes the move quite difficult. I was there for three months a bit ago, and I was honestly happy to come back.

Would you say you feel you're a 'better person' for having lived in a foreign (to you) country?


Well, good luck if you decide to go through with it :) I would also say it might help to visit for a short period of time if you could afford it, because it gives you a chance to see if you can actually live there, plus it gives you the opportunity to figure out what issues you might run into. For example, while I wanted to move to Japan for some time to work there as a foreign coorespondent for a news service ... there are some issues that my first trip over there raised which I need to figure out how to deal with first.

Thanks. :)

Even if I can't get over there beforehand, I'm going to make sure I do a lot of research. I'm a fairly structured person, so I need to know what's going on before I do it, so I'm going to make sure I'm as prepared as possible!

Someone on Gaf once posted that incredible helpful site that offers free language courses.

Here's the Italian one

That's amazing, haha. Thanks for the link!
What does GirlGAF think of the stalker cop thread? I'll repost my post.

Think about it in this context. Let's say you go to Blockbuster to return a movie, or the library. They look up your address in the system and go to your house to ask you out on a date.

Should that person not be fired? Out of a cannon? Into the sun?

The answer is yes. This is extremely creepy stalker behavior. Just because he's a self deprecating loser cop doesn't make him sympathetic. He's a creepy asshole who deserves to be fired.

I don't think the lawsuit is reasonable. She should report the issue, she should make it public (blog or report to the media), she should try and get him fired. I do not see how she is owed money from the state/city/taxpayers. She was wronged and she deserves justice, but this is a case where money =/= justice because she did not incur any monetary damages.

It's not the cities job to make sure she gets a pay off over what one asshole cop did to creep her out. It's the cities job to investigate the incident and discipline the officer. They don't owe her money. If the city fails to take her complaint seriously/dismiss the officer THAT is when I believe a lawsuit is a reasonable course of action.

That said if it were me... I would have been too scared to file a complaint. I know that cops look after their own. I'd be afraid that if I made a stink they would harass me/ruin my life. I don't trust that anything would be done to discipline the cop.


Would you say you feel you're a 'better person' for having lived in a foreign (to you) country?

I don't quite understand this. Are you asking me if it helped me mature into a better person?

What does GirlGAF think of the stalker cop thread? I'll repost my post.

I think it's incredibly creepy, and like someone else mentioned in that thread, he should have asked her out on a date when he pulled her over. But after giving her a ticket, and then tracking her down, I think some kind of actions need to be taken, especially by the police force he works for. I doubt they like the media surrounding this. However, I don't agree with the fact that she is suing. This is why I hate people sometimes, they seriously think they can sue over anything. It's ridiculous.


Reluctant Member
Would you say you feel you're a 'better person' for having lived in a foreign (to you) country?

I think I wouldn't be the person I am today without my living abroad experience. Whether or not that is a better person than the person I could have been can't ever be known. I rather like myself as I am though.
That's why I put 'better person' in those little quotey things. I lived several years of my life in eastern europe, but I was certainly happy to return to the US of A. I definitely don't regret going, and I rarely ever see someone who had a similar experience reccomend others not do the same, that's what I thought was strange and why I asked the, now looking back at it, vague question. It's not that you feel you're 'better', or mature, or different if you hadn't experienced it (or maybe you do, I don't know) but there definitely is some sort of je ne sais pas to it.
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