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Girl-Gaf - A thread for girls.

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i dont know how you missed it either because its my favorite GAF thread of all time

i felt every emotion that i could possibly feel during that thread
i dont know how you missed it either because its my favorite GAF thread of all time

i felt every emotion that i could possibly feel during that thread

I remember that thread because it spurred a big debate in the office. The title seems to have changed since the last time I saw it, though...


Maybe because I can relate with the wife, but I would absolutely want to be told. Well, actually I was cheated on in the past, and I am beyond thankful that the person told me. IN FACT! The person who told me was best friends with the chick that my ex boyfriend was cheating on me with.

Everyone saying "mind your own business" says that now, but if they were ever in that situation, I can't imagine they would want to live oblivious to the fact that their husband/wife may potentially be bringing home some kind of STD.
Maybe because I can relate with the wife, but I would absolutely want to be told. Well, actually I was cheated on in the past, and I am beyond thankful that the person told me. IN FACT! The person who told me was best friends with the chick that my ex boyfriend was cheating on me with.

Everyone saying "mind your own business" says that now, but if they were ever in that situation, I can't imagine they would want to live oblivious to the fact that their husband/wife may potentially be bringing home some kind of STD.

^That was my argument. It's not just cheating, it's potentially passing on something deadly/harmful to the wife. I couldn't believe all the people saying "bro-code" crap. Fuck that. That guy gave up any right to loyalty with his numerous indiscretions and shitty sense of responsibility for the safety of his wife.


I remember my teacher telling me that if I found out someone was cheating, I should keep it to myself or else it'll cause problems for everyone and myself. Then she said how she knows her friend's husband is cheating on her, but she's keeping it to herself cause she knows the friend won't believe her ;/ This advice made me uneasy the rest of the school year.


I remember my teacher telling me that if I found out someone was cheating, I should keep it to myself or else it'll cause problems for everyone and myself. Then she said how she knows her friend's husband is cheating on her, but she's keeping it to herself cause she knows the friend won't believe her ;/ This advice made me uneasy the rest of the school year.

Did you consider your teacher was fabricating a story to support her argument? It's possible...


I actually really hope so lol

I have an odd relationship with adultery, or at least something quite like it. Which will make little sense, since I don't want to commodify the source of my existence by revealing it wholesale on a public forum; which to be fair, in itself has a few holes that I've filled in.

Nonetheless, over the years, I've come to believe, that you should do what you feel is best, and let the chips fall where they may. If you are burdened by it, unburden yourself. If you think you will do more harm than good, then keep to your privacy. There is - like a lot of things in life - no right or wrong answer. But I myself prefer the truth to the alternative.


I used to know this one girl who cheated constantly. She woe protection all the time, but it was still unnerving how many partners she had.

She even tried to seduce me once, but I ran for the door...
Thread just got awesome.

^That was my argument. It's not just cheating, it's potentially passing on something deadly/harmful to the wife. I couldn't believe all the people saying "bro-code" crap. Fuck that. That guy gave up any right to loyalty with his numerous indiscretions and shitty sense of responsibility for the safety of his wife.

Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I imagine its not nice being told, but its even worse having everyone else know and just twiddling their thumbs and lying.


Thread just got awesome.

Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I imagine its not nice being told, but its even worse having everyone else know and just twiddling their thumbs and lying.

I was that girl once, and even worse was I didn't even love the guy! I kept trying to dump him with the reasoning "I'm just not happy" and he'd say he was going to kill himself. I would've been able to cut if off so much sooner if I could've said, "I want to breakup because you keep cheating on me, and don't give me that 'but I love you and I'm gonna kill myself!' because we both know you don't really love me." I always had my suspicions but never had any factual evidence to back it up, so instead I waited until he got cocky and thought I'd never leave him, and the first time he said he didn't love me anymore, I was gone. He still cried and acted like a manipulative alcoholic asshole, but I held my ground and was finally able to remove myself from that emotionally abusive relationship.

I became really close with all of his friends while we were still dating, and they lost so much respect for him in that timeframe (over that and many other things). Since they were technically his friends first (by a year or so), nobody wanted to be "that guy" and tell me. They harassed him about it instead and tried to get him to change for my sake, but he never did. After we broke up, I guess most of the guys thought I knew about the cheating (really it was just a strong hunch that he consistently denied), so in several serious talks with some of the boys, they all mentioned they couldn't believe he was cheating on me and recounted numerous times they got on his case. The first time someone said that, I was like, "Yea nobody told me but that was what I figured." lol the friend felt bad and said he thought I knew already.

Things would've been a lot different if they would've said something, but honestly, everything turned out way better. Since I didn't love him, I had emotionally moved on months earlier. One by one, he started fucking over all of his friends from that group, and now, not one has an ounce of respect for him. I was always head over heels for one of his friends and knew it would probably never happen, but the asshole guy ended up fucking that friend over the same month that he told me he didn't love me. We started dating shortly thereafter and immediately fell ridiculously in love. :3 So by putting up with that jerk for a few extra months, I gained a wonderful husband, snuggly puppies and a baby due late spring. It was totally worth it.
I used to know this one girl who cheated constantly. She woe protection all the time, but it was still unnerving how many partners she had.

She even tried to seduce me once, but I ran for the door...

You can pass stuff like HPV even using protection since skin to skin contact is enough. And yeah that thread just ugh. The fact that he called the women he and his pal had sex with conquests really said it all.


Memo to girl gaf: Unless you're 12, hand jobs suck.



Okay, I'm ranting: Can the women on this site have one thread that doesn't devole in to male sex talk? Just one.

I'm not asking much here. If you want to flirt with the women on GAF, we have other threads like LadyGAF / ManGAF or Real Picture GAF which make this possible (although most women here are married I believe, so good luck). If you want to look at pictures of naked women, then congratulations, you're on the internet. Or you could even get to know women in threads that aren't explicitly about guys and girls -- most of these women also play games, and you can talk to them about things other than the fact that they happen to be female.

In other words, you have 99.99999% of the internet at your disposal to oggle / flirt with / obsess over women, Guy-GAF. Can we please leave one tiny spot of land unspoiled by our apparent compulsion? Thanks.


Perhaps we should stage a catfight over Opiate to distract the men from this obvious thread derailment. :p

Though more on topic a few pages back, I really don't get why anyone thinks Russell Brand is sexy. Watched that Arthur remake he was in and he came off as an insufferable goofball most of the time. Perhaps it's the hair.
Okay, I'm ranting: Can the women on this site have one thread that doesn't devole in to male sex talk? Just one.

It reminds me of when we began shutting down the "hot chick" threads. Typically, moderation on GAF is reasonably straightforward as most people know to stop after being told to.

But when those threads started getting moderated -- and we asked people to stop posting so many pictures of nude or near-nude women -- people tried to circumvent this process by posting links to the pictures, rather than the pictures themselves. When those were explicitly moderated, people starting making posts like "If I were you, I wouldn't check out ww.randomhotchicks.com. No sir, I would not." When those were explicitly shut down, people even started putting pictures of hot chicks in their avatars. People resorted to any means possible to continue posting pictures of naked women without being banned.

It's not as if I dislike sex -- I love it and it's a wonderful part of my life. But some posters seem to be incapable of thinking about anything else when given even the most modest prompting. It's a compulsion.

I'm not asking much here. If you want to flirt with the women on GAF, we have other threads like LadyGAF / ManGAF or Real Picture GAF which make this possible (although most women here are married I believe, so good luck). If you want to look at pictures of naked women, then congratulations, you're on the internet. Or you could even get to know women in threads that aren't explicitly about guys and girls -- most of these women also play games, and you can talk to them about things other than the fact that they happen to be female.

In other words, you have 99.99999% of the internet at your disposal to oggle / flirt with / obsess over women, Guy-GAF. Can we please leave one tiny spot of land unspoiled by our apparent compulsion? Thanks.

I only read the first sentence, but I agree. I think there's another thread for this kind of discussion (LadyGAF advises ManGAF, Answers for Stupid Questions etc.)

Also Russell Brand has horse teeth.

Are there any other LadyGAFer listeners of the Howard Stern show?


I only read the first sentence, but I agree. I think there's another thread for this kind of discussion (LadyGAF advises ManGAF, Answers for Stupid Questions etc.)

I went ahead and deleted most of the "rant" because the post was too verbose and became too broad, but really, there are so many options already available it always amazes me how some people simply cannot help themselves when it comes to this topic. Apparently having 99% of the internet dedicated to dudebro sex talk isn't good enough.

I'm not at all against women and men finding each other on this site -- in fact, I think that's wonderful, and it has indeed happened a few times. I highly doubt, however, those couplings were made when some guy couldn't help but barge in to a thread that happened to have girls in it so he could blather on about hand jobs.

On topic: are any women here in the sciences? I notice most women on GAF seem to be more artistic in nature.
Okay, I'm ranting: Can the women on this site have one thread that doesn't devole in to male sex talk? Just one.

I'm not asking much here. If you want to flirt with the women on GAF, we have other threads like LadyGAF / ManGAF or Real Picture GAF which make this possible (although most women here are married I believe, so good luck). If you want to look at pictures of naked women, then congratulations, you're on the internet. Or you could even get to know women in threads that aren't explicitly about guys and girls -- most of these women also play games, and you can talk to them about things other than the fact that they happen to be female.

In other words, you have 99.99999% of the internet at your disposal to oggle / flirt with / obsess over women, Guy-GAF. Can we please leave one tiny spot of land unspoiled by our apparent compulsion? Thanks.

Thank you. It's one thing to pop in with some kind of question and want some female opinions, but for guys to just drop crude 'instructional advice' from their own apparently lacking sex life is just... well, what's the point? Hoping for reactions from something like that is pathetic. A version of internet 'flashing', if you will. As Opiate said, there are other threads if you want to post stuff like that, but please don't do it here, cuevas.


Mechanical engineer here. I'm working on a Master's degree right now, and recently I've participated in a bunch of outreach/recruitment activities, since there's not alot of women in the department.

Anyways, one thing I noticed in undergrad is that the women tended to do quite well academically. The 30 or so of us (in a class of ~150) were all pretty smart and motivated to study engineering. Of course there were lots of smart men too, but the bottom of the class (aka the slackers) was almost all men. The distribution was probably something like this.


A month ago I went to a high school to talk about how awesome engineering is. Sadly, the attitude from the girls seemed to be "engineering sounds really hard, I don't think I could get in, I'll just apply to biology or chemistry". Whereas the attitude from the boys seemed to be "engineering sounds cool, it'd be a manly career, I'll just go for it and apply".

So I guess what happens is girls who don't do that well academically won't even bother applying to the program, whereas boys on the same level will apply anyways. As a recruitment rep I did encourage everyone to apply to whatever interested them. I told them the most important thing is to do what you love. It sounded corny but it's true.

/random observation


I think if you forced ALL men and women to study engineering, they would perform equally and the distribution would look like this.


(my best effort in Paint, sorry)

But because of social perceptions, women who are "maybe interested" in engineering won't study it, only the women who are really interested. Does that make sense?


Can that be considered White Knighting?

(edit - The Opiate post. Just in case there's some confusion.)


A month ago I went to a high school to talk about how awesome engineering is. Sadly, the attitude from the girls seemed to be "engineering sounds really hard, I don't think I could get in, I'll just apply to biology or chemistry".

My dad really encouraged me to study engineering, but I was more of a bio or chem person :x In the end I chose an artistic/business route though XD
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