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Girl-Gaf - A thread for girls.

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Sadly, the attitude from the girls seemed to be "engineering sounds really hard, I don't think I could get in, I'll just apply to biology or chemistry."
The funny thing is, those majors can be just as hard as the engineering programs. Particularly chem - at my college, chem majors had to take the same level math and physics courses that the engineering majors did in the first 2 years.
Can that be considered White Knighting?

(edit - The Opiate post. Just in case there's some confusion.)

Can that be considered White Knighting?

(edit - The Opiate post. Just in case there's some confusion.)

Judging from the general reaction after cuevas posted his handjob advice... no.

And regarding the women in sciences, definitely more the art side here. I was a math scholar in middle school and rocked at science, but when I got to high school I had two consecutive years of horrible teachers (one hit me over the head with rolled up papers once or twice) and gave up anything to do with it. I don't seem to have much of a head for math now, regardless, so hard to say if it was lack of encouragement or if I just suck at it.
The few female engineering students I have met were leagues above (academically) most male engineering students I've met. While bilogy (what I stidied in) I would say the women were more or less the same across as men across the board (as you showed in your second graph). I won't say what I believe regarding difficulty of study of the fields, but I do think that engineering is still seen as very male oriented and the schools don't seem to want to appeal or recruit out of that.


Not pure anymore!
Can that be considered White Knighting?

(edit - The Opiate post. Just in case there's some confusion.)

WAT? :\ that's my reaction almost every time a guy posts something stupid in this topic. Seriously, do people not know the definition of white knighting?

And programming all the way baby! I was briefly in medical but that was more forced on me by my parents so that doesn't count. friggin' hate anything to do with Bio, loved Maths though, but ultimately settled on programming because I love working with computers.


And regarding the women in sciences, definitely more the art side here. I was a math scholar in middle school and rocked at science, but when I got to high school I had two consecutive years of horrible teachers (one hit me over the head with rolled up papers once or twice) and gave up anything to do with it. I don't seem to have much of a head for math now, regardless, so hard to say if it was lack of encouragement or if I just suck at it.

Had a similar experience. Was a big math and science nerd until my junior year of high school, then had horrible teachers and I didn't want to be involved since then lol. My pre-cal teacher was especially horrible.


Reluctant Member
I looooove science and always read up on it (especially physics) but I don't have a degree in it and it's not my field.

I would get a degree if I could though :<


Accent modification is the toughest thing ever. I'm about to cut my losses. I just got my performance thingy back and I scored less than last month. Feels bad man. My tutor said its hardest for girls because they have a smaller larynx or some shit, I felt he was lying. You know how men lie, when they wiggle their nose and start to lose their feathers? GuyGAF knows what I'm talking about. what?


I have actually noticed that there are a ton of women in civil, mechanical, industrial, chemical, and bio engineering but that there aren't very many in electrical or computer engineering. My boss is actually a woman and it's quite entertaining how many people don't realize that she's actually the lead engineer, leading to many failed interviews. :p People looking down on women in the field doesn't help.

Anyways, one thing I noticed in undergrad is that the women tended to do quite well academically. The 30 or so of us (in a class of ~150) were all pretty smart and motivated to study engineering. Of course there were lots of smart men too, but the bottom of the class (aka the slackers) was almost all men. The distribution was probably something like this.

In computer engineering grades aren't really a great metric for judging students IMO. I'm at a 3.2 GPA (decent) but I feel like many of the people in the 2.X area are much better engineers than many of the 3.7+ students I know.
And regarding the women in sciences, definitely more the art side here. I was a math scholar in middle school and rocked at science, but when I got to high school I had two consecutive years of horrible teachers (one hit me over the head with rolled up papers once or twice) and gave up anything to do with it. I don't seem to have much of a head for math now, regardless, so hard to say if it was lack of encouragement or if I just suck at it.

I remember the exact day I stopped understanding math. It was a sunny day in April, after Easter, and had to do with Conics. Pie goes in your mouth, not on a blackboard.

Years later (a lady never reveals how many) I'm now working with statistics on a daily basis. I read them, I program computers to calculate them, and I interpret them.

From time to time, I also teach others how to do the same thing.

If my high school teachers knew that this is how I turned out, they'd probably retire in shame.


Reluctant Member
Here is my history with math:

I could do it just fine, but when it came to doing timed math problems, I wasn't fast enough for their liking. Instead, they put me in the program for the mentally disabled. Even though I was above average in everything else, for math I was with the mentally disabled because I couldn't do things fast enough. I just gave up trying to understand it then.
I was better at word problems than straight up algebra 2/pre-calc.

I aced related rates. My calc teacher thought I cheated so she gave me another test. I aced it again.

Then she promptly smacked me upside the head when I barely passed the next unit.

Go figure, the one part of calc everyone in my class failed I ace, and everthing else I implode.


My original degree was Zoology/Chem. So was more scientific back in the day.

However, I ended up becoming a game designer by trade. Which is part science/part art/100% mayhem. Always enjoyed my math and CS classes, too bad I don't barely use any of it these days.


I have a degree in commercial animation, but I doubt I'm ever going to use it... :(

Working on just getting a job that isn't minimum wage right now.


Having been in engineering and teaching engineering at the college level, I can honestly say that, while both genders have over-achievers and under-achievers, the average performance for female students have been consistently much higher than men.


Sooooo we had a puppy try to die on us after surgery today. Actually, he did die, his heart stopped, but we managed to bring him back. It's bloody terrifying to go through, but there is such a wave of relief and team accomplishment when we're able to work together to resuscitate an animal.

Now I think I'm ready to take a shot of tequila and completely wind down for the evening.
Thats an interesting observation about male/female engineers. I wasn't exactly privy to what the class grade dristribuation was like when I was in school.

One thing I have observed, however, is that most of the women from my class (and other classes) have gone on to do things that have nothing to do with engineering. I think for a lot of them the degree was just a ticket to a good job, but they weren't really intersted in the profession per se. In my admittidly short engineering career so far, I have yet to run into a female engineer (I'm in automotive manufacturing).

I'd like to know where all the female engineers end up.
Sooooo we had a puppy try to die on us after surgery today. Actually, he did die, his heart stopped, but we managed to bring him back. It's bloody terrifying to go through, but there is such a wave of relief and team accomplishment when we're able to work together to resuscitate an animal.

Now I think I'm ready to take a shot of tequila and completely wind down for the evening.

I could never work in a vet's office. I'd never be able to deal with the ill or dying animals. Glad everything turned out alright! You deserve that drink, girl.


Reluctant Member
Sooooo we had a puppy try to die on us after surgery today. Actually, he did die, his heart stopped, but we managed to bring him back. It's bloody terrifying to go through, but there is such a wave of relief and team accomplishment when we're able to work together to resuscitate an animal.

Now I think I'm ready to take a shot of tequila and completely wind down for the evening.

I love animals but I would never be able to work there! The fact that there is a life on the line would make me freeze under pressure. I have a lot of respect for people who can.

At least it worked out alright in the end.
Sooooo we had a puppy try to die on us after surgery today. Actually, he did die, his heart stopped, but we managed to bring him back. It's bloody terrifying to go through, but there is such a wave of relief and team accomplishment when we're able to work together to resuscitate an animal.

Now I think I'm ready to take a shot of tequila and completely wind down for the evening.

Wow, that's great that you guys brought him back. I'd be winding down the same way.


Sooooo we had a puppy try to die on us after surgery today. Actually, he did die, his heart stopped, but we managed to bring him back. It's bloody terrifying to go through, but there is such a wave of relief and team accomplishment when we're able to work together to resuscitate an animal.

Now I think I'm ready to take a shot of tequila and completely wind down for the evening.

BB puppy :( <3

Congratulations for saving him, that's awesome.


My original degree was Zoology/Chem. So was more scientific back in the day.

However, I ended up becoming a game designer by trade. Which is part science/part art/100% mayhem. Always enjoyed my math and CS classes, too bad I don't barely use any of it these days.

I used to know a girl who was well, a genuine genius. I went to her house one day, and, while she was getting ready, I wondered around as you do, and she had a board covered up. The entire board was covered in equations. I got no idea what it said, or what it meant. But it impressed the hell out of me.

I didn't ask her about it then, but a while after, I asked her about it. And she said, she remembered and was hoping that I'd stumble on it.. lol!


I once read on IEEE spectrum how my major (Electrical Engineering) has the least number of females studying or enrolling in it. My graduating class had 2 girls.
My sister is an Architectural Engineer.
So what do you gals think of ClovingSteam's new "ManGaf advises LadyGaf" thread? I can't really recall anyone ever asking for one but I guess it's fair...

Didn't someone try this before and it got locked?
Not gonna lie, for me, I want it just to ask a bunch of guys why I'm un-dateable :( I just asked and I know it comes across as attention whore-ish, but I'd like to ask guys that aren't friends and just random guys what the heck it is about me.

If that's you in your avatar, then I have a hard time believing you aren't getting hit on.



So what do you gals think of ClovingSteam's new "ManGaf advises LadyGaf" thread? I can't really recall anyone ever asking for one but I guess it's fair...

It's been interesting and educational for me so far. No information that's completely new, but it seems like since the guys are responding directly to girls, it's not so bro-ish and harsh as a normal thread about those subjects (where they're assuming it's just between guys) would be. If that makes sense.

I got my question answered, so I'm good.


Not gonna lie, for me, I want it just to ask a bunch of guys why I'm un-dateable :( I just asked and I know it comes across as attention whore-ish, but I'd like to ask guys that aren't friends and just random guys what the heck it is about me.

out of curiosity, what did you learn from the experience?


My friend, Aleena, who is Muslim, comes from a Muslim family and wears an Hijab, is marrying a white man who is not Muslim. He is in all other regards (professional and academic success) a completely respectable match. She just told her family today, and I haven't been told how it went yet.

So what do you gals think of ClovingSteam's new "ManGaf advises LadyGaf" thread? I can't really recall anyone ever asking for one but I guess it's fair...

I think a few girls will ask a few simple questions for the next 24 hours. Then those girls will disappear after those few simple questions are answered, and it will rapidly degenerate in to discussion about male genitalia.
On topic: are any women here in the sciences? I notice most women on GAF seem to be more artistic in nature.
Back in high school my two favorite subjects were Japanese and biology. I seriously considered going into medicine, which I find really interesting. However, Im really really squeamish, so I probably wouldn't make a great doctor. I did notice though last time I went to the hospital a sign advertising for medical interpreting for patients, which could be a nice solution. I enjoyed maths, but was never very good at physics so I never really considered doing something like engineering.

I have noticed a lot of girl gaf speaks Japanese....


My friend, Aleena, who is Muslim, comes from a Muslim family and wears an Hijab, is marrying a white man who is not Muslim. He is in all other regards (professional and academic success) a completely respectable match. She just told her family today, and I haven't been told how it went yet.

They have been talking about that exact topic in the Islam thread, for the past couple of days, if you're interested. It'd be interesting to post any developments in your story over there as well.
Sooooo we had a puppy try to die on us after surgery today. Actually, he did die, his heart stopped, but we managed to bring him back. It's bloody terrifying to go through, but there is such a wave of relief and team accomplishment when we're able to work together to resuscitate an animal.

Now I think I'm ready to take a shot of tequila and completely wind down for the evening.

It's funny that i have done the same thing with people and yet i kinda feel like i would be more nervous doing that do an animal. I have a lot of respect for vets and vet nurses but i'm not sure how i would go as one (especially after i had to take my kitten to see an emergency vet).

I think i'll settle for taking part in the pet adoption program lol.


My friend, Aleena, who is Muslim, comes from a Muslim family and wears an Hijab, is marrying a white man who is not Muslim. He is in all other regards (professional and academic success) a completely respectable match. She just told her family today, and I haven't been told how it went yet.

I wish her good luck! I always wondered if I will have the courage to do that if I was put in that situation. Hopefully her family will accept him, I take it he's not going to convert right? I hope something works out for everyone :(


I wish her good luck! I always wondered if I will have the courage to do that if I was put in that situation. Hopefully her family will accept him, I take it he's not going to convert right? I hope something works out for everyone :(

is that a family thing? or a religion thing?
I wish her good luck! I always wondered if I will have the courage to do that if I was put in that situation. Hopefully her family will accept him, I take it he's not going to convert right? I hope something works out for everyone :(
Would your family not accept him if you were the girl in that situation?
oh.. er, culture plays no part then? or the cultural makeup is practically the religious part?

The latter. Religion is family to most people of our collective ethnicity.

I dated, lived with, and proposed to a white atheist over the span of three years. I never told my parents because it would literally kill them.

They knew of her, and they probably knew something was going on, but as long as it wasn't said, it could be brushed aside. That's how this culture works with some people. I feel like newer generations are probably going to be better about it, but our generation still has to suffer a lot of it.
I remember being really into an indian girl back in high school... and basically being told that it was never going to work out because of her family and religion.

Feels bad, man.


The latter. Religion is family to most people of our collective ethnicity.

I dated, lived with, and proposed to a white atheist over the span of three years. I never told my parents because it would literally kill them.

They knew of her, and they probably knew something was going on, but as long as it wasn't said, it could be brushed aside. That's how this culture works with some people. I feel like newer generations are probably going to be better about it, but our generation still has to suffer a lot of it.

ahh, I see your point. Give me a sec, whilst I phrase another question... I don't mean to pry, just asking... :p

That men on the net can give good advice and not just PICS NAO at you. :) Haha.

Well, that's good I suppose... My only advice [and yes I know its dull and pointless] is to find your equal. I don't listen to my own advice, so I don't really advise others to do what I don't do. But it sounds right, so there it is.
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