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Girl-Gaf - A thread for girls.

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Are you guys okay with threads like these, though? I liked your example from before about the "Whats up with black people and wearing their pants on their knees? Don't they know how retarded they look?" thread. Would you want a rash of these popping up all the time? Would you want people to brush you off because they say you don't get the joke or are taking it too seriously? It's not about lacking a sense of humor, it's about seeing something that's pervasive in society that shouldn't be and trying to fight it as much as possible.

The scale of intellectual maturity evidently doesn't necessarily pertain to the level of maturity expected at Neogaf I guess. The rules are on the door before you enter.


I think its more along the lines of like, GAF is a huge forum and people are gunna be dumb sometimes. And since a lot of posters on GAF are dudes, some of that dumbshit is gunna be dude-related dumbshit.

Yeah, but I'm all for raising the standards around here. Dumbshit of any kind should not be tolerated.


Are you guys okay with threads like these, though? I liked your example from before about the "Whats up with black people and wearing their pants on their knees? Don't they know how retarded they look?" thread. Would you want a rash of these popping up all the time? Would you want people to brush you off because they say you don't get the joke or are taking it too seriously? It's not about lacking a sense of humor, it's about seeing something that's pervasive in society that shouldn't be and trying to fight it as much as possible.

I mean, no, of course not. But I don't think it's representative of male-gaf or anything. It's an attention whore trying to get attention by saying something insulting. Why feed into it?
Are you guys okay with threads like these, though?
I liked your example from before about the "Whats up with black people and wearing their pants on their knees? Don't they know how retarded they look?" thread. Would you want a rash of these popping up all the time? Would you want people to brush you off because they say you don't get the joke or are taking it too seriously? It's not about lacking a sense of humor, it's about seeing something that's pervasive in society that shouldn't be and trying to fight it as much as possible.

I dunno if you could say I'm "okay" with it. I don't have any strong feelings about it either way. I knew where it was going as soon as I saw it though. I usually just let people make their own mistakes. I don't take things here too seriously, if something does bother me I brush it off, ignore the thread, and move onto other things.

But I understand where you're coming from. I dunno if I'd say misogyny is rampant in GAF, but its there, and I could see how it'd be bothersome.
I mean, I guess, after giving it some more thought, you gals are perfectly in the right for being angry about this.
IDK, I'm just an easy going guy, shit doesn't really get to me so I just don't see why you'd get so worked up. Do something about it, sure, but don't let it ruin your day, or posting experience, or whatever.

Yeah, but I'm all for raising the standards around here. Dumbshit of any kind should not be tolerated.

No fun allowed?


I mean, no, of course not. But I don't think it's representative of male-gaf or anything. It's an attention whore trying to get attention by saying something insulting. Why feed into it?

Some people like taking people down a peg. Especially folks who think they be witty. but then again, I can give less of a fuck than someone else. What's with you and 'em and the whole telling off business? :p
If you consider lower posting standards "fun," then why did you choose NeoGAF? I ask that question honestly, not rhetorically. You have plenty of forum choices if you want low posting standards.

I like GAF for its high(er than most) maturity level, but I think a stupid, nonsense thread every now and again is fun.
I'm not saying the eyebrow thread was that, though.


Shit like this is why I get tired with forums. Oh girls are so different guys, let's circle jerk about it. Then in other threads, why don't more women post? Wahhh. Jesus fuck. Ugh.

At the time I posted, there were 25 responses, excluding the OP. Of those, 17 were dismissive of him. The remaining 8 ranged from neutral to agreeable. I think it's a little bit of a stretch to call it a circle-jerk.

Preventing any of GAF's thousands of users from ever posting a dumb thread is not going to happen, either. The best you can ask for is that other members reject them, that they are banned and that the thread is closed. Short of having the moderators vet every thread before it is posted, you're not going to find a better solution.


I mean, no, of course not. But I don't think it's representative of male-gaf or anything. It's an attention whore trying to get attention by saying something insulting. Why feed into it?

While a few expert-level trolls are good at dodging and weaving, most terrible posters, when confronted, either 1) decide to be quiet or, 2) decide to double down on their convictions, take the offered rope, and hang themselves.

Both outcomes are good. This is precisely how we make GAF a better place -- by running the bad posters out of town.


If you consider lower posting standards "fun," then why did you choose NeoGAF? I ask that question honestly, not rhetorically. You have plenty of forum choices if you want low posting standards.
GAF has much higher posting standards than most other forums without even delving into the actual topics posted upon. Most people here use reasonably correct grammar and spelling, we have a TOS and a fairly restrictive membership policy (at least, we did), and we generally do justify our points in posts. My impression was that the topics we moderate here were largely due to advertising revenue; is that incorrect?
I mean, no, of course not. But I don't think it's representative of male-gaf or anything. It's an attention whore trying to get attention by saying something insulting. Why feed into it?

I don't think they're representative (I certainly hope not), but I'm still confused as to why you guys aren't going after them for saying such things. You seem to spend more energy going after Dev for posting her opinion in them. You said before that she came to this thread to bitch about them and that they were ruining her forum experience, but this is a thread for girls to talk about issues such as misogyny and frustration, and I completely feel her frustration with the frequency of these kinds of things.

I dunno if you could say I'm "okay" with it. I don't have any strong feelings about it either way. I knew where it was going as soon as I saw it though. I usually just let people make their own mistakes. I don't take things here too seriously, if something does bother me I brush it off, ignore the thread, and move onto other things.

But I understand where you're coming from. I dunno if I'd say misogyny is rampant in GAF, but its there, and I could see how it'd be bothersome.
I mean, I guess, after giving it some more thought, you gals are perfectly in the right for being angry about this.
IDK, I'm just an easy going guy, shit doesn't really get to me so I just don't see why you'd get so worked up. Do something about it, sure, but don't let it ruin your day, or posting experience, or whatever.

We get worked up because it's something we face nearly everyday, and it's exhausting to both fight it and see our opinions dismissed as the whining/bitchings of militant lesbians. I know it's hard for guys(or people in general) to care about things that don't affect them, but I hope at least if there were some assholery threads about African Americans/racism that you would care enough to say something.


Neo Member
Why are all these guys in Girl Gaf, let me say that again, Girl Gaf, telling Girls how to feel? A thread set up for girls to talk about what they want, and if that includes venting about whatever upsets her so be it.


Why are all these guys in Girl Gaf, let me say that again, Girl Gaf, telling Girls how to feel? A thread set up for girls to talk about what they want, and if that includes venting about whatever upsets her so be it.

Because I feel I have been unfairly maligned.


Folks, the point is that stupid threads don't need to use sexism, etc as the means to that oh-so-hilarious end.

If you wouldn't say "why do gays...?" or "why do blacks...?" and follow that up with "they're retarded", then you probably shouldn't do that with women, either.

Food for thought.
Why are all these guys in Girl Gaf, let me say that again, Girl Gaf, telling Girls how to feel? A thread set up for girls to talk about what they want, and if that includes venting about whatever upsets her so be it.

Sorry, I was just joining the pile-on.


GAF has much higher posting standards than most other forums without even delving into the actual topics posted upon. Most people here use reasonably correct grammar and spelling, we have a TOS and a fairly restrictive membership policy (at least, we did), and we generally do justify our points in posts. My impression was that the topics we moderate here were largely due to advertising revenue; is that incorrect?

This is incorrect, yes. We already had harsh moderating standards before our conflicts with Google.

The purpose is to make GAF an enjoyable forum to read, even for those on the outside looking in. It also promotes long term growth. as a well kept forum is more likely to retain members than one that simply allows anyone to join and post whatever they want.


Folks, the point is that stupid threads don't need to use sexism, etc as the means to that oh-so-hilarious end.

If you wouldn't say "why do gays...?" or "why do blacks...?" and follow that up with "they're retarded", then you probably shouldn't do that with women, either.

Food for thought.

Out of interest, what is the other side of the argument?

Is it really: I'm a sexist bitch, chill out and let me be?

edit: And who's making it btw? sorry just got in from work...
Folks, the point is that stupid threads don't need to use sexism, etc as the means to that oh-so-hilarious end.

If you wouldn't say "why do gays...?" or "why do blacks...?" and follow that up with "they're retarded", then you probably shouldn't do that with women, either.

Food for thought.

To be fair, though, the idea of tired, sex-based humor goes both ways. There's a clip of Louis CK on Opie and Anthony where they talk about the dumb in-joke shared among some women about how it's women who really run the show, and blah blah blah, and that type of humor is equally bad (though, admittedly, not equivalent in terms of its potential to create a sociocultural power imbalance).

Edit: And, idiocy aside, GAF IS one of the better forums that I've ever been on. I may disagree with people - I know people often find me to be too arrogant, or at least I infer as much from the subtext of their posts - but the level of discourse is usually decent enough that you can at least make some progress in dialectic.


To be fair, though, the idea of tired, sex-based humor goes both ways. There's a clip of Louis CK on Opie and Anthony where they talk about the dumb in-joke shared among some women about how it's women who really run the show, and blah blah blah, and that type of humor is equally bad (though, admittedly, not equivalent in terms of its potential to create a sociocultural power imbalance).

You're talking about something that's completely irrelevant to what I'm talking about, which is NeoGAF posting etiquette.


This is incorrect, yes. We already had harsh moderating standards before our conflicts with Google.

The purpose is to make GAF an enjoyable forum to read, even for those on the outside looking in. It also promotes long term growth. as a well kept forum is more likely to retain members than one that simply allows anyone to join and post whatever they want.
So the posting standards we've created are not, primarily, about morality,but making sure that as many demographics as possible feel comfortable here, ultimately increasing growth and GAF's advertising revenue? That's fine, but I feel like this is a point that needs to be made more clear. You should (and probably do) also know that for a long time GAF's moderation was laxer in some respects, and that a lot of older members may need a fuller understanding of what is and is not allowable. While to you, what constitutes bigotry may be obvious, I imagine you will concede it is possible that for some people it is not.
You're talking about something that's completely irrelevant to what I'm talking about, which is NeoGAF posting etiquette.

I was taking what you were talking about (using sexism toward humor-based ends) and generalizing outward.

Edit: Also, where are "all these guys" telling Girl-GAF how to feel? There were MAYBE a couple, but most of the sausaged regulars in this thread (Count, Opiate, etc.) seem absolutely supportive of both this thread and the sentiment that underlies it.

Double Edit: And part of forum etiquette is knowing what is appropriate, and when and where. Decorum can be as much knowing what to write as how. A good stand-up comic could have made the sentiment of that shitty thread funny, but on an anonymous forum, it just comes across as sexist and assholish.


Well I must have wrongly assumed that, since everybody else in the discussion so far has understood that we're talking about NeoGAF posting etiquette, you would also know.

Now I know better.


This is incorrect, yes. We already had harsh moderating standards before our conflicts with Google.

The purpose is to make GAF an enjoyable forum to read, even for those on the outside looking in. It also promotes long term growth. as a well kept forum is more likely to retain members than one that simply allows anyone to join and post whatever they want.

Reason I was so glad to join. It's nice to have a place on the internet that hasn't been infected with by it's randomness of internet memes and people who act like children who can't have an intelligent conversation for more then 5 seconds (Although GAF can go there sometimes). Point is GAF is like a second family to most people and it's great when your having a bad day and you can come to the one place where you can have a laugh and a convo. I was a lurker for 2 years before I joined in march of last year and even though I don't post very much I know when I do It's nice. Well except for gaming side of GAF most of the time as much as I would like to post more often in there. /Rambling
Well I must have wrongly assumed that, since everybody else in the discussion so far has understood that we're talking about NeoGAF posting etiquette, you would also know.

Now I know better.

Wait, are you talking to me? I said that I understood what you were talking about but was generalizing outward. From where do you get the idea that I didn't understand something? Yes, it was about NeoGAF posting etiquette, but the underlying issue was also the tendency for the internet to become a boys' club where sexist humor is used as a form of social currency. That's what I chose to comment upon because I didn't really have anything to say about GAF posting etiquette, since I always follow it and never troll.


Wait, are you talking to me? I said that I understood what you were talking about but was generalizing outward. From where do you get the idea that I didn't understand something? Yes, it was about NeoGAF posting etiquette, but the underlying issue was also the tendency for the internet to become a boys' club where sexist humor is used as a form of social currency. That's what I chose to comment upon because I didn't really have anything to say about GAF posting etiquette, since I always follow it and never troll.

pfft... you be trolling with every thread you enter. You don't fool me.

well, there's no more conversation here it seems. leaving girl gaf to er girl gaf.


What? When? Where?

I thought it was pretty clear throughout that Devo was attacking/mocking the subsequently-banned idiot OP and the thought process that goes into threads of that nature.

In the past, I probably would have ignored that thread. Someone like that is not worth talking to. But, I've been trying to stop ignoring hurtful posts, so I stopped by that thread to voice support that GAF doesn't stand for that garbage. I posted that message alongside plenty of other like-minded people.

Having guy-GAF stereotyped and misrepresented as having supported him was frustrating. I'm not usually one to be bothered much by that sort of thing, but it really bugged me this time. Maybe stress from work is getting to me.

Yesterday's Hagar the Horrible


Printed in 1,900 newspapers in 58 countries.
I'm not sure I follow. Where are you coming from and where are you going with this?


hard to explain but it mostly depends on how you use it

the way i just used it towards you: "No shade" = "no disrespect"

and i just put the hashtag for no reason
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