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Girl-Gaf - A thread for girls.

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oh well. Girl gaf you have your thread back. Sorry for the side show... but I will make one last point though... If you're going to call out sexist threads, best keep a straight face about calling male intrusions a sausage fest... wait that didn't make sense. I'll leave for now anyhow...
oh well. Girl gaf you have your thread back. Sorry for the side show... but I will make one last point though... If you're going to call out sexist threads, best keep a straight face about calling male intrusions a sausage fest... wait that didn't make sense. I'll leave for now anyhow...

A fair point.
I don't get why men are offended that we're discussing how much we dislike dumb topics like the "Women are so retarded harr harr" one in here with other girls?

The men aren't offended. They're just confused about why the women were so offended. The thread wasn't attacking all women - it was basically just making fun of a few women who made themselves look a little ridiculous. The wording in the thread may have been harsh, but it wasn't directed at all women. There was no need to lump yourselves with them.

Sometimes it's necessary to take a stand. In this instance, it wasn't really needed. It was merely a dumb thread with dumb posts. That's it.
oh well. Girl gaf you have your thread back. Sorry for the side show... but I will make one last point though... If you're going to call out sexist threads, best keep a straight face about calling male intrusions a sausage fest... wait that didn't make sense. I'll leave for now anyhow...

I think its equally hypocritical and sexist to complain about a sausage fest. Feel free to spend as much time in here as you want.
Edit: and then I see Opiate's post :(

That being said, my addiction to elimination based reality shows are at an all time high right now.. with Project runway all stars and Face Off starting this month, I don't know how I'm going to handle moving to a new state and living cable free :(. Also Tabitha Takes Over started this week, I know it's not an elimination show, but I love her to death. <3
Okay, I've responded more openly about these issues than I wanted to in the first place, so moderation discussion ends here. As always, GAF is not moderated by committee. If you have any further questions, please feel free to PM me or another moderator.

Please leave this thread for girls to talk about whatever they want to talk about. Thank you.

For what it's worth, I appreciate the openness. It may not be realistic to expect completely transparent moderation, but it's nice to have the curtain pulled back every now and then.

re: sausage fest. Occam's razor says that men want to see what women talk about amongst themselves. Those here for female attention are likely in the minority.


But if they were just interested in girls chatting amongst themselves, wouldn't they stick to lurking?

edit: oops outed myself


The men aren't offended. They're just confused about why the women were so offended. The thread wasn't attacking all women - it was basically just making fun of a few women who made themselves look a little ridiculous. The wording in the thread may have been harsh, but it wasn't directed at all women. There was no need to lump yourselves with them.

Sometimes it's necessary to take a stand. In this instance, it wasn't really needed. It was merely a dumb thread with dumb posts. That's it.

Normally I lurk this thread because it's really not for me, but I think I'll try to bridge the gap a bit. The entire forum is heavily dominated by males, and by male opinions/perspectives on things. As it stands, a lot of threads and comments are made that don't take into account any real female presence on the board. See the constant wanking threads that have been around, or girl age, whatever.

Now there's a more active female community, and they're wondering why men constantly have to look at it as an antagonistic relationship. That thread wasn't merely "Hey, as a man I don't really understand why people do this and I wonder what, if any, benefits there are to doing it. Could anyone shed light on it?" It was "Man, why would anyone ever do it, it's silly." You say that it's not lumping all women into it, which is true, but it's just another example of bias against something that women do.

When devo did her thing, I don't think it was really a reaction to the thread's exact content, but more the attitude behind it that never seems to really go away. Why do the men on this forum constantly belittle or hold biases against female behaviors/attributes? Why can't they ask legitimate questions and hope for more knowledge instead of writing off half the population as lacking rationality at times?

Maybe Girl-Gaf feels differently but that's what I got out of it.


Okay guys, final warning: cut it out with the meta-gaf discussion. It's off topic. If you'd like to continue this general discussion, then start a thread specific about male/female relations on GAF. That's not sarcastic; that could actually be an interesting and constructive thread if handled properly.

But that thread is not this thread.


I think its equally hypocritical and sexist to complain about a sausage fest. Feel free to spend as much time in here as you want.
Edit: and then I see Opiate's post :(

That being said, my addiction to elimination based reality shows are at an all time high right now.. with Project runway all stars and Face Off starting this month, I don't know how I'm going to handle moving to a new state and living cable free :(. Also Tabitha Takes Over started this week, I know it's not an elimination show, but I love her to death. <3

Describing a man by his genitals makes me laugh, but I'm funny like that... :p

As to the men posting... I think from the start of the thread to about new year's eve there were about 3000 posts, and then twelve days in we have about another 1000 posts... :p

Think it's fair to say that kisaya, Kitsunebaby, Inanna, H.Protagonist amongst others brought a fair few gentleman along this path... ahem. What can I say? evolution works even on neogaf?

edit: bleh, just seen opiate's post. Sorry mate... Feel a bit sorry for the mods... they only had circumcision/religion/console war threads to moderate on a page by page basis before... ;/

well at least the Real Pic January thread has been going swell eh? men and women alike... alright definitely leaving now.. apologies if I've offended or wasted people's time.. :/
Just wanna say I am fucking DONE with real pic January. Also what happened to this thread? Can't you guys just get the fuck out of our thread if you're going to act like assholes?

You have the whole rest of the forum to bitch and moan about women and act like little boys. Why come in and shit up our thread?
Just wanna say I am fucking DONE with real pic January. Also what happened to this thread? Can't you guys just get the fuck out of our thread if you're going to act like assholes?

You have the whole rest of the forum to bitch and moan about women and act like little boys. Why come in and shit up our thread?
Come express your feelings in the Male/Female Relations Meta-Thread I posted the link to a few posts up.


So you guys are just nuthuggers of certain female posters? This is the conclusion I've arrived at. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm a guy and don't read this thread.

The Meta-Gaf thread made me look at the last page.

If "Devo-GAF" means what I think it means, fucking lol, I love this post.


Hey ladies - anyone else working in a male-dominated industry?

What's your experience wrt equal treatment / harassment / PD courses / etc?

The only odd treatment I've gotten is walking on eggshells regarding cussing. Then when I cuss it's the biggest deal ever.

May just be because of my diminutive stature though.


I work in the video game industry. Everyone I work with is awesome/treated equally.

Video games as well. And that depends on the company - some devs are more/less edgy around women than others. Generally everyone ignores the silly harrassment training, and just acts midly offensive all the time.
Woah, what happened in here??@_@

Not sure I like the idea of "being observed in my natural habitat ", but whatever. I'll be happy just as long as the thread stops being derailed.
Not sure I like the idea of "being observed in my natural habitat "



There have recently been a lot of concerns, questions, and confusion in the community about the intention of this thread and its status relative to the rules of the forum.

These issues have caused this thread to become derailed and has spawned offshoot threads discussing its validity and the overall moderation policy.

The way we understand it is that this thread is meant to be a discussion platform for GAF's female posters where males can also partake.

As this thread returns to its original purpose, we feel that the Community forum would also make a better home. The nature of the Community forum would also provide a better environment for the cozy niche intention of the thread.

We thank you for your understanding, and if you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please feel free to direct them to a mod via PM.


Hey ladies - anyone else working in a male-dominated industry?

What's your experience wrt equal treatment / harassment / PD courses / etc?

My experience working in engineering has been great. Everyone's been respectful of each other, and I've never felt I've been treated unfairly or anything. Once people get to know me, I'm like one of the boys :>


Reluctant Member
Ah well, *adds to subscriptions* I know I should have done that before, but I always expected it to see it pop up in OT and I don't go into Community as much. Still want to keep tabs though.


Still Alive
I like that this got moved to the Community board, though to be honest I would have liked the same treatment for the male/female relationship thread, but I suppose that's what the ladygaf advice/malegaf advice threads are for.
Hmmm... Seems we've relocated...?

Video games as well. And that depends on the company - some devs are more/less edgy around women than others. Generally everyone ignores the silly harrassment training, and just acts midly offensive all the time.

This is true. My company is very small and I should add that we all speak very candidly (especially myself) and that we're all comfortable with that. I have heard, however, that other companies are confused with that to do with the women, particularly in regards to dirty mouths. Nistra, have you found the industry generally OK, then? I've only had experience at one company and have wondered about this.


I once dated a manager/lead at a particular game company and she was well respected by her peers. I've also seen a lot of women getting jobs as QA testers too...
Where I work everyone is constantly inappropriate with one another regardless of gender, and I love working there.

It isn't a threatening or uncomfortable environment because we all have a pretty good sense of humor and enjoy each others company. We're almost all friends. It's the best retail job I've ever had. (Also going to uni full time.) We cuss more than normal people.

Any other girlgaffers grow up with nothing but brothers? I spent my childhood around brothers and I know for a fact that it had a huge part in making me who I am today. There's a huge difference I notice between myself and girls who were only children/had sisters. I probably wouldn't be posting here if I didn't have brothers whose video games I mooched off when I was really little.


Reluctant Member
Any other girlgaffers grow up with nothing but brothers? I spent my childhood around brothers and I know for a fact that it had a huge part in making me who I am today. There's a huge difference I notice between myself and girls who were only children/had sisters. I probably wouldn't be posting here if I didn't have brothers whose video games I mooched off when I was really little.

Interestingly enough, I got into games because of a friend of mine (who is a girl.) And she got into them because of her older sister! I don't even remember guys in my school talking that much about games at the time. My cousin was into them I guess. I didn't notice there being a gender divide until middle school.
Interestingly enough, I got into games because of a friend of mine (who is a girl.) And she got into them because of her older sister! I don't even remember guys in my school talking that much about games at the time. My cousin was into them I guess. I didn't notice there being a gender divide until middle school.

Lucky! I didn't have any friends who played games that I knew IRL until High School. Back in the day I wished one of my friends would play Goldeneye/Super Smash Bros. with me. Instead I played with my brothers/friends brothers. With a few exceptions I always thought girl toys were just boring growing up! I'd have taken Game Boy over an easy bake oven any day of the week.


Any other girlgaffers grow up with nothing but brothers? I spent my childhood around brothers and I know for a fact that it had a huge part in making me who I am today. There's a huge difference I notice between myself and girls who were only children/had sisters. I probably wouldn't be posting here if I didn't have brothers whose video games I mooched off when I was really little.

I'm the oldest so I don't know where my interest of video games sparked XD Just seemed more fun to have... haha
There have recently been a lot of concerns, questions, and confusion in the community about the intention of this thread and its status relative to the rules of the forum.

These issues have caused this thread to become derailed and has spawned offshoot threads discussing its validity and the overall moderation policy.

The way we understand it is that this thread is meant to be a discussion platform for GAF's female posters where males can also partake.

As this thread returns to its original purpose, we feel that the Community forum would also make a better home. The nature of the Community forum would also provide a better environment for the cozy niche intention of the thread.

We thank you for your understanding, and if you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please feel free to direct them to a mod via PM.

So by shunting this off into community how are we going to inform future female members of this thread? Secret handshakes?


Reluctant Member
So by shunting this off into community how are we going to inform future female members of this thread? Secret handshakes?

That is kind of a problem, yeah. People don't usually make a point to mention their gender frequently and it would be kind of awkward to PM them about it if they did. They might not even want to talk about it at all if they don't see there is already a welcoming female community already in place here.
At least now we won't get random people who don't understand the thread coming in and posting crap about Hand jobs or "lol women on the internet " now that we're in community :p

I didnt have an older brother to influence me, but it was certainly nice to have a little bro to trade Pokemon/ race/ share my fear of ocarina of time with. Actually, most of my younger years of gaming (under 12) were spent with other girls.

Now I find it easier to befriend guys. I don't know why, but with a lot of women I feel like we don't have much in common, and I have no idea what to talk about. I get kinda nervous actually. It's easier for me to relax and be myself Around guys, whereas with a lot of girls I worry about... I don't know really. I just worry.


Not pure anymore!
Not really that happy about the topic being moved to community but ah well, at least it didn't get locked so I guess I should be glad for that at least. :\

My brother did get me into gaming but he was never a huge gamer to begin with, also I liked both girl toys and boy toys as long as I had something to play with! I wasn't one of those girls that hated being a girl or only played with boy toys because they hated pink or anything to do with girl colours or stuff. Now that I think about it, I got along really well with everybody, boys girls, and like almost every colour out there except for really bright orange! I was a very easy going kid.
Actually, it was my mom who got my younger brother and me into gaming. I was lucky enough to have pretty much every gen system as they came out. She would buy multiple of every system and had a whole wall covered with games. Sounds great but she would rarely let us actually play the games, she is sort of a super organized hoarder. Growing up, we would have to stealth play the games. Eventually, as we got older, we bought our own systems and games, but that didn't stop us from borrowing her games while she was at work so that we could play them.
This thread has been sent to the Community sub-forum to (ironically) die?! D:
So by shunting this off into community how are we going to inform future female members of this thread? Secret handshakes?
Hey, remember that idea you(?) had about adding a logo/badge to our avatars a la GayGAF?

Edit: Ah, here we go
Tacky or not gals, and would you do it to your own avs?



Don't be afraid to be honest.


It's either move the thread to Community or stop making posts that would incite drive-by lurkers. I'd say Community is the lesser of the two.
At least now we won't get random people who don't understand the thread coming in and posting crap about Hand jobs or "lol women on the internet " now that we're in community :p

I didnt have an older brother to influence me, but it was certainly nice to have a little bro to trade Pokemon/ race/ share my fear of ocarina of time with. Actually, most of my younger years of gaming (under 12) were spent with other girls.

Now I find it easier to befriend guys. I don't know why, but with a lot of women I feel like we don't have much in common, and I have no idea what to talk about. I get kinda nervous actually. It's easier for me to relax and be myself Around guys, whereas with a lot of girls I worry about... I don't know really. I just worry.

I suppose. I didn't mind talking with random guys in here, but thread shitting did get annoying. I have mixed feelings about us getting moved here, but I understand that the mods had little recourse except to do this or sit on the thread constantly looking for the idiotic drive-by posters. Still feel a bit like we've been put in the closet 'for our own safety'. :(

And, I'm the same as you with friends, Shan. I get on with guys a lot easier (I feel like we have more to talk about), and most girls don't seem to be into the same things I am. It's led to a very lopsided group of friends in the past.

This thread has been sent to the Community sub-forum to (ironically) die?! D:

Hey, remember that idea you(?) had about adding a logo/badge to our avatars a la GayGAF?

Edit: Ah, here we go

This might be the thing to do. As Dev said, how else are other girls going to even know there is a Girl-Gaf thread. :/


Community, huh.

My brother did get me into gaming but he was never a huge gamer to begin with, also I liked both girl toys and boy toys as long as I had something to play with! I wasn't one of those girls that hated being a girl or only played with boy toys because they hated pink or anything to do with girl colours or stuff. Now that I think about it, I got along really well with everybody, boys girls, and like almost every colour out there except for really bright orange! I was a very easy going kid.
I grew up with my brother (who doesn't play games much anymore either), but your experience is pretty much how it was with me too.


Neo Member
I only have sisters, but my dad is a techie. I grew up around computers and games. Some of my earliest memories are of playing Mortal Kombat with my dad.


We'll see how the community forum goes. The downside is obvious (less pedestrian traffic), but the upside is also obvious (less creepy pedestrian traffic). If this works, we'll move the other culture-specific threads over here (Black GAF, Islam GAF, etc.)

I only have sisters, but my dad is a techie. I grew up around computers and games. Some of my earliest memories are of playing Mortal Kombat with my dad.

You said you were at the movies! How can I ever trust you again?
We'll see how the community forum goes. The downside is obvious (less pedestrian traffic), but the upside is also obvious (less creepy pedestrian traffic). If this works, we'll move the other culture-specific threads over here (Black GAF, Islam GAF, etc.)

You said you were at the movies! How can I ever trust you again?

Considering that your girlfriend is a dinosaur, you should be impressed that she can even type with those massive claws.

And, perhaps it will work out fine in Community, but it seems a shame that because of bad posters the thread had to move rather than the bad posters moving themselves somewhere else. But, I also understand that mods can't babysit this thread all the time, nor should you have to. You did what you could.


Considering that your girlfriend is a dinosaur, you should be impressed that she can even type with those massive claws.

And, perhaps it will work out fine in Community, but it seems a shame that because of bad posters the thread had to move rather than the bad posters moving themselves somewhere else. But, I also understand that mods can't babysit this thread all the time, nor should you have to. You did what you could.

My best friend is a T-Rex and types just fine ;)

At any rate, Community is no longer the place where threads are sent to die. There's still traffic in here, but not as much as OT (obviously).
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