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Girl-Gaf - A thread for girls.

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Maybe. But I've definitely felt the sting of both genders having issues with my tomboyishness. The issues with my own gender were mostly in grade school. The issues with boys came after grade school, there was definitely an intimidation factor, and some of them never told me their feelings till later. I know for a fact I definitely put some men off when I cut the hair short.

Ah yes, the hair. My grandmother has always nagged my sisters and I to keep our hair long, even though I don't have the hair for it. The reason? "Men prefer longer hair" she told me.

Yeah... I've heard/experienced that. The first time I got a pixie cut my then boyfriend was really put off by it, like I was a completely different person by virtue of cutting off my hair. Maybe I did act more confident, but I didn't think I changed much. Regardless, our relationship went south right after, and I was convinced that my short cut had tanked it (or at least been the final blow). My fellow female Japanese teachers treated it as if it were the lack of my hair that had driven him away (I actually dumped him, but that little factoid didn't seem to matter to them). I was super nervous this last time I cut it short, but my ex was fine with it. :p "Guys don't like short hair" is still what heard from people, though.

EDIT: So have you ever had short hair, CG?


Reluctant Member
I love short hair, but I've never been able to pull off a short cut. Instead I go suuuuuper long which I've been told gives off the impression I'm a child. Ah well, you can't win.
There is a lot of negative responses - I've had so many looks and comments since I started dancing. Questions of manliness, I need to be "manlier" apparently, but the one that grates the most is "you're gay" "you look gay" etc Dance is a female dominated practice, certainly, but I'm not ashamed of it. I dance because I enjoy it, it keeps me fit and dancing is BADASS.

A digression: I'm a girl, and I got called all sorts of names for being a figure skater, "Dyke" among them.

Initially, it stung, but being no stranger to getting bullied, at some point I stopped listening: people who use those words as epithets very clearly don't know what the words are actually intended for.

Do what makes you happy; f**k the knuckle-dragging tools.


Neo Member
Yeah... I've heard/experienced that. The first time I got a pixie cut my then boyfriend was really put off by it, like I was a completely different person by virtue of cutting off my hair. Maybe I did act more confident, but I didn't think I changed much. Regardless, our relationship went south right after, and I was convinced that my short cut had tanked it (or at least been the final blow). My fellow female Japanese teachers treated it as if it were the lack of my hair that had driven him away (I actually dumped him, but that little factoid didn't seem to matter to them). I was super nervous this last time I cut it short, but my ex was fine with it. :p "Guys don't like short hair" is still what heard from people, though.

EDIT: So have you ever had short hair, CG?

Usually I go with a bob. I don't have the bone structure for a pixie, or any other really short hair. Plus my ears stick out, so having hair to distract from them is a plus for me. But sometimes I dream of cheekbones...
How do you all feel about long hair on men, say, your stereotypical metalhead? I have a few friends with extremely long hair; they've made it their own. Were it not for my unruly Greek-fro, I'd have gone there at least once.

EDIT: Apologies if this has come up.
Wow, I never knew short hair brought that much insecurity. I think the look is pretty boss for those that can pull it off.

Last cut I got was uber short, mixed reactions all around but I honestly felt it was the most me. If I grow it long again I'm going to have to find a cut that still speaks to who I am.


Not pure anymore!
Totally agree with you. But on the other hand, I have a few really close friends that have the "hates-most-other-girls" character flaw. I think it's mainly because they are socially anxious and generalize that other girls overly judgemental though. True that girls can be pretty tough to one another, but I don't feel it's really something bound to gender. Guys are just as judgey. Just maybe in a different way due to socialization, but you see all the dudebro posturing and wang-wagging and it's similar enough (plus add in the generally higher level of physical violence).

Oh yeah definitely. I didn't mean to say it was a girl only thing. I just dislike it when people go I can never see myself befriending someone of my own gender because of so and so reasons. I've heard it from so many women; oh they aren't like guys, they don't have guys interests, they are all immature, they are all bitchy/back stabbers and the list goes on. Makes me well annoyed!

Maybe. But I've definitely felt the sting of both genders having issues with my tomboyishness. The issues with my own gender were mostly in grade school. The issues with boys came after grade school, there was definitely an intimidation factor, and some of them never told me their feelings till later. I know for a fact I definitely put some men off when I cut the hair short.

I've had somewhat similar experience but for different reasons. I am quite girly but I do have a few hobbies that people mostly associate with boys like proficiency with tech/gadgets, playing games etc. Sometimes both guys and tomboys judge me for how I look and act, expecting me to act a certain way, like acting dumb, or being ignorant about technology and related things. I think most tomboyish type girls are guilty of that way of thinking too.
I've had somewhat similar experience but for different reasons. I am quite girly but I do have a few hobbies that people mostly associate with boys like proficiency with tech/gadgets, playing games etc. Sometimes both guys and tomboys judge me for how I look and act, expecting me to act a certain way, like acting dumb, or being ignorant about technology and related things. I think most tomboyish type girls are guilty of that way of thinking too.

Oh definitely, I was that way in highschool till I grew the fuck out of it and realized that people don't have to fit into boxes.
I love short hair, but I've never been able to pull off a short cut. Instead I go suuuuuper long which I've been told gives off the impression I'm a child. Ah well, you can't win.

It depends how you wear your long hair, I suppose. Takes so much effort, though. How long is your hair now?

A digression: I'm a girl, and I got called all sorts of names for being a figure skater, "Dyke" among them.

Initially, it stung, but being no stranger to getting bullied, at some point I stopped listening: people who use those words as epithets very clearly don't know what the words are actually intended for.

Do what makes you happy; f**k the knuckle-dragging tools.

They called you a dyke because you did figure skating? That's absolutely baffling. That seems to be one of the more feminine sports, IMO. Kids are such dicks (I'm guessing this was when you were younger?).

Usually I go with a bob. I don't have the bone structure for a pixie, or any other really short hair. Plus my ears stick out, so having hair to distract from them is a plus for me. But sometimes I dream of cheekbones...

Bobs are really hard to pull off too. You have to have fine features for that one to avoid the bowl-cut look. I look totally weird in them. ;P

Last cut I got was uber short, mixed reactions all around but I honestly felt it was the most me. If I grow it long again I'm going to have to find a cut that still speaks to who I am.

How short are we talking? Pixie or shaved almost? You look so good in short hair, though. Complimentary features and a nice-shaped head.

mickcenary> I think they talked about guys' hair lengths in Lady Gaf Advises Man Gaf... or was it the dating thread...? Well, it was one of those anyway. :p
How short are we talking? Pixie or shaved almost? You look so good in short hair, though. Complimentary features and a nice-shaped head.


Hair is growing out of that cut so you've seen me.

Another time I got it cut short:

Grown out:

How I typically look with it long:

People like my hair long but it's harder to keep up and keep thick. My hair just wants to thin out. And given how I am I'd rather just wake up, shower, comb it and be done.


Reluctant Member
Yeah, i have to say the short hair suits you really well. (particularly the second the last picture in the other post, looks nice.)
It's down to my lower back. Sometimes I put it up in a bun, but more often than not I don't style it at all. I just let it hang loose.

Nice! I love long hair, and from what I've seen in your pics it really suits you. I love your current avatar. Seems like you have a bit of a wave that makes it seem really romantic.
I'm resizing my long one of right before I cut it. Yours might be longer, though. ;)

Like this?

^Yeah. That's a good length. I liked the "grown" out one too, as well.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I feel your pain. My hair looks exactly like yours. Incredibly hard to style it in any way because it's super fine, falls under its own weight, doesn't hold any changes (except for bedhead), can also get oily easily because it has no mass to fight it, yet if it's too clean it's a fluffy mess, right? I just keep it at a half inch because I'm a dude and people don't care, but I once tried to actually do things with it.


Short short hair doesn't look good on most people unless you put forth the effort to style it every day. Got mine cut no longer than chin length three years ago, and I got tired of it quick.
Long (a.k.a. pre-Trails in the Sky) --------------- Short (Jan 2011) ------------------------------- Mid (Jan 2012) (current avy)


I just had a haircut, though, and they knocked off about an inch and half trimming. I figure by E3 it'll be the best length.

Lissar, is yours about the first pic? If you ever cut it all off you'll spend the next 3 months in a blissful sense of free-ness. Showers are amazing with short hair. Just ask Devo. ;)


Zoe: Actually, I have to disagree. Short hair looks good on anyone regardless of gender. Long hair, however, requires a lot more work to look nice.

Long (a.k.a. pre-Trails in the Sky) --------------- Short (Jan 2011) ------------------------------- Mid (Jan 2012) (current avy)

I just had a haircut, though, and they knocked off about an inch and half trimming. I figure by E3 it'll be the best length.

The middle pic looks the best by far.
Short short hair doesn't look good on most people unless you put forth the effort to style it every day. Got mine cut no longer than chin length three years ago, and I got tired of it quick.

So true. It looks weird if you just leave it as is, but with long hair you can at least bun it up or something. Are you back to long or mid-length?

Zoe: Actually, I have to disagree. Short hair looks good on anyone regardless of gender. Long hair, however, requires a lot more work to look nice.

The middle pic looks the best by far.

The short one? Really? Haha. I got the weirdest looks in the office when I first came in with it, like they were all too polite to say I'd gotten a bad cut. I had wanted a pixie, but the woman completely screwed it and what you see was the compromise. I couldn't trust her to do it any shorter. *shrug*

That's fine, but it's kind of approaching the awkward hair length, where it's not all that long or short.

I like this.

All three of them are so lovely.

Awww, Femmeworth. You make any bad haircut memory instantly feel better. :)

I've become so used to H.Protag's hair length recently, I can't even imagine you with it longer than your shoulders. o__o

What? Does this mean you didn't "Like" us on Facebook? You'd know different otherwise. ;) Da long 'map' pic <--- They made Christine and I do this. Tom, of course, was totally up for it. haha.


The short one? Really? Haha. I got the weirdest looks in the office when I first came in with it, like they were all too polite to say I'd gotten a bad cut. I had wanted a pixie, but the woman completely screwed it and what you see was the compromise. I couldn't trust her to do it any shorter. *shrug*

Granted it's only a side profile, but it frames your face very well from what I can tell...
You both look better with short hair imo. Then again i'm really biased towards short hair in general. My GF has finally come around to this line of thinking as well (i think she likes it cause it's easy to manage so it works out great for us both).

Actually i think short hair with a decently long fringe looks good on most people. Longer hair is much harder to pull off and takes a lot more work to look good.


Reluctant Member
Oh, that reminds me of this terrible cut I got once.

I told her I wanted it layered but to keep as much of the length as possible. She interpreted this as giving me a mullet (longer on top than your average mullet, but still very mullet-like.)

I also told her I wanted a dark brown-red color (like i have now.) It ended up being bright red.

Bright red mullet.

I was horrified and she wanted to fix it but I told her to just forget it and left.
Granted it's only a side profile, but it frames your face very well from what I can tell...
Yeah, I agree.
Awww, Femmeworth. You make any bad haircut memory instantly feel better. :)

Oh, that reminds me of this terrible cut I got once.

I told her I wanted it layered but to keep as much of the length as possible. She interpreted this as giving me a mullet (longer on top than your average mullet, but still very mullet-like.)

I also told her I wanted a dark brown-red color (like i have now.) It ended up being bright red.

Bright red mullet.

I was horrified and she wanted to fix it but I told her to just forget it and left.
D: That sounds awful.
Granted it's only a side profile, but it frames your face very well from what I can tell...

Thanks. I didn't hate it per se, but it was very much NOT what I wanted. Oh, well. ^_^

You both look better with short hair imo. Then again i'm really biased towards short hair in general. My GF has finally come around to this line of thinking as well (i think she likes it cause it's easy to manage so it works out great for us both).

Actually i think short hair with a decently long fringe looks good on most people. Longer hair is much harder to pull off and takes a lot more work to look good.

Well, front view might look a bit different, but thanks. Most reactions to the cut were not positive. :p But I also agree with you that people are stunners when they can pull off a nice short cut. I've always held that Michelle Phiffer in Lady Hawk is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. So simple and lovely with that uber short hair.

Oh, that reminds me of this terrible cut I got once.

I told her I wanted it layered but to keep as much of the length as possible. She interpreted this as giving me a mullet (longer on top than your average mullet, but still very mullet-like.)

I also told her I wanted a dark brown-red color (like i have now.) It ended up being bright red.

Bright red mullet.

I was horrified and she wanted to fix it but I told her to just forget it and left.

-_- I'm so sorry. I had something similar once, but no red dye to amplify it. Did they at least not charge you?


I told her I wanted it layered but to keep as much of the length as possible. She interpreted this as giving me a mullet (longer on top than your average mullet, but still very mullet-like.

Okay, this is going to sound really weird of me, but no hairdresser I've been to actually knows how to layer hair. For men, at least. It got to the point where I had to say texturize (which totally isn't the same thing) or just cut it short.

Now, keep in mind that I grew up in a house full of women, so I know what layered hair looks like. And it's useful for maintaining volume in medium-long hair without being heavy.


So true. It looks weird if you just leave it as is, but with long hair you can at least bun it up or something. Are you back to long or mid-length?

Thought I had a picture showing my length now, but I guess not. It's about BSL at the longest layer. Used to be a few inches longer (or at least more hair at that length), but I cut off a few inches almost half a year ago to get rid of damage.

I was aiming for the "strategically placed"-able length, but I think I've got too much to cover for that to be reasonable :lol
The 23rd was my boyfriends birthday. Oh god... I went all out. It might go down as the most romantic, beautiful night of my young life.

My roommate and I made him fajitas. She helped me cut up the peppers and made the sauce. I cooked the chicken and everything else. I love her so much BTW. All three of us ate dinner and I made margaritas. He only had one because he's not much of a drinker. I didn't want to be drunk so I only had one too, but it was delicious. I bought him this really handsome coat and he looked amazing in it. Size was perfect! There's a back story I won't bother getting into but I'm pretty proud of myself. :D He loved it.

My roommate planned ahead of time that she would go see her boyfriend at his place so we'd be alone. He and I sat on the couch and talked, and listened to music and browsed the internet/youtube together. We started making out a couple times, very hot. Except my dog jumped into the middle of us and we busted out laughing. Eventually I said I wanted to go to sleep because I hadn't slept well from the night before.

Etc. etc. etc. It was just a perfect day. We went to bed at around 9:30pm. We went to sleep at around 1:30am. We woke up at 9 am. We got out of bed at 1 PM. :p

Sorry for the awkward story. I just had to share :DDD
Back onto the topic of hair... I've never had a short hair style. :( I feel like I'm missing out but I don't know any good ones that would go well with my face. Short Asian hair styles are bleh IMO.

When I was 17ish I grew it out until it reached the base of my spine. I don't know why I thought that was a good look at the time...


300chf ain't shit to me
my hair used to be super long about two years ago,


but i found that especially in the winter it was too much of a hassle and the drying time was way too long, so i cut it shorter with layers:


and nowadays it's basically that length, except i got rid of the layers and blunt-cut the ends of it to add volume (i'd take a pic, but i'm on my way out the door, maybe later). i'm also growing out my bangs because i got tired of being pegged at age 17 all the time. they're almost grown out now.

edit: ah, here's a more recent pic with the longer bangs but still with the layers


i've never had short hair either, i don't think it works with my face shape. my face is way too big.

anyone else cut their own hair?


Cloudwalking, you look like you're straight out of a 90s Nickelodeon show, like Pete and Pete.

I randomly and awkwardly tell people stuff like that all time btw. I told the cashier at Maccas the other day he looked like Chris Lilley.


Cloudwalking, you look like you're straight out of a 90s Nickelodeon show, like Pete and Pete.

I randomly and awkwardly tell people stuff like that all time btw. I told the cashier at Maccas the other day he looked like Chris Lilley.

I'm gonna go with this. Especially for the second pic.



Not pure anymore!
My hair used to be really long when I was young, upto my bum but it got so annoying to care for it that I had it cut short. In the past few years this is the longest it has gotten.


and the shortest


And currently its this length. Probably looks a bit shorter because I kind of curled my hair that day. And escuse the kissy faces, we were joking around making stupid kissy duck faces that girls do these days. :p



I went through a short hair phase from around junior high through to mid-university. Since then I've kept my hair between chin-length and shoulder-length. But I'm thinking of going back to short hair. It's nice and easy to take care of.

my hair used to be super long about two years ago,


but i found that especially in the winter it was too much of a hassle and the drying time was way too long, so i cut it shorter with layers:


and nowadays it's basically that length, except i got rid of the layers and blunt-cut the ends of it to add volume (i'd take a pic, but i'm on my way out the door, maybe later). i'm also growing out my bangs because i got tired of being pegged at age 17 all the time. they're almost grown out now.

edit: ah, here's a more recent pic with the longer bangs but still with the layers


i've never had short hair either, i don't think it works with my face shape. my face is way too big.

anyone else cut their own hair?[/QUOTE]

;_; I WANT your bangs from the second pic so bad (you cut these yourself?!)! I just had my bangs cut, but I have an annoying cowlick right under them so they never sit right without being straight-ironed first. Looks pretty dumb sometimes. And, I dunno about you not looking good with short hair, but long definitely suits.

[quote="Ducky_McGee, post: 34551045"]Back onto the topic of hair... I've never had a short hair style. :( I feel like I'm missing out but I don't know any good ones that would go well with my face. Short Asian hair styles are bleh IMO.

When I was 17ish I grew it out until it reached the base of my spine. I don't know why I thought that was a good look at the time...[/QUOTE]

You should try short hair at least once to experience the freedom of the lightness. I'll bet a pixie would work for you. Middle-length bob might be a bit weird, though.

[quote="Inanna, post: 34554522"]My hair used to be really long when I was young, upto my bum but it got so annoying to care for it that I had it cut short. In the past few years this is the longest it has gotten.


and the shortest


And currently its this length. Probably looks a bit shorter because I kind of curled my hair that day. And escuse the kissy faces, we were joking around making stupid kissy duck faces that girls do these days. :p


Is your hair naturally straight? Wavy? I always see you with a bit of curl, but it must be a pain to do all the time. (Looks good, though) And the mid picture is the shortest? Think you could pull off shorter. You should do it just for the marvel that is taking that first shower after getting it cut. ^_^

[quote="Kazerei, post: 34559650"]I went through a short hair phase from around junior high through to mid-university. Since then I've kept my hair between chin-length and shoulder-length. But I'm thinking of going back to short hair. It's nice and easy to take care of.


O_O You look just like someone I knew from the JET program... And, hurray for short hair, but your chin-length works too.


Not pure anymore!
Is your hair naturally straight? Wavy? I always see you with a bit of curl, but it must be a pain to do all the time. (Looks good, though) And the mid picture is the shortest? Think you could pull off shorter. You should do it just for the marvel that is taking that first shower after getting it cut. ^_^

Straight but I like it wavy or curly. I don't use the curling iron since I colour my hair sometimes and I don't want to damage it further by using the tong every day. Mostly I just do tons of small tight or loose braids, either simple braids or 2 strands twist braids, and sleep in it. It doesn't hold for long though, but its straightens out to somewhat wavy hair which I also like.

Heh, oh trust me I really want to, but my sisters would kill me! :\ I want short layered hair but they always tell me to grow it out like it was before when it was down my waist. Ugh, its a nightmare taking care of hair that long!
Most women would look pretty good with short hair. I don't know why more don't at least give a shot. Everybody's scared of change I 'spose.

Your faith is charming but I (for example) am not most women. I've tried the short-hair pixie cut. It failed in an epic fashion.

My hair must be bob-length at minimum. Right now it's moppish, but I'm too lazy to get it cut.

As for fear of change, I once had derriere-length hair, and then chopped off two feet (!) and donated it to a Cuts for Cancer charity. I still had near-shoulder-length hair. Change isn't what I'm afraid of. Useless hair that won't hold a style for beans and doesn't obey any styling product or tool is what I'm afraid of.
Your faith is charming but I (for example) am not most women. I've tried the short-hair pixie cut. It failed in an epic fashion.

My hair must be bob-length at minimum. Right now it's moppish, but I'm too lazy to get it cut.

As for fear of change, I once had derriere-length hair, and then chopped off two feet (!) and donated it to a Cuts for Cancer charity. I still had near-shoulder-length hair. Change isn't what I'm afraid of. Useless hair that won't hold a style for beans and doesn't obey any styling product or tool is what I'm afraid of.

Hey at least you tried. I knew two or three girls that had the EXACT same hair style all throughout college. A week before graduation one of them cut her hair shorter and she adored it and got mad at everyone for not telling her to do it earlier.

But don't do bald. No woman can pull off bald. No, not even Natalie.

And go twins!


:( I wish I could post pretty hair pics ;x Maybe I'll draw them instead...hahaha

*Or post a buncha kool hijab styles... IDEAS~


300chf ain't shit to me
Cloudwalking, you look like you're straight out of a 90s Nickelodeon show, like Pete and Pete.

I randomly and awkwardly tell people stuff like that all time btw. I told the cashier at Maccas the other day he looked like Chris Lilley.

I'm gonna go with this. Especially for the second pic.


oh i get the daria comparison all the time, haha. :) come to think of it, that would be an easy halloween costume!

My hair used to be really long when I was young, upto my bum but it got so annoying to care for it that I had it cut short. In the past few years this is the longest it has gotten.

your hair has so much gorgeous volume! my hair's naturally super flat and fine. low-maintenance, but just kind of... limp. :(

I went through a short hair phase from around junior high through to mid-university. Since then I've kept my hair between chin-length and shoulder-length. But I'm thinking of going back to short hair. It's nice and easy to take care of.

both are cute, but i think i prefer the chin-length hair! chin-length is probably the shortest i would ever dare to go, though :p

;_; I WANT your bangs from the second pic so bad (you cut these yourself?!)! I just had my bangs cut, but I have an annoying cowlick right under them so they never sit right without being straight-ironed first. Looks pretty dumb sometimes. And, I dunno about you not looking good with short hair, but long definitely suits.

thanks! yeah, i've always cut my bangs myself and i started cutting my own hair years ago. i just got sick of getting bad haircuts and thought to myself "this doesn't look so hard!"

i have a cowlick too that goes to the left side of my face which is why i always style my bangs facing left. i'd like to try styling them to the right more, but they always migrate because of that darn cowlick!

i actually found a good tip for taming a cowlick on youtube the other day:

your hair looks gorgeous at any length btw, but i really like the shoulder length cut you have now. it has a lot of character!

:( I wish I could post pretty hair pics ;x Maybe I'll draw them instead...hahaha

*Or post a buncha kool hijab styles... IDEAS~

oh yes, please post hijab styles! would love to see them!


Not pure anymore!
your hair has so much gorgeous volume! my hair's naturally super flat and fine. low-maintenance, but just kind of... limp. :(

It gets pretty flat on the scalp sometimes and I hate it, curling it fixes that somewhat. I know you can backcomb to give your hair a bit of volume but I hate backcombing. I love your layers, been thinking about getting my hair cut like that for ages but I always chicken out and just get it trimmed instead.
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