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Girl-Gaf - A thread for girls.

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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Wildly inappropriate and not even at all relevant to this thread. So, what are your intentions exactly? You're not posing any questions or social commentary, you're just telling a random, completely off-topic story about a guy who's successful with women.


all this hair talk, I just cut my hair yesterday. I haven't been to the stylist in about 2 years, and it showed. My ends were a mess. So I just chopped wherever I felt like it needed to. Then I spent the last 12 hours braiding my hair...I can barely feel my hands.
Wildly inappropriate and not even at all relevant to this thread. So, what are your intentions exactly? You're not posing any questions or social commentary, you're just telling a random, completely off-topic story about a guy who's successful with women.

I thought this is the thread where girl-gaf gives us their opinions on this sort of stuff? It was an open question, asking for their view on it.

Wrong thread I guess, woops :/ Deleted it anyway, apologies for the inconvenience
:( I wish I could post pretty hair pics ;x Maybe I'll draw them instead...hahaha

*Or post a buncha kool hijab styles... IDEAS~

Please do! I had to wear one when I was in Egypt and I was very obviously doing it wrong (so wrong...).

thanks! yeah, i've always cut my bangs myself and i started cutting my own hair years ago. i just got sick of getting bad haircuts and thought to myself "this doesn't look so hard!"

i have a cowlick too that goes to the left side of my face which is why i always style my bangs facing left. i'd like to try styling them to the right more, but they always migrate because of that darn cowlick!

i actually found a good tip for taming a cowlick on youtube the other day:

your hair looks gorgeous at any length btw, but i really like the shoulder length cut you have now. it has a lot of character!

Wow. I think I could cut other people's hair, but whenever I try to do mine, well... (the hairdresser asked me point blank if I had tried to cut my own hair, it was that bad). You do a great job on yours, though.

And damn those cowlicks, right? I had to cut more of my hair in the front the weigh down the bump (I cut straight across again even though I knew not to. I'm a fool!). ;_;I'll be sure to check out the vid.

But anyway, thanks on the nice stuff about my hair. Despite all the horror I put it through it grows fast to mitigate my own idiocy and never looks completely horrible. I'm aiming for chest length hair at the moment. ^_-
Wow. I think I could cut other people's hair, but whenever I try to do mine, well... (the hairdresser asked me point blank if I had tried to cut my own hair, it was that bad). You do a great job on yours, though.

I have a hard enough time *styling* my mop, I couldn't imagine cutting it myself. I would be nominated for some hair-therapy reality television show, I know that much.

Props to people who can manage scissors on their own hair.
Most women would look pretty good with short hair. I don't know why more don't at least give a shot. Everybody's scared of change I 'spose.

Do a lot of women think short hair makes them look masculine or some other reason to not like it? Not that everyone looks better with short hair but all the girls I've seen with short hair I've really liked. I surprised more don't at least try it.
Do a lot of women think short hair makes them look masculine or some other reason to not like it? Not that everyone looks better with short hair but all the girls I've seen with short hair I've really liked. I surprised more don't at least try it.

I was mistaken for a boy when I had short hair. And not just by schoolyard bullies.


Do a lot of women think short hair makes them look masculine or some other reason to not like it? Not that everyone looks better with short hair but all the girls I've seen with short hair I've really liked. I surprised more don't at least try it.

I think it does make me look boyish :\
Haha, ok. I though it was just people being douches saying it. The couple girls I know, who switched to shorter haircuts like you never got hit on like that that I know of. That's interesting, have any of them ever said it was because of the haircut?

Well I'm not exactly the most feminine girl either so it's like a combination of the haircut and my lack of makeup, tomboyishness, etc. But it rarely happens when the hair is long.
People tend to think I'm a lesbian too.
Wait, you're not?


Girl-GAF, I need hugs. I just do right now.

*hug* <3

Do a lot of women think short hair makes them look masculine or some other reason to not like it? Not that everyone looks better with short hair but all the girls I've seen with short hair I've really liked. I surprised more don't at least try it.

I think short hair is prettier ;3 I don't see the harm in cutting it since it'll grow back fine anyway. I really want to try cutting it super short one day but my mom will kill me...

Anyway I'll work on the hijab style pics as soon as I can XD


Here's a question for girls with longer hair: is it cumbersome to keep it out of your eyes or mouth when you eat or read a book? I'm a guy who currently has his hair grown out, and this happens to me all the time. I've tried tying it back but it always falls out. I apologize if this was answered already. This thread is already pretty long, haha.


Here's a question for girls with longer hair: is it cumbersome to keep it out of your eyes or mouth when you eat or read a book? I'm a guy who currently has his hair grown out, and this happens to me all the time. I've tried tying it back but it always falls out. I apologize if this was answered already. This thread is already pretty long, haha.

Not really, I've always seem to have controlled my hair by tying it up. I never let my hair down when I had long hair unless I was going to a party haha.
Here's a question for girls with longer hair: is it cumbersome to keep it out of your eyes or mouth when you eat or read a book? I'm a guy who currently has his hair grown out, and this happens to me all the time. I've tried tying it back but it always falls out. I apologize if this was answered already. This thread is already pretty long, haha.
I almost always have my hair in a ponytail with a headband to avoid those problems. My biggest gripe with long hair is if a single strand touches my glasses and gets the lenses oily. >_< I hate it so much. It doesn't help that my hair is humidity's bitch. :( But yeah, get a headband. If you don't feel comfortable wearing one in public, you can at least use it in private. I've met a guy who pulled off wearing a headband, so it's possible.
Here is the current length:
You are really rocking that hairdo. :)


I almost always have my hair in a ponytail with a headband to avoid those problems. My biggest gripe with long hair is if a single strand touches my glasses and gets the lenses oily. >_< I hate it so much. It doesn't help that my hair is humidity's bitch. :( But yeah, get a headband. If you don't feel comfortable wearing one in public, you can at least use it in private. I've met a guy who pulled off wearing a headband, so it's possible.

I'd have no problem wearing one in public. I know a lot of guys in my social circle (punk/crusty/metal) who wear one, in fact. It's just that.....there aren't any in my house. I just wanted to know if there was another way. I guess it's time to make a trip to the store. Thanks for the help.
Sometimes I laugh at the shit I'm asked when it comes to my gender. You know just because I happen to have a vagina doesn't mean I have any more insight into some crazy stupid chicks anymore than a guy does.


Sometimes I laugh at the shit I'm asked when it comes to my gender. You know just because I happen to have a vagina doesn't mean I have any more insight into some crazy stupid chicks anymore than a guy does.

Yeah, unfortunately there are people who just label us just cause of one bad experience they've had with a girl. Both stupid guys and girls do this lol, just a shame to see it occur.


Yeah, unfortunately there are people who just label us just cause of one bad experience they've had with a girl. Both stupid guys and girls do this lol, just a shame to see it occur.

For many guys (myself included), it wasn't just one bad experience. It was years and years of them, and it just sort of builds up over time, I guess. I'm sure it's the same for girls too, when it comes to guys, lawl.
Actually, now that I think about it, age could've attributed to this. I had long hair in high school, didn't cut my hair short until i was 20 or so. Perhaps the slightly more mature crowd helped.

Here is the current length:

See that looks awesome, I don't know why more people at least try it. Like kisaya said, it will always grow back. Nice haircut.
See that looks awesome, I don't know why more people at least try it. Like kisaya said, it will always grow back. Nice haircut.

Thanks, I actually found short hair made me deal with at least some of my insecurities and low self esteem issues. Growing up, I used my hair as a safety blanket of sorts, cutting it required me to not hide behind it. This is actually the longest I've had it for a while, I wanted to do a modified Mohawk of sorts. I guess I should also mention I cut my own hair, haven't paid for a haircut in at least 5 years. Short hair requires me to get it cut far too regularly fr me to ever want to pay for it. Plus, I've never really liked any haircut I've ever gotten. At least if I cut it myself, I can't get mad about it.
Here's a question for girls with longer hair: is it cumbersome to keep it out of your eyes or mouth when you eat or read a book? I'm a guy who currently has his hair grown out, and this happens to me all the time. I've tried tying it back but it always falls out. I apologize if this was answered already. This thread is already pretty long, haha.

Yep. When mine was super long I'd just end up bunning it up to keep it out of my face. Eventually the bun got so heavy that it gave me headaches, though (so I cut if off). Short is way more convenient.

Actually, now that I think about it, age could've attributed to this. I had long hair in high school, didn't cut my hair short until i was 20 or so. Perhaps the slightly more mature crowd helped.

Here is the current length:

:O Your hair looks amazing! I really love this cut/length. It's kind of what I wanted when I got mine cut short, but the hairdresser messed it up. I don't think I could pull it off as good as you, though. This is the kind of style where I'd be tempted to stop the woman and ask for a picture for my future haircuts reference.

Sometimes I laugh at the shit I'm asked when it comes to my gender. You know just because I happen to have a vagina doesn't mean I have any more insight into some crazy stupid chicks anymore than a guy does.

And don't you love it when they then disallow your answer because it doesn't fall in line with their expectations of other women? :p
Thanks, I actually found short hair made me deal with at least some of my insecurities and low self esteem issues. Growing up, I used my hair as a safety blanket of sorts, cutting it required me to not hide behind it. This is actually the longest I've had it for a while, I wanted to do a modified Mohawk of sorts. I guess I should also mention I cut my own hair, haven't paid for a haircut in at least 5 years. Short hair requires me to get it cut far too regularly fr me to ever want to pay for it. Plus, I've never really liked any haircut I've ever gotten. At least if I cut it myself, I can't get mad about it.
I don't know how some of you can cut your own hair. D: I'm so OCD, I can't imagine cutting my own hair. Though both you and cloudwalking do a damn good job, from what I can tell.
Yep. When mine was super long I'd just end up bunning it up to keep it out of my face. Eventually the bun got so heavy that it gave me headaches, though (so I cut if off). Short is way more convenient.

:O Your hair looks amazing! I really love this cut/length. It's kind of what I wanted when I got mine cut short, but the hairdresser messed it up. I don't think I could pull it off as good as you, though. This is the kind of style where I'd be tempted to stop the woman and ask for a picture for my future haircuts reference.

And don't you love it when they then disallow your answer because it doesn't fall in line with their expectations of other women? :p

Ya, I'm honestly more don't try shorter for ease. Like your really long hair, I would assume that would have to be annoying or getting in your face a lot. I think I would go crazy if I had longer hair and it got my face that much.


Yep. When mine was super long I'd just end up bunning it up to keep it out of my face. Eventually the bun got so heavy that it gave me headaches, though (so I cut if off). Short is way more convenient.

Definitely. I know plenty of girls who have their hair short. They seem comfortable with it even though a lot of guys don't approve. On a similar note, a lot of women seem to really like my hair long. I'll more than likely be cutting it short again anyway so it doesn't constantly piss me off when I'm trying to eat or sleep.
I'd love to try out a pixie hair style but I can't commit to something that drastic because of how long it'll take to grow back to its regular length that I like. I wish someone could do a computer model of what I'd look like with a shorter hairstyle like on one of those cop dramas. :p

What if I have a really odd shaped head?


Not pure anymore!
Yesterday I got rained on while I was walking to town and my hair got soaking wet. Bloody hate it when that happens! :\


I can't do short hair. I can't really do any hair haha.

I've got super, super thin hair. If I did a pixie cut, I'd look bald. I look bald enough as is. :(

Plus side, if anyone ever wants to pet me, I have super soft baby hair... haha.

Thanks for the hugs, Lissar and Kisaya. I really needed them yesterday. Feeling better today. :)


Reluctant Member
Yesterday I got rained on while I was walking to town and my hair got soaking wet. Bloody hate it when that happens! :\

I hate getting wet hair because my hair puffs up when that happens. I have a lot of hair (I even have to get it thinned) and it just goes nuts when it rains. Or in humidity... I need to move to a dry place :/ (except I love rain!)

Thanks for the hugs, Lissar and Kisaya. I really needed them yesterday. Feeling better today. :)

I'm glad you're feeling better. If you ever need support, let us know :D


I hope this hasn't been asked already, but here goes.

Why is it seemingly frowned upon by both sexes when a man expresses negative emotions (such as sadness, anger, or fear), but no one even bats an eyelash when a woman does it? I'm a very expressive person, in real life. When I'm sad, you'll know it. When I'm angry, you'll know it. And when I'm afraid, you'll PROBABLY know it (heh). The way I see it, we're still human, so I don't understand why this expectation is so frequently cast on us.


Not pure anymore!
I can't do short hair. I can't really do any hair haha.

I've got super, super thin hair. If I did a pixie cut, I'd look bald. I look bald enough as is. :(

Plus side, if anyone ever wants to pet me, I have super soft baby hair... haha.

Thanks for the hugs, Lissar and Kisaya. I really needed them yesterday. Feeling better today. :)

Awe, I'm a bit late but here it is anyway *HUG*, glad that you're feeling better and hope you continue feeling awesome! :D

I hate getting wet hair because my hair puffs up when that happens. I have a lot of hair (I even have to get it thinned) and it just goes nuts when it rains. Or in humidity... I need to move to a dry place :/ (except I love rain!)

My hair does get a tad frizzy because of the awful weather here. We get so much rain here that I am really tired of it, especially in winter it rains almost ever other day.

I hope this hasn't been asked already, but here goes.

Why is it seemingly frowned upon by both sexes when a man expresses negative emotions (such as sadness, anger, or fear), but no one even bats an eyelash when a woman does it? I'm a very expressive person, in real life. When I'm sad, you'll know it. When I'm angry, you'll know it. And when I'm afraid, you'll PROBABLY know it (heh). The way I see it, we're still human, so I don't understand why this expectation is so frequently cast on us.

Yeah, I know what you mean. Guys like you have to hear other guys telling you to "man-up" or quit being a "pussy", god I despise this word!! :\


Awe, I'm a bit late but here it is anyway *HUG*, glad that you're feeling better and hope you continue feeling awesome! :D

My hair does get a tad frizzy because of the awful weather here. We get so much rain here that I am really tired of it, especially in winter it rains almost ever other day.

Yeah, I know what you mean. Guys like you have to hear other guys telling you to "man-up" or quit being a "pussy", god I despise this word!! :\

Being called a 'pussy' doesn't offend me in the slightest. Doesn't make it any less annoying though.
Being called a 'pussy' doesn't offend me in the slightest. Doesn't make it any less annoying though.

It's annoying to hear though, gendered slur that is used to call a man weak like a woman. The greatest irony in "grow some balls" and "you're a pussy" is that balls are sensitive as fuck and pussies can take tons of punishment.


It's annoying to hear though, gendered slur that is used to call a man weak like a woman. The greatest irony in "grow some balls" and "you're a pussy" is that balls are sensitive as fuck and pussies can take tons of punishment.

Fair enough. I didn't mean that it wasn't offensive in general or anything, just that I'm not bothered by being labeled as such. Nevertheless, I probably should have phrased that better.
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